Subject: Re: [FanFic] Marriage Prospects: Now, Ami (fwd)
From: Nightelf
Date: 5/2/1996, 6:13 AM

On Thu, 2 May 1996, Aaron Stolz wrote:

Personally, I like all of the ones starring Peter David...I can't remember
which one he was...Fourth? Fifth? I rememder that the one who came
um....after him was pretty bad in my eyes...(Personal preference! Nothing
more! Don't hurt me!)

Peter DAVISON was the fifth Doctor.  
As for Colin Baker...his Doctor was a little...psychotic.

I know you've probably read this already, but William Hartnell (the 1st 
Doctor) was my favorite.  The old guy had attitude.

I'm sorry for replying to this obviously DEAD thread, but this is the first
real chance I've had to page through the several hundred posts I got before
I switched to a mail reader that actually shows the name who who's POSTING
it and not who's SENDING it (In this case problem.

  Kendra: The threads dead? When was the funeral?
  Aaron: I hope you don't really mean that...

Aaron E-mail me anytime! I'm on for HOURS on end all the 
time, so you might even get a reply soon after you send it! *******************

Nightelf -
"Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind..."