Subject: Re: APOLOGY TO HITOMI (Was Re: [FanFic] What is April Fools?)
From: Dasha Briqueleur
Date: 4/2/1996, 6:57 PM

I wish you'd stop being so mean to each other, I hate watching you at 
each other's throats.  I read the letter asking us to stop this string, 
and that's all I know about what happened.  Being impartial, I'm butting 
in to ask you all to stop.  Please...

On Tue, 2 Apr 1996, Ben Kosse wrote:

Okay, that tears it.

Geringer, I don't know where you get off at, but it seems to me that a
little discretion in your case wouldn't kill you.

There's no need to be publicly vulgar and obnoxious over the ML about
someone I am both privileged and honoured to know.  

Oh, pardon me, I forgot.  That's your stock-in-trade, isn't it?  I seem to
recall other emails posted on the ML by yourself where all you could do was
resort to name-calling and crudity.  Sage? Baloney.  Loudmouth is more
like it.

If you wish to continue being a jackass, do it over the private email.  I
don't see why we should subject the ML further to your diatribes.


The only intresting thing that comes off the FFML is this kinda stuff...
notice how ill go weeks w/o posting anything??  
     No. The only thing that interests *YOU* on this ML is your insults and
     I may be mistaken, but if anyone would care to private e-mail me your
opinions on "Sage's" insults, I'll keep a tally and let Sage know.

Ranko Ranma-chan Saotome
First Acolyte of the Church of Ryoga