Subject: Re: [FFML] German question
From: Michael White
Date: 8/11/1996, 9:17 PM

At 07:07 PM 8/11/96 -0600, Thomas R Jefferys wrote:

What's "Legends" in german? Thanks.

I assume you mean a fictitious tale and not that part of the map that tells
what symbols mean what, right? Right. It's "Sage/Sagen (f)" for

Oh, don't believe Unca Fester. "Legende/Legenden" means the legend of a
map, and I don't think you want that. You have to be careful when
translating word-for- word; you might not be translating what you think
you're translating.

Hope this answers it! ^_^

OK... thanks.

Thanks to every else who answered too.

									- MW
 /"The secret sits: we dance around in a ring and suppose, but the secret\ 
|            sits in the middle and knows." - Robert Frost               |