From: Usui Tenken
Date: 11/19/2000, 4:12 PM

This is a short fic making fun of how juraians have no

problem with marrying within the family. It also kinda

makes fun of the dubbed version of TM. Personally, I

think that the English voice of Tenchi sounds a lot

like kermit the frog. Anyway, hope you laugh or

something. Made in less than 15minutes.

On the planet Jurai a lone prince landed on the

bountiful planet. 

His mission to seduce the princess of Jurai, Ayeka.

Ayeka: "Who are you?"

Kermit: "I am prince kermit of Froggalon. My beautiful


Ayeka: "Beautiful Ayeka? If you have come to win my

heart than think

        again frog. My heart and soul belong to Tenchi


Kermit: "I do not wish to replace your love, but to

fill it. Besides

         isn't he your nephew."

Ayeka blushes " I love


Kermit: "Ayeka show me your big boobies so that I may

suck and lick

         them. Then we can have children from which

you may have sexual


Ayeka: "Oh Kermit! Your as big as my dear brother

Yosho! Maybe even....BIGGER!"

Kermit: "Ayeka my sweet! Come with me to Froggalon

where I shall shag you rotten everyday."

Ayeka: "Yes I will marry you but first I must get

permission from my father."

Kermit: "Will he say yes?"

Ayeka: "He'll say yes no matter what!"

Later that day Ayeka seeks an audience with the king

of Jurai

King: "My dear Ayeka what is it you desire today?"

Ayeka: "Oh daddy I am so in love with a man that I

wish to marry."

King: "this is wonderful news. I am so glad to hear

that you are not a lesbien. So who is this

       strapping lad that you wish to marry. Your

cousin Daemien, your grandson Mephisto, your...."

Ayeka: "No daddy! This man is not related to me."

The kings face turns red, "AYEKA! You know the rules.

No Jurain has ever married a non relative."

Ayeka: "But Daddy! I love him. I love my kermy."



Ayeka: "No DADDY! If you do I shall sell my tree to

the space Witch Ursula."

King: "But then Disneyyensid could sue us for

copyright infrignment."

Ayeka: "Then I have no choice I must do what I must


The king gets a smile on his face as Ayeka sits on his

lap. "Daddy your about to get the lap

dance of your life." "There there Ayeka you've always

known how to harden my heart."

Ayeka blushes.

That night Ayeka woke up in bed next to her father and

her two mothers. 

Ayeka "Mom get your boobs out of my face."

Misake "I'm terribly sorry Ayeka. I thought you wished

to nurse again."

Ayeka " I haven't nursed on you since I was 1000 years


Misake "So has your father said yes?"

Ayeka "He said yes several times. So I figuered after

the 30th time I would ask him about my

marriage again."

Misake "You are as sly as I was." she laughs out loud

The two of them grin at each other and then begin

lesbien activities.

The next morning Ayeka found Kermit and the marriage

ceremonies began.

Kermit "You've made this the happiest day of my life."

Ayeka: "Same here."

VOICE: "StOp BaD mAnN CuNt MaRrY AyEkA. Me wIlL UsE mY

JuRaIn PoWeRs To StOp YoU."

Ayeka: "Bizarro NO! I can't mate with you like a wild

monkey anymore because I'm

        getting married."

Bizarro: "AyEkA cOuSin No LiKe BiZaRrO?"

Ayeka: "No Bizarro I love you very much my

grand-cousin" and she mutters to herself, "and your so

surprisingly well hung."

Bizarro: "OhKaY, mE wIlL wAtCh AyEkA gEtTuM aRrIeD."

Ayeka: "Thank you Bizarro."

The ceremony ended and the honey moon began on


Ayeka "Is this really necessary"

Kermit "Yes posing in obviously triple X possitions

turns me on and taking pictures of it only

makes me Randier."

Ayeka "So then when do you want to do it with me?"

Kermit "Soon Ayeka."

Ayeka thinks to herself "I guess it is okay that he

hasn't jumped my bones yet since I'm pregnant

with daddy's child again."


Kermit and Ayeka lived happily as trailer trash on the

planet Froggalon. For you see Kermit

was not a real prince, he just lied on his "WHO WANTS


Months Later in a space dock....

Ryoko is in a bar. 

Ryoko "Give me another double"

Bartender "Aye."

Ryoko "Oh and pass me that calender"

The bartender grins, "one of those eh? heh heh. I'll

fix that."

Ryoko "Oh, I'm too much woman for you."

She seductively lures him in, grabs him and then

throws him across the room. Acting

like nothing happened, she hands ryo-ohki a carrot

guzzles her saki and looks at the

calender with the naked Ayeka on it.

Ryoko grins and then bursts out laughing.

The EnD :P


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