Subject: [FFML] [Tenchi] Ryoko's Choice: Tenchi's Choice
From: Matthew Lewis
Date: 6/29/2000, 1:50 AM

Notes: I woke up not too long ago, and this was in my head, so
I wrote it, as is. I don't know if I like it or not, and I
certainly don't know if I want to consider it an 'official'
sequel to Ryoko's Coice and Ryoko's Choice: Aftermath.
	Obviously, what I'm saying then is that I'd like your reaction.
(And remember, it never hurts to get on the good side of a moderator
by giving him c&c-- just as long as you're honest about it, that's
what matters)

RC and RC:A are somewhat necessary, to provide background if nothing
else, and can be found in: RAAC archives, the Tenchi Muyo fanfic
page, and, oddly enough, on my own 'page, which I've had for about
a year, and haven't updated in... about a year. You can find it

Tenchi Muyo is brought over by Pioneer and is not my creation.
I hold no rights to Tenchi Muyo, and I'm not absolutely certain
I want to hold rights on this story, either-- I am unsure whether
the narrative format (which I rather like myself) works, nevermind
a few other points.... So, without further ado:

                        Tenchi's Choice
    a sequel to Ryoko's Choice and Ryoko's Choice: Aftermath

    A dream, long time ago. Very vivid, still remember it, in fact.
Emperor of Jurai, in it. Very powerful man. Very, and not just
political or military, although yes, of course that too. Light Hawk
Wings, many of them. Can't tell how many, they seem to overlap into
one big one, at times. Shining face, smiling.
    He holds court, in this dream. Giant trees form the walls and
pillars of the hall, and there is no ceiling in sight. A line of
petitioners and his personal retinue and those who want to be close
to power, for whatever reason, fill the sides of the hall, which
stretches out until the doors at the entrance are nothing more than
a memory. The constant murmur of voices blend into some formless
    Flash to the doors. A man in a brown cloak, hood drawn forward
and looking down at the ground so his features are not given.
Tattered cloak, at the edges. Frayed. Walks slowly towards the
shining throne, a far off star. Goes unnoticed. Takes forever to
reach the throne, though the blood-red path to it is free of any
other traffic. The multitudes engrossed in their conversations and
their lives, they do not even see him as he makes his steady
progression to the Emperor. Ceremonial guards, rigid at attention
let him pass-- the Emperor is the most powerful being around,
easily more powerful than even a Jurai warship. And the man makes
his way past them, past them all, at his slow, steady, determined
pace, taking forever, day and night, light and dark, passing him by
with regular frequency and equally unacknowledged. He does not
pause, not to eat, not to drink, for nothing. The path is clear,
always. He stands before the Emperor in moments.
    The Emperor, talking to one of his wives, turns his head,
sensing this unknown man in the non-descript and frayed cloak. The
sussurrations of the court slowly come to a halt. He says nothing,
the Emperor, just looks and waits for the man to speak.
    And the man, never lifting his face from its view of the floor,
does so once the hall is quiet. "I heard it said that the Emperor
of Jurai was powerful. I was wrong." His voice is familiar. He
turns to go.
    And the people surrounding the Emperor and heard the man's
statement rear back in surprise. Not strong? Absurd? He is more
powerful than a first generation warship, and that is plenty
powerful, the voices whisper. 
    And the Emperor speaks one word, one command. "Wait," he says.
The man waits. "Why," the Emperor continues, "do you say this?" 
    And the man checks his turn and once again addresses the
Emperor. "Because I am more powerful than you are," he responds
    Powerful? How could this be? the audience whispers to itself.
One of the Emperor's wives stands up. "My husband is the most
powerful! There is no one in this galaxy with the power he has! His
personal power rivals that of Tsunami herself! He commands the
incomparable might of Jurai! He controls the largest and most
powerful empire in this galaxy, and you have the audacity," she
spits out the word, "to claim that you are more powerful that he
is? How _dare_ you? Can you lay claim to the Wings of the Light
    And the man responds, "No, of course not. I command no one,
control nothing. I am not sufficient to take on a a single man with
a gun, nevermind a warship. I am an ordinary man, and nothing more.
But I tell you this now, I am still more powerful than your
    And the Emperor, until now passive and content, stands up and
descends from his throne. The man stays in his position, hood
still up and head bent down. The Emperor stands in front of the man
and flings the man's hood back. The man lifts his head, to look the
Emperor directly in his eyes. The man smiles.
    And the audience, and the wives, and the Emperor himself, are
shocked, for the man before the Emperor is the Emperor himself, the
very image of their beloved ruler. And the man says, "Do you
understand, now?"
    But they do not understand. His smile changes, more patronising
this time as he explains. "Because I can do what you cannot."
    "What do you mean?" the Emperor asks, lifting his arms.
Correction, trying to lift his arms, because they are so laden
with chains that it is impossible. Chains that wrap around his
chest, encircle his arms and legs, and run from him to the
audience, to his wives, to everyone and everywhere on Jurai and
throughout the Empire and beyond.
    And the Man, not the Emperor, replies, "Because I can do what I
want. I go where I want to go, do what I want to do, and there are
none to gainsay me. I am not held, like a bird in a cage, however
gilded. No one to second guess me, no advisors to whisper in my ear
and think for me and say what I can and cannot do. I belong to
myself and only those I choose. 
    "I am free, Tenchi Masaki."

    End of dream there. Woke up, after hearing name. Meaning was
obvious, knew what had to be done. It was dawn, then. Still cool
with a mist more felt on the skin than seen. Dressed, then. Brushed
teeth. Breakfast, as well. Nothing rushed, very methodical. No need
to hurry after all; all the time in the world. Washu and Sasami
and Mihoshi somehow sensed the change in the air, already up and
about, as well. Their words float around, could not penetrate the
stillness inside. Finished eating, stood and walked outside.
    The path was clear, and grandfather was already there at
Funaho. He knew, somehow he knew. It is the same choice he made,
after all, although his was not as drastic as this one. They
followed, curious, almost worried. Couls see it around Ayeka's
eyes. Sasami was unduly serious and still, only her hands betrayed
apprehension, plucking at her apron constantly.
    Turned around to address them. "I have something important to
do." Pause. They were expectant, now. Ayeka misunderstands,
thinking that a descision has been made, but one of a different
type. Grandfather is behind all of them, and none of them saw him
nod. Continue now. "There is a power in me, but we knew that. I've
been able to use it for some time now, whenever I want to." Washu's
eyebrows rose. That was something she did not know, and she finds
that irksome. "But as long as I have this power, things will be
expected of me. Things I never asked for and things I did not
    Mihoshi was the one with the question, though. "So what are you
going to do, Tenchi?"
    They leaned in, Washu and Ayeka and even Sasami, hungry, eager
now to hear what comes next. "I'm going to give it up." Disbelief
in their eyes, mixed with dismay in Sasami's and incredulity in
Washu's-- she does not think it possible.
    Head and back arched upwards. Screams ushered it out of mouth.
Felt like took forever, but it did not. Very little time at all. No
pain, either, just... emptiness inside, afterward. A little
hollow, almost. Makes sense though, since something is gone, after
all. Fall then, but Ayeka catches before the ground. Looking up, it
looked so beautiful.
    Hard to differentiate the power from the morning sun and maybe
there really wasn't anything to differentiate. So bright it is hard
to make it out, even in memory and the nebulous shape of it makes
it even harder. Lines and whorls of light and power described only
an outline of a vaguely humanoid shape. Light Hawk Wings as well,
of course.
     There is a gasp, from Washu, as she looked up at it. Ayeka
cried at the beauty of it, and even grandfather was taken aback by
it. Only Sasami nods at it. Solemn, very solemn she does it. It
reciprocated the gesture, and its head, or the outline of it,
looked up into the sky. Wings flexed, and it left for the heavens.
Ayeka whispered one word, one question, "Why?"
    "Because I only wanted a normal life. I could never stay on
Earth with it. You know that. Grandfather was trying to send me to
the life he did not want, and you were wanting that life for me,
too. My power, even dormant, even unused, still attracted the
attention of others. I just want a normal life, free from that. I
don't want to rule, I don't want to fight, and to wield powers and
to hold the fate of billions and billions in my hand. I don't want
glory, or riches, or adventure. To have a family who loves me, a
career I am good at and a job I like, friends who care and I care
for, that's all the adventure I want, all the adventure I need."
Smiled, and held arms wide open. "Everyone is still welcome here,
of course. You are my friends, my family." Washu confirmed-- not a
trace of Jurai left in body-- completely, one hundred percent,
totally and mundanely human.
    Eventually, one by one, they left. Still come back to visit,
once in a while, to catch up on old times, share the latest gossip.
Emperor Azusa, too, who is much more friendly now, after he heard
what happened. Sasami doesn't, though-- not Tsunami. She was the
last to go, and every once in a while could be seen looking with
sad eyes. None of them have heard word from Ryoko, either.
    The visits became fewer and fewer, less and less. People
getting busier. Mihoshi promoted and now working closely with her
grandfather, Ayeka and Sasami-Tsunami busily involved with an
Empire, Washu on her research, of course. Two years since the last
visit, in fact.
    Finished high school without any major mishaps. University, a
good one, too. Architecture, following in father's footsteps, and
eventually hired by his firm, which he is now a full partner in.
Working way up there, and having fun. Still have fun, still have
friends, date occasionally, but nothing serious. Always vacation at
the shrine-- grandfather is still the priest there and as hale and
healthy as ever.
    Every once in a while, just a glimpse and nothing more, there
is a shining light, lines and whorls describing a shape, and wings,
of course, then it is gone. Walking down a busy street, or sweeping
the steps of the shrine or staring out a window at work, and once
even in a mirror. Maybe it wants back. That might not be so bad, it
would be nice to see what Ryoko is up to these days, anyway.


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