Subject: Re: [FanFic] Just for the record.....
From: Wayne Pillion
Date: 4/4/1996, 1:20 PM

... and as a note for all the newbies and the people who haven't been
reading my spam, let me make something clear, from the both of us:

*Foxx* is male and I, *Foxtrot*,  am female.  You would think that some of the
more observant ones would inform the others by now.  I hope that we don't have
discuss this anymore.

If you have trouble figuring it out, try looking at the "From" line.  The ones
from me will either be a CompuServe address, an address that says
"Foxtrot the Furryous" or one that says "XTSEBASTIAN".

Got it?

Foxtrot the Furryous

Responding as one of those who sometimes makes that mistake, it's not always
a matter of just looking at the from line, if i'm just responding it doesn't 
print that and i just go by the sig line, which can sometimes be confusing
with the nicks that are genderless.  I'll try to improve, but if i make a
mistake, i don't always realize it until after the message is sent. 

-- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Wayne Pillion |Stargazer on netrek | | | | |Purdue University | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+