Subject: [FFML] [Fanfic][Ranma][Incomplete] A Twisted Fate, Chapter 3
Date: 3/28/2000, 12:41 AM

Ranma 1/2 is owned by Rumiko Takahashi.  Dragon Ball is owned by Akira 

A Twisted Fate
Chapter Three
Of Bokkens and Oni, Part 1

"Excuse me," a soft alto voice asked.

A passerby stopped walking and turning in the direction of the voice.  Spying 
a figure all bundled in a dusty, tattered cloak, the man responded.  "Are you 
talking to me?"

"Yes," the apparently female owner of the voice replied.  "Where am I?"

"You're in Nerima."  He was surprised by the female's reaction, hopping up 
and down with a fist struck out in the air.

"At last, I made it!  Point me to Furinken High School!"

"Furinken?  It's that way."  He pointed southeast.  "To get there, just-"

"Thank you!"  The figure focussed all of her attention in the direction being 
pointed to, then leapt into the air.  The wind billowed out her cloak, and, 
no mistaking it, she was flying.

The man's eyes widened and he began to gibber, "Im-impossible!" over and and 
over.  Unable to comprehend what he just saw, he passed out.  Another 
passerby, who had happened to have seen the previous events, glanced down at 
the prone form.  "Must be new around here..."  He then promptly continued to 
walk on.

* * * * *
"School?"  Ranma asked, a little perplexed.

Nabiki gave him a sardonic smirk.  "Yes, Ranma.  School.  Since you're going 
to be staying here for some time, it's best that you attend school and get an 
education," she said calmly, then she crossed her arms over the white blouse 
of her school uniform.  "Besides, I will not let my older sister marry a bum 
off the streets."

"Hey now!—"  He quickly bit his lip before he spoke on.  "But I have no 
school supplies."

The middle daughter held out an extra bag.  "All ready for you."

He sighed.  "..and besides, I thought that maybe today, me and Kasumi could, 
you know, spend some time...getting to know each other better."

Soun and Genma popped up behind him, waving little flags and throwing party 

"Our families will be joined soon!"

"Yes, my baby's going to get married!!  I'm so happy!"

"Oyaji..."  Ranma turned around, leveling a glare at the two older men that 
could have flash-frozen a flame.

Genma stopped celebrating immediately and clapped a hand over his friend's 
mouth.  "Eh go on about what you were doing, my son.  Don't 
mind us, of course."  Then they left the room, or rather, Genma scampered 
out, dragging his old friend behind him.

He sighed, putting the palm of his hand against his forehead.  "I swear..."

Nabiki interrupted.  "There will be time enough for you and Kasumi to 
have...'quality time.'"  She smirked as Ranma looked confused at the little 
joke she made.  It sometimes paid to have a friend that was fanatical about 
using catch phrases from violent, American movies.  "I'll tell you later.  
Right now, we have school.  Wait for Akane to get downstairs; she'll show you 
the way."

He looked up, playing his own smirk upon his lips.  "Dumping me off on cutie, 
eh?  Why can't I just follow you?"

"Because I have business to take care of before school starts.  Ta ta for 
now."  Nabiki coolly walked out of the front door.

A few moments later, Akane came down the stairs.  "Nabiki, let's-"

"Hey cutie!"  He turned another smirk upon her, which froze her dead in her 
tracks.  "Haven't seen you all morning.  Feelin' better?"

Her hands involuntarily clenched into fists.  "Don't.  Call.  Me.  That."  
Her voice was tightly controlled, her eyes staring daggers at him.

He tsked at her.  "Cutie, cutie, cutie...."

She growled, unleashing a punch at Ranma.

He deflected the strike and flipped over her, just enough to clear her head.  
His hands became a blur, lashing out at her unprotected head over and over.  
Akane's eyes flew open as she felt the wind rushing against her neck, panic 
replacing logic.  In the blink of an eye, the assault was over, and she dully 
realized that not only was she still conscious, she was also standing.

"" she drawled out, slowly turning to face 
him with each word.
He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.  "Well, to beat me, you're 
going to have to _be_ me, so I decided to help get you started on your merry 

"You did...what?"  She really didn't like the implication he was making.

Right then, Kasumi walked to the room carrying two bento boxes.  "Nabiki, 
Akane, here are your-Akane!"

Akane blinked as Kasumi stopped to examine her youngest sister.  "Oh, my, 
Akane.  It looks so cute on you!"  She smiled at last.  "Whatever inspired 
you to do it?"

"Huh?" she asked intelligently.  Ranma smirked before her.

"Your new hairstyle.  Is it in honor of my fiance?"  A slight blush played 
across the bridge of Ranma's nose as Kasumi referred to him as "her fiance."  

Akane, ever so carefully, reached behind her head and felt for her hair.  Her 
fingers made contact with...a braid?  Horror etched her face, as she felt 
each segment.  Six total.  Disbelieving, she threw her hair over her shoulder 
to see for herself.

The house shook from the sudden auditory explosion.  Seconds later, Akane 
burst out of the front door, tears coursing down her cheeks, the newly born 
pigtail flapping wildly behind her.

Ranma winced as he poked a finger into his ear to rid himself of the nonstop 
ringing sounds within his head.  "Geez...what was that all about?" he 
inquired after the youngest sibling's sudden departure.  "It's just hair," he 
added to himself.

"I don't know, really."  Kasumi didn't heard his last statement and therefore 
did not comment on it.  She stepped outside of the door, looking at the dust 
cloud slowly settling back to the ground.  Then she remembered the bento 
boxes she still carried in her hands.  "Oh, my.  She forgot her lunch."

He lightly smacked his forehead. "She's s'pose to show me the way to school, 

She turned to him.  "You don't know the way?"

"No..."  He shrugged.  "Oh, well, since I don't know where the school is, I 
guess I can't go today."  Somehow, the smile on his face betrayed his upset 
attitude of missing school.

"Well, I can show you the way."

The smile fell off his face.  "Wha..."

Kasumi smiled at Ranma.  "Just give me a minute to change, and I'll show you 
how to get to school.  It wouldn't be fair for you to fall behind in your 


"You'll probably need a lunch as well."

"Er, yeah, but-"

"Don't worry, Ranma; I'll be back in a few minutes."  

He held up a hand, trying to draw attention to himself.  "But I-"

Kasumi swept into the kitchen without another word, leaving Ranma alone in 
the hall.  He sighed, putting his forehead into the palm of his hand.  "Man, 
just when things were looking up...she has a cute sway when she walks, 
though.  Also has a nice..."

He blinked very hard as his cheeks lit up hot.  "Now where did _that_ thought 
come from?"

* * * * *
Blurry vision is never a good thing, Akane knew, especially when running at 
nearly full tilt, but at the moment, she didn't care.  She was both angry 
with that insensitive macho jerk Ranma and anguished at what he had done to 
her hair.  Her lovely, sable hair, the hair that she had been growing for 
_years_ to be longer than her oldest sister's.  She had finally succeeded a 
month ago; now, she could have gotten the attention of her heart's one, true 
desire-Ono Tofu-sensei.

A real man, unlike all of those stupid _boys_ at her school.  Kind, warm, 
sensitive...handsome... Her cheeks tinted rose at that thought.  And he was 
in reach, too.  Just as soon as she could finally get him to notice _her_ as 
a woman, and drag away all of his affections from her main obstacle--her own 
sister Kasumi.

Well, she was engaged to that scumbag of an insensitive jerk Ranma, so that 
should help her own cause, even if she hated that idiot's guts twice over.  
Mangling her hair like that...

"Akane!  Where's Ranma?"

Her thoughts broken, Akane tried to stop running and turn around.  
Unfortunately, she didn't notice part of the sidewalk was raised up; blurry 
vision made sure of that.  Expectantly and unavoidably, the toe of her shoe 
caught the slab and refused to let go, which had the inevitable effects of 
sending the rest of her crashing down on her face.  Hard.

It was official; Akane was beyond embarrassed now.  Losing to a _boy_ last 
night was bad enough.  Being beaten within less than three seconds by 
Nabiki's watch and within an inch of her life by her assortment of hurts and 
bruises was grounds for "I'm never going to live this one down."  Having the 
same boy screw over her hair so brazenly was a big embarrassment.  Now, 

"I should have stayed home today..."

"Probably, but then, what would your fan club do without you?" Nabiki said, a 
smirk creasing one corner of her face at a sharp angle.

Pushing off the ground, she responded.  "They can all go to hell, far as I'm 
concerned.  Kunou-sempai can lead the way, too."

"My, aren't we a bit touchy this morning.  So, where is Ranma?"

Her voice was almost tangible with acid.  "Who cares about that stupid jerk?"

"Mmm...that would most likely explain your new hairstyle."

Akane growled.  "Shut up, Nabiki."  She stood up, then faltered a little, one 
eye wincing its indication of pain.

"You won't be in much shape to handle your fan clubs if you're hurt, you 

Determination lit her afire.  "I'm fine."  She put weight on her injured leg, 
trying her best to ignore the pain shooting up from her kneecap.

"Uh huh.  And I'm the Prime Minister of Japan."  Shrugging a little, Nabiki 
slipped an arm around Akane's back.  "Come along, let's get you to 
Tofu-sensei's clinic and have your knee checked out.  If he has any brains, 
Ranma will have gotten help from Kasumi, and will pass by here."

"What's with everyone's infatuation with that jerk?!" Akane snapped angrily.  
"Father, I can understand.  Kasumi, I can understand.  But you, Nabiki?  
Usually, you would be exploiting him by now.  What gives?"

The middle Tendo daughter regarded the youngest one calmly for a moment.  "He 
made Kasumi laugh," came her simple reply.

She stared dumbly at her older sister, then snorted derisively.  "What does 
that have to do with anything?  She laughs all the time."

"Name one."

"Sure!  It when..."  She tapped her chin.  "No, not that 
time, either...aha!  What about the time when she went to Tofu-sensei's 
clinic and he first started dancing with his skeleton?  Huh?  What about 

"I remember that time.  Believe me, she wasn't laughing; in fact, she was 
kind of afraid of the good doctor after he turned a patient into a human 

"Oh..."  Akane knew better than to challenge Nabiki's memory; it was better 
than an elephant's and sharper, too.  Still, she wasn't convinced, judging 
from the frown pulling at one corner of her mouth.

Nabiki knew that frown, too.  "Tell me, Akane, how does she laugh?"

She furrowed her brows in deep thought.  She gave up shortly, grumbling a 
bit.  "All right, Nabiki, you're right, okay?  He can make Kasumi laugh, so 
he's special.  He's still a big jerk!"  With a huff, she hobbled off to the 
good doctor's office.

Nabiki shook her head.  "Honestly little sister..."  Shrugging a little, she 
followed Akane down the sidewalk.

* * * * *
Ranma sighed.  The day was not going as well as it should have.  For 
starters, he was going off to attend school, his least favorite thing to do 
with his time.  It bored him so much, he may very well doze off in class 
before half an hour had elapsed.  Secondly, he was practically railroaded 
into the idea by Nabiki, and if there was any one thing that he hated, it was 
being forced to do something.  Not surprisingly, he hadn't been bossed around 
very much since he acquired his curse; in fact, Genma had been calling him 
"son" instead of just "boy" a day after their dip in Jusenkyou's cold waters. 
 It was strangely reveling the first time he had addressed him as such, and 
he unwittingly beamed at his father then.

However, that didn't disturb the young man so prevalently.  That particular 
honor went to himself.  More importantly, how he had been behaving as of late.

He didn't understand it.  One moment he was exuding power, control of his 
destiny, and all encompassing confidence in every facet of his life.  Then 
next moment, he felt his old self.  Was it because of the curse?  
It would explain a lot, but the curses affect the body, not the mind.  Right?


He slipped back into the present time, and turned his head to face his 
fiancee.  "Yeah, Kasumi?"

"Tell me, why are you walking on top of that fence?"

"Hm?"  He glanced down to his feet.  Sure enough, they were busy moving his 
body atop of a fence.  "Oh, it's just practice for keeping my balance.  I've 
been doing this ever since I was a kid."  He took a few steps more, then 
somersaulted from his perch to the pavement, landing perfectly and lightly on 
his feet.  "It's almost second nature."

"My.  You are very good."

He smirked at her.  "Thanks.  Pop didn't pull any punches when he was 
training me, unlike--"

He was suddenly splashed directly in the face with some cold water.  
Saiyajin-Ranma spat out a mouthful of water, turning an annoyed eye at its 
souce.  An old woman, ladle and bucket in hand, was splashing the sidewalk.  

"Ranma, what's wrong?  Didn't you see her there?"

"No, I didn't."  He shot the last of the excess water out between his lips.  
His eyes never left the woman or her bucket.  "If there's anything annoying 
about my...'curse,' it's got to be being a water manget.  A real blind spot." 
 Abruptly, Saiyajin-Ranma disregarded her and turned his attention back to 
Kasumi.  "So, anyway, didn't your pop show you stuff like that?"

Kasumi blinked for a second.  "Stuff like what?"

"You know, balancing on fences and other things?"

"Well...he did show us how to balance..."

"...but not like this, ne?"

" like that..."

He grinned, then, clapping his hands together.  "Wanna learn?"

She looked up at him.  "Wha-AAH!"  The next thing Kasumi was aware of, the 
ground was falling out from underneath her.  She pinched her eyes shut, 
afraid to look anywhere else.

"You can relax now," came the deep voice belonging to Ranma's cursed form.

Slowly, Kasumi's eyes peeled open.  Immediately, she knew something was 
amiss.  Everything seemed so much shorter than she last remembered.  
"Wh-where am I?"

"Atop of the fence."

"I'm what?!"  She froze almost immediately.  Standing on top of a ten foot 
fence was more than enough to elicit such a reaction.  "Wh-wh-what am I 
d-d-doing up h-h-here?!"

"Just relax, Kasumi.  I gotcha."  He emphasized the point by squeezing her 
waist.  "We're gonna learn how to balance."

"Ranma-kun, please get me down!"

"Oh, c'mon..."

She felt a draft, and a second later, horror dawned on her.  A blush darkly 
burned across her cheeks.  "I'm wearing a dress!  Someone might see--!!"

"If some guy tries to take a peek, he'll wish he hadn't when I'm done with 

Kasumi involuntarily shranked back from the edge of malice in his voice, 
which only added to her fright.  "Please, get me down..."

Saiyajin-Ranma could have sworn he saw tears beginning to form in her eyes.  
He sighed.  "All right..."  He swept her up into his arms.  Automatically, 
she snapped hers around his neck tightly, cutting off his air supply.  He 
tried to talk.  "You're choking me."

She loosened her grip a little.  "I'm sorry."

"S'all right."  He hopped off of the fence, landing back on street level.  
"Here ya go," he said, letting her feet touch the ground.  

She stepped back shakily, letting her nerves settle and her racing heart to 
slow down.  "Th...thank you, Ranma-kun..."

"No problem.  And just call me Ranma."  He drew her firmly against his chest, 
which caused the eldest Tendo daughter to gasp in surprise.  His face came in 
closer to hers, the smile resting on his face spoke of something more than 
just simple friendliness.  "After all, we are engaged, ne?"

Kasumi felt very nervous, being so close to him.  She tried to push herself 
away from him, but she could budge.  "R-ranma, you're going to be late for 

"Who cares?"  His face inched closer to hers.

She almost whispered, feeling a strange tug upon her being.  "I...I do."

"You do?"  He seemed somewhat surprised.



She smiled a little, if a bit nervous.  "Yes.  I want you to suceed in your 

Saiyijin-Ranma straightened a bit, his jaw set as he ran the past few moments 
through his head.  After a pause, he looked back down at Kasumi.  "Okay.  
Let's go."  He let go of her and turned back towards the direction they were 

Now it was Kasumi's turn to be surprised.  That was all it took?  Now, she 
felt a bit disappointed he didn't put up more resistance.  She shook her head 
then.  "What am I thinking about," she said under her breath.

That was when she noticed the tail waving at her from beneath the hem of 
Ranma's red chinese shirt.

"Ranma-k--"  She cut herself off a little abbruptly.  "Ranma?"

He looked over his shoulder.  "Yeah?"

"Aren't you going to change back?"

"What for?  I like this form."

"Well, that may be so, but you certainly can't go around looking like that."

He turned around fully and crossed his arms over his chest.  "And why not?"

She took an involuntary step back.  "Ah, well, what if someone tries to pull 
your tail while in classes?"

He shuddered at the mere thought.  Genma pulled his tail once before.  It 
took him "M-maybe you got a point.  I'll just run back home and--"

"There isn't any time left,  School will start soon enough.  Come on; we can 
get some hot water at Tofu-sensie's clinic."

"Ooookay.  If you insist.  Lead the way."

It's not finished yet, but I'd like so C&C on it before I go on.



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