Subject: Re: [FFML] [FF] Thy Inward Love, Part 5 - Worth Killing For
From: Sebastian Weinberg
Date: 6/13/1996, 9:24 AM

On Thu, 13 Jun 1996, Kun-chan wrote:

Oh, but he's right.  Akane must die.
And Ranma and Genma and Kasumi and you and me and *everybody*!
Everybody must die!

Kun-chan raises an eyebrow, "But if they can't age past 16, how will they
die? They'll still be around waaaaaaay after you lot all die."

That's right.  Anime characters don't die, they get worn out by bad 
fanfics until they fade.

-- Comics reviewed.
-- He who hates vices hates mankind.