Subject: [FFML] Re: [Query] "Sailor Moon is Everyone's Mother!": Crystal Tokyo dystopias
From: "Orlean Glaed" <>
Date: 3/1/2004, 7:50 PM

I tihnk the reason why there aren't many fics set in a dystopian Crystal
Tokyo, while there are plenty where Crystal Tokyo would be dystopian, if
it came to exist, is fairly simple.

For the later type of fic, only one character need be made evil, Sailor
Pluto.  Since she's somewhat of a cipher, that's easy enough to do
without seeming silly.  On the other hand, to do a fic set in a
dystopian Crystal Tokyo requires an evil Sailor Moon, and probably most
of the other Senshi.  That is, in my opinion, very hard to do without
becoming ludicrous, given the characters' canon personalities.

I disagree.  Sailor Moon need not be evil in order to create a dystopian
society.  All she needs is the belief that she is protecting the people from
themselves.  A common mistake among benevolent rulers who devolve into
tyrants.  The senshi have fought beside her in countless battles and treat
her as their queen.  She can easily sway them to her point of view.  Has
anyone ever considered the possibility that the Great Freeze was actually
the result of a nuclear war (nuclear winter)?  All the references I recall
about the Great Freeze were rather vague.

Another tact would be to let Crystal Tokyo be setup as a near utopia, but have it degrade over time.  This gets around some of the characterization problems by giving the characters as much time as needed to change.  After all, a person can change a great deal over the course of a normal lifetime and from what I�ve seen of the series the Sailor Scouts would live much longer than a normal human.

Another advantage to this approach that it would fit in well with the continuity of the series.  If you just hypothesize that everyone who we�ve seen travel back in time comes from near the beginning then it�s still a really nice place to live.  However if one were to look at Crystal Tokyo a thousand years later it might not be anywhere nearly so nice. 

Or that�s my 2 cents anyway,


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