Subject: [FFML] [fanfic] Ranma Gets A Clue (repost) Ch.4
From: "asayogure4" <>
Date: 6/29/2000, 4:18 AM

Ranma 1/2 Fanfic "Ranma Gets a clue"
Written by Asayogure
Last modified (10/7/1999)

Chapter 4, "The fury of the fiancees."

Authors Notes: (Feel free to skip)

This chapter is dedicated to Amber, without her
constant pestering I would never write anything. She
has the unique quality of being able to nag me, and
motivate me, without me feeling like I am doing chores.
God bless you.

    Akane sat at the breakfast table eating her breakfast 
and sneaking furtive glances at Ranma. He was also playing 
this sneaky game of "peek-a-boo" and was stealing glances 
at her as well. Reaching for food became a whole new kind 
of game, to see if they could touch hands without arousing 
any suspicion. Ranma was having the damnedest time keeping 
a straight face today. He was in a good mood, and Kasumi, 
deciding to go Western style today, had served eggs and 
bacon. If Ryouga walked into the room, he would have a 
heart attack. Ranma was practically crying from the effort 
to hold in his laughter.
    All too soon it seemed, breakfast was cleared and the 
two of them set out for school as was their daily habit. 
They paused at the doorway to grab their lunches and 
satchels and slip on their outdoor shoes.  Ranma froze in 
the entryway and pivoting at the waist with hands on hips, 
swung his gaze wildly around the area. "Where in the hell . 
. . " he muttered to himself.
    "Looking for something?" Akane said, looking curiously 
over her shoulder at him, while getting her shoes on. "Hey, 
where's your bag anyway Ranma?" She asked casually, 
noticing what he was looking for.  "I uh, I um . . . I 
dunno." He said while continuing to gaze around the room. 
"I musta left it at school somewhere, or something."  
Shrugging his shoulders, he grabbed his lunch and stuck it 
in Akane's bag when she wasn't looking. Then he slipped his 
shoes on and hopped out the door.  Whipping her head 
around, Akane saw Ranma already almost half a street away.
    "Damn it, wait for me!" She yelled after him, as she 
accelerated out the door in a run.  When she caught up to 
him, they ran a ways in silence, with Ranma on the fence-
top, and her running alongside him on the ground. Ranma 
didn't follow his set pattern today though. The closer they 
got to the school, the weirder he became. He kept rotating 
between running atop the fence and hopping down to run 
beside Akane. His eyes were all over the place, and he kept 
clenching and unclenching his hands into white knuckled 
fists. Akane was pretty sure Ranma was losing it. Ranma 
however just KNEW that something bad was going to happen.
    That was how his life worked: he would have fun and a 
bomb would level his house. He would smile and be taken 
away from his mother for a decade. He would say he liked a 
flower, and it would turn out the flower was possessed by 
some demon Happosai had pissed off in the name of Anything 
Goes Martial Arts. He would eat some bacon and well . . . 
    At the moment Ranma would admit that he liked Akane.  
That was all, he just liked her . . . right? But even so, 
things that Ranma liked or cared about had a habit of being 
destroyed or taken from him.  And Ranma wasn't really in 
the mood for that kind of crap today. So he was being extra 
    Running absentmindedly alongside her, Ranma's hips 
accidentally bumped into hers, and she skittered off the 
sidewalk, a few steps to the left.
    'So that's the way he wants to play it huh?' Akane 
thought to herself, and grinned evil-like. Girding herself 
for battle, Akane brought HER hips firmly into play and 
Ranma bounced into the fence with the twanging spring of 
stretching chain linked fencing. Snapping out of his 
thoughts as the fence snapped him back, he looked 
strickenly at her.
    Then he playfully returned fire. While because they 
were busy playing and running, they failed to take notice 
of an ominous bicycle bell sounding in the distance.
    Shampoo was so shocked at the sight running towards 
her, that she didn't leap onto Ranma, or even try to 
destroy Akane. She just sat upon her bicycle balancing atop 
the fence railing, looking down at the two of them, and 
feeling rather confused. Ranma and Akane, noticing her, 
stopped so quickly they had to dig their heels in to avoid 
falling over.  Ranma swore a rather descriptive oath under 
his breath, causing Akane to raise an eyebrow in surprise.
    "What you doing to husband, Akane Tendou?!" Shampoo 
demanded, her arms folded under her breasts in a no-
nonsense kind of pose. The wind picked up for a second, and 
tossed her purple hair into waves flowing behind her, the 
wind carried with it the smell of the canal water, a musky 
wet smell. 'This could be a good or a bad sign,' Ranma 
thought, and waited to find out.
    "Your husband!?" Akane shot back dryly. "I'm sorry I 
missed the ceremony. When did he marry you?" Shampoo shot 
Akane a glare that would freeze boiling water. Ranma now 
understood the phrase, "if looks could kill." Shampoo was 
making a move to advance on Akane, when out of the clear 
blue morning sky, a single sparkling stream of water arched 
towards her. Instant cat. Akane still hopped up on "MY-
almost-boyfriend protection," adrenaline searched crossly 
for the source of the water. Choking back a laugh, and 
settling for a snicker and a very satisfied grin, her eyes 
found the old lady watering the dust down outside her home 
as she did every day, following the ancient traditions.
    'I swear, if I didn't know better I'd think she waits 
out here to get people wet on purpose.' Her thoughts were 
interrupted by the introduction of a heavy weight onto her 
right arm, causing her to lurch off balance. Looking down, 
she found Ranma. Curled up into as small a ball as he could 
make himself, he stilled weighed a ton to her.  Shaking and 
with a wild look in his eyes, he whispered, "C-C-Caaat!"  
Re-directing her gaze to the fence, Akane found Shampoo 
glaring at them, kitty cat like of course.
    Shampoo jumped off the top of the bike she was still 
balanced upon, and, as it sailed off into the canal, she 
sailed straight towards Ranma.
    Ranma clenched his eyes shut and whimpered.  Akane 
thinking quickly, spun with all her might, pivoting on her 
toes like a ballerina. This caused the heavy pack on her 
back, to swing with quite a lot of force.  The pack caught 
the mid-air cat, and caused Shampoo to go sailing off after 
her bike, making very indignant cat sounds. Smoothing 
Ranma's hair with her left hand, Akane kneeled down on the 
rough, sun warmed pavement, on her skirt-bared knees.
    She cradled Ranma in her lap and cooed to him for a few 
seconds until he snapped out of it. Looking up with his 
normal eyes again, their gazes locked, and Ranma did 
something he had never done before after being pulled out 
of his Cat Terror. Arching his neck, he brushed his lips up 
the base of her neck, tickling the little hairs there, and 
whispered in her ear, "thank you . . . my fiancee." It was 
as near to kissing her, consciously, that he would dare to 
do in public.
    Embarrassed and confused, Akane blushed and quickly 
pushed him off her lap, causing . . .  him to land in a 
rather undignified pose on the pavement. Standing awkwardly 
after having his body weight crushing her knees into the 
pavement, she wiped some loose gravel off her knees, 
straightened and smoothed her skirt, and adjusted her hair 
and pack.  By now Ranma had regained his dignity, and was 
sitting cross-legged on the ground, staring at her rather 
    "I don't think that was necessary." He said dryly.
    "Do you have any idea how much you weigh, you goober."  
Akane shot back playfully as she finished making herself 
    "Yeah, well . . . you still didn't hafta push me, ya 
coulda asked me to get off ya know."
    "Well I . . . oh shoot! We're late! Again! Come on!" 
She dashed off in the direction of the school, leaving 
Ranma to stare after her dust trail and sigh. Rolling his 
eyes to the heavens, he muttered, "women!" and loped off 
after her. After all, he needed to keep her in sight if he 
was to keep her safe. Not to mention the fact that she was 
carrying around HIS lunch.
    They arrived at the grounds of Furinkan High School, 
and stopped.  A small group of students were baring their 
way.  Idly, Ranma noted that Kunou wasn't there, which 
surprised him. He also noticed that unlike the aggressors 
he had encountered in the past, this group of students 
looked, well normal. The assembled students carried no 
battle gear, no sports equipment, and their eyes lacked 
that obsessed mad gleam. This was gonna be trouble.
    Ranma swore another oath under his breath, this one a 
little bit louder and definitely not something he had heard 
in the Tendou household.  Akane raised both eyebrows at 
him. A single student stepped forward with his head bowed.  
Walking towards Akane, and ignoring Ranma, he stopped about 
two feet in front of her. Raising his head, you could see 
tears streaming from his eyes. His hands clenched into 
fists. At his approach the wind picked up, but the noise 
died down.
    "Akane, I have loved you for as many years as you care 
to recall.  I poured my heart out to you on many occasions.  
I asked you out repeatedly, and never sullied your honor by 
participating in the idiotic actions of some of my fellow 
classmates in the morning, by trying to win your affections 
through force. Yet time and again you rebuked my advances 
and dragged my honor through the mud! I came here today to 
tell you that you are an evil bitch and I hope you are 
happy with . . . "
    *CRACK!* That was as far as the guy got. Ranma stood in 
front of his fiancee; he was breathing heavily, the sky 
grew darker behind him.  Thunder sounded in the distance.  
The wind picked up behind him and tossed his hair and 
clothing around, as he fought to contain the rage that 
sprang up within him. Akane could feel his anger, and it 
wasn't even directed at her. The young men in the courtyard 
must have had bladders of steel to remain rooted in place 
as they were, and not wet themselves. The wind was bringing 
with it the smell of the sky right before it rained.  
Ranma's clothing started to whip and snap about as the wind 
built in tempo. The weather mirroring his darkening mood.  
His hands were clenched into fists and his knuckles were 
white as he squared off against the threats against his 
    "Ut-oh." Akane said quietly. Still standing in the same 
place she had been when this had started, a surprised look 
on her face, clutching her satchel in front of herself like 
a shield. Then, Ranma spoke.
    "LISSEN UP!!! Akane is MY fiancee! Only I have the 
right to call her names. I am warning you now I am NOT in a 
good mood and if you have any brains you will leave RIGHT 
NOW!!" At that, about two thirds of those assembled did 
leave, quickly. The scrambled and knocked each other over 
in their haste to get away. One student Akane could just 
barely hear to berate another as they ran, "Idiot! How 
could I let you talk me into taking on Ranma! Come back 
here!" The student then slapped the back of the other 
students head as they ran. That left five total, 
discounting the now unconscious young man at Ranma's feet.  
The remaining ones were about to regret their decision.
    Akane just stood there in shock over how furious Ranma 
was.  He was protecting her! Violently! 'Good lord,' she 
realized, 'this could get out of hand quickly!' Akane 
walked up behind Ranma, intent on soothing him; but as she 
approached, she suddenly felt the string need to back away.  
The sky grew even darker as black clouds rolled into the 
previously clear sky. Ranma seemed to be radiating heat.  
She heard a low growl escape his throat and she watched he 
started to glow very faintly around his body outline with a 
dull crimson aura!
    The last time she had seen his battle aura had been on 
the island of Togenkyo as they were falling toward what she 
had thought at the time was her certain doom. He had cast a 
red aura then, right before he had released the energy of 
his Ki into an attack she had never seen him use, using it 
to protect her, the blast had been strong enough to drill 
through an island! 'Dear god, he's ready to kill for me!'  
She looked around frantically for a way to cool Ranma down.
    Ranma's incredible display of power managed to scare 
away two more of the students. Now only three were left.  
They were unarmed, but Akane also knew they were Martial 
Artists, and they were fantastic ones.  They were in her 
P.E. class and she spoke with them on many occasions.  
Before today, she had considered them friends, even though 
each one of them had been persistently asking her out since 
she had been twelve.  They held their ground and met 
Ranma's cold furious gaze with a gaze of frustrated 
vengeance. Akane was terrified. Not for Ranma but for these 
brain dead people!  Dear lord didn't they see how angry he 
was? He was ready to kill! She had to stop this.
    Stepping in front of Ranma, Akane tried to get his 
attention.  Looking into his eyes froze her as an icy blast 
of dread knifed through her. Her heart clenched in her 
chest. In those beautiful blue eyes of his, she saw a life 
time of pain and loss. She saw anguish and personal 
suffering.  She knew that Ranma was protecting her, but she 
had no idea what the depths of his feelings were, or all of 
his reasons for doing so. But looking into those eyes, she 
knew Ranma was not entirely in control of himself. Now she 
was REALLY afraid for those guys, they had no idea of the 
potential danger of the powder keg they were holding a 
match to.
    Ranma glared at the men assembled before him. All of 
them unarmed, just the way he liked it. But that didn't 
matter because he knew them all to be masters of their 
individual arts. As a matter of fact, these were some of 
the guys Ranma trained with when Ryouga wasn't around.  One 
was a master of Judo. A deadly art if used properly, and an 
effective counter to the Kenpo style. One was a master of 
Aikido.  Not necessarily a deadly art, but also quite 
capable of it, Aikido was also an effective counter to his 
style. The last was a master of Tae Kwondo. That was too 
similar to Kenpo to be of any threat to Ranma on a half-way 
good day.
    But this was not a good day, and he had two other 
serious threats to deal with. Despite what people thought 
about Ranma, he was no god, and he was not invincible. A 
good shot to the right place on his head would render him 
unconscious as well as anyone else. Ranma was afraid, not 
for himself but for Akane. Coldly, he considered his 
chances of beating three masters simultaneously, using 
conventional methods.  
    Weighing his options, he also started to unconsciously 
tap into a power within himself that he knew nothing about. 
Something he had only used a few times in his life and had 
always used in the defense of others.  Most recently that 
meant Akane. This primal power came alive within Ranma's 
mind and tore through his body in the shape of his life's 
failures and fears, his suffering and sweat and tears, 
filling him with It's strength. He subconsciously felt the 
most incredible need to protect, violently. The power grew 
as his mind flashed back to his training, and everything 
that he had gone through because of it.
    He had lost too much, had suffered too much at the 
hands of men and women, doing what was "right," or was "for 
his own good." He had been separated from his mother, he 
had missed a large chunk of his education traipsing around 
Japan and China training with his father, he had been 
forced to leave friend after friend behind on that trip.  
Bitterly, he thought of Ukyou, and what he had been 
unwittingly forced to do to her.  
    She had been the first  person that Ranma could recall 
as having said they loved him. His father never did, and he 
barely remembered his mother. True at the time he had 
thought Ukyou a boy and thought the talk of love as sort of 
weird, but it had still made him feel good. It had made him 
feel accepted and safe.  Like he was home.
    Over the years of his training, he might have forgotten 
a lot about his brief stay with Ukyou, but he had never 
forgotten that feeling.  When they camped out under the 
stars, in the dark, in some strange mountain pass, Ranma 
would be afraid. He had cried himself to sleep searching 
within himself, alone and afraid, looking for that feeling 
many times.  While his father would snore blissfully 
unaware of his six year olds fears just a few feet away. 
    He had never forgotten the feeling, but he had lost it.  
Several years later, as his self confidence and deadly 
skill in the arts had grown, he had slowly begun to realize 
that he could no longer dig within himself and find that 
feeling, it was gone.  Which is why it had shocked him so, 
when he had felt it again, from a different source. He had 
felt it again when he had met Akane that fateful day, and 
she had asked if he would like to be friends. He could 
never thank her enough for restoring a part of his 
childhood, and with it a piece of his humanity.
    Ranma felt a sick burning sensation in his chest. Then 
his anger turned into an icy resolve. Over and over again 
he kept muttering, "never again, never again . . . you'll 
have to go through me . . . I wont let you take her from 
me." He wasn't even really aware he was muttering it.  
Suddenly, Akane stepped into his field of vision. Waving 
her hands in his face and calling his name repeatedly, with 
a look of terror in her eyes. In the split second that he 
took to look at her, all hell broke loose.
    The men attacking him were lashing out with years of 
pent-up frustration, years of rejection and loving from 
afar.  True they had only come here today to vent a little, 
but since they now had a convenient out source for their 
anger and bruised egos, they lashed out at Ranma with all 
they had. Ranma was defending one of the most precious 
things in his life at the moment, and had no intention of 
letting her get hurt, or losing her. While his focus was 
diverted elsewhere, they rushed him.
    Ranma's only concern at the moment was Akane, he 
couldn't use any attack with her in the way. Quickly 
reaching out and picking Akane up, he cradled her in his 
arms and leapt. Kicking one of the students in the face, 
hard, to boost his jump to a nearby roof top.
    Dimly his mind registered the sound of breaking bone, 
as his foot snapped the young man's jaw, or at least 
cracked a tooth or two. He landed and set her down 
gingerly.  Then Ranma turned to settle this matter, for 
good.  Before he could do anything however, he saw dual 
blurs of motion streak towards the students on the ground.
    The motion turned out to be chains, chains trying to 
wrap themselves around the students. One student was now 
out of commission, lying on the ground writhing in agony.  
The other two managed to dodge the chains. Beside himself 
with astonishment; Ranma watched Mousse leaping to his 
aide, and so accepting the unacceptable, Ranma sat down 
beside himself and watched what most assuredly must be the 
end of the world if Mousse was helping him.
    As Mousse leapt into battle, weapons flying everywhere 
and battle cries shouted in Chinese ringing off anything 
that gave off an echo, Ranma could see a wet fur-ball 
sticking out of the neck of his robes, that could only be 
Shampoo. In a daze, he watched Mousse land perfectly 
balanced and square off against the two still standing.  
Mousse rocked side to side in a ready stance, coiled like a 
steel spring atop the balls of his feet.
    Before anything else could happen, a stream of tiny 
cutting spatulas impacting sharply into the concrete, cut 
their way to him in a deadly row. Back flipping out of the 
way, Mousse never saw the ribbon that shot by to wrap him 
up. Shampoo hopped out of his robe and went scurrying away 
as they landed again.
    Ranma watched as Ukyou leapt down out of a nearby tree, 
and Kodachi stepped out from behind the shrub she had been 
hiding behind, Mousse held firmly in her ribbon. "You're 
ruining my plan sugar." Ukyou growled as she walked towards 
Mousse, unlimbering more throwing spatulas from her 
bandoleer as she walked.
    "Ho ho ho. That's right darling, you'll spoil all the 
fun if we let you run amuck." Kodachi intoned as she jerked 
her ribbon tighter.
    "These guys were about to help rid us of a pest 
problem, and they need to finish their jobs, sugar," Ukyou 
said grimly. Ranma couldn't believe it. He would expect 
this sort of thing from Shampoo or Kodachi, but, Ukyou?
    "Why, those, those evil bitches!" Akane growled from 
behind Ranma; he turned to see her make a move to jump to 
the attack. As she passed Ranma on the roof, his hand shot 
out.  She suddenly shuddered and fell back into Ranma's 
arms.  He released the shiatsu point from her neck and 
cradled her now limp body. There was no way he was going to 
let her take on Kodachi and Ukyou.  Laying her prone body 
on the rooftop, snug in a crevice.  Ranma hopped off the 
roof to confront his tormentors.  He was still burning with 
the need to protect.
    Angling his jump, Ranma kicked through the ribbon 
holding Mousse as he landed.  Without pausing, Ranma 
started towards the two girls.
    "Ukyou! Have you gone insane!? What on earth would 
cause you to do something like this?" Ranma challenged as 
he slowly and painfully walked toward she to whom he owed 
so much.  Quickly he searched his mind for a way to 
neutralize her without actually attacking a girl. The power 
still raging in his body screamed for vengeance, begging 
him to ignore her sex, and instead focus on the threat she 
    Before he had a chance to do anything though, his 
momentum was halted as both of his arms were caught from 
behind and lifted into a position that was VERY painful.  
Turning to kill whoever had the audacity to impede his 
vengeance, Ranma caught a stiff fingered jab to the throat.  
Falling to his knees choking, Ranma saw through the tears 
in his eyes two satisfied looking martial artists. Seizing 
his anger and It's cries for blood, Ranma turned the core 
of his being into ice.
    There was too much at risk. He had left Akane 
unconscious on a rooftop, Ukyou and Kodachi were 
confronting him, Shampoo might be back any minute, and then 
he had these two goons to worry about. It was more than his 
already fragile mind and inhibitions could tolerate.  
Stuffing his anger and emotions into a deep, dark corner of 
his mind Ranma staggered to his feet.
    The two young men, who had been celebrating and 
congratulating themselves on their victory, halted in mid-
backslap.  Visibly resolving themselves to finish their 
jobs, they squared their shoulders and advanced upon Ranma 
with the gait of those who had already won. Ranma started 
to back away from them. He could sense their battle auras, 
their self-confidence, and their emotion-driven mind sets.  
Slowly they approached him, and Ranma, faking a look of 
uncertain terror, backed away from them as he drew them 
into a tighter and tighter spiral.  Realizing what Ranma 
was doing too late, Ukyou shouted,
    "Look out you idiots, he's drawing you into a trap!" 
But it was too late. The young men rushed Ranma, screaming 
battle cries of righteous victory. Closing his eyes for a 
second, Ranma focused his entire life energy into sensing 
the heat of their anger and emotions. Fixing it within his 
mind, he had power over it. Just before the dual attacks 
reached him, he released the cold of his totally calm mind 
and body.
    Catching his opponents in the physical as well as the 
mental sense, he channeled heart, mind, body and soul into 
an attack learned gratefully from an old Amazon. The attack 
of the rising dragon. Releasing the dragon, it took on a 
being of It's own and catching the two young men unaware, 
seized their anger and emotion driven attacks, bound them 
with It's own energies, and drove them heavenward, with a 
force to bring down mountain tops. It lifted them bodily 
off their feet into the air, slamming the force of their 
attack, driven back doubled and icy cold, into them over 
and over again. Knocking them instantly unconscious, it 
slammed them up and around the tightening spiral and 
carried them off out of the school ground.
    Standing in the middle of the blast crater, smoke and 
debris and fine dust swirling around him, and the icy blue 
aura of the dragon pounding out of him, Ranma turned to 
face his attackers.  Settling his gaze on the one he felt 
had most betrayed him today, Ranma stepped out of the 
crater and started to walk towards her.  The incinerated 
ground crunching under his footsteps.  
    Letting his control go, his anger and feelings of 
betrayal surged to the front of his mind again. The anger 
was life an independent being, clawing and screaming around 
his mind begging to be let out. Blinking back the tears 
forming in his eyes that the feeling of betrayal brought, 
Ranma stopped about 10 feet in front of Ukyou. Calmly he 
noticed Kodachi trying to make herself invisible as she 
inched for the protection of the nearby shrubs and garden 
areas.  Snaking the length of ribbon he had salvaged from 
around Mousse out of his sleeve, he caught her ankles with 
it, lashed it tight by jerking violently with his left 
hand, and tripped her off her feet.
    His anger howled and wailed to be let free. But first 
he had to know why. Why would his oldest friend betray him?
"Why, Ukyou, why?" He asked as he pinned her against the 
tree trunk she was trying to melt into with the force of 
his stare. Glaring defiantly she shot back.
    "Why? Why do you think, you mule brained jackass!  
You're mine.  I own you. You have a debt to me and my 
family honor. You promised me damn it! Said we would always 
be together back then. Told me you loved me too all those 
years ago. Called me your cute fiancee. What was I supposed 
to do, roll over and die because Akane has a crush? You owe 
me Saotome, because of you, I never knew the life of a 
normal girl.  That's why."
    Stunned and shamed, Ranma's anger withered and died.  
Standing there amidst the chaos of battle, of love won and 
lost and pinned between forces he had no control over, 
Ranma broke a little, then he broke a lot. His heart 
catching in his throat, he fell to his knees at her feet.  
Dazed and confused. He still loved her, damn it, he had 
loved her first! But he loved Akane too, at least he 
thought he sorta did.
    But he had loved Ukyou first, and she had returned his 
love openly without asking for anything in return as only a 
child can. He HAD promised her, damn his father to hell for 
making him break that promise.  What was he supposed to do?  
He knelt there in front of her, and blinked back the tears 
of anguish that threatened to consume him.
    He suddenly felt a fierce constricting around his ribs, 
and looked up into the eyes of the first girl he had ever 
loved, as she hugged him desperately. Clinging to something 
she was either unable or unwilling to let go. Kneeling 
beside him, she held him and looked into his eyes.  
Searching for something Ranma could not fathom.  
   "I'm sorry Ukyou . . . .so sorry . . . I . . . I . . . " 
he trailed off as she lay a single finger against his lips 
to shush him.  
    "It's okay sugar. All's fair in love and war right?  
I've waited for you for this long I can wait a little 
longer. Just ditch all those other chicks and we can head 
for the hills. Just you and me what do you say?" She bit 
her lip as she looked into his soul through his eyes, 
waiting for an answer.
    Akane. Could he just leave her? What right did he have 
to her?  The promises of two idiotic old men, made without 
his or her consent, before they were born? He had never 
made those promises, and denied them every chance he got.  
But he had made promises, out of his own mouth, to this 
girl. But. He still liked Akane. Sure she couldn't cook, 
and was as violent as a gorilla, but she was HIS gorilla.  
All of this must have been flashing across his eyes, for it 
seemed Ukyou got her answer. Shoving him aside, as she 
stood. She glanced back over her should as he lay stunned 
on the ground.
    "You idiot. Can't you see that I know you can't seem to 
make a decision? If you had just stayed out of the way 
today . . . , we managed to make those guys angry enough 
that Akane would be in the hospital for sure right now.  
Then you would be free. All you had to do was step aside 
and let it happen."  Letting out a defeated sigh she 
continued.  "But then you wouldn't be Ranma would you?" 
Ranma was starting to get angry again.  Akane in the 
    "So that's it. Take Akane out of the picture and then 
my choice is easy right? Ukyou. How could you? I know this 
wasn't your idea, this could only have come from her 
demented mind." He said while jerking his thumb in 
Kodachi's hog-tied direction. "Were you were testing me? 
You had to have known this scatter-brained plan would never 
work. You know I would die for her. You know I would die 
for you. Heck I would even die for nut-ball over there if 
the circumstances warranted it. I know you want me to make 
a choice, heck half the girls at this school would like for 
me to make a choice. I also know I owe you. But not like 
this, U-chan not like this. I will decide, but it will have 
to be on my terms, when I'm ready. Can you ever forgive 
    The usage of her old nickname had knocked her into a 
trance of past remembrance. Snapping back into the here and 
now she nodded. "Know this Saotome. I'll never give up. I 
would cross the gates of heaven or hell for you. Until you 
make your choice, I will not give up."  Giving him a 
bitter-sweet smile. She jumped onto a nearby roof, and was 
    Sitting up and hugging his knees to his chest Ranma's 
guilt and sorrow and indecision wailed in his mind.  And he 
punished himself with it.  He punished himself for the pain 
he caused Akane, and Ukyou, and the young men he had had to 
hurt today as a direct result of his indecision. He lashed 
himself for the pain he caused because every time he should 
make a decision, he froze like a deer in the headlights. He 
even sort of felt sorry for Kodachi and his old man.     
    Sitting there silently berating himself, he never heard 
the foot steps approaching him, but he did feel it when a 
most definite feminine weight glomped onto his torso from 
the rear. Pressing herself firmly against the object of her 
desire, Kodachi cooed in his ear, 
    "Raaaanma, darling. My love, why fight it? You know you 
love me, just say it and you have my heart and my estates.  
Myself and everything I own, would be yours forever." 
    'Oh great I forgot about screw-ball,' Ranma thought.  
Kodachi Clung to him from behind. How she had gotten free, 
only Houdini could answer. Ranma felt a flash of anger at 
her blatant attempt to buy his love. Ranma straightened to 
his full height, which was much taller than her. She 
dangled from his back.  
    Landing with a plop, she grabbed his shoulder and spun 
him around. Anger in her voice, she also demanded a 
decision, in her favor of course. Ranma didn't owe her 
anything though. Before he could formulate a proper retort, 
a bonbori struck the side of Kodachi's head, carrying her 
out of the courtyard.
    "Hey, watch it with those things! You could hurt 
someone!"  Ranma shouted indignantly as he spun on his heel 
to face the Amazon warrior girl, who jumped off the roof 
towards him, yelling,
    "Airen, when you stop stupid fighting and choose 
Shampoo?  Is Amazon law!" She finished as she landed.  
Taking a step towards him, she waved her remaining weapon 
erratically. Ranma made the "evil be gone" signs with his 
hands crossed in front of himself, waiting for whatever 
punishment she was ready to dish out. He did owe her 
something, albeit indirectly. She crumpled after her second 
step. Mousse caught her from behind before she could hit 
the ground though.  Grimly, he laid her on the ground as 
her weapon slid from her grasp. Wiping his forehead with a 
cloth materializing presumably from his cavernous robes, he 
sat beside the fallen object of his desire. Cradling her 
head in his lap. Ranma was beyond perplexed.
    "Mousse, you did that?" Ranma asked.
    "Of course I did, Saotome. She would have killed the 
Tendou girl and most likely yourself way before this if I 
did not render her unconscious occasionally." Ranma was 
    "If you can beat her, why don't you?! All you would 
have to do is beat her with witnesses around and then she 
would have to marry you!"  Ranma elated, seeing one of his 
problems flying over the horizon.
    "Just as Akane did not want to be won by violence when 
she had to fight her way to school, I do not wish to have 
Shampoo for my bride because I am stronger than her. Not 
even the old ghoul knows I have a mastery of the ancient 
arts.  Or she would make us duel and marry, in order to 
preserve the blood-line, and strengthen the tribe. I could 
not bear forcing Shampoo to do anything she did not wish to 
do, no Saotome.  I will win her heart fairly." Ranma's 
problem came back over the horizon and dive bombed him.
    "Then why did you help me today? If you hadn't bought 
me a little time, most likely those guys might have 
actually touched Akane.  If she had been harmed, I would 
never have forgiven anyone involved here today.  Including 
Shampoo.  She had a part in this didn't she?" Ranma asked 
already knowing the answer. Mousse just nodded.  
    "I did not do it to help you Saotome. I did it to help 
an innocent, caught in between forces she has no defense 
against. Akane Tendou is a noble spirit, she does not 
deserve the fate that was planned for her today . . .  tell 
me Saotome, have you given a thought to the plan we decided 
on?" Ranma had, and it terrified him.
    "I dunno Mousse, what will people think, you see what 
happened here today, simply because they must have noticed 
me paying slightly more attention to her than usual. If I 
commit to the plan, there would be no turning back, no 
second thoughts." Sighing Ranma looked off into the clouds 
that were hiding the morning sun. The birds had hushed and 
the school yard was as quiet as a graveyard at midnight.  
"But I guess I have no choice now huh? You're right Mousse 
. . . things are getting out of control, It's now or 
never."  Looking back to Mousse for the confirmation he so 
desperately needed. He saw him gathering Shampoo into his 
arms tenderly. Looking into Ranma's eyes, Mousse nodded and 
    "Do not fail Saotome." And with that he leapt as easily 
as if he was not carrying a 130 pound girl, and was gone.  
Leaving Ranma standing alone in the ruined courtyard. The 
wind picked up for a second and pulled on him, seemingly as 
if destiny was tugging him in the direction it wanted.  
Sighing, Ranma leapt back up to the roof top and crouched 
over Akane. Brushing hair from her eyes, he gazed at the 
sleeping features of the primary cause of his trouble 
today. But he could not fault her for it. 
    Smiling tenderly, Ranma picked her up in his arms and 
squatted on the roof top, letting her sit on his lap as her 
head and torso rested against his chest, supporting her 
shoulder to balance her with his left hand. He reached his 
right hand to the two spots on her neck, and under her jaw 
line, and pressed gently. Her eyes snapped open. And she 
slapped him, hard. Falling backwards he hit the roof, as 
she leapt of out his arms shouting, "Pervert!" The anger 
fled her features when she saw who it was. Sitting down in 
a heap she looked up at Ranma, and muttered a quiet, 
    Grinning, Ranma sat next to her. He silently celebrated 
when she leaned into his side and cuddled against him for 
warmth, shivering in the still chilly morning air.
    "What happened?" She asked him in a sleepy tone of 
voice, while laying her head on his chest.  "You fainted 
Akane." Ranma lied through his teeth. He seldom struck her 
unconscious, and she usually never bought his explanations 
when he did. The now obvious parallels between himself and 
Mousse were just sickening he thought glibly. But his 
explanation seemed to satisfy her today.
    "How long?" She asked. Glancing at the huge school 
tower clock, Ranma noted that only about five minutes had 
passed since they had entered the gates together. Had it 
really only been five minutes?
    "Just a couple of minutes. We should probably get to 
class.  Maybe we'll luck out and Ms. Hinako fell off a 
cliff or something." He quipped. Akane giggled into his 
chest, with her eyes closed, and her breathing shallow. She 
felt so safe here. Her mind and emotions were in turmoil.  
She had gone from being terrified to elated in the course 
of five minutes and for some reason she felt very sleepy.   
    Dimly, she was aware of the fact that she was sitting 
on a roof-top in a skirt, which was probably why her legs 
felt numb, laying half-way on Ranma, in full public view.  
The common sense part of her mind screamed at her to get 
off of him, and down from the roof, and into class. But for 
today, she kicked that part of her mind sharply down into a 
silent corner, and let herself drift off into sleep.  
'Great, just great.' Ranma thought. 'I must have hit that 
sleeping nerve too hard. She'll probably be out for an hour 
or so.' 
    Grinning silently to himself, he cradled Akane's 
shivering body to his.  Scooting into the lee of protection 
the angles of the roof offered. Trying to keep most of her 
body off the clammy cold roof-tiles, he held her while she
slept. Dimly his mind was aware of how dangerous this was. 
All it would take would be one person to spot them, and his 
old man and Mr. Tendou would eventually find out, and Ranma 
would be wearing a tuxedo so fast he probably would have to 
throw it over the clothes he was wearing.
    But he ignored the danger, for today. Slowly her 
shivering stopped as the sun peaked through the clouds then 
as he watched, lanced across the courtyard, striking the 
two roof-bound figures with It's heavenly warmth.

    Akane awoke in his arms forty-five minutes later, and 
this time she didn't slap him. Smiling shyly, she inched 
off of him, and smoothed her skirt. Without saying a word, 
they jumped off the roof. Ranma handed Akane her satchel at 
the door to the school, just as the tone ending first 
period sounded. Mouthing 'see you tonight', Akane turned 
and headed for second period. In a daze, Ranma headed down 
the hall.
    Peeking around the corner, the girl who had retrieved 
Ranma's satchel for him quickly pulled her head back around 
and clutched his satchel to her chest. She had been so 
worried he wasn't going to show up today, and she would 
have to carry it around again all day. 
    That dang thing was heavy! Leaning against the wall 
right by the corner she demanded her mind come up with 
something clever to say to him when she returned his 
satchel. He breath was coming in short gasps as the moment 
drew nearer and the realization of what she was about to do 
sunk in.  
    Trying desperately to gather the courage she needed she 
closed her eyes and took deep breathes. Ranma turned the 
corner and promptly slammed into something short and softer 
than him. Looking down he saw the sort of familiar face of 
a girl he was pretty sure sat behind him in first period. 
Looking astonished, she stared back up at him. Quickly,
Ranma bent down and picked her up off the floor and set her 
gently on her feet. 'Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god . . . 
he's touching me, what do I do, what do I do?!' She thought 
frantically. Her mind stared to shut down with panic.
    Stammering, the girl held an object out to him. Shoving 
it into his arms, she said something about finding 
something of his, and ran off, her face a peculiar shade of 
crimson. Looking down confusedly, Ranma found himself 
holding his missing satchel, complete with the prize 
bokken. Smiling absently at the good omen, his mind still 
doing jumping jacks, he headed to class.
    The girl who's name was Midori careened around the next 
corner and slammed her back into it. Pressing her forehead 
back into the wall with both palms she wailed silently.  
'Damn it! I blew it, I blew it, I blew it!' Furious with 
herself she made dual fists with her hands and slammed them 
into the wall behind her.  
    The shock of the pain brought her back to reality. 'Gee 
I wonder if I broke something.' She thought as her hands 
started to throb. 'I guess I better go get a note and see 
Dr. Tofu.' She resigned herself. He would know what to do 
about this.  He always knew what to do. Idly as she started 
off to the nurses office to get a note she wondered if the 
doctor had ever met Ranma. Now there was a guy! She hoped 
the Doctor was in a mood to talk today, because she 
certainly felt like talking.

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