Subject: [FFML] [Fanfic][Ranma]High Flight Chapter 1
From: Papa 51
Date: 3/5/2003, 1:01 AM

Hello......Hello, again!

Greetings and salutations.  I am Papa 51.  If you are
curious as to what that means, by all means drop me an
email.  (hint, I'm NOT 51 years old, merely 30)

A few of you may remember me under another handle.  I
was subscribed a few years back to the FFML as
Bigbore.  If you remember me, great!  If you don't
well, I guess that means it's a chance for a fresh
start with new fics!  (BTW, my sig contains a link to
my homepage with my old fics on it).

Anyhow, I've recently started writing fanfics again,
and immediately thought of posting here.  Below is the
beginning to my new story "High Flight", a Ranma 1/2
fanfic.  Unlike most of my fics where I started out
with simply a vague idea of the objective in my mind,
this fic is fully planned out (though several of those
stories were pretty good--"One Candle" and "Around the
Campfire" are a couple of my favorites from my own
work....along with "Scheduling: or a Solution to the
problem").  Unless chapter size becomes a problem, it
will be 8 chapters long.  Also, I may not stick 100%
to my original plan in all details if I see, or
someone points out, something that would be better if
different.  I'm striving to raise the bar of my
writing with this fic, so any C & C is greatly
appreciated--oh, and I do like MSTs if anyone is
bored.  C&C to the list  or privately is fine. Thanks!

Oh, a couple of style notes:  I'm American, so I use
the given then family name of addressing people, so in
my fics it's Ranma Saotome, not Saotome Ranma.  I'm
not picky about it, but that's the way I right it, so
please don't blast me about it being wrong.  Also, as
to the Romanazation of names, the way you see the
names is the way they are in my spell checker, so they
will probably stay that way, ie: I use Ryouga instead
of Ryoga.  I also try to keep the use of japanese
terms to the minimum, instead using the American
translation.  I do this to preserve the illusion that
the fic is happening in their native language. 
However, I do use the -chan, -kun, and -san
designations frequently, particularly when trying to
convey eithe politeness, or Ranma's current state of
gender!  Also, most attack names sound cooler in
Japanese, and some words simply don't translate well. 
Confused?  Me too...on with the fic!

I do not own any of the characters except for new
characters not indeginous (sp?) to Ranma 1/2.  This
work is not for profit, since that would violate the
first law of anime fanfiction.  If any one at Kitty,
Viz, or Rumiko Takahashi herself reads this, please
understand that imitation is the sincerest form of
flattery, so please be flattered, and maybe laugh a
little and where I and others have taken these

High Flight
Chapter One
Fond Hellos?!?

High Flight
Chapter One
Fond Hellos?	

	"Well, if Ryouga thinks he's gonna trick Akane into
going out on a 'date' with him, he's got another think
coming!"  Ranma fumed as he busily went through
Akane's closet for some suitable clothing.  "Stupid
tomboy should know better than agree to an idea of
Ucchan's  when Ryouga is involved!"
	After finding a suitably long, feminine dress, Ranma
returned to  his own room.  Lifting a glass of water,
he grimaced and poured it  over his head.  In place of
the muscular, raven haired teen aged boy  was a
petite, yet voluptuous red haired girl of about the
same age.  "Stupid, stupid Akane doesn't even
appreciate what I go through for  her!"  Stripping out
of his, or rather her,  now wet shirt and  trousers,
Ranma-chan put on the dark colored dress.  Furtively 
looking around, to make sure no one was watching,
Ranma reached into  the dresser and pulled out a long
brunette wig and a small make-up case.
	Grimacing again, Ranma put on the wig and carried the
make up  case to the door.  Sticking her head out the
door, she snuck down the  hallway to Akane's room
again.  Reaching in she grabbed Akane's spare  purse
"Should have grabbed this the first time."  Again
making sure  no one was around to see, Ranma
hightailed it down to the bathroom to  put on the
make-up.  "Man, I don't see how girls can stand to put
this stuff  on everyday."
	It took twenty minutes of screw ups and primping, but
finally  Ranma managed to get the make-up on close to
right.  The results were  spectacular.   In the place
of the red haired Chinese girl was a sexy  looking
brunette that bore only a passing resemblance.  Ranma
admired the finished product.  "Perfect, Ryouga won't
recognize me when I  pounce on him and pretend to be a
long lost fiancee!  If that  doesn't send Akane home,
I don't know what will!"  Whistling happily,  Ranma
walked out of the dojo for his 'appointment' with
Akane and  Ryouga at Ucchan's.

	Shoki McLaren was again marveling at how cramped the
Nerima  district of Tokyo seemed to him. Growing up
mostly in the highlands of Scotland, he was used to
more wide open spaces.  He was an average   young man
of 20, with black hair, blue eyes and a deceptively
muscular build.   Dressed in blue jeans,  long sleeve
shirt and Aussie Bush hat, he looked like a mildly
eccentric businessman on holiday. Hearing the scream
of a terrified girl, Shoki looked up from watching the
moving van pull away from his new house.
	"AAAAIIIGGGHHHH!!!!   Ryouga, it was a joke, take it
	"No way Ranma!  Your not going to get away with it
this time!"
	Suddenly, a young women jumped from the top of a
nearby roof,  without even bothering to look down. 
Several yellow and black  objects went whirling past
her like angry bumblebees on speed.  Her long dress 
billowed up around her waist preventing a good look at
the ground anyway.  McLaren, however, got a good look
at a pair of shapely legs  and a pair of boxer shorts.
   This struck him as an odd combination.  He also
realized that the  she was on a collision course with
him.  With out thinking he reached out and caught her
just before she hit the ground.
	"Huh?"  Ranma said intelligently as she found herself
looking into a pair of shockingly blue eyes, and held
by a pair of strong  arms.
	"Hello, may I be of service to you ma'am?"  His
accent was strange, but not unpleasant.  Perhaps
someone raised in another country?  (1) Trying to
think fast, Ranma  heard Ryouga's battle cry as he too
leapt off the building.
	"Oh, please mister, save me from that terrible man!" 
Ranma  used her most girlie voice and blinked her
eyelashes fiercely.  He hated to do that, but
sometimes it was just easier than the alternative. 
Besides, surely Ryouga wouldn�t hit someone he didn�t
know, right?
	"Okay,"  was all the stranger said as he gently slung
Ranma to the  ground and out of the way.  He took a
moment to carefully gauge the falling man�s speed and
angle then reached  out,  grasped Ryouga's wrist with
a thumb and forefinger, redirecting his path. 
Ryouga's face met the ground at a high rate of speed
and the  pavement cracked under the impact. (2)
	Turing to the girl he had just 'saved', McLaren
switched to his most proper Japanese manner.  "Well
now, what has such a pretty  girl done to deserve such
unkind attention? Pardon me, but where are  my
manners?   My name is Shoki McLaren, what's your
name?"   She was a bit young for him, but hey, you
never knew.
	"Well, my name is Ra-"
	"His  name is Mud!"  Screamed another female voice. 
Shoki  looked up to see another young woman leap from
the  building.  This one however was holding a shinai
(3) over her head.  Taking precious seconds to gawk at
the scene, Shoki suddenly realized there was no way he
could deflect the blow in time without hurting the 
falling girl.  Shoving the first girl roughly behind
him, he closed his  eyes and cursed himself for
getting involved in someone's domestic  squabb-

	"Geez, Akane, you don't even know who he is and you
clobber him!"  Ranma-chan taunted.
	"Well, It's your fault for hiding behind a complete
stranger!"  She looked down at the fallen man.  Biting
her lip worriedly she said "do you think I hurt him
too bad?"
	"Naw, people always lay in the middle of the street
unconscious!  Well, the only thing to do is get him
and Ryouga home and woke up."  Ranma looked at the two
prone figures thoughtfully. "It would sure be easier
if we turned Ryouga into P-chan," she 
mumbled to herself.
	"What was that Ranma?"  Akane demanded.
	"Nothing, we just better get moving."
	"Well,"  Akane fumed, "don't think your off the hook
for this!"
	�What you�re not going to just hit me now?� Asked
Ranma with a startled expression.
	Akane grinned evilly.  �No, not until AFTER your help
me get these two to some help.  THEN I�ll get you.�
	Ranma simply sighed and reached down for Ryouga.

	Shoki awoke with a splitting headache.  However, he
kept his eyes closed and attempted to have his other
senses tell him a little about his surroundings.  
	Tactile:  he was laying on something that felt like a
cushion on the floor and something cold and damp was
on his forehead.  
	Smell:  the mouthwatering aroma of home cooking, and
the faint hint of perfume. 
	Taste:  that sorta copper/iron taste you get in your
mouth after a nasty bump.
	Auditory:  clinking of dishes perhaps in another
room, and a low voiced argument going on over his
	"But Kasumi, it was Ranma's fault for hiding behind a
	"Yes Akane, but you were the one who struck him.  You
must learn to control your temper, especially since
not everyone is as tough as Ranma."
	Sensing no immediate danger to himself and curious
about the owners of those voices, Shoki slowly opened
his eyes.  Kneeling to either side of him were two
very pretty girls.  The one on the right was older,
with long hair and a bit of a matronly air about her. 
He guessed her age at about the same as his. He also
noticed what looked to be a first aid kit in her
hands.  The girl on his left was a few years younger,
with much shorter and darker hair.   He  remembered
her from just before losing consciousness.  She was
the one who had given him this headache.  Just then
the older girl noticed his open eyes.
	"Oh, your awake.  I'm Kasumi.  How are you feeling?"
She smiled brightly in a reassuring manner.
	"Uh, I'm feeling better.  At least so far,"  sneaking
a glance at Akane who blushed.  �I Just feel like I've
been hit by a freight train, � he didn't add.
	A beeping sound from behind momentarily got Kasumi's
attention.  "I need to get to the kitchen and finish
dinner.  Please lie down for a while longer until the
aspirin we gave you starts to work.  If you need
anything, please let me know."  With that, she got up 
and walked out of Shoki's line of sight.  He then
noticed that the other girl was about to burst.
	"I'm so sorry!"  She blurted.  "I didn't mean to hit
you, I was aiming for Ranma.  You just kind of got in
the way."  She turned an interesting shade of red and
stammered on "could you forgive me?  I'm really,
really sorry..."
	"Yes, I can forgive you, under one condition."
	"What condition?!.....You had better not want a
date!"  She almost shouted, causing Shoki's  headache
to worsen slightly.
	"A date?!? No, not a date.  Just promise me you won't
do that again."  Akane blushed again, then sheepishly
nodded and started to say something else when she was
interrupted by a man's voice.
	"Akane, why don't you help Nabiki finish setting the
table while I speak with our guest?"
	"Okay, Dad."  With that, Akane gave Shoki a quick
smile,  then got up and left.
	Shoki decided that he felt well enough to sit up and
did so, the wet washcloth on his forehead falling into
his lap.  The man that had entered the room was fairly
tall, with long dark hair and a mustache.  Striding
over, he knelt next to McLaren and began to  speak. 
"I�m very sorry about all the trouble my daughter
Akane and her  fiancee Ranma have caused you.  My name
is Soun Tendo, and I would be  greatly honored if you
would stay with us for our evening meal."
	"No harm done other than a headache Mr. Tendo.  Oh,
there I go forgetting my manners again.  My name is
Shoki McLaren."  At Soun's puzzled look he elaborated:

"My mother was a Japanese businesswoman, and my father
was an Scottish-American Police Detective.  I just
moved here from my grandfather�s home in Scotland.�
	�Ah, so you would be our new next door neighbor,��
Soun realized with a thoughtful tone.
	�Right next door?�  Shoki asked startled.
	�Yes, assuming that you are moving into the Yashima�s
	�Yes, I am.�  Shoki hesitated for a moment then
continued.  �The house is actually owned by the
McLaren Oil Exploration company.  They house their
Japanese branch Public Affairs Officer there.  They
are downsizing the Japanese office, so the Mr. Yashima
was recalled to the main office, and I�m here to take
over what little duties remain.�  
	Just then another girl poked her head into the room. 
She had close cropped brown hair, and a guarded look. 
She glanced inquisitively at Shoki, then addressed the
other man.  �Daddy, Kasumi says dinner is ready.�
Without waiting for a response, but shooting another
glance at Shoki, she disappeared again.
	�Well, we can talk more over dinner.  Please, follow

	The dinner table turned out to be surprisingly
crowded.  Shoki was introduced to the brown haired
girl that had called him and the elder Tendo to
dinner.  He was not surprised to find that Nabiki was
the middle Tendo sister. Akane was there, holding a
small black pig, and Kasumi was dishing up the plates.
 Two other men were at the table, and Shoki soon
learned that Genma and Ranma Saotome were permanent
house guests, and that Ranma was engaged to Akane. 
Ranma looked disturbingly familiar, but Shoki just
couldn�t place him.  He spent most of the dinner
looking at the younger man, trying to figure out where
they had met before.  Well, that and watching the
Saotomes fight over their dinners and seemingly try to
inhale them.
	�Whatcha lookin� at?� Ranma demanded of Shoki between
	Shoki was startled for a moment, but rallied his wits
quickly.  He decided it would be impolite to comment
on Ranma and his father�s food fight.  �Well, I was
trying to figure out why you look so familiar.  I�m
sure we�ve met before, but I can�t figure out where.�
	Just then Nabiki spoke up.  �Oh, I can help you with
that,� she said, picking up her water glass.  With a
mischievous smirk she tossed the contents of the glass
at Ranma.  For his part, Ranma tried to jump backwards
but was hampered by his sitting position and the
table.  Shoki watched as the liquid hit the raven
haired boy, and his vision seemed to blur.  A second
later, he didn�t see Ranma any more, but the girl he
had �rescued� earlier.
	Shoki stared for a moment and turned to his host. 
�Mr. Tendo, could you please call an ambulance.  I
think that hit on the head was more serious than I
thought.  I�m having hallucinations.�
	�Actually, I don�t think that will be necessary
McLaren-san.  You DID just see what you thought you
saw.�  Soun said expansively.
	�Uh, okay.  Are you sure?�  Shoki inquired.  �I could
have sworn I just saw Ranma turn into a girl.�  He
glanced over at Ranma-chan.  �Yep, still a girl.� 
Soun glanced at his friend Genma.
	Finished with his food, Genma took up the
explanation.  �Well, Ranma is the heir to the Saotome
School of Anything Goes Martial Arts.  Until a few
months ago he and I were on a long training journey to
sharpen his skills.  One of our last stops was a place
called Jusenkyo, or the pools of sorrows.  There are
over a thousand springs there, each one cursed.  If
you fall into a spring you turn into whatever first
drowned in that spring.  Hot water changes you back
into your normal self, but only until you are struck
with cold water again.  Ranma fell into the spring of
drowned girl.�  He made a big show of crying into the
arm of his white gi.  �Oh, the horror!�
	Ranma hopped up at that.  �Horror!  Like you even
know the half of it Pops!�  Ranma grabbed his father
and threw him through the open side door into the
yard.  There he landed in the Koi pond.  Moments later
a black and white panda stood up out of the water. 
The panda glared at Ranma and produced a sign from
behind it�s back.  <That is not the way to treat your
father in front of guests!>  Read the sign.  Ranma
decided to let his fists do his talking, and moments
later the red-haired girl and panda were duking it out
in the backyard.
	Shoki looked at Soun and asked �are they the only
ones?  Anyone else here cursed?�  Soun shook his head.
 �Okay, how do you deal with it?�
	�Oh, we�ve gotten used to it!� Chorused Nabiki and

	After a bit Ranma finished fighting with his father,
leaving an unconscious panda out by the pond.  Having
reverted to being male he joined Shoki and the Tendos
in the living room.  
	�You mentioned that you work for McLaren Oil, Shoki. 
Does this mean you are related to the owners?  No
offense, but you seem awfully young to be taking on
such responsibilities alone.�  Inquired Soun.  Nobody
noticed that Nabiki took on an interested look.
	�Well, my grandfather is the majority stockholder and
CEO, but that didn�t really cut any ice getting me a
job with them.  That had more to do with a bet,� 
grinned Shoki.
	�A bet?�  Asked Nabiki curiously.  Betting after all,
was a serious subject.
	Shoki grinned wider.  �A bet.  When I finished high
school, my grandfather and I had an argument about
what I should do next.  I wanted to get my degree in
Aeronautical Engineering, and he wanted me to become
an oil field engineer or a geologist.  We argued quite
a while about it.  I wanted to learn something
interesting, he wanted me to be able to help him find
more oil.  Upset, I bet him that I could find oil
quicker than his current team without any education at
all.  That REALLY set him off, he didn�t like a
sixteen year old talking back to him like that.�
	�Sixteen?�  Puzzled Kasumi.  �I would have thought
you were a little older than that.�
	�Well, I�m twenty now,� smiled Shoki.  �Grandpa and I
had this argument before I went to the university. I
graduated this spring with a major in Aeronautical
Engineering and a minor in public relations.�
	�Wow,  you must be really smart to finish school that
quickly!� Exclaimed Ranma, wondering if Shoki had used
some sort of martial arts school learning technique or
	�No, not really all that smart Ranma.  But a
photographic memory does help a bit, � explained
Shoki.  �So does staying away from dorm parties. 
Anyhow, Grandpa and I went up to his big den where he
had a giant map of the latest McLaren oil leases in
the North Sea that they hadn�t been able to find any
oil on.  I bet him that if I could pick the spot where
he would find oil, he would let me get the degree I
wanted, and would get a job working for McLaren doing
something easy, like public relations.  If I lost, I
had to get degrees in both oil field engineering AND
geology.  He even sweetened the deal by telling me if
he struck oil where I told him to drill that he�d give
me one percent of the profits.  I looked at the map,
closed my eyes and tossed a knife at it.  I walked
over to where the knife stuck and said �You�ll strike
oil there�.  	He sneered at me and said �that�s your
grand method?�, but picked up the phone and ordered a
jack up drilling rig to be sent there.  A month later
they struck oil, and the rest is history.�  Shoki set
back and grinned again.  It HAD been one of his better
	�So you ended up not only getting the schooling you
wanted, but a sinecure of a job and a steady oil
royalty income?�  Summed up Nabiki who then softly
whistled.  �Sweet.�
	�Well, I DO intend to take my duties to McLaren Oil
seriously, but they really don�t take up much time. 
I�ve actually been in Tokyo for a couple of weeks
doing the job.  It leaves me with a lot of free time. 
I�m going to have to find a way to occupy some of my
spare time.�
	That brought Ranma back into the conversation.  �Do
you do any martial arts?�
	Shoki was a bit startled at the change of topic. �Um,
sort of.  Why do you ask?�
	�Well, I�d guess ya at least have studied some Aikido
for ya to have done what ya did to Ryouga.�  Ranma
looked him up and down for a moment.  �What other
forms have you studied?�
	�I�m impressed you recognized it.  I thought my form
was pretty pathetic right there.  I haven�t worked on
it in a while.  To answer your question though, I�ve
played a bit with Kendo as well.  Do you know what the
Society for Creative Anachronism is?�  Shoki asked.
	�Isn�t that the people that try to recreate the
middle ages?�  Asked Kasumi, startling everyone who
knew her that she had heard of such a thing.
	�Exactly!� concurred Shoki, beaming at the oldest
Tendo girl.  �My grandfather is a big supporter, and
got me into playing with it as well.  I�ve done some
studying of ancient European sword styles and that led
to playing with all three major forms of fencing: 
foil, saber and epee.  I�ve also played with escrima
sticks a bit, and enjoy tossing small knives around.�
	�So, except for the Aikido, you do mostly weapons
styles?� Asked Ranma, trying to make something
perfectly clear to himself.
	�Yes, why?�
	�What rank are you in Aikido?� Asked Ranma, probing
further.  Soun also looked interested in the response.
	�I�ve only attained the first dan.  I mainly do
Aikido to help with one of my hobbies.�
	�Do ya think we can spar sometime?� Asked Ranma.  �I
haven�t sparred with anyone who uses the �gentle way�
in quite a while.�
	�Sure, but not tonight....I have something of a
headache still.�  Shoki glanced at Akane, who blushed
again.  Everyone broke up in laughter for a moment
causing her to blush even more.  Finally Shoki quit
laughing and looked back at Ranma.  �How about
tomorrow afternoon?�
	�Sounds like a plan Shoki.  How about I come get you
after school?�
	�Works for me.  Now, I better head home and see about
unpacking the bed.�  Shoki turned to Soun and bowed. 
�Thank you sir for your hospitality.  Any offense that
I might have perceived earlier today has been washed
away in such a gracious welcome.�
	Soun stood and formally returned the bow.  �You honor
us with your words McLaren-san.  Please feel free to
visit in the future.�
	�Hmmm....I�d like that,� Shoki said as he sketched a
wave to the room.  �Good evening everyone.�  He looked
about for a moment, then Kasumi stood.
	�I�ll see you out.�
	Shoki smiled warmly at her.  �Thank you Kasumi, I
appreciate that.�

Author�s end notes:

1.  Like all Scotsman Shoki DOES have an accent. 
However, since he is speaking a completely different
language, it is simply an accent, not a separate
dialect.  So unless Shoki is speaking English (well
the English that a Scotsman speaks anyway!) you won�t
be hearing him say �aye� or other such expressions.  

2.  No, Shoki isn�t another Annoying New Martial
Artist.  He has some training that will be revealed
later, but was mostly taking advantage of Ryouga�s
total focus on Ranma pull this off.  Remember, despite
their vaunted �extra senses� and �lightning reflexes�
it seems that every Nerima Martial Artist is fairly
easily surprised--at least at first.

3,  Why a shinai and not a mallet?  Simple, I�m trying
to avoid over used clich�s as much as possible.  You
can�t avoid them ALL, then it wouldn�t be a Ranma 1/2
Fanfic, but still, I�m going to try to avoid the worst
of them.  Besides, the Manga has everyone hitting
everyone else with just about anything.  It isn�t
always JUST Akane hitting Ranma with a mallet. 
Variety is the spice of life, eh?

Papa 51 Productions
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