Subject: [FFML] [Fanfic][R1/2/RK] Spirit of the Battousai
Date: 5/8/2000, 7:53 PM
To: "" <>

Ahh... feel free to throw whatever you want at me, I might be able to
salvage something from it.

C&C and all that other stuff much wanted.

Other works can be found at


        Characters are property of ther respective owners. Saying otherwise
would mean swift actions of events along the line of mallet to the head.

                        Spirit of the Battousai


Chapter1: A sword that kills, A protector lost

        *Where am I�*

        Sounds of clashing swords rang throughout his mind. Flashes of 
metal sparkled near the corner of his line of sight. Everything was 
blurry, constantly moving, distant�

        He felt his hands move on their own. *A sword!* A sickening 
sound was heard. Moist dark liquid tickled at his skin.

        *Blood� What is this!?*

        A voice spoke out; "I will find a way I can protect people

        *What's going on?*

        A second voice, "Life, death, and the sword, that's your way."

        *Am I dreaming?*

        "No, never again will I kill--"

        "It is who you are�"

        *No�what is happening?�no�NO!*

        *The ceiling�* Saotome Ranma's eyes finally recognized the 
familiar surroundings of his room. *It was a dream�*

        Rolling over, he again tried to sleep.

                        < OH MY! >

        "Hey, Ranma. What's with you today."

        Ranma looked up out of his eerie slouching pose and gave Akane a 
rude glare. "What's it to you, Tomboy."

        Akane furrowed her eyebrows, anger boiling up. "Well-excuse-me 
for caring. Mou, Ranma, you looked like you're half here."

        It was true; the great Ranma Saotome was not looking up to his 
reputation. In fact he kind of looked like the skinny kid that everyone 
ignores at school. It was a good resemblance in this way with dark bags 
until his lazy eyes. "I just didn't get a good night's sleep that's all.
drop it tomboy, I'm not up to it today."

        "Fine, by me," Akane Tendo, a.k.a, tomboy, refuted. "I hope you 
won't put your foot in your mouth on the way to school, or I'll have to 
pound you even in this condition," Turning around with not so graceful, 
but rather stiff and rigid, she turned towards her elder sister. "Come 
on big sis, let's leave the baka."

        "What's the rush, Akane," Nabiki replied ever so casually, not 
moving the paper in front of her, "besides, Ranma might be useful. It 
seems there was a robbery and murder last night in Nermia. At the 
museum, it seems a recently displayed katanna was stolen, and three 
dead security guards."

        Akane gave her sister a baffled look, "What does that have to do 
with us?"

        Nabiki wriggled her finger and put on her lecture look, "Akane, 
you of all people should know by now that anything that happens in 
Nermia has a way of attaching themselves to Ranma. I'm just 
positioning myself to come out in the best possible way."

        Akane couldn't truly understand how right Nabiki was.

                        < OH MY! >

        Ranma dragged himself along an unfamiliar area. It had been a 
bad day for him--then usual anyway. He was tired from the nightmarish 
dream last night and shampoo just had to do her glomp thing. He was 
used to that, but he didn't have to like it. It was a predictable,
you pervert' from the tomboy, followed by the water, and the run 

        Today though, he must have ran farther than usual, because he 
was 'slightly' lost. On top of which, Ranma was still tired after waking 
up from whatever sleep he had. The only bright spot was the fact that 
he had been able to be a man for now.

So deep in his own pity, he didn't notice banging into something. 

        His danger sense suddenly spiked as a tint of light gave him the 
moments notice. The slick sound of the unsheathing of steel was 
heard, but Ranma was prepared for that. He was already executing a 
precise counter.

        In one swift motion a long object was projected into the evening 
sky, flying with graceful arc. Ranma with his skill level easily caught
sword's hilt as it descended.

        "Oi, if you want to kill me, at least give me a reason first, ya 
know." Ranma hadn't even gone into a combat stance, casually standing 
and resting the newly acquired katanna on his shoulder. He may have 
been tired, but another 'Die Saotome' opponent, was nothing he couldn't 

        His opponent flung back his dark cloak to reveal a second 
sheathed blade on his hip. "Why you little prick. I shouldn't have been 
lazy to let you dodge that hit."

        Drawing his own blade, he rambled on, "I had hoped to use that 
sword, the legendary sword of the Hitoki Battousai, but it seems I'll 
just have to add another set of blood on my old blade. A little prick
you don't deserve to be killed by such a great sword anyway." 

"Is that so�" replied Ranma not in the slightest interested.

        "Die, you prick!" The opponent swiftly closed the distance and 
executed a precise slash. Too bad Ranma Saotome could not be hit with 
just a precise slash. Before the opponent has even started the attack, 
Ranma had already disappeared.

        "Hey, where did you go, you prick!"

        "You don't deserve this sword," Ranma's voice behind him 
suddenly sounded serious. "You don't have the skill, the strength, or 
the spirit to wield the sword of the Battousai."

        Turning around, the opponent's eyes widened, "How-when did you 
get there�" He took an unconscious step back. *That look�* The 
appearance was completely difference from before. *The eyes�* The 
eyes were now lowered, cold, distant, the eyes of a killer, and they 
were all focused on him; the glint of the light from his eyes reflected 
on the moon gave his a disturbing notion he was out classed.

        "Why don't you give me the sheath too, this sword doesn't suite 
you." A cold voice fluttered out.

        The opponent knew he should have just ran, but his pride carried 
him on. "Yea, right you little prick. When I'm done with you, I'll give
rotting body good wack with the sheath, that's what I'll do!"

        "Is that so�" the cold distant voice of Ranma commented again. 
For once it didn�t have a hint of mockery on it.

                        < OH MY! >

        Morning came. The rays of sunlight and crickets chirping loudly 
were proof of that.

        "Hey Ranma, what happened to you."

        "Eh? What do you mean Akane?" Ranma looked at his fiancee in 
bafflement. Again he was in his usual slouch position, the same as 
yesterday. This time though, the bags under his eyes were gone.

        She gave him an agitated look, "That you baka," pointing at the 
big slab of bandage on his left cheek.

        "Oh that," commented Ranma, casually. "Just a little mistake I 
made. No big deal."

        "I bet," refuted Akane with a snort. "What's with the sword
You never carried a katanna before." She made her point by glazing 
directly at the sheathed blade at his hip.

        "It's nothing really important. I just want to have it on me
all," Waving it off Ranma continued, "I'm heading out for a bit, be back 
later." Giving no time for Akane to respond, he turned his back on her 
and left.

        Akane glared at his retreating back, "What's that baka up to?"

                        < OH MY! >

        "Oi, old ghoul, I need to talk to ya!" Ranma gave out his
calling as he entered the Nekohanten.

        "Aiya, Arien come with date, yes?" Followed by Shampoo's usual 

        "What do you have for me son in law�" Cologne appeared, 
balanced as usual on her cane. A flicker crossed the elder's 
experienced eyes. "That blade�" Cologne eyed it carefully, up and 
down. "That sword you have there son in law, has a powerful aura 
around it. It is a very ominous blade, " Looking up at Ranma, "I feel 
sickening evil in that sword. Is this what you came to me for?"

        "Well yea, sort of�" he trailed off.

"I advise you get rid of it, son in law, a place where no one will ever
it, destroy it better yet."

        Ranma gave a glance at his blade, "Humm, it doesn't seem all
evil and stuff to me." Focusing back on Cologne, "I kind of like this 
sword, and I want to keep it. I just wanted to ask you to see if it's
magic or something. I can feel it's power, that much I agree with you."

        The wrinkled elder gave her son in law a long look. *Those 

        "Very well son in law, come with me into the back. 
Granddaughter, stay here." Cologne hopped off with Ranma following.

        Shampoo analyzing the two figures, something was up, and if she 
could find a leverage somewhere, husband would be hers.

                        < OH MY! >

        Cologne brought out a glass ball out from her trunk of mystical 
items. Carefully she set it down onto the table.

        "Touch the sword on the ball, and focus into it. There you shall 
find your answer," Cologne instructed with an ominous voice.


        Ranma slid the blade still in the sheath out from his hip and 
touched it on the glass ball. Peering into the ball, he focused�

        Images flashed before his eyes. Horrifying images.

        *Blood�so much blood�so much killing�bodies, everywhere�*

        Then he saw it, the image of a woman, dead�blood soaked 
through her kimono�

        "No�no�NO�this isn't�"

        Faster then cologne could follow Ranma drew the blade and 
slammed onto the glass ball violently. Eyes wide with horror he 
screamed, "NO!"

        "Son in la�" was all the elder could get out before the

                        < OH MY! >

Another time, another place�


        "Oro?" Himura Kenshin looked up from his laundry to see Kaoru 
and Yahiko running up to him. "What is it, Kaoru-dono?"

        "I'll tell you what happened, someone is impersonating you!"  
shouted out an angered Yahiko. As usual he was prepared and ready 
with his trusty shinai strapped on to the back.


        "The newspaper, Kenshin. Yesterday five policemen were killed at 
the police station. An eye witness claim he called himself the Hitoki 

        "I can't believe some guy would do this! And to frame you doing 
it!" rambled on a fuming Yahiko.

        "We have to do something about this, Kenshin," added in Kaoru.

        Standing up, "We should go to the police to investigate,"
said finally. The group nodded in agreement.

        Walking to the gates of the house, the group saw Sanosuke 
leaning against the wall casually and calm.  He was dressed in his usual 
apparel of white pants and unbuttoned white shirt with the trademark 
kanji 'bad' on the back. "I guess you guy heard about the imposter," 
Sanosuke gave a brief chuckle at that. "Let go and kick this guy's ass 

        This would have been a majority cool and heroic scene, if it 
weren't for the fact that at that moment, there was a collective growl 
of hunger.

        Kenshin put his hand on the back of his head and smiled, "I
we should eat lunch first on the way there."

                        < OH MY! >

        Walking to the usual place for a good hearty, and for Sanosuke, 
free, lunch, Sanosuke was the only one that caught something odd. It 
was almost pure luck for him really. He was nonchalantly looking around 
when he caught an image in the mirror hanging by the shop.

        "Hum�Hey guys, you go on ahead, while I check up on something 
real quick." And with that he walked away.

        "What's with him?" Yahiko commented.

        "Sanosuke is always weird," answered Kaoru, but just as 

                        < OH MY! >

        "Hey there, any good reason you're following us?"

        The cloaked person turned around to find Sanosuke leaning on 
the wall with a smirk on his face.

        "Impressive, I didn't expect you to notice me," pausing a brief 
second, "or did you just get lucky?"

        This immediately got on Sanosuke's nerves; what was more was 
the asshole was right. Righting himself off the wall, "So are you going 
to tell me why you're following us or do I have to beat it out of ya." 
Sanosuke hadn't meant it to be a question.

        Under the hood of the cloak a smirked formed.

                        < OH MY! >

        A loud crash was heard.

        "What was that!?" yell out Kaoru as she twirled around towards 
the sound.

        "Let's check it out," added in Yahiko.

        The gang ran towards the disrupting crash.

                < OH MY! >

        "Sanosuke!" doubled Kenshin along with Kaoru.

        Sanosuke was lying on the ground and not looking very well with 
cuts and bruises all around his body.

        A few steps away stood a girl with fierily red hair, tied back.

        "Watch out Kenshin, she can really do some ass kicking," groaned 
the fallen Sanosuke trying painfully to get up.

        Kenshin immediately focused his eyes on the attacker.

        Chinese style red shirt and black pants; it was a young girl.
had a sheathed sword at her hip and there was an eerie look to her. Her 
eyes were cold and distant. He knew what those eyes meant too well.

        "Who are you?" asked Kenshin his tone suddenly darkened.

        Right behind him Kaoru added, "Look at her cheek!"

        Kenshin eye's widen finally catching it, as did Yahiko, she had
crossed shaped scar on her left cheek, the same as Himura Kenshin.

        "Even though you hide your aura, I can still feel you. Himura 
Kenshin, am I right? The Hitoki Battousai."

        With that she went into stance. Kenshin knew that stance all too 
well. Left leg leading, slanted side ways, left hand on the sheath, and 
right hand ready. The stance of his style, the Hiten Mitsurguri Ryuu.

        Kenshin was shocked when her image suddenly zoomed up closed 
to him. A flash of light erupted as steel met steel. Kenshin grunted as 
he barely got his own sword partially out in time to meet her rush.

        The young girl wasted no time and immediately pressed her 
attack, slashing with horrifying speed. He winced with every clash that 
his deflected with his reversed bladed sword. Her skill level was 
dangerously high.

        Suddenly she blurred in front of his eyes. *Where--* Kenshin 
forced a sharp gasp as he felt a flash of pain on his side. Immediately 
hopping back, he clutched his side in pain, jamming his sakabatou sword 
into the ground in order to keep from falling.

        "Kenshin, watch out!" a warning bellowed out from Kaoru behind 

        Looking up, she was in the air executing her next move.

        "Hiten Mitsurguri Ryuu, Ryu-Tsui-Sen!! It can't be!" a wide-eyed 
Yahiko spoke out not believing what is happening.

        It was almost a whisper, but it was loud and clear enough to be 
heard by everyone, "Hiten Mitsurguri Ryuu, Ryu-Tsui-Sen," and she 
slammed her technique right down onto a shocked Kenshin. Dust clouds 
flew out in all directions from the impact.

        "Kenshin!!" yelled Kaoru, praying wildly that he wasn't hurt.

        Slowly and definitely not fast enough for the three spectators, 
the dust clouds finally scattered revealing two figures.

        Casually the red haired girl, sheathed her sword, and turned 
around. Picking her cloak carelessly on the ground, she draped it over 
her shoulder and walked away.

        Kenshin stood there, breathing heavily, still holding his sword
and clutching his wounded side.

        "Kenshin!" Kaoru, Yahiko, and Sanosuke rushed up to him as best 
they can, seeing if he's all right.

        "I'm alright everyone�" breathed out the wounded Kenshin finally 
relaxing his guard.

        "I knew you would be able to dodge her technique, Kenshin," 
smiled Yahiko trying to be oblivious to who was the victor.

        "No Yahiko, if she fought at the level as before, I would be
now. She held back at the last second� long enough for me to dodge it 
in time." This gave a sinking feeling to the group.

        *It was an almost perfect duplicate of my own technique with one 
exception. Hiten Mitsurguri Ryuu, Ryu-Tsui-Sen is a direct downward 
slash, but her blade was slightly titled to one side. This would put
power to one side and� if I had blocked the attack instead of 
evading� I might have buckled under the strain coupled with my fresh 

        "She's the one trying to frame you, isn't she�" Sanosuke finally 

        "It's possible," Kenshin relied slowly.

        "You're hurt Kenshin, let's get you to Doctor Genzai," Kaoru 
suddenly ruined the mood by dragging Kenshin to the doctor with the 
side his wound was on.

        "Orrroooo�" was all he could muster out.

                                                                To be continued�

Chapter 2: Two sides to a sword

Author's Babble,

	It's been a while, and I had to do something. I am in the process of
going backwards and flushing bugs left and right...and there is always
enough around afterwards. Now I know how Skuld feels. This one might
become a little darker then my usual, hey, this is what I get for
watching the Kenshin OAV too many times. Bug fixes are always
appreciated with all the other stuff.


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