Subject: [FFML] [ffml][fanfic][x-over/fusion]Ranma's Bane, Chapter 9
From: Andrew Wilson
Date: 12/30/2000, 1:38 PM
To: ffml

Okay, this is the third time I've had to send this.  A

correction I made to the first attempt went out, but not the

post itself.

Many, many, many thanks go to my pre-readers, Slacker and

Mark Engelbert for their help with this fic, I couldn't have

gotten this far without them.

Also, previous chapters can be found at and

Amazing, this is the aniversary of my first posted fic. 

Where has the time gone?

Disclaimer: What?  You want a complete list of who owns

what?  But that takes the fun out

of guessing.  Suffice to say, only a small handful of

characters are mine, the rest are

adapted from one source or another.

Ranma's Bane

Chapter 9: Uprising

The moonlight illuminated three sleeping faces, and one face

scrunched up in concentration.

Setsuna was forced awake by the moon itself deciding to

shine directly into her eyes

through the window.  Shifting positions with a bit of

grumbling, she noticed Zelgadis

wide-awake and studying.

"What are you reading?"

Zelgadis held up a finger to silence her, and slowly moved

his lips as his eyes scanned a

paragraph.  Closing the book with a sigh, he tilted his head

back, resting his bloodshot


"It's a book of magic, given to me by an old friend."

"That Rezo you talked about yesterday?"

"No.  This one was totally different.  I met her in Russia

about the time the Americans

were dumping tea into one of their harbors.  It was a rather

backwards area, they didn't

even know what gunpowder was, but it also had it's charm. 

She was powerful, and knew

spells that could make an atom bomb look like a mosquito


"You're kidding, right?"


"And she gave this to you?"

"Not quite.  It, and several others, were passed on to me

when she died.  Her children and

grand children were killed in Napoleon's failed invasion,

and her husband had died a few

years earlier.  I was the only person left in the world that

she would trust with the


"What's in it?"

Zelgadis ran a finger along the binding.  It was a rather

thick book, easily several

hundred pages, and immaculate in it's preservation.

"In this particular book?  Two spells."

Setsuna stared at it. "Two.  In that?"

Zelgadis nodded. "They are rather powerful ones.  One of

them I learned almost immediately.

The other I've been studying off and on for fifty years, and

I think I might have it down."

"Why do you need that much?  Aren't your spells just waving

your arms and saying words?"

"Are your powers just looking at an object?" Zelgadis


"No, it takes concentration and knowing how to manipulate my


"Concentration and power manipulation, that is it exactly. 

Fully two thirds of this book

is how to control the second spell."

"What do they do?"

"The first, and easier, of the spells turns a creature's

life energy against them.  It only

seams to work on supernatural beings, so you're safe, while

the rest of us are not.  It's

called the Ra Tilt, though there is no indication of where

the name comes from."

"And the second?"

Zelgadis paused before answering. "There is a power behind

the Nightlords.  It's known only

as the Dark.  What is not known is whether it is a force, an

entity, or something else.

What is known is that it represents darkness, chaos, and

destruction.  This spell calls

upon that power.  Most of the text is a description of how

to keep control over the power,

and detailing what happens if your concentration breaks. 

Trust me, it's not pretty."

"Summoning such an evil power?  For what purpose?"

Zelgadis shrugged. "I guess the power is similar to magic, a

tool to be used for good or

ill.  Or it could be a force of raw destruction, with no

redeeming qualities.  In either

case, I think I can use its power against the Nightlords."

Eager to change the subject, Setsuna ran a finger along the

rough stone of Zelgadis' hand.

"What does it feel like, having stone skin?"

Zelgadis pulled his hand away. "It feels normal to me,

though a little rigid.  That's all I

really notice these days."

"What was it like before?"

"Before Xelloss trapped me like this?  I had something

resembling a normal life.  I would

settle somewhere, stay a few years, and move on when things

got boring, or when people got

suspicious about how I didn't seem to age."

"Did you ever fall in love?" Setsuna asked hesitantly.

"Fall in love?" Zelgadis asked with an incredulous look.

"That's a rather odd question,

considering the condition you've been in."

Now it was Setsuna's turn to shrug. "This has been the first

time I've been able to relax

since I found the staff.  I guess everything that I

suppressed in order to survive is

coming back."

"What do you mean?"  Zelgadis asked.  When Setsuna shot a

nervous glance at the sleeping

pair across from them, he chuckled. "Don't worry about

them.  Unless Ranma gets attacked or

offered food, he doesn't wake up."

"How do you know?"

"I had to wake him up two days ago.  He didn't even stir

when I was shouting in his face."

Setsuna chuckled. "I can believe that."

"And Kasumi isn't subtle enough to fake being asleep,"

Zelgadis continued. "So what did you


"Do you know what it's like to have to push aside all your

emotions, all your hopes,

everything that makes you human, just to survive?"

"More than would believe."

Setsuna nodded. "Then you understand what I went through.  I

was close to snapping when

those two came into the picture, and I latched onto them

like a drowning man grabs at a

life preserver.  It wasn't until later that I realized what

I had done, but by that time I

had learned more about them, and knew my instincts had been

right.  Weird, isn't it?"

"Kasumi may have had something to do with it."

That threw Setsuna off. "What do you mean?"

"It's some kind of aura she puts out.  No, don't ask me how,

or why, because I don't know.

For some beings, it dampens hostility, and encourages people

to trust her."

"That's... odd."

"No kidding."

"You never answered my question."

Zelgadis paused for a moment. "It's a long story, I'll tell

you another time."

"I'll hold you to that."

Setsuna and Zelgadis both settled back into their seats,

intent on sleep.  Neither noticed

Kasumi's smile.


Xelloss walked down the corridors of Ahriman's fortress,

once again dressed in his normal

attire.  Recent events had frustrated his master, and that

meant the avatar was also

frustrated (to an extent, the mental connection between the

two was minimal).  The main

reason for frustration was the aborted project.

Arriving at the correct door, Xelloss waved his hand,

willing the door to open.  When it

failed to respond, he waved again, and sent a force bolt

into the door and shattering it.

"There is a custom among most sentient beings," a relaxed

voice said from inside, "it's

called 'knocking.' Have you ever though of trying that?"

The figure in question was lounging in a corner, listening

to classical music from a stereo

that was horribly out of place in the medieval-looking

castle.  It was another of Ahriman's

Greaters, raised from the ranks due to his immense psionic

power.  He was wearing a black

military uniform, black shirt, jacket, pants, boots, even

black gloves.

"If you had answered the previous summons," Xelloss replied,

"there wouldn't be such a


The doppelganger shrugged. "I have the report.  And the

explanation.  By the time I had

gathered them, I knew that the deadline had passed, so I

figured I would wait for your


"Really, Bester, the Master does not like such insolence. 

But give me the report anyway."

"Once again," Bester began, "I must note my objection to the

idea of introducing such a

powerful psychic to artifact."

"Your objection was ignored.  The Master wished to have full


"I understand that.  But you know as well as I do the more

powerful someone's will, the

easier it is to break free of whatever influence is placed

on them."

"Your programming lasted for twenty years, why did it fail


"A case of too many cooks spoiling the soup.  You and Tofu

did great work with the

theoretical stage, but when Washu was brought in to

implement the plans was the beginning

of the problem. You know how she overdoes things."

"Of course, but why did the programming fail?"

"Because I had to refresh the programming on a strict

schedule.  Subduing those bird-people

in preparation for the invasion prevented me from getting to

her in time.  Then the

artifact was introduced too early, which put cracks in the


"And the recovery device shattered those barriers?"

"Not only that, it allowed the artifact to eliminate the


"So how is this not your fault?"

Bester did not even break a sweat. "I admit, I did

miscalculate.  But I did as well as I

could with the materials available.  Am I to be punished for


"Yes, but not executed.  Be thankful that the Master

understands that idea."

"Very well," Bester shut off the music. "What is to happen?"

"You are to aid Washu in her experiments for the next week."

Bester's face sagged. "I thought you said I wasn't to be



"Of course you realize, this is all your fault," Zelgadis


"Hey!" Ranma protested. "It is *not* my fault."

"You're both right," Kasumi commented.

They were currently under armed guard.  While this wasn't

very unusual for three of the

group (the lesson here is never mention New York to Ranma),

the fact that they were

supposed to be in friendly territory was a problem.

"How do you figure both of us are right?" Zelgadis asked


Kasumi simply smiled. "I don't, but saying so stopped your

bickering, didn't it?"

Several of the guards chuckled at that comment.  One of them

touched a small device in his

ear, then gestured with his rifle.

"The boss is waiting for you.  Come on."

The four were escorted though several halls in the

nondescript building they had been led

to shortly after arriving in Union Station.  As they passed

more rooms Ranma realized that

they were in an abandoned school, though how it came to be

abandoned was still a mystery.

Soon after completing that though, they arrived at the gym. 

The large room was occupied by

a handful of people scattered around, practicing various

forms of exercise.

The guards led the companions to a set of chin-up bars,

where a powerful-looking man was

wiping sweat from his body with a towel.  As they

approached, Setsuna gasped in horror.

The man's body was covered in hideous burns, making his skin

look like ground meat.

"What's the deal?" Ranma asked. "Why were we dragged in here

under guard?"

"Always the same," the man replied, chuckling, "I still

can't figure out why Kasumi puts up

with you."

"Ease off, Burgerface," Zelgadis said. "What's going on

here?  I thought the lot of you

were trying to keep a low profile?"

"We like to," Burgerface replied, shifting into a

normal-looking, dark skinned man, "but

right now we're getting ready for the big one, so it's

necessary to have the smaller cells

group together."

"When did you learn guerilla tactics?" Ranma asked.

"About the same time the plans began coming together,"

Burgerface shot back.

"Brian," Kasumi asked, "why were you in your Morphus when we


Burgerface shrugged. "I heard you were bringing in a new

person.  I needed to see how she

would react."

"And did she pass?" Zelgadis asked.

Burgerface turned and studied Setsuna. "Shocked at first,

then recovered quickly.  And most

likely annoyed at us for talking about her when she's right


Setsuna made no reply.

"But that's beside the point," Burgerface continued. "It's

good to see you three again,

though I didn't expect you, Zelgadis, to hook up with these

two trouble magnets."

Zelgadis smirked. "Look who's talking.  I seem to remember a

young man in the middle of a

riot who needed a little bailing out."

Burgerface laughed as he threw an arm around Zelgadis'

shoulder. "I remember.  Now, judging

by your new friend's appearance, there should be a good

story to tell."

"You have no idea." Ranma said, allowing himself to be led



The rest of the day was spent exchanging stories.  The next

morning, Burgerface showed them

a set of maps detailing the central area of Typhoon, the

Nightlands double of Chicago.

"The Windy City becomes Typhoon," Setsuna commented, "the

Land of the Rising Sun becomes

Land of the Dark Sun, Los Angeles becomes Devil's City. 

What's New York, the Rotten


"Doom Harbor," Kasumi corrected, studying the map. "Brian,

why is the map so limited?"

"Old fashioned need-to-know," Burgerface replied. "The cell

system strikes again.  The

other maps detail barracks and armories closer to the

perimeter.  Our objective is Magog's

fortress in the center of the city."

"We're going after a Nightlord." Setsuna deadpanned.

"You guessed it, sweetie." Burgerface replied, earning him a

(low-powered) mind bolt to the


"Okay," he continued, once the shock to his system went

away, "I guess I deserved that.

The operation starts in a couple days, so I have the

unfortunate task of bringing

latecomers like you four up to speed."

"So what's the plan?" Ranma asked. "Some kind of raid?"

"Similar." Burgerface pointed to a spot on the map about a

half-mile from the fortress.

"We're inserting here, doing a combination of mirror shifts

and Nightland portals.  Once

there, we get into the building and take out Magog.  Simple

in theory-"

"But not in application," Zelgadis interrupted. "What's the

opposition around there look


"Relatively small by the time we get there.  Maybe a

thousand Hunters and Hound Masters."

Kasumi studied the map for a moment more. "So there are

going to be several attacks and

raids along the outer perimeter to force Magog's troops out

of the inner city.  That

distraction should allow a few small groups to slip in and

cause trouble."

"How many?" Zelgadis asked.

"Two others," Burgerface replied. "The groups are a mix of

Nightbane, humans, Guardians,

and others."

"What others?"

"Let me guess," Ranma said before Burgerface could answer,

"rogue vampires and Wampyrs,

Doppelgangers, and probably a few minor demons in the mix."

Burgerface nodded. "They want the Nightlords dead as much as

we do.  'Enemy of my enemy'

and all that."

"Just don't make any deals with the Devil, alright?"


The briefing went on for most of the day, finally breaking

up in the middle of the

afternoon.  After they broke, Ranma headed to the gym to

work off some of his frustration.

While it would take more than a couple days without practice

for his skills to degrade,

sometimes he just had the urge to hit something.  The way

the operation was planned caused

such an urge.  He knew enough about tactics to know that you

needed to be aware of the

entire situation if you wanted to stay alive.  But the

leaders of the resistance, whoever

they were, kept thinking about traitors.  It was one of the

reasons Ranma and Kasumi never

officially joined.  Neither of them wanted to work with such

close-minded people, and from

the looks of it, Zelgadis and Setsuna were of similar


About halfway though his routine, Ranma heard someone

walking back and forth outside the

gym doors.  Peeking out, Ranma saw a man wandering the


"Hey, buddy, you lost?"

The man turned, and Ranma though he recognized him.  He was

large, close to six feet tall

and built like an American-style football player.  He was

wearing black pants and a yellow

sweater, and his hair was held back by a striped, orange

bandana.  Strapped to his backpack

was a large, black umbrella.

"Ranma," the man whispered.

"Sorry, do I know you?"

"DIE!" the man screamed, swinging his umbrella.  Ranma

dodged the strike, the result of

which was a loud crash and large hole in the wall.

Ranma ducked back into the gym, and from there made a leap

to the ceiling.  Hanging from

the support beams, he watched the man enlarged the hole he

made by bursting through the

wall rather than taking the door.

*Why is that guy so familiar?  Let's see, bad temper, lost,

inhumanly strong, carrying a

really heavy umbrella, wanting to kill me... that's it!*

"Long time, no see, Ryoga," Ranma called.

Ryoga let out a long bellow as he pulled a half dozen

bandanas from his head a hurled them

at Ranma.  They were easy to dodge, however, and Ranma

dropped to the ground in their wake.

"What is it this time, Pig-boy?  And why are you in


Ryoga stopped for moment, the rage fading from his eyes.

"They make great hot dogs here."

As suddenly as it left, the red-hot anger was back. "I've

seen hell because of you, and now

you've dragged Akane along with you!"

Ranma effortlessly weaved in and out of Ryoga's punches.

"Oh, you mean about her being



"You're too late, Bacon-breath, Kasumi and I busted her and

Nabiki out a couple weeks ago."

That statement stopped Ryoga cold. "You did?"

"Yes, we did," Kasumi said, as her hand delicately (though

painfully) gripped several

pressure points on Ryoga's neck.  As she walked into his

view, Ryoga could see her eyes

burning with anger.

"Eep," Ryoga squeaked, as Kasumi's skin darkened and her

eyes began to glow.  He could also

feel the claws growing where she gripped his neck.

"Now, Ryoga," Kasumi's voice was calm, despite here eyes'

red glow, "what did I say about

attacking my husband?"

"It's alright," Ranma assured her, "just a little


Kasumi released her grip on Ryoga's neck and shifted back to

her facade. "You two should

keep it down, I'm surprised half the complex isn't here

demanding to know what's going on."

"Close enough," Zelgadis said from the doorway. "You'd think

that a Greater Hound was

attacking, with how much noise you two made."

Ryoga began to sweat. "Um, I'll just be going now."  As he

backed out through the hole he

made in the wall, he was blocked by Setsuna and her staff.

"Is this the infamous Ryoga that you two have told me so

much about?"

"Yes, Setsuna, he is," Kasumi replied.

"Um, can I go now?" Ryoga asked.

"No," came the reply from four throats as the quartet put

their heads together.

"What should we do?"

"Why not just let him go?  It's not like he's a danger."

"We can't risk that.  If he's captured it would blow the

entire operation."

"You know, we could use some extra firepower when the raid


"Good idea, Ranma.  What about you, Setsuna?"

"Fine by me.  Zel?"


The huddle was broken, and Kasumi approached Ryoga. "Ryoga,

would you like a chance for

revenge against the people who hurt Akane?"

Ryoga looked, understandably, skeptical. "What do you mean?"

"The shit is about to hit the fan," Ranma explained, "and we

could use another pair of

strong arms."

Ryoga smiled. "Asking my help, Ranma?"

Ranma shrugged. "I guess so."

"Then count me in, just so I can see what's got an arrogant

prick like you worried."


Zelgadis waited until he was a short distance away before

punching the wall.  The dent he

put in it was smaller than the hole Ryoga created.

"How are you able to keep that anger inside?"

Zelgadis turned to see Setsuna walking up.

"How do you know what I feel?" Zelgadis asked.

Setsuna laughed. "Never lie to a psychic, Zelgadis, I

thought you would have learned that

by now.  Will you at least tell me what's wrong?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Try me."

Zelgadis paused, unsure of how to proceed.  "If you're

psychic, can you tell why I hate

Xelloss so much?"

Setsuna shook her head. "I don't probe my friends."

"Friends?" Zelgadis laughed. "This from a woman who didn't

know what to believe about the

world just last night."

"I trust you," Setsuna said with a shrug.

Zelgadis studied her for a moment. "I guess you do." Turning

away, he clenched his fist

hard enough that sparks flew from the rubbing stones.

"What is it?" Setsuna asked.

"I can't tell you," Zelgadis replied. "Not yet."

"I'll hold you to that, you know."

"I know."


It was close to midnight before Ranma was finally able to

retire.  The 'room' he shared

with Kasumi was little more than an office, most likely

belonging to a teacher back when

the school was occupied.  It was barely large enough for the

hammock that passed for their


"I was wondering when you would get back." Kasumi said, not

giving any other indication

that she was awake.

"How long have you been practicing that?" Ranma asked.

"Not long."

Ranma settled into the hammock as Kasumi inched over to make

room.  With a tired sigh he

lay back and made his body relax.  A well-thrown shoe in the

direction of the light switch

bathed the room in darkness.

"How long were you sparing with Ryoga?"

"Pretty long.  He's gotten better over the years, though so

have I.  He was also talking

about a new technique of his, but refused to show it."

"That's strange."

"No kidding."

Kasumi shifted over to use Ranma's shoulder as a pillow.  Of

course, in doing so, her

knee's became level with Ranma's ankles.  It often surprised

people that Kasumi almost half

a head taller than Ranma, though both attributed the

difference to ten years of

malnutrition under Genma's 'care.'

"Something's on your mind."

Kasumi shifted a bit. "What makes you say that?"

"I know you too well.  What's wrong?"

"Ranma, what's the longest we've ever stayed in one place

since the Dark Day?"

Ranma had to think for a moment. "About three months in

London. That was a year ago."

"In all that time, has there been any place that you call


"What do you mean?'

"We've lived in all sorts of places, but we never could

settle down.  We always had to stay

on the move because of the situation.  Others of our kind

have been able to lead relatively

normal lives, but not us.  We are forced to wander because

of the chaos you attract."

Ranma laughed softly, then kissed the top of Kasumi's head.

"You, of all people, should

know that a home is a state of being, not a place.  For me,

home is anyplace where I'm with


"Why is it you weren't nearly this eloquent when we first


"Every time I tried to say what I really felt, I got

splashed, smashed, malleted, poisoned,

attacked, or some combination of those."

"You have a point," Kasumi said as they both drifted off to


End chapter 9

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