Subject: [spam] Nice moments to start on.
From: Nagisa Kanou
Date: 6/24/1996, 3:55 PM
To: Fanfic Mailing List

Hi All. ^_^;;

Well, since Wing has been un-subbed from this list.... due to his server 
dying and such, I'm taking his place, but then again, that's probably 
painfully obvious. ;)

Skimming through the er... social letters between Jack and Aaron has been 
interesting.  I'd ask for the two to perhaps... calm down a bit, but then 
again, that would affect the natural outcome. *shrugs* I hope the two of 
you can find a peaceful way to work things out and come to a peaceful and 
hopefully as un-scarred as possible outcome.  Good Luck. ^_^

Other than that, Wing's been busy accepting the last dredgings of the 
edits for his fanfic from a *ahem* overly thorough friend. *sighs*  The 
edits must be like triple the size of the fanfic itself... *groans*  
Well, *giggles* a new draft and possibly a new installment to the fic, if 
anyone's actually reading it, will be coming out before the end of the 
year. *smiles*  

And no need for the task-masters and task-mistresses to prob Wing... I'll 
be there to ... encourage him all the way. ^_^

Other than that..... JUST THREE MORE DAYS TILL AX96!!!!!!

I want some chocolate. ^_^;;

(well...I did say it was going to be spam...)

Nagisa Kanou

Like the ocean, shores of blissful peace...
Like the waves, gentle reminders...
That life can be wonderful.