Subject: Re: APOLOGY TO HITOMI (Was Re: [FanFic] What is April Fools?)
From: "Brian (Sage)" <>
Date: 4/2/1996, 8:56 AM

At 06:30 AM 4/2/96 -0500, you wrote:

The only intresting thing that comes off the FFML is this kinda stuff...
notice how ill go weeks w/o posting anything??  

Silly me... Here I thought the FANFICS (AND the SPAMfics, AND the .sig chars)
were the 'interesting things' while flames and abusive comments like your
own were merely the 'glance at and delete immediately' slosh pile...

Im just waiting for some intresting Fanfics to come around.. ahh.. the good
old days... were the good fanfics were meny and the storys were long too! =p~~

Obviously we're better off ignoring 'Lord Sage' here.  Hoping for
intelligence from him is like expecting direction from the government.

Ok, you only have to say it once.... sheash =]>~~~

btw, Sky... where you been?  have not seen you on IRC for a
LLLLOOOOONNNNGGgg  g  g   g    g       g.... time.

Come back soon.

I am Sage...
Lord and high master of the #Ranma! Homepage.