Subject: [FFML] [R1/2][AMG] The Red String of Fate Part 2
Date: 12/12/2003, 11:17 AM

Here's the next part of Red String of Fate. It just seem to get done first. 
Anyway please send C & C to

Thanks James

The first part of this story can be found on my webpage:

Story Status:
Alternate Future: I've yet to start on the next part. Well probably be next 
year before it is seen.

Neko Can't: Almost done with part 9. Hopefully will be done by X-mas.

Secret Lies: Just started on the next part.


Red String of Fate

By: James Lee

Disclaimer: Neither Ranma nor AMG belong to me. No profit is being made from 
this fanfic.

Part two

    Keiichi just looked at Megumi in shock. He couldn't believe it; she had 
just told them that she had gotten married. And the way Megumi had said it was 
unnerving; as if getting married and disappearing for months was normal. 
    It was Belldandy who finally spoke. "Oh really. How long have you known 
each other?" 
    " Three months."
    "T-Three months?" stuttered Skuld. "You married him after only three 
    "Oh no," said Megumi smiling. "I married him the day after we meet."
    Everyone but Ranma just stared at her. Finally Belldandy spoke again. 
"Why don't you tell us about it."
    "Well it all started with this accident..."

Three months ago... 
    Megumi had just gotten back from school and was looking forward to spring 
break when she saw someone land in a bunch of bushes.
    "Oh my God." Said Megumi as she rushed over to the bushes. Seeing a boy 
laying face down among the shrubbery, Megumi looked around. {Did he fall off 
the roof? Maybe I should call an ambulance. Wait, what if he's dead?}
    Megumi reached down and tried to check the boys pulse. As she did 
however, her fingers brushed against the red string the boy was holding.
    Megumi yelped as the string suddenly burst into flames and vanished. 
{What was that?} thought the girl as she started to roll the boy over. Her eyes 
widen when she saw the boy's face.
    He must have been the most handsome man Megumi had ever seen. All 
thoughts of calling an ambulance instantly vanished. She decided right then and there 
that she would take care of the boy herself. After all her apartment was 
right there and much closer than the hospital. All she had to do was carry him 
home. Thus she grabbed a hold of the boy.
    "Urg, heavy," grunted Megumi as she started dragging the unconscious boy 
to her door.

    A short while later, Ranma woke up to find himself in a strange room. 
{What happen? I remember being hit by the tomboy and flying through the air. Then 
I...I hit that electric tower on the way down.}
    "Oh, you're awake." Ranma turned to see a cute girl with short dark brown 
hair enter the room. Now normally, because of the presence of a female, panic 
alerts would be going through Ranma's brain telling him to get out now. But 
for some reason, Ranma didn't want to go. 
    "Excuse me, who are you?" asked Ranma.
    "I'm Megumi Morisato."
    "I'm Ranma Saotome. Where am I?" 
    "You're in my apartment. You had fallen and was knocked out, so I brought 
you inside."
Ranma was taken back by the girl's kindness. Most the people he knew would 
have left him there or tried to take advantage of his weakness. "Thank you."
    Megumi looked down and blushed "You're welcome."
    "Um, could I take you out to lunch?" asked Ranma. Normally he wouldn't 
think of asking such a thing. If the others found out he would never hear the 
end of it. Worse they might take it out on the girl. But Ranma really wanted to 
repay the Megumi for her kindness.
    "I-I just ate lunch, sorry." Answered Megumi looking down. It was just 
her luck that she had a big meal before coming home. Maybe a nice romantic ride. 
"You want a ride home."
    "Ah no thanks, I rather not go home at the moment," said Ranma. Seeing 
Megumi look down he just had to think of something to make her feel better. 
"Want to make love on the floor?"
    Megumi smiled, "Sure!"

    "We decided to get married the next day. It was so magical."
    Everyone looked at Megumi with little pinpoint eyes. All except Urd, who 
noticed a small heart shape mark on Ranma's chest. {Yeah, I bet it was 
    "Megumi, you have a little tan going there?" asked Urd as she walked up 
and moved one of the straps on Megumi's bathing suit. Urd could just make out a 
heart shape mark just above the girl's left breast. Keiichi blinked at this. 
{My sister has gotten married and Urd's asking about her tan?}
    "Urd, please..." said Megumi as she readjusted her suit. 
    "Hey Gumi, I going to get your brother and his friends some ice cream why 
don't you help me carry it," said Ranma in a somewhat tense voice. Megumi 
nodded and started to follow Ranma.
    Urd was a little surprised at Ranma's tense request, but wasn't about to 
look a gift horse in the mouth. This would give her time to talk to Keiichi 
and her sisters alone. As Ranma and Megumi went off to the ice cream stand she 
turned to the others. Both Keiichi and Belldandy still looked dumbfounded while 
her youngest sister looked to be considering the guy. After all, anyone who 
was willing to get them all ice cream couldn't be that bad.
    "Guys, we got a problem. Both Megumi and that boy are under an 
enchantment. It's called the red string of fate and...What!?" Urd yelled the last part 
out as she noticed the leveled stares Keiichi and Skuld were giving her.  
    "Urd did you place a spell on my sister?" asked Keiichi in a serious tone.
    "Hey, I had nothing to do with this."
    "Sure, we've heard that one before," said Skuld.
    "If you don't believe me you can ask Father." Urd retorted back. Then 
Belldandy finally spoke. 
    "Urd, can you removed this enchantment?"
    Urd sighed. "Yes. I just need to get a few things from my lab and I can 
remove it easily enough. There well however, be...complications."
    {Complications?} thought Keiichi. However before he could ask Urd just 
what she meant, Ranma and Megumi returned. 
    "Here's your ice-cream," said Megumi handing a cone to her brother. As 
she did so, Keiichi noticed that she was now rather nervous. Had Ranma threaten 
her? He also noticed that both Ranma and Megumi had placed themselves between 
him and the Goddesses. 
    "You know there's something funny about you three."
    "What do you mean, Mr. Saotome?" asked Belldandy. 
    "As a martial artist, I can detect ki."
    "Ki?" asked Keiichi. Did this kid sense something odd about Belldandy and 
her sisters? Ranma turned to him.
    "Yes, ki is a persons life-force. Everyone on this beach is emitting ki." 
Ranma turned back to Belldandy. "Everyone that is, except you."
    "You're emitting something, but it isn't ki. I'd almost say it was magic, 
and a lot of it."
    "Don't tell me you believe in magic," said Keiichi sweating. 
    "You'll be surprised in what I believe in." answered the pig-tailed boy. 
Then Megumi turned to face Keiichi.
    "You know brother, I remember having these dreams about magic. There was 
one where I was turned into a car and another where I was possessed by a 
demon. I woke up from that one on campus grounds. I used think that these dreams 
were just that, dreams, and that I was sleepwalking. But after that ghost race 
and seeing Ranma's curse I'm not so sure anymore." She turned to the Goddesses. 
"I trust my husband. Both he and I have seen a lot in the past three months. 
So why don't tell me what you really are and why you're with my brother?"
    Belldandy gulped and looked at her sisters. Skuld looked worried, not 
knowing what to do. Her older sister Urd, just nodded. The genie had jumped out 
of his coke bottle and did his little song and dance. Belldandy then took a 
deep breath.
    "Megumi, Ranma, rest assured my sisters and I mean neither you nor your 
brother harm. The truth is that I am Belldandy goddess first class, license 
unlimited. These are my sisters Urd and Skuld, both second class goddesses with 
limited licenses. I was sent to earth to grant you brother a wish. His wish was 
for me to stay with him." 
    Megumi turned looked at Keiichi, who just nodded. She then slapped him. 
"You jerk! Do you any idea how I felt during that? I thought I was starting to 
lose my mind."
    "I-I just couldn't just tell anyone," said Keiichi holding his burning 
    "But I'm your sister damn it!" Megumi yelled. She stopped when Ranma 
placed his hand on her shoulder. He didn't like the fact that Keiichi had lied to 
his sister, but he could understand somewhat.
    "There's something more important we need to deal with right now," said 
Urd. Megumi and Ranma turned to the three goddesses. 
    "Oh what's that?"
    "Ranma, Megumi please; we have reason to believe someone has done 
something to the two of you," said the middle sister.
    "What do you mean?" asked Megumi. 
    "We think someone has placed an enchantment on the both of you."
    "What kind of enchantment?" Keiichi was about to answer his sister, when 
Urd's voice suddenly entered his head. {Keiichi, whatever you do. Do not 
mention the love spell or that we intend to remove it. This is critical.} Keiichi 
looked at Urd and Belldandy, who nodded slightly. "Um we think it's effecting 
your behavior and could get worse."
    "Well, I guess we better get rid of it then," said Ranma. "The last thing 
I need is more magical problems." 
    Belldandy and her sisters sighed in relief. "Yes, that would be a good 
idea. We'll have to go back to Japan to fix the problem."
    "Ok, just let us get our stuff." Belldandy nodded and her sisters 
followed Ranma and Megumi to help them. Keiichi, who had stayed behind turned to his 
    "Umm Belldandy, why didn't Urd want me to mention the details of the 
    "Well you see, Keiichi. Love enchantments like this often have defense 
mechanisms to prevent them from being removed. You can say it's a spell or an 
enchantment that you intend to get rid of. However, if you mention that it is 
the love spell particularly that we will remove, then Ranma and Megumi may react 
violently to prevent such a thing."
    "Oh I see." That said, Keiichi and Belldandy followed the others.

To be continued

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