Subject: Two great tastes that taste great together...
Date: 5/10/1996, 6:58 PM

Unlike most of you, apparently, I'm still not caught up
with the world of Ranma fanfic.  Trying to catch up is
proving to be incredibly dangerous.

Case in point:  I downloaded Andrew Stodden's "Whose Life
Is It Anyway?" today and read that.

Now, on the one hand it is excellently written with much 
character development and gripping drama.

On the other hand, it made me want to kill myself.

Feeling incredibly depressed, I turned to Dave Harper's
"Mother's Day", which was posted in January or something.

Within five minutes I was laughing so hard that soda came
out my nose.

Has anyone else done this?  Tried to break out of the 
depression of a serious Ranma fanfic with a really funny
one to balance?

Works pretty well.

--Sean Gaffney
--who notices that everyone left the day before he posted
the final drinking game.  Oh well...