Subject: [PMFFML] Insertion[Part 31][R.5/Whatever]
From: Ryoga P Hibiki
Date: 6/11/2001, 4:28 AM


 Part 31

 The Final Battle.


 Ranma stood in the throne room with Hanna and Washuu. The young prince
and princess were not in the room with them.

 "So, you are the boy who has been dragging my daughter across the
galaxy," said the woman calmly.

 Ranma blinked and looked at her for a moment. "Hey. Wait a minute..."

 "I should put you to death for that," continued Serenity as she looked
at the trio for a moment. "However, you have saved my kingdom."

 "Huh?" said Hanna in surprise. She had been hanging her head waiting for
her death sentence.

 "Hold on! I've been trying to get rid of her!" said Ranma defensively.

 Serenity stopped and looked at him for a moment in surprise. "Pardon?"

 "I haven't been dragging your daughter anywhere lady! She's been
dragging me!" replied the boy curtly.

 "Insolent fool!" cried one of the guards that stood around them angrily.

 "Cool off," said Ranma as he turned his head and threw the man across
the room without touching him. He then turned back towards Serenity.
"Look. I was trying to bring her back the whole time. Those crazy senshi
of yours kept trying to kill me every time I tried!"

 "Did they?" asked the woman as she gave him an even gaze.

 "You're damn right they did! Do you have any idea what we went through
to get her back here? Those crazy bitches kept trying to kill us!"

 Serenity smirked very slightly. She'd never seen anyone with enough gall
to call the senshi a group of 'Crazy Bitches'.

 "My understanding is that you attacked them, however, my daughter seems
to like you for some reason," she replied as her smirk fell away into a

 "I haven't figured that out either," muttered Ranma as he scratched the
back of his head for a moment.

 "It seems she has become quiet enamored with you. I wonder about many
things, what is your relationship with my daughter?"

 Ranma paused and looked at her for a moment. "Huh?"

 "She's quite adamant, from what I understand, she believes you to be
some sort of hero. Destined to rescue her from her captors," said the
woman, as she looked him up and down for a moment.

 "Hero? Me? I guess so. I mean, I did save the moon and all," he replied

 Hanna snorted in disgust. "I knew it, the pervert."

 "So, it is true then. You and my daughter..."

 "Hey! I didn't touch nuthin!" cried the boy, as he finally seemed to get
where she was going. "I behaved myself the whole time!"

 Washuu coughed into her hand.

 "Well, maybe not the whole time," admitted Ranma. "I didn't do nuthin to
your daughter though."

 Serenity breathed a small sigh of relief. He seemed sincere. 

 "Look lady. I've got things to do. I'm trying to get home, I didn't want
for any of this to happen," he said as he looked up at her.

 "Home?" muttered Serena as she narrowed her eyes at him.

 "Yeah. Look, I ain't from around here. I got stuck on Earth a while back
when I ran into your daughter. Things just sort of got worse from there,"
he said sheepishly.

 "That would explain a lot," admitted Serenity. She secretly became very
worried. Was it possible that there was an entire planet of beings able
to fight against her senshi?

 "Can I go now? I'm glad your kingdom is saved and all, but I've got
things to do back home," said the boy, as he looked her in the eye again.

 "How do you plan to do that?" inquired the queen.

 "I'll find a way," said the boy calmly.

 "I was planning on helping him with that," said Washuu as she gave him a
small wink.

 "Who are you?" asked Serena as she looked at the woman for a moment.

 "Washuu, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!" exclaimed the
woman proudly.

 Serena smirked, she doubted if the woman could match some of the
scientists on Mercury.

 "Highness," said Jupiter as she strolled into the throne room. All of
the other senshi save Pluto and Saturn walked in behind her. She paused
when she noticed the trio standing in front of the woman. "You!"

 Ranma turned and narrowed his eyes at her for a moment. "Hello."

 "What is he doing here!?" demanded Jupiter as she moved into a combat
stance. The other Senshi quickly followed suit. All of them had angry
scowls on their faces.

 Ranma turned and lowered his left arm. A compartment opened up inside
the forearm and a long slender rod slid into his hand. In an instant a
blade of red light appeared from his lightsaber. He pointed it at Jupiter
and frowned. "You owe me an arm, lady."

 "That's enough!" commanded Serenity.

 Ranma snorted and glanced back at her, shutting down the blade and
returning it to the inside of his arm.

 "Your Highness?" muttered Jupiter as she looked at the woman in shock.

 "You're in danger!" exclaimed Mercury as she stepped foreword.

 "I asked him to come before me," replied the woman as she looked at them
coldly. "You will all refrain from any hostility. This instant," she said

 "But..." stammered Neptune dumbly.

 "Who is this guy?" muttered Mars as she stared the boy down.

 "He has saved the kingdom, and will be granted a full pardon," said
Serenity as she looked at them. "As will his friends."

 Hanna passed out on the ground where she stood.

 Uranus stepped back in shock. "What?"

 "You heard her," said Ranma as he turned to face the queen again.

 She nodded at him and turned to the throne again.

 Ranma was about to turn to walk away with Washuu and Hanna when he
paused. An odd sensation started on his right wrist. He looked down and
saw a small crystal protruding from just below his hand. It glowed and he
felt an unusual sensation sweep across his body. "What? I'd almost
forgotten you were there..." Before he finished muttering another, more
urgent, sensation swept across him. "What the hell is that?" he

 Everyone in the room turned to look at him.

 "What is this force?" gasped Serenity as she swooned on her throne.

 Overhead, the ceiling exploded inward, raining a shower of debris down
on them from above. Floating in mid air, was Valdis. A sphere of energy
covered his body and he glared down at the group from above. The steel
supports bent and warped downward from his entrance and he glared at them
all madly.

 "Well. It seems I am victorious after all," said the man coldly.

 "Valdis!" cried Uranus as she started to rush foreword. The other Senshi
followed just behind her.

 The man merely chuckled and raised his palm, throwing them into the wall
on the other side of the room and restraining them there. "Heh.

 Ranma stepped back as the man floated into the middle of the room and
landed between him and the queen. "You! died!"

 "You don't believe that pathetic explosion was enough to destroy me do
you?" asked the knight coldly as he turned to look at the queen. "Well,
it seems you've lost. I will take control of the moon, and then the
entire galaxy."

 She staggered to his feet and stared him down coldly. "I shall never
allow that!"

 "You can't stop me," he replied as he raised his hand. A ball of power
formed there and he blasted it at her.

 "No!" snarled Ranma angrily as he dashed foreword and intercepted the

 Serenity put up her arms defensively and screamed. She paused when
nothing happened and slowly opened her eyes. They went wide as she saw
the boy standing in front of her. "How can this be?"

 Ranma was holding the ball of power back with his hands. He was
straining and struggling to keep his grip on the ground as the ball of
power pushed against him. With a grunt of effort he tossed the ball
upward, it exploded into the ceiling, sending another shower of debris
into the room.

 Washuu realized that it might be a good time to hide and pulled Hanna
over to a corner nearby to where the senshi were pinned to the wall.

 "Impressive, most impressive," commented Valdis.

 "You haven't seen anything yet," said Ranma as he growled at the man.

 "You can never match my power," said Valdis as he floated off the ground
and rose into the air.

 Ranma narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself. "He can fly. Can we do
that?" He looked back at where the queen was sitting, she was obviously
still in shock. He looked back up again to see the man preparing another
blast. "Sink or swim, Ranma." He slowly rose from the ground and blasted
upwards to meet Valdis in the air.

 Unfortunately, he pushed a little too hard and slammed into the ceiling,
creating another shower of small stones from the crater he had made.

 Valdis laughed out loud as he saw this and tossed the ball of power in
his hands up at him. Ranma dove suddenly, narrowly missing the energy
ball. It exploded, covering more of the ground below in large stones. 

 "Damn," muttered Ranma as he floated wobbly in the air for a moment
before seeming to catch on. "Okay, I think we got it."

 "Who are you talking too?" said the armored man.

 "None of your business!" cried Ranma as he blasted foreword and slammed
his fist into the man's armored gut.

 Valdis lurched and tried to counter with a blow of his own, Ranma had
moved away though. He paused and glared at the boy for a moment. "I felt
that. That shouldn't be possible."

 "You're goin down," said Ranma coldly.

 The pair seemed to vanish in thin air, appearing at various points in
the room locked in combat.

 "That's not possible!" gasped Jupiter from her place on the wall.

 The other senshi were to shocked to speak as they watched the battle
above them. Uranus turned her eyes away in disgust. "He was only playing
with us all this time!"

 Ranma and Valdis appeared high above them again, locked in a contest of
strength. After a moment, they exploded apart, both of them streaking
down to the ground again. Two huge craters were created in the floor
where they had landed and they stood squatting and glaring at each other
for a long time.

 "What kind of power is this?" muttered Serenity as she looked at the
young boy who was fighting off Valdis, and the power of the Silver
Imperium Crystal. She slowly rose to her feet and looked at them as they
faced off. "This isn't possible!"

 Finally, Valdis spoke. He was still squatting inside the crater he had
made in his landing. "The is hard."

 Ranma nodded his head, and squeaked a reply. "Yeah."

 "We will continue our battle, but not do that again," said the armored

 "Right," agreed Ranma as he started to stand upright slowly.

 Valdis charged and they met in mid air again.


 "Damn it! We can't overpower him!" said Carrot as they fought off
Valdis. "We're barely able to keep up with him using the Kaio Ken! At
this rate, we'll tire out before he will! He's got twice the power we

 "We're more skilled though, we can beat this guy!" said Ranma

 "Not the way we're going now. We need a plan," said Dan.

 "We need help. We've gotta release those Senshi!" said Carrot angrily.

 "How?" said Ranma.

 "Pissant! I need some of that power you've got," said Carrot as he moved
them away from the armored man.


 "What is he doing?" grumbled Valdis as he noticed the boy building a chi
blast. "Pathetic!" snarled the man as he noticed how under powered it

 "It's not for you," said Ranma coldly.

 "What?" muttered the dark figure as he saw the boy throw a the white
ball of energy down at the senshi.

 The women screamed, or closed their eyes and waited for the end. It
exploded across them and they were engulfed in a huge flash of light.

 "What are you doing fool?" snarled Valdis as he looked at the boy.

 "I never liked them," said Ranma with a rough sounding snort.

 "Is that so? You're strong, perhaps you would join me then?" said Valdis
as he crossed his arms over his chest.

 "Naw, I'd rather die," said the boy with a snort.

 "So be it," said the man.

 "World Shaking! Deep Submerge! Venus Love Me Chain! Mars Fire Arrow!
Aqua Illusion! Thunder Wave! " cried all the Senshi at once.

 Valdis snorted as he turned and was struck by the brunt of the attacks.
He was thrown through the roof and outside.


 The light faded from around the senshi and they stood in defensive
positions, unable to do anything against the attack. 

 "What happened?" muttered Mercury as she looked at her hands for a
moment. "We can move!"

 "What was that?" stammered Jupiter.

 "I feel so...refreshed," said Neptune in wonder.

 "Worry about what he did later," said Uranus as she glared up at the
battle. "He's obviously in trouble. He wouldn't have freed us if he

 "Attack him!" cried Mars angrily.


 "What happened?" muttered Serenity as she looked over and saw Ranma
staring at his wrist. The boy paused and smirked at her for a moment. "Is
it over?"

 "No, we've just managed to piss him off," said the boy with a small
frown. "I've got an idea, but I need them to distract him while I build
enough power to pull it off. I also need them to lure him to an area of
the palace you don't mind losing."

 "Losing?" stammered Serenity in shock.

 "Think you ladies can handle that?" said Ranma as he turned towards the

 "How much time do you need?" asked Uranus coldly.

 "I'm not sure. You'll need to spread out so he can't pin you down that
way again. Hit and run, don't try and take him out. You're not powerful

 The women all nodded grimly and rushed towards a nearby exit.

 Serena rushed into the room with Endimyon beside her. A large group of
guards entered as well. "Your Highness! Cried one of the men in panic."

 "Mother!" cried Serena.

 "Serena! Are you all right?"

 "What's happening?" said Endimyon as he rushed to the queen's side as

 "I've got to go, there's not much time," said Ranma as he shot into the
air and out one of the holes in the ceiling.

 Pluto walked out of the shadows and frowned.

 "What are you doing here?" snapped Serenity as she looked at the woman.
"Get out there and help them!"

 "I cannot," said Pluto calmly as she returned the queen's gaze.

 "Why not?" growled the woman as she glared at her.

 "He is the anomaly I have been feeling. He is from the future," replied
Pluto calmly.

 "What?" said Serenity in shock.

 "The reason I am unable to see him, is because our futures' are directly
related. I cannot witness this battle," she replied coldly. She vanished
into a porthole and looked back at Serenity. "I do not believe he will

 The queen nodded and looked out through one of the holes in the ceiling.
She gasped when she noticed a bright light overhead. "What is that?"


 Nearby, in a large courtyard of the palace, the battle raged on.

 Valdis slammed his fist into Mercury's gut and she was thrown back
across the surface of the moon, bouncing along the ground as she rolled.

 "You're no match for me. Give up this pathetic battle," snarled the man
as he glared at the women. They were all sprawled out across the ground,
many of them were having trouble moving.

 "How much more time does he need?" grumbled Neptune.

 "We must give him as much as he needs," said Uranus as she struggled to
rise to her knees. "He is our only hope." Her tone was almost disgusted
as she said this.


 In the air above them Ranma floated with his eyes closed. "More time! We
need more time!"

 "They're still holding out," said Dan as he opened one of their eyes for
a moment and allowed them to peek.

 "The crystal is helping us, but its still taking to long," commented
Carrot. "Come on, we need more!"

 "I wish I could help!" said Pissant.

 "You can, keep a watch out for him. If he notices this we're screwed,"
said Ranma.

 "He's right, you need to be our eyes, we can't waste concentration
watching the fight," agreed Carrot.

 "Right!" said the voice.


 The senshi were on their last legs, they were beaten and tired. They
stumbled over one another, all trying to fight as best they could.

 A voice rang out across the courtyard, calling out to all of them.

 "Evil power who threatens my family and friends! I cannot allow this
travesty to continue! On behalf of the entire galaxy! I shall punish

 "Highness?" muttered Mars in shock.

 "No. Serena!" gasped Uranus as she looked up from her place on the
ground and saw the young princess. The girl was dressed in a senshi
uniform and stood on top of one of the walls with a cold scowl on her
face. "I shall protect my one true love, and defend my home to the death

 Valdis turned towards the girl and laughed out loud. "Who might you be?"

 "I am Sailor Moon! You're going down Asshole!" screamed the girl as a
wand appeared in her hand and she thrust it foreword. A blast of pink
energy slammed into the armored man's chest, throwing him back a bit.

 The other senshi looked at one another for a moment in shock at the
girl's words. They then rose to their feet, all of them had determined
looks on their faces. "We will not be defeated!" cried Neptune.

 "You already have been!" snarled Valdis as he waved his hand. An arc of
invisible energy threw all of the girls back. 

 Serena screeched and landed on her behind. Suddenly a new voice echoed
across the area. "That's all I need! Get the hell out of there!"

 The senshi looked up and gasped.

 Valdis slowly turned his head and growled. "What is this?" He paused
when he realized that the sun was unusually large. His eyes narrowed and
he staggered back in shock. "Impossible! You're nothing to me! See how
powerless you truly are!"

 Ranma merely nodded as he glared down at the dark clad figure. "Roger
that. Genki Denma!" The huge orb of power over his head was the size of a
three-story building, it rocketed down and slammed into Valdis.

 The man grabbed the ball of power and tried to push back, he was slowly
pushed into the ground though, and grunted in effort as he tried
desperately to escape. It was too late though, and the ball exploded,
taking about a fourth of the huge palace grounds with it. He screamed in
pain and was engulfed in the light.

 Ranma sighed and hung his arms in pain. He slowly floated to the ground
to where the senshi were standing and watching the explosion in awe. They
had barely managed to move far enough away in time.

 "What was that?" gasped Uranus.

 "Soul Bomb," replied Ranma with a smirk on his face. He looked
incredibly tired. 

 Serena rushed up and grabbed him in a rough hug. "You're safe!"

 Ranma looked down at her for a moment and chuckled. "So, you're one of
these crazy chicks now?"

 "Um. Yeah. Mom sort of passed it down to me, about ten minutes ago," she
said sheepishly.

 "Great. Let's get back," said Ranma as he started to stagger back
towards the palace.

 "Right," agreed the senshi.

 Ranma suddenly lurched foreword with a shocked look on his face.

 The senshi jumped away and gasped. Valdis had appeared with his fist in
the boy's gut.

 "No way!" cried Neptune in shock.

 "Begone!" snarled Valdis as he waved his free arm and threw them all
across the ground.

 "Didn't work," muttered Ranma as he leaned against the man's armor.

 "That hurt. You're going to pay for that," snarled Valdis as he shoved
the boy to his feet and backhanded him in the face.

 Ranma sailed across the surface of the moon and slammed into the wall of
the palace. He went through it and staggered to his feet again.

 "No!" he muttered in horror. "I don't have anything left to throw at

 Serenity stood up on her throne as the boy was sent crashing through the
wall of her throne room. He stood up and looked at her, panic clear in
his eyes. "She said you wouldn't lose," muttered the woman to herself.

 "I'm not dead yet," said Ranma as he turned to face the black armored
figure as he walked through the hole in the wall calmly. Ranma searched
around the room desperately, looking for anything that might help him.

 "Your attack was strong, but the power of the crystals protect me from
any harm," said the man coldly.

 Ranma narrowed his eyes at the man and frowned. "That's it! We've got to
get them away from him somehow!"

 Valdis snorted. "You are to weak to defeat me. You can barely stand, and
you have no power left."

 Ranma looked up at the ceiling, and smirked. It was a long shot, but it
might just work. 

 Valdis snarled and charged at him, rather than counter, Ranma started to
take hits as he backed away. 

 "So, you've given up?" snarled the armored man angrily.

 "No, and you fell for it," said Ranma with a cold smirk on his face.

 Valdis was thrown into the air violently, he struggled against the wind
that tore through the ceiling above him and into the sky. He jerked to a
stop suddenly and screamed in pain from inside the whirlwind. The man
looked down and saw a steel beam that was jutting through the ceiling
jutting through his chest.

 "I feel nothing, the power of the crystals protects me from..."

 Ranma appeared just in front of him with a cold smile on his face. The
boy grabbed the two crystals and pushed off of his chest with his feet,
ripping them free of the armor.

 "No!" gasped Valdis in horror. He jerked violently and slumped foreword,
hanging dead where he was speared.

 The whirlwind died down and Ranma fell from the ceiling and landed on
the floor flat on his back. He chuckled and opened his palms, which now
had all three crystals in his grasp. "Got ya," he said before he passed

 Serenity stood up from where she was and staggered over to his side. "Is

 Washuu walked up next to her and smiled as she looked at the readout on
the screen of her computer. "No. He's just exhausted, the fall didn't
even break anything."

 The queen nodded and stood up with a relieved smile on her face. "I


 Somewhere, deep in space...

 "So, Valdis has failed us?" said the cloaked figure as she stood in
front of a crystal ball and frowned.

 "It is of little consequence. The power of the Silver Imperium Crystal
has been weakened for eons to come by the battle, and the Moon Kingdom's
defenses will take years to repair completely," said a voice from all
around the figure.

 "So. That means that it will be ripe for the picking," said the cloaked
figure with a smirk forming on her face.

 "Valdis and his army have served their purpose. Now it is only a matter
of destroying Serenity and her Kingdom forever," said the voice.

 "Soon, I shall rule all," said the cloaked woman as she removed her

 "No Beryl. I shall rule all," corrected Metallia from the shadows.

 "As you say," said the woman placidly as she bowed her head a little.


 Ranma woke up several hours later in a soft bed and groaned as he sat
up. "Man. That was really cool."

 He looked around and frowned when he saw Hanna sitting in a chair
looking at him thoughtfully. She nodded to him and frowned. "I still hate

 "That's nice," he replied as he stood up and noticed that he was only
wearing a pair of boxers.

 "Serenity says she's going to send you home. You're well enough to go
anytime you like," said the woman with a small thoughtful looking smile
on her face. "Thanks to that crystal of hers."

 "Took it back did she?" said Ranma as he looked at his palms for a

 "Of course. There was some speculation on why you had it in the first
place," said Hanna with a small shrug.

 "Back to the shipping business?" said Ranma as he smirked at her and
noticed she was wearing what appeared to be a military uniform.

 "No. I'm piloting the personal transport of Princess Serenity from now

 "A promotion then. Good job," said Ranma with a small smirk as he got

 "I suppose. They won't let me use my ship anymore," she said flatly.
"It's being put in a museum somewhere on the other side of the moon."

 "Good," said Ranma with a nod. "Where's Washuu and the Princess. I
should say goodbye at least."

 "Washuu left for Mercury. Serenity sent her there. Seems she's a
professor at some famous science academy, and a lot of Mercury's
scientists went there. I haven't heard too much more about it."

 "Good for her then," said the boy with another nod.

 "Ranma. I'm glad you're going home and all. You've earned it, but if I
ever see you again. I'm going to kill you," said the woman as she looked
up at him.

 "Roger," said Ranma with a small salute. 


 "So, you're leaving?" said Serenity as she looked at the boy for a

 He nodded and smirked as he saw Serena and Endimyon standing off to the
side. "I've got to get back. I was sent here while fighting a powerful
monster. I can't just leave it there."

 "So, you are a defender of your world then?" asked Serenity with her
eyebrow arching slightly.

 "That's right. I protect the Earth, ten thousand or so years in the
future," replied the boy with a smirk on his face.

 "I see. I wish you luck on your journey," said Serenity as she held up a
small bottle of liquid. "To return to your own time, take this liquid and
say the words Klatu Verata Nictu."

 Ranma blinked and looked at the small vial. "You're kidding right?"

 "No. Use it and you will return to your own time wherever you are at the
time," said the woman with a small nod.

 "Using it here wouldn't be a good idea then," said Ranma to himself. He
looked up at her and smiled for a moment before he bowed. "Thank you for
your help." He turned and walked out the door and into the hall.


 Ranma paused and turned to see Serena rushing up to him from the throne
room. "What's up princess?"

 "You're sure you can't stay?" said the girl with tears starting to form
in her eyes.

 "Yeah. Sorry," he lied. "I've got friends counting on me back home. I
have to go," he said with a gentle smile.

 "I was hoping..." muttered the girl to herself.

 "Who knows, ten thousand years is a long time Serena. Maybe we'll meet
again?" said the boy as he looked at her for a moment.

 "I...I know we will!" exclaimed the girl.

 Ranma had to hold back a chuckle. That was uncannily accurate. "Don't
worry. I'm sure you'll make a great queen one day!" It was a lie, but he
didn't feel like telling her that she'd die before that day came. As
tempting as it was for some of them.

 "You think so?" said the girl.

 "Yeah," he said with a slightly nervous tone to his voice.

 The girl rushed up and grabbed him around his neck, kissing him full on
the lips for a long moment.

 He blinked in surprise when she broke it and shook his head. "Huh?"

 "For good luck! Goodbye!" she said as he turned and rushed down the hall
with tears in her eyes. " love..." she whispered to herself as she
rushed for her room.

 "What the hell was that about?" muttered the boy dumbly.


 In the Museum, Ranma smiled and nodded at the curator for a moment. 
 "You say you left something inside?" asked the stuffy looking man after
a moment.

 "Yeah," said Ranma as he watched the ramp come down. "This isn't on
display yet?" They were inside a large underground hangar with various
other ships lining the wall. Most of them older military models.

 "No. It won't go on display for a few more years yet," said the man with
a chuckle. "We'll keep it as is for a couple of years. Then after the
government releases the full report on the battle we'll put it up when we
create a new wing on the museum."

 "When's that supposed to happen?" asked Ranma as he looked at the man.

 "About five years from now, they're still looking at plans for the new
additions. Government takes forever to decide these things. You know how
it is," said the man with a shrug.

 "Great," said Ranma cheerfully. He walked into the ship and pulled out
the small bottle of liquid. He downed it and looked around.

 "You sure about this?" muttered Ranma inside their head.

 "Course. I know that movie by heart! Not even I could screw this up!"
said Carrot cheerfully. "Klatu Verata Nict...Achoooo!"

 There was a flash of light inside the ship, and the boy was gone.


 A year later, Beryl attacked and destroyed the Moon Kingdom.



 Next Time: The Return!
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