Subject: Re: I'm a disease?!?!?! (Was Re: [FanFic][NonFanficBut...}
From: Travis Butler
Date: 4/22/1996, 1:57 AM
To: "Fanfic ML" <>

From:        Robert K Bentley,
"Saffic"?  Hmm... *Saf considers the adjective.*  I like it!  At least
it's not a disease like Orlickitis or Van Vlietis.  ^_-

Whaddaya mean 'a disease like Van Vlietis'?!?!?!  Are you implying 
that I'm contagious or something?!

       I smell either two great opportunities with the above:

           a: Bumper stickers (nah the wording would be too small)
           b: T-shirts (big letters, a germ to fear worse then _insert 
germ name_. It's _insert author's name/germ here_! Or I went to the 
fanfic panel at _instert con name here_ and all I got was _insert 
author's name/germ here_!

Be careful. I used to work for a t-shirt shop. And I've still got 
connections. <evil g>

Travis Butler
(The Professor, formerly of Myth and Magick!, Lawrence, KS;, now from the Wandering Powerbook;
 Mac page <>)

..Cats are the proof of a higher purpose to the universe.