Subject: Re: [FFML] [fanfic] Dear Diary (beta)
From: Nightelf
Date: 9/4/1996, 2:43 AM

I liked it.  The Shampoo one may have been just a tad over the top, but 
the overall feel of it was very good (and refreshing, after that Nabiki 
'fic).  It's a nice 'fic that does what it promises: it shows a day in 
the life from the points of view of Ranma, Akane, Ukyou, and Shampoo.
The characters were done well, with the entries sounding much like they 
talk (which is the usual case in diaries).

Couldn't do Kodachi?  I can sympathize.  Wait 'till my next 'fic comes 
out (after Circe 5).  First person Kodachi is never easy. 

Nicholas Leifker, aka "Nightelf"
"Pronouns are so _difficult_ with these characters..."