Subject: [FFML] Re: Opening up the list (was Re: Re: The Stories Men Tell [SW])
From: Gary Kleppe
Date: 6/15/2006, 7:54 AM

Matthew Campbell <> wrote:
From: Gary Kleppe <>
Actually, what we've got are one mod in favor, one neutral, and one  
who can't post his opinion because he's tempbanned.

Given that the future of the FFML is being decided and given that DB is one of the list's most faithful contributers, wouldn't it be a really good idea to unban him?

I know that ordinarily consistency in enforcing the rules is important and posting by mistake isn't an excuse, but this is the most important discussion on the FFML in the past five years.  These are extraordinary circumstances.  Just ignore the rules.  Bring him back.  I want to hear DB's take on this.  I bet a lot of other people do too.

Given the accusations that have been made of admin bias and hypocrisy, I don't
think it'd be a good idea to waive the rules where one of us is concerned. We
other admins will certainly be discussing this with DB, and if you want to hear
his take, I suggest you email him and ask for it.

According to the FAQ linked in your sig, "The owner of the list goes by the name White Wolf, also known as 
 Cherry Tiger. The server on which the list runs and the domain
 name "" belong to Philip Mak <>."

Wouldn't this decision be up to the two of them?  I mean, this is a pretty massive revision to the FFML being considered.

This section of the FAQ is, alas, somewhat out of date. WW has moved on to other
things and is no longer interested in the FFML. If we managed to reach him, I've
no doubt that he would tell us to do whatever we want.

As for Philip Mak, I would consider him to have veto power over any such
revisions of the list mission, since it is his server on which we are hosted.

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