Subject: Re: [FanFic] Marriage Prospects: Now, Ami (fwd)
From: Caroline Ann Seawright
Date: 4/19/1996, 12:16 AM

Unfortunaltely for the Figure, Kun-chan teleported it back, and on top of 
her and Bailesu *just* as the anvil lands... and she teleports out at the
last second. The Figure gets anvilled, and Bailesu gets hit over the head
with an anvilled Figure. Kun-chan beeeeeeeeeeeeeedah!s at them both

Kun-chan: You can never beat me magic!

Kun-chan, as she fades, travelling back to the Church, yells : Serves you
right, too, Jimbo!!!

Kun-chan disappears.

Unfortunately for Kun-chan, The DSF once again escapes his prison and regains
his teleportation device.  He uses it to telport Kun-chan back to where David
and Bailesu are.  "Hey you two, here she is again!  And my teleporter will
cancel out her magic, so she can't escape! HE HE OHHOHOHOHOHO  I can't resist
making trouble!"

Meanwhile, the DSF's author finds out the he's escaped.  "Oh great, now i have
to go and track him down again.  Hun-chan, could you please hurt him a bit
for escaping? Thanks"  Wayne gets anviled by his own creation.  "Imprison me
will ya?  I'm free now and intend to stay that way!  Now,enough distraction,
back to mayham OHHOOHOHOHOHOHOO!"

Kun-chan fehs at being back here next to the two KOed men... well, one KOed
man and a Figure.

Kun-chan: How did I get out of the Church? It's protected against all types
of magic and science. Feh. I'll just have to get Kamisama to protect me, AND
help me beat up the ... creature ... that dumped me here.

Figure : *KOed and can't say anything*

Bailesu : *KOed and can't say anything*

Kun-chan: *starts to pray*
