Subject: [FFML] Re: [ffml][fanfic][Ranma x-over/fusion]A Dark Day in Nerima C&C.
From: Slacker
Date: 9/19/2000, 10:55 PM
To: Fanfiction Mailing List
CC: Andrew Wilson <>

--- Andrew Wilson <> wrote:
And you thought my fics were weird before?

Not particularly. They were... unique. It's good to be unique. (Or at
least that's what my mom always told me.)

Well, since you got mostly nitpicky Englishy things from my
pre-reading, now you're going to get the weird comments and downright
twisted humor I usually give you. Heh.
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Ranma's Bane

Chapter 1: A Dark Day in Nerima.

Nerima Ward, Tokyo, Japan
March 3rd, 2000, 10:55 pm

Cologne sighed as she entered her meditations.  *This messenger
better have a good reason for calling now,* she said to herself. 
Letting her mind drift into realms unseen by most humans, she saw
the spectral form of the messenger.  The boy looked incredibly
nervous, and Cologne knew it wasn't just her reputation.

"Out with it, boy," she growled, "or don't you have any idea what
time it is here?"

Cologne: It's almost 11! The rate for overseas astral communication
is murder! Couldn't it have waited until the weekend? Then it's just
five cents a minute!
"I apologize, elder," the boy said with a bow, "but I do not have
much time.  The Night is coming."

"And I'm scared of the dark."
Had Cologne been balanced on her staff, the message would have
caused her to crash to the floor.  "Now?" she asked in disbelief.

The messenger nodded, apologetically.  "In about five minutes,
actually.  My teachers gave me a list of people to warn tonight. 
You were, I'm sorry to say, on the bottom of the list."

"My teachers said something about 'teaching that Amazon not to invite
US to her birthday partys.'"
Cologne bit out a rather fierce Amazon curse.  "Thank you for the
warning," she said.  "I suggest we both depart this place.  Who
knows what kind of effects there will be."

"We could end up dressed in plaid."

The messenger bowed, then faded away.  Cologne hesitated, then
traveled back to her own body.  Upon returning, she rushed down to
the kitchen, where Shampoo and Mousse had just finished cleaning up
the restaurant.

>From their earlier bout of mad, passionate sex. They thought the
stains would never come out of the carpet.

"Come," she ordered, "we are going to the Tendo house."

"Already did. Repeatedly, in fact." Shampoo said while lighting up a
"Why?" Shampoo and Mousse asked simultaneously, then looked at each
other in surprise.

"Because it's about to hit the fan. And it always hits there
first," the elder replied. Modern slang came in handy some times. 
"I'll explain on the way."

Cologne was a block away from the Cat-Cafe when the stars
disappeared from the night sky, leaving an endless curtain of black
from horizon to horizon.

Meanwhile, in Asgard:

    "Skuld! Did you forget to pay the light bill AGAIN?!"


Ranma shivered as she rinsed herself off.

"Stupid Pops," she grumbled, "school's tomorrow, the teachers are
getting on my case about sleeping in class, and he gets the bright
idea of a late night training session."

An odd shiver went through her body as he headed for the tub.
Dismissing it as the cold water and air, she plunged into the hot


Akane was lifting weights in her room, with Nabiki watching and
balancing her account book, when a scream came from the bathroom. 
The two girls recognized the voice as Ranma's.  After walking
calmly to the bathroom (they had heard screams before, random bit
of weirdness surrounding Ranma), Nabiki knocked on the door.

"Room service! Do you want your pillows fluffed?"
"Go away!" Ranma screamed back at them.

"Oh come on, Ranma," Akane huffed. "It's not like we aren't used to
weird stuff."

They have Akane's cooking, after all.
"Not like this, child."

Both girls turned to see Cologne pogo up to them on her staff. 
Akane placed herself between the ghoul and the door, while Nabiki
asked herself why neither of them heard the old bat arrive.

They needed to change the batteries in their hearing aids?
"So, where's the bimbo?" Akane asked.

"Shampoo is in the kitchen," Cologne replied, "attempting to keep
the sake bottle away from your father.  I need everyone sober for
this.  And I need Ranma out of that bathroom."

"For what?" Nabiki asked, alarms being set off by Cologne not
referring to Ranma as "son-in-law" or "groom."  "What'd you do to
Ranma this time?"

Cologne shook her head. "Nothing, child. By the sound and location
of the scream, I presume it means that Ranma is trapped in his
cursed form. However, the timing of this, and the fact that neither
I, nor anyone else I know of, has done anything to Ranma means that
this is much worse."  Cologne tapped the bathroom door with her
staff.  "Isn't that right, Ranma?"

Ranma: "No! That's not right!"

Nabiki: "Then what's wrong?"

Ranma slids open the door. She holds up a bathroom scale. 

    "I gained ten pounds! WAAAAAAH!"

The door slid open, revealing Ranma, wearing the top to her gi.  It
was not the same Ranma that went into the room, though. Besides the
twitching, (either from nervousness or fear, Nabiki couldn't tell
which) there were a multitude of physical changes.  Ranma's ears
were larger, coming to points, with ruffs of blond fur along the
backs.  A red and blond-striped tail could be seen swaying behind
her legs, and small claws slid in and out of new folds in her
fingertips.  A startling change was her eyes, which had acquired
vertical slits, like a cat's.  All these were secondary, for what
truly caught everyone's attention were the markings that had
appeared on her skin.  They looked like a primitive painting of
water, slashes of dark blue of varying length and thickness.  When
Ranma moved, however, the markings seemed to stay still, as though
they were being projected onto her skin.
"Catgirls, and the Fanboys Who Love Them." Next time on Jerry.

"I was afraid of this," Cologne sighed, then gently guided Ranma
toward the family room.  "Come, children, I will explain as much as
I can."

Cologne: <Let's see. What can I tell them? Hmmm. I've got it! "You're
screwed!" No, that doesn't work. "You're really screwed!"? No. "Words
don't exist for the level of screwed you are now!"? Yup. That'll do.>


Ranma was huddled in a corner as the others gathered around the
table.  Most were staring in disbelief at transformation.

Nabiki was taking pictures and muttering something Jerry Springer and

"You don't need to worry," Cologne explained, "the lock is not
permanent.  Rather, Ranma's transformation has become an act of

'act of will'? Is that like an act of God? AAAAHHH! Big mallet!
"He's cured!" Genma exclaimed.  Cologne rapped him on the head
before he and Soun could start their happy dance.

"No, Ranma is *not* cured.  If anything, he's in worse shape than

"Now we have to worry about paper-training him. And him shredding the
furniture with his claws. Oh, I'd suggest keeping any catnip away
from him, too."
"I-I I'll be alrrright," Ranma stuttered. "Just give me a minute."

"I doubt that, Ranma," Cologne replied.  "But you will be better
than you are now."

Just as Ranma predicted, she stopped shivering a few moments later.
 Standing up, she flowed, no other word could describe the fluid
grace in her movement, over to the table and sat down, though as
far from Genma as was possible.

"As I said," Cologne repeated, "it is better than before."

"What has happened to my son!" Genma yelled.

"I need to know if I can make any money off of it! Oh, wait. I said
that out loud. Crap."

"What has happened to Ranma is but one of our worries," Cologne
shot back.  "Or perhaps you have not looked at the sky in the past
few minutes."

Genma glanced towards the door.  When Cologne threatened them with
her cane, he and Soun opened it and glanced outside.

"Some clouds," Genma said as they returned to the table, "nothing

"Much more, Panda-man," Shampoo piped in, "it scare Shampoo."

"Which should give you an idea of how serious the situation is,"
Cologne continued. "What has happened is troubling, and Ranma is
right in the middle of it."

Which should surprise no one. He's just lucky that way.
"What's happened to me, old ghoul." Ranma growled.

"There is another race on this planet, one that is the source of
many myths.  No one knows where they come from, or what causes them
to be.  They appear randomly among humans, with no regard for race,
sex, religion."

Hey! Actual correction. Weird.

"...race, sex, or religion."

We now return to our usual odd comments.
"There can be only one?" Nabiki quoted.

"Surprisingly enough, there are many similarities.  This race is
one of shape-changers.  Their 'awakening,' as it is called, happens
anytime between the end of childhood and the beginning of full
adulthood, mostly in the persons late teens or early twenties, and
are often triggered by moments of great emotional stress, though it
is not unheard of for a transformation to occur in their sleep."

In other words, around puberty. Geez, and I bet you thought you had
it bad with acne and voice changes.

"In school," Nabiki commented, "we read a book about a guy who
turned into a cockroach."

"Kafka.  It is long suspected that he might be one of them, or at
least have something to do with them."

"One of WHAT?" Akane demanded.  "And where's Kasumi?"

"Oh, she's at her night job." Nabiki answered.

"She has a night job?" Akane asked.

"Yeah. She's a stripper." Ranma interjected. "I'm glad she took my
advice. I knew she was a natural."

(Ok, I feel slightly soiled and sick now. Oh, wait. That's heartburn.
Never mind.)

Everyone looked startled.  They had been so shocked by Ranma's
transformation that they had missed the fact that the eldest Tendo
daughter was missing from the table.

An odd glint appeared in Ranma's eyes as she raced up the stairs. 
Cologne followed, with the others trailing behind her.  The mob
arrived at Kasumi's door to find Ranma pounding on it, almost
breaking it.

"Go away!" Wailed a voice from inside.

"Me and Dr. Tofu are busy! Hey, stay down! I don't care if the
handcuffs are uncomfortable!"

Ranma glanced at Cologne, who gave a small nod.  Ranma turned back
to the door, and threw the it open with a grunt, almost shattering

You have an unnecessary qoutation mark at the end of that paragraph.

Another actual correction! Thats two! 
Ranma stepped into the darkened room, searching for a light.  She
found Kasumi's beside lamp on the ground near the door, shattered. 
As she walked further into the room, she was amazed at how her eyes
adapted to the gloom.  Before long, she could see another lamp on
the desk, and a quivering mound on the bed. She walked over and
switched on the desk lamp.  As light bathed the room, a gasp rose
from the assembled crowd.

I could make a joke about 'quivering mound', but I'm trying to be a
good boy. Besides, anyone who would have got it has already made it
mentally, now.

If Ranma's transformation had been dramatic, Kasumi's bordered on
the horrifying.  Her hair had become a mass of silver feathers,
contrasting with her now pitch-black skin.  Her eyes were glowing
yellow, and surrounded by mask-like patches of silver, with streaks
arching from the bridge of her nose to her temples, where they
intersected a pair spreading from the corners of her eyes.  When
the steaks met her hairline, they became black streaks upon the
feathers, forming the illusion of an odd circlet.  Her fingernails
had turned the same silver color, and had grown to a point where
they resembled claws.  Most shocking of all were two great wings
emerging from her back, the black feathers glittering with silver

Whoo-hoo! Love the description! On behalf of Andrew, let me beg:
She was huddled on her bed.  Though her knees were drawn up to her
chin, the others could see that the wings growing from her back had
shredded her nightgown.  Nabiki also saw that her sister had been
crying, her tears making silver streaks on her face. In one hand
she held the cross that had been given to her by their mother.

"What's happened to me?" She cried, dropping the necklace to the

Cologne picked it up and gently closed Kasumi's fingers around it. 
"There is much I have to tell you, child, and little time to do it.
 Will you listen?"

"You see, Kasumi, when girls get to a certain age... Wait, that's the
other 'talk.' Whoops."
As Kasumi calmed down in the next minutes, the glow in her eyes
paled until it was a pure white.   "I can listen," she said.

"Good," Cologne nodded, "the rest of you must leave."

As they filed out of the room, Cologne spoke again. "Not you,
Ranma. You stay here. I need both of you for this."


Once the others had left, Cologne turned back to the two
transformed youths.

"They took that rather well," she commented.

"Father is still in shock." Kasumi's voice still showed strain.

"I suppose that is why he has not charged in here, screaming a
demand to know what happened." Kasumi merely nodded. "Child, it is
not much of a condolence, I am sorry this happened to the two of

"But what happened?" Ranma asked.

"You heard my explanation of the other race, correct?"  When Ranma
nodded, she continued.  "Good, I expect you to inform Kasumi of
what it means when we finish here.  Suffice to say, you two are
members of that race.  My people call you 'Friends in the
Shadow's,' though you would more commonly be called 'Nightbane.'"

Everyone who had already guessed what the crossover was, raise your

Wow. Not many of you. Cool. Good job, Andrew!
"That doesn't sound good," Ranma commented.

Hmmm, talent for understatement is still there.
"You are the bane of the night, a race of warriors to protect the
human race from a great evil.  Because of that, you will also be
hunted by that evil.  Everyone you are close to is in danger."

"How do you know this?" Kasumi asked.

"The National Enquirer. It's how a learn everything. How do you think
I came up with the Full-Body Cat Tongue?"

"I am a member of a group called the Seekers.  We are a group of
scholars, philosophers, and researchers with one thing in common: a
passion for magic and the unknown.  What has happened tonight is
the herald of an invasion by the darkness.  A byproduct of the
energy released is that many Nightbane all over the world have
awakened. Undoubtedly, most are unsure of what they are.  Lost,
confused, and desperate for explanations, they will be easy prey
for the darkness.  The two of you need to leave here before that
darkness comes for you."

"Leave?" Disbelief was strong in Kasumi's tone as her eyes began to
turn blue. "But where will we go?"

"How should I know? Ask Andrew! He's the one writing this blasted
fic!" Cologne shouted, then continued in a mutter, "Kids. Always
asking questions."
"You must seek out others of your kind.  There are elders who have
been alive for centuries.  They can teach you what you need to

"What about you?"

"I am not a Nightbane, so I can only point the way.  Besides,
Amazon law is very specific about the 'Friends in the Shadow's.' 
We are forbidden from harming them, but we also must try to
minimize contact, else the village is put at risk. 
Congratulations, Ranma," Colognes voice was rueful, "you have found
a way to escape Shampoo."

Turning into a Nightbane vs. marrying Shampoo. I think Ranma got
shafted on this deal. (Depends on your view of Shampoo, I guess.)

Ranma smiled weakly.  "I wish I didn't have to get stuck as a
girrrl to do so."

"You are not trapped," Cologne replied. "You simply need to learn
how to change.  It requires an act of will.  That is another thing
you have to learn."

"What about that prrromise Pops made with Mr. Tendo?  They won't
let us leave unless I marrry Akane."

Cologne though for a few moments, and watched the two youths. 
Ranma was kneeling beside the bed, while Kasumi was still curled up
on it.  The exception was her hand, which was stroking Ranma's
hair, and Cologne could swear she heard a purr coming from the

"Tell me, Ranma, do you like Kasumi?"

Ranma was thrown off by the question.  "Well I... I mean... Well,

Kasumi laughed, her eyes returning to white.  "I think I know what
she is suggesting, Ranma.  The agreement was for a Tendo daughter
to marry a Saotome son.  She means for us to fulfill the

Ranma began to sweat.  "But... I don't wanna get marrried!  I'm not

"I just want mad, passionate sex!"
(That's twice I've managed to fit it in. Can I get three?)

"Ranma," Kasumi said, once again stocking the smaller girl's hair,
"we don't have a choice.  We can't stay here, if what Cologne said
it true, out families will be in danger."

"'The firrrst duty of a marrrtial arrrtist is to prrrotect the
weak.'" Ranma quoted. "I know.  It's the only way, isn't it?"

Cologne nodded.

"We can work things out later," Kasumi said. "But we need to do
this now, for our families sake."

As Cologne headed for the door, she was Ranma swallow then nod.


That's three real corrections now! Yea!
"Wait," Ranma called.

Cologne turned to the two, and raised a single eyebrow.

"Why are you helping us?" Kasumi asked.

Okay, why would Ranma call and Kasumi ask the question? Need to
change that. (Or at least explain it.)


Cologne shrugged.  "Nightbane are the only things that can
effectively fight the invasion.  When the extent of the invasion is
made know to the Seekers, they will want to take action, so I might
as well start here.  I don't want my great-grandchild and heir to
be threatened by those that would hunt you.  Or maybe I'm just more
than a little fond of the lot of you." Cologne shrugged. "Take your
pick, whichever suits you."

"And I'm bored. This is a good way to kill a few hours."

"First things first, Ranma," Kasumi said once Cologne left, "I need
you to get a set of your normal clothes.  I can alter them a bit to
accommodate your tail."

Ranma nodded, and headed for her room while Kasumi pulled out her
sewing kit and began rummaging through her closet.

Ranma returned a minute later with her trademark red shirt and
black pants.  Kasumi did a quick examination of the tail (causing
the smaller girl's face to match her hair in color), and made the
adjustments.  While Ranma slipped those on, Kasumi set to work on a
simple dress she had selected.  She needed to modify the back so
that her wings would not damage the fabric.

"I know there's something you want to ask," Kasumi said, "so say

"You'rrre acting awfully calm about this."

There was a pause before Kasumi replied.  "You really think so? 
Ranma, for the past ten years, I've had to be the mother for this
family.  Ever since Mother died, I have had no life of my own. 
Everything I did was for my family."  The glow in her eyes acquired
a blue tint. "If there is anything that I can do to help my family,
I will do it."

BOOM! A spot-on explanation of what drives Kasumi, IMHO. Also the
reason she's the only one of the Tendo's that I would truly FEAR.

"But what about..."

"Being turned into some kind of freak?  What makes you think I'm

"Well, for one thing you don't seem to be bothered by it."

Kasumi gave a short laugh.  "There is much you need to learn about
emotions, Ranma.  Just because I choose not to show them does not
mean they do not exist."

"Besides, I've got Prozac. Lots and lots of Prozac."

"How do you feel?" Ranma asked, in a rare display of insight.

"Like throwing you on the bed and having mad,passionate sex."
(That's three! I'm on a roll!   I should be worried, shouldn't I?)
Kasumi put down her sewing, the blue tint of her eyes changing to
yellow.  "I am afraid, there is no other word for it.  I don't know
what's happened to me, or why.  I don't know what is going to
happen to us.  I don't even know what I am."

"But I do know I'm very horny. And this bed is very soft. Hmmmm. Come
here, Ranma."

Ranma moved to sit beside Kasumi on the bed.  "You'rrre Kasumi,
what else could you be?"

Again, Kasumi laughed, and the color of her eyes returned to white.
 "It always amazed me how a hardened warrior could show such

"Who?" Ranma asked, "me?"

"Yes, you.  You are a source of contradictions and chaos.  I guess
that's what makes you so charming.  Ever since you came here, I
have learned not to be surprised."

"Hey! It ain't that bad!"

"Ranma, last week you were attacked by a group of men who looked
like pork buns, and were after a hair-growth formula that you
accidentally came into contact with."

"Well, therrre is that."

"For the past year you have been stuck with a curse that makes you
change sexes."

"Hey, Ukyo wasn't complaining!"
"Just because that happens..."

"Do I need even need to mention the Kuno's?"

Please don't. Kodachi's laugh makes me shudder just be thinking about

Ranma sighed. "No, but what about you?"

Kasumi made a few more stitches, then held the dress up for
inspection. "We have no choice but to see where life takes us from
here.  Now, could you please turn around so I can put this on?"

"Or you can watch. I don't care. By the end of the series, we're
going to have mad, passionate sex anyways. Or we'd better if Wilson
knows what's good for him."
(Four! And just to let you know, as far as I know, Andrew doesn't do
lemons. So don't bother him for one. Sorry.)

"Crude," she said, examining her work in the mirror, "but it will
have to do for now."

"I'll have to pick up something in skin-tight leather later."
(Kasumi in skin-tight leather. Mmmmmm, happy thought.)

"Arrre you surrre about this Kasumi?" Ranma asked.

"No," Kasumi admitted, "but we don't have much choice, do we?"

A solemn procession entered Kasumi's room a half-hour after Cologne
left.  The exception was Soun, who rushed up to embrace Kasumi,
tears streaming down his face.  "Oh, my poor daughter.  To have
such a horror inflicted on you.  In what way did I offend the Kami,
that they punish my beloved daughter?"

Genma dragged (with help from Akane and Nabiki) his friend away
before Kasumi drowned.  Smiling, he produced a marriage
certificate.  "We just need the two of you to sign this, and we'll
take it to city hall in the morning."

Kasumi examined the document.  "But why is my name scribbled in

"Is that crayon?"
Genma began to sweat, Soun just continued to cry.

Kasumi's voice turned hard, and her eyes turned red. "It looks like
Akane's name was originally here."

"That doesn't matter now," Genma said. "You just need to sign
this."  He stepped towards the pair, then stepped back as Ranma
growled at him.  The encounters with the Cat-fist had trained him
to avoid Ranma when the boy made that sound.

Kasumi sighed, her eyes returning to white, then took a pen from
her desk.  "I suppose this is the only way."

<Now I can have mad, passionate sex with Ranma whenever I want. And
no guilt! Yup, this whole monster thing is worth it.>
(And that's five!)
With quick strokes, she signed her name, then handed the form to
Ranma, who did the same.  Once that was done, she started to hand
it back to her father, then changed her mind and handed it to Genma
instead, since her father would smear the ink with his tears. 
Nodding, the two fathers quickly left the room, talking about a
stash of fine sake they could use to celebrate the happy occasion.

"Are you ready?" Cologne asked.

"No," Ranma replied, picking up a large pack, "but that doesn't

Cologne handed Kasumi a slip of paper.  "This is who you must seek
out.  I hope he is still in Tokyo.  If not, there are contact
instructions below the address.  Stay out of sight, at least until
you figure out how to shift forms.  I do not want to think about
what will happen if you are seen."

"We understand," Kasumi replied.  "Thank you, and good bye."

"Good luck, children, you will need it."

<And a lot of condoms, judging by the look in Kasumi's eyes.>

Akane pulled Ranma aside before she could leave the house.

"I don't know what you have planned with my sister," Akane snarled,
"but it won't work."

"I'm the only one who gets to be abusive in this family!"
"I ain't planning anything except surrrvival, Akane.  You hearrrd
what Cologne was saying.  Has she everrr outrrright lied to us?""

"Will you stop talking funny?"

"What do you mean?"

"Ranma?" Kasumi interrupted, "We have to go."

"Don't you dare hurt my sister." Akane said in parting.

Ranma simply snorted, then joined Kasumi.  Together, they walked
out the door, into the night.


They traveled through the night.  When dawn should have came, none
did.  Instead, the black curtain continued to cover the sky.  Most
of the population was in a panic, which made avoiding them easier.

It took them most of the next day to reach the address that Cologne
had given them.  By the time they reached it, Ranma and Kasumi had
been living a nightmare for twenty-four hours.  Hoping some form of
help was waiting for them in the apartment complex before them,
they quickly made their way through the shadows.

(I'd make a joke about creeping through The Shadow, but it wouldn't
be funny.)

They were across the street from the building when it blew up.

Nothing fancy, just a shattering of glass quickly followed by a
fireball that caused the building to collapse in on itself.  Ranma
threw herself onto Kasumi, shielding her from the blast.  When the
noise died down, a loud clicking sound could be heard. Ranma looked
up and saw eight armored figures, four at each end of the street.
All of them were black, with long hair of the same color, and each
carried an axe-like spear.

Ranma's throwing herself on Kasumi? In the middle of the street?
After a building blew up in front of them? Man, talk about a libido.
"Stay behind me," Ranma whispered.  She drew herself up into a
fighting stance, and prepared herself for battle.  A slight
crunching sound drew Ranma's eyes to the wrecked building.  Out of
it came a larger version of the things in the streets, with more
ornate armor.  The larger form gestured, and the other soldiers
(Ranma guessed them to be such, no one else moved in groups with
that kind of precision) closed in on the pair.

"I think we're in trouble, Ranma."

Ranma nodded at her wife's comment. "I think you'rrre rrright."

"I can't find my underwear. And I seem to be wearing your bra. And
it's loose. It's loose? Wow. What ARE your sizes, anyways?"
End chapter 1

Is this an evil enough ending for you?

Nah. I'm the guy who's received death threats for his cliffhangers,
I have to thank Slacker, both as a pre-reader for this project and
a co-conspirator on the story (I would never have come up with
Kasumi's morphus if it weren't for him).  Of course, during this
time I was also explaining what Nightbane was.

Hey, no problem. Pre-reading just lets me have more time to compose
off-key comments.
When I get around to it, I'll probably post this at Sofaspud's
Couch and "Ranchan Totally Crossed Out."  If any fan artists want
to draw the transformed characters (especially Kasumi), go right

...In fact, I encourage it.  Pay no attention to the gun pointed at
my head.

Let me say that again for Andrew: Fanart is good! Fanart is very
good! Heck, if he gets some good fanart that nice man with the gun
(who doesn't really exist. Please remove the gun from the back of my
head now. Thank you.) will leave him alone. Again, there is no man
with a gun. Especially not a man dressed in a black suit and
sunglasses. Nope. No way.

Ja Ne!

I am...(Drumroll, please)...Slacker!
KSC, Knight of Discordia, Lord of Discord
Member of the Church of Ami & Makoto

"Remember, a fair fight only happens because of poor planning on your part."
           ---Sailor Nemesis

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