Subject: Re: [FanFic] Unidentified subject!
From: (Joshua Rowan)
Date: 2/12/1996, 7:46 PM

The Dragon Reborn, Ranma al'Thor, wrote:
Heh.  What you saw may be 6, might be five...You see I got two people who 
came up with ideas for Kunou related stories...One of them is actually 
Ranma's wish, the other is Kunou's.  

I hope the one posted here wasn't Kunou's, because when I read it I thought
that it was, and that his wish was to have both the pig-tailed girl and
Akane.  He'd already gotten the pig-tailed girl, sort of, and that left...
ugh, bad things.

The one you didn't see is Samurai of Ghosts and Shadows by David Tai.

That sounds more like a Kunou-ish title, anyway.
And I'm doin the Kodachi one...

Can't wait for this one!

Joshua Rowan