Subject: [FFML] [spamfic][multi fusion/crossover] Not Another Ridiculous Fanfic!
From: "Ammadeau" <>
Date: 1/25/2000, 1:41 AM

Little something I wrote when I should have been doing about a 

dozen other things.  No plans to continue it, but you never know.

Not Another Ridiculous Fanfic!

(a fusion / crossover spamfic)

By Ammadeau


	"Xellos, what's the real title of this?"

	"That, Lina... is a secret."

	"I should have known."


	Keiichi stuck a cigarette in his mouth and dialed the phone 

with his other hand, pissed that his sempai had forced him to watch 

the dorm and take messages.

	"Hello, Goddess Helpline.  How may I help you?"

	Keiichi quickly hung up the phone, feeling a vague 

premonition of disaster coming his way.

	"How rude," said the same voice from somewhere behind 

him, "And you should know that smoking is bad for your health."

	Keiichi spun around, the cigarette falling from his mouth in 

surprise.  A young woman now stood in his room where he was 

sure there hadn't been anyone a minute ago.  She wore a long 

flowing kimono and had her purple hair tied up in...  Wait a 

minute.  Purple hair?

	"You're Aeka from Tenchi Muyo, aren't you?"

	Aeka inclined her head in acknowledgment.  "Though 

you're being awfully familiar considering we've just met.  I 

suppose that's just my charm," she told him, and laughed softly 

into her hand.

	Keiichi shuddered.  He once knew a girl who laughed like 

that and it always creeped him out.  "What I'm trying to say is that 

this is 'Oh My Goddess.'  You're in the wrong series."

	"Oh, no, you're the one who has it wrong, Keiichi-san," 

Aeka corrected him, "The author is writing a fusion, so you see 

everything is perfectly all right."

	"Aren't we supposed to avoid talking about things like that 

in a fanfic?  I mean, the fourth wall and all."

	"Not to worry, Keiichi-san," she told him with a smile.  

"Since this work of fanfiction will be somewhat silly, such 

concerns have been waved for the duration."

	"Okay, okay, I've got you," Keiichi replied as he sat down 

and tried to sort this out in his mind.  "So do I wish for the same 

thing as before, or can I wish for anything I want?"

	Aeka pulled out a scroll from one of her sleeves.  She 

opened it and read quickly before replying.  "It says here that you 

can wish for anything you like, except something that would wish 

for other characters from Oh My Goddess to appear."

	Keiichi frowned.  "You mean I can't just wish for 

Belldandy then?"

	Aeka put the scroll away and shrugged.  "And I'd much 

rather be answering the wishes of Tenchi than to be stuck here. 

Who knows what that witch Ryoko could be up to while I'm 


	While Aeka fumed, the phone rang.  Keiichi answered it 

and suddenly his eyes opened wide in shock.  "It's for you," he told 

the prin... goddess nervously, handing her the phone.

	"Who is it?" she asked in confusion.

	"The author."

	"Oh," Aeka replied and answered the phone.  Immediately, 

she began to smile.  "Yes, I see, that is good news.  Good-bye."

	She hung up the phone and handed it back to Keiichi, who 

stared at her in surprise.

	"What did he have to say?" Keiichi asked slowly.

	Aeka continued to grin.  "Well, it seems that Tenchi is 

currently in a crossover himself so Ryoko couldn't do anything 

even if she wanted to.  Ohohohoho!!"

	Keiichi shielded his ears from the horrible sound.

	"So you may take your time in choosing your wish," Aeka 

told him as she made herself comfortable.  "With no Tenchi to 

return to, I'm in no rush to go home.  I'd be doing nothing but 

house chores and watching daytime TV anyway."

	Keiichi was only just starting to relax a bit when he heard a 

sound outside of his room that made him freeze in fear.  It was the 

sound of many footsteps, growing closer.

	"Wait another minute," he said, his voice clearly confused.  

"If we're still following the original manga, that means that my 

dorm mates are coming to kick both of us out, but you said no 

more Oh My Goddess characters would be appearing in this."

	Aeka shook her head, not seeming alarmed in the least.  "I 

said that you couldn't wish for more OMG characters to appear.  I 

said nothing about them appearing on their own."

	As the mob burst in, gathered up the two of them along 

with most of Keiichi's stuff, and tossed them out to the street, 

Keiichi shouted, "Well, I hope you have a place for us to live 


	"Not to worry, Keiichi-san," Aeka said confidently as she 

stood and glanced somewhat distastefully at her surroundings.  "I 

borrowed the pet of a friend who will be able to provide everything 

we shall need."

	"Don't tell me Ryo-oki can turn into a house now," Keiichi 

remarked as he began to stack the boxes containing his belongings 

into a easy to carry arrangement, though it didn't look entirely 

possible.  Why did he have such a huge anime collection all of the 


	"That could be useful. I must suggest that to Washu one of 

these days," Aeka remarked, tapping her chin with one finger.  

"No, I couldn't bring Ryo-oki.  The author couldn't afford the 

carrots she wanted.  But I do have this."

	With that, Aeka spun around to face him once again, 

though now her once-empty arms held a fat rabbit-looking thing 

with a red jewel on its forehead.

	"Pu!" the overweight bunny greeted Keiichi with a wave of 

its ears.

	"Wow, Mokana from Rayearth!" Keiichi shouted, starting 

to feel better about the whole situation.  "You can make a house 

appear out of nothing, can't you?"

	"Pu!" Mokana agreed, then shot a beam from his head at 

Keiichi's belongings, which suddenly vanished.

	"So you're going to carry my stuff for me, eh?" Keiichi told 

the rabbit with a smile.  "Thanks, Mokana!"  He even gave the 

bunny a friendly pat in the head, which it accepted with a grin.

	Soon they were all ready to go; Keiichi on his motorcycle, 

Aeka in the newly-repaired side-car, and Mokana in her arms.

	"Where to, Aeka-sama?" Keiichi asked the princess turned 

goddess with a cheerful smile.  Sure, he'd rather be with Belldandy, 

but this wasn't turning out to be quite as bad as he first thought 


	"Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu? Pu? Pu? Pu?"

	Keiichi only stared at the fat rabbit in puzzlement.

	Aeka translated.  "He said 'Where would you like to go?  

Rostaria?  Nerima? Sailoon?'"

	Keiichi violently shook his head.  He wanted to avoid 

danger as much as possible.  "How about some nice, safe place 

where we can relax and avoid trouble?"


	"All right, if that's what you want," Aeka translated again.  

"Take a left when leaving the parking lot.  Go down that road until 

you hit the fourth intersection, then you want to hang a right, go 

down two blocks, take a left then a right, then follow that road until 

I tell you."

	"How were you able to get all that from just 'Pu'?" Keiichi 

asked her, puzzled.

	Aeka shrugged.  "That's easy.  Try and understand a tree 


	"This is your idea of a nice, safe place to live?" Keiichi 

asked incredulously as he stopped the motorcycle and took a look 


	"Pu!" Mokana agreed, either not getting or ignoring the 


	"It looks perfectly all right to me," Aeka added as she 

glanced around herself.  "If a bit... quaint."

	The place they had stopped before was a run-down 

boarding house which named proclaimed it to be 'Maison Ikkoku.'

	Keiichi just shook his head and muttered, "I suppose it 

could be worse."


	"Oh, it will be."

	"How do you know that, Xel?"

	"That... is a secret."

	"Why do I even bother?"


	Keiichi knocked on the door, only to have it answered by a 

bleary-eyed, half-dressed redhead.  He had expect that, but this 

wasn't the specific redhead he had been expecting.

	"Shayla-Shayla from El-Hazard?" he practically shouted in 


	"Yeah, that's me, what'ca want?" the fire priestess asked, 

her voice slurred with sake, half-empty bottle still clutched in he 


	"What are you doing here?"

	"Live here."

	Keiichi nearly grounded his teeth in frustration.  "No, what 

are you doing in this fanfic?"

	Shayla-Shayla blinked at the question, then she grinned.  

"Hehe.  This part came with all the sake I could drink, so I'm 

taking full advantage of that."  Then the fire priestess slowly 

looked him up and down.  "You know, you kinda look like 


	"How do I get a room here for Aeka and myself?" Keiichi 

asked in a frantic attempt to change the subject.

	Shayla-Shayla giggled.  "So older women are you bag, ne 


	"Separate rooms!" Keiichi insisted as both he and Aeka 


	Shayla-Shayla chuckled and pointed an unsteady hand 

down the hall.  "Just knock on the door with the number one on it.  

She'll help you out."

	Keiichi was a little afraid at just who he would find behind 

that door, but went anyway.  Anything had be better than the drunk 

fire priestess.

	"Megumi-donno!" Keiichi shouted in surprise at the tall, 

dark-haired woman who had answered the door.

	The female doctor from Rourni Kenshin bowed to them 

with a smile and bid them enter.  They followed her to a small 

table where tea for four had already been prepared.

	"I was told to expect you, Keiichi-san," she told him after 

taking a sip of her own tea.

	"By who?" Keiichi asked, confused.

	"The author."

	Keiichi decided that he didn't want to follow that road of 

conversation, even if it wasn't off-limits.  "So you already have two 

rooms prepared, one for the each of us?"

	Megumi frowned slightly.  "Well, no.  Unfortunately, the 

author overbooked this fanfic.  He forgot that a second room would 

be needed when Aeka-sama's 'sisters' arrive."

	"Well, they don't need to show up, do they?" Keiichi asked 

a bit nervously.

	"I'm afraid that considering who my sisters are in this 

fanfic," Aeka replied, not sounding happy at all, "that is 


	Keiichi tried to make the best of this.  "Well, I can at least 

use the spare room until they arrive, can I?"

	Megumi looked a bit embarrassed.  "I'm afraid that... 

they're already here."

	As if this was some sort of cue, the ceiling suddenly shook 

as if an explosion had just occurred right over their heads.

	The group rushed up the stairs, just in time to see the door 

to room 8 being blown off of it's hinges from the inside.  Fearfully, 

Keiichi, Aeka, and Megumi peered into the room.  The room itself 

looked like the site of a small war, which could be the case.  The 

walls were blacked and stained with soot, at least those sections 

that weren't gone completely.  Sun rained down through fist-sized 

holes in the roof.

	In the room, two women faced off, each smirking, though 

their eyes were hard and defiant as the stared down each other.  

That wasn't the only thing they had in common.  They both had 

long purple hair and were severely underdressed.  The shorter of 

the two was wearing what looked to be a high-tech bikini, 

complete with helmet, knee-high leather boots, and small metal 

wings.  The taller wore a black leather bikini complete with cape, 

giant spiked shoulder pads, and a small skull necklace that rested 

on her truly prodigious frontage.


	"Please tell me that's not who I think it is."

	"It's not who you think it is... who isn't it supposed to be 

anyway, Lina?"

	"Gourry, you're not helping.  Just go tell Amelia that her 

sister is in this."


	"Your so-called technology pales before the might of the 

magic of Naga the White Serpent!  OHOHOHO!!" the black 

sorceress declared, laughing and stomping her foot for emphasis.

	The other didn't seem bothered in the least by this.  She 

only pointed her arm at her and shouted, "Aragami missiles!"

	"Flare arrow!" Naga countered.

	The resulting explosions filled the room with smoke.

	"Should we do something, Keiichi-san?" Megumi asked 

cautiously.  Kenshin's fights were never this destructive, well at 

least most of them weren't.

	Keiichi only stared into the room as the smoke began to 

dissipate, worried what the sudden silence meant.

	"Well, from my own experience with that monster Ryoko," 

Aeka told the doctor turned landlord pleasantly.  "The only thing 

you can do is wait for the dust to settle and repair the resulting 

damages.  I do hope you have someone on hand who is fairly adapt 

in home repair.  I dare say you'll be needing his services quite 


	Megumi nodded, her eyes still on the smoke-filled room.  "I 

believe one of my tenants has some prior experience in home 


	When the smoke finally cleared away, the three observers 

gasped in surprise at what they saw.  B-ko and Naga were now 

sitting side by side, one arm around the other, sharing a sake bottle 

with Shayla-Shayla who had entered the room through one of the 

holes in the wall.  B-ko and Naga were also busy swapping tales, 

while the fire priestess simply drank.

	"All I ever wanted was to be C-ko's best friend," B-ko told 

her new-found companion, "but she wouldn't let me.  That red-

haired witch!"

	Naga seemed to be putting away the sake faster than 

anyone else, but didn't seem the least bit drunk.  "Oh?  Was she a 

over-powered, short-tempered, flat-chested sorceress?"

	"Yeah," B-ko agreed, leaning on Naga for support.  "Well, 

except for the sorceress bit.  She was just really strong.  I mean 

really, really strong.  Like 'able to leap tall buildings in a single 

bound' kinda strong.  She wasn't exactly flat-chested either, I 

suppose, but she couldn't compare to my body, no way."

	Shayla-Shayla lifted her head off the of the table, roused 

from pleasant half-dream where Ifurita had suddenly 

spontaneously combusted and Makoto had run to her for comfort.  

"Hey, you two talking about me?"

	"That depends," Naga told her, "I you are a red-haired, 

over-powered, short-tempered, flat-chested sorceress with a 

penchant for senseless violence?"

	"I ain't flat-chested," Shayla-Shayla slurred.

	"Then we weren't talking about you."

	And then B-ko and Naga began to laugh, for no particular 

reason, other than they were both quite drunk.


	Keiichi managed to fit the door back in its frame and 

slammed in shut.  "I think I preferred it when they were fighting," 

he said mostly to himself.

	"I didn't.  I'm responsible for this place until the fanfic 

ends," Megumi replied.  "I suppose I could show you both to your 

room now.  They should be asleep by the time I have you settled in 

and then I can get that room fixed, and maybe do something to fix 

them as well."  The doctor's eyes were narrowed at the moment 

with the same look she usually regarded something involving 


	Keiichi looked at Aeka and blushed.  The very idea of 

staying in a room with another woman made him feel embarrassed.  

Besides, Belldandy would kill him if she found out.  He turned to 

Aeka and said, "Um, why don't I just make my wish now so you 

can go back to... wherever you're supposed to be from?"

	Aeka nodded.  "Quite sensible, Keiichi-san.  What would 

you like to wish for?"

	Keiichi thought for a moment.  "How about wishing myself 

out of this fic?"

	Aeka shook her head.  "Sorry, but I'm afraid that any wish 

that would prematurely end this fanfic is out as well."

	"You never mentioned that before!" Keiichi pointed out.

	"Yes, however the author is making this up as he goes 


	Keiichi couldn't argue with that.  He thought again for a 

while before he finally came up with a solution.  "I wish that there 

was some way that we could stay here, but I wouldn't have to share 

a room with you _or_ any other woman."

	All of the sudden, tiny floating logs materialized all over 

the hallway, centered around Aeka.  Then they started to glow 

brighter and brighter until they exploded with a blinding flash.  

Keiichi, even partially blinded by the bright light, was able to catch 

Aeka before she hit the ground.

	Aeka was less than pleased to see him when she opened her 

eyes again.  "Fool!  Why did you make that ridiculous wish?"

	Keiichi set her back on her feet and then rubbed the back of 

his head in embarrassment.  "Well, with all the fanfics I've been in, 

I've had dozens of wishes already, so its okay if I wish for 

something small for once.  Besides, it was the only solution I could 

think of."

	"That is not what I am referring to," Aeka told him angrily 

and then looked around.  "Do you see something wrong with this 


	Keiichi looked around himself.  He could easily name a 

dozen things wrong at the moment, but none of them had anything 

to do with his wish.  "No, why?"

	"I'm still here!!" Aeka shouted back at him.

	"But why wouldn't you be?  I mean with Belldandy..."  

Keiichi started to say and then stopped himself, finally catching on.  

He had wished for Belldandy to stay, which was why she never 

went back home, but he hadn't wished for Aeka, had he?

	Seeing his confusion, Aeka explained, "You wished 'for 

some way _we_ could stay here,' which was the same as if you 

wished I would stay here!"

	"Wait, what are you so upset about?  You can't see Tenchi 

because he's busy doing a fanfic too."

	"Because before all I needed to do to leave before was to 

get you to make your wish.  Now, who knows how long I'll be 

stuck in this... madhouse!"


	"So, is that it?"

	"Amelia, that is a secret."

	"Aw, I wanted to see my big sister again!"


The End?  Only Xellos knows for sure, and he's not telling. :)

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