Subject: [FFML] [NGE][fic] Pages 12
From: Lara Bartram
Date: 10/17/1999, 3:26 AM
To: Fanfic Mailing List

Thanks to Ammadeau, Donny Cheng, Alan Harnum, Richard Lawson, 
              and the C*B*L for pre-reading duties.

Characters belong to Gainax, and they need the money more than I 
         do probably - unless they get audited for fun.

                            P A G E S

                         by Lara Bartram

Page 55

	If not for the current circumstances, Yui might have been 
inclined to think Gendo looked almost handsome.  The dark 
clothing looked much better on him than the white lab coat he 
wore every day.
	But that was one of the many things she wasn't thinking 
much about.  The only thing she was consciously aware of was how 
many people she had thanked for their offered condolences, and 
to just keep saying the words and bowing her head.
	The voice of her father performing similar duties filtered 
in through the myriad voices, and she vaguely wondered what was 
going through his mind.  Was he numb like she was, or was he 
ready to break down at a moment's notice?
	And there was Gendo sitting next to her, holding her hand 
tightly, his expression grim, never speaking a word.  If only 
she could manage that, to look grim, to feel... something, but 
it was as if every bit of life, emotion had been sucked out of 
her; nothing mattered any longer.
	None too soon the chore ended and the well-wishers left, 
leaving the house silent, but Yui remained seated and generally 
	"Take her upstairs.  Her room is at the end of the hall.  
We... never..."
	Gendo looked up at the older man and nodded.  It was plain 
to see the venerable head of the Ikari clan didn't like him 
much, but then... his daughter was being taken away from him.  
Gendo found it hard to begrudge the man for it.
	"Come on, Yui," he said quietly, his voice sounding very 
loud in the empty house.  With one hand on her elbow and the 
other on her back, he guided her to a standing position and led 
her upstairs.
	"We can stay as long as you want," he whispered, trying to 
reassure her, trying to get any response at all.  "If you don't 
feel like going back home..."
	"I just want to sleep."  Yui's voice was like that of a 
ghost, a whisper.
	"Then you can sleep.  Here."  In the bedroom, still 
decorated like a teenager's, Gendo helped her lie down and 
covered her.  She immediately turned away from him, but remained 
deathly still otherwise.
	Sighing unhappily, he left the room, shut the door, and 
headed back downstairs.  What a way to start off the week.
	"You're too old for her."
	"As I've been told before.  Would you mind if I had a 
	"Be my guest."
	Gendo walked past Yui's father to the refrigerator.  
Inside, he grabbed the first thing that was cold and alcoholic.  
Ignoring the critical and slightly disapproving stare he was 
receiving, he opened it and drank almost half before pausing.
	"My wife didn't like you."
	"A shame.  She was a lovely lady.  Yui talked about her 
quite a bit."  He finished his drink and looked his would-be 
father-in-law in the eye.  "I'm going to marry her.  You can't 
do anything about that."
	"I can't stop her; she'll do what she wants...  But I 
swear, you hurt her, I get one call from her, and I will hunt 
you down and remove everything that is vital to your existence."
	Gendo looked at him calmly.  "Don't threaten me; it 
wouldn't work even if I thought you could carry that out.  The 
only thing vital to my existence is Yui."
	"She's the only thing I have left."
	"She's the only thing I have.  Hurting her would be 
	"Hurting you?  Yes, that's something I'd expect a man like 
you to say."
	"Hurting her would be like killing me.  You have no idea 
how much she means to me.  Don't presuppose to tell me whether 
I'm right for her or not."  Gendo's tone was firm and 
unyielding, but not nasty.  There was no need to foster any more 
bad blood than there already was between them.
	"It's too soon.  It won't go over well."
	Gendo finally looked away and sighed.  "I... don't know.  
Maybe, but... there's something to going on with life.  Move on 
or... baby the situation.  I don't think Yui wants to be coddled 
or protected."
	"I... agree.  I just don't see how this can go on the 
	"It used to be?  Nothing is ever 'the way it used to be'.  
In the end, she'll be stronger for making it through this.  Stop 
trying to protect her."
	"You know nothing about being a parent.  If I ever end up 
with a grandchild, I hope Yui has enough sense not to leave the 
child in your care."
	Mouth curved into a frown, Gendo just looked out the 
window at the trees and the sun and their false cheeriness.


Page 56

	"You look fabulous!  It's not too tight, is it?"
	Yui shook her head.
	"Oh, this is just perfect!"  Chisa stood back, hands on 
hips and shook her head.  "Does he know what he's getting in 
this deal?"
	That brought a ghost of a smile to Yui's lips.  "Yes, he 
does," she said quietly.
	"Well there goes the honeymoon."  Chisa went back to 
straightening Yui's dress.  "I know I'll never look this good in 
a wedding dress, not that 'Hiko would notice even if I did," she 
said, just prattling on.  "I swear, he couldn't even pass basic 
math unless I was there to tell him how to do long division."
	Yui wasn't listening though.  There was still an emptiness 
in her that left her listless and incommunicative, even to 
Gendo.  She had been plagued by nightmares as well, though they 
were far worse when she woke up.  That was when she had to face 
the fact that she had only been dreaming.
	"I don't know if I can go through with this," she said 
abruptly.  "I want to, but at the same time..."
	Chisa put a hand on her shoulder.  "I'm not going to tell 
you whether you should or shouldn't, but I will tell you this: 
I'm your best friend, and you're mine, and I love you.  And he 
loves you too."
	"He has a name.  He's not a bad guy, unlike popular 
	"Fine.  I love you, your father loves you, and Gendo loves 
you.  We all want to see you happy, so do whatever makes you 
happy, marriage or not."
	"Gendo would kill me, and then Dad would kill Gendo," Yui 
	"I don't think you're giving him enough credit.  He's 
smart; I don't think he'd get mad at you for it.  This isn't an 
easy time at all."  For some reason, Chisa could never come up 
with any helpful wisdom for her own life.
	"I had been saving this too.  I wanted it to be a surprise 
for my m... mother."
	Chisa grimaced and put her arm around Yui, who had started 
to cry again.  "She knows.  She can see," she said quietly, 
offering a tissue.
	Somehow, Yui managed to laugh a little.  "You know, 
sometimes I'm fine.  I don't think about it, and then it's like 
someone just taps me on the shoulder."  She blew her nose and 
looked upwards.  "I just want things to be normal again."
	Chisa sighed, offering another tissue.  "I don't think 
they ever were."
	"Get me out of this," Yui said suddenly.  "I can't stand 
to wear this right now."  Doing anything to impress anyone 
seemed so... pointless.  It was so fleeting, just like 
everything else about life.

	"Yui, your work is suffering."
	The words she had been waiting for really.  She was 
actually surprised they hadn't come sooner.  "I know.  It's just 
been a very difficult time."
	"Of course it has, and I know how busy you are, so I've 
let it go, but... we need your dedication in the here and now."
	Yui looked up at the man, his sympathetic, pitying eyes 
looking down on her...  She missed Professor Fuyutsuki and found 
it odd that he had declined to join the move to the Seele 
facilities, where all people and resources could be pooled.  "I 
know.  I'm trying to get back into things, but it's difficult."
	"Of course.  I don't mean this as a reprimand or anything, 
but we really do need your input and full concentration."
	Yui nodded then stood.  "I'll... do my best."  She exited 
the office quickly and ran right into Gendo.  She sagged against 
him, barely stopping herself from crying.  "I just want to go 
home," she said in a shaky voice.  "I hate this place.  It makes 
me think of a prison."
	From the outside, she had a very valid point.  Bland, 
featureless, and almost completely windowless, the buildings 
were state of the art anonymity.  That didn't make coming to 
work each day a pleasant experience.  "Let's take a break, have 
some tea."
	Yui nodded and started down the hall to the lounge.  "This 
all couldn't have happened at a worse time, could it?" she 
	"I don't think so," replied Gendo, knowing there probably 
was a worse time for Yui or anyone else to collapse.
	In the well-appointed lounge, Gendo ignored the others 
looking at them curiously and made Yui sit on one of the 
couches.  "I'll be right back with the tea."  Crossing the 
lounge, for the briefest moment, his eye was caught by that of a 
woman.  He looked away quickly, but couldn't help to glance 
again when he felt her gaze linger on him.


Page 57

	"She looks pretty broken up."
	Gendo nodded, finishing off a little cup of water.
	"It must be hard."
	Gendo finally looked at the woman, crushing the cup in his 
hand.  There was something about her tone that he didn't like at 
all.  "That's life.  Life is hard," he answered stiffly.
	She smiled at that and spared a glance back at Yui.  "It's 
always nice to have someone to turn to in the middle of the 
night.  Don't you think?"
	Looking at Yui, vaguely hearing the woman speak, Gendo 
nodded.  The touch of her hand on his own turned his attention 
to her though.  "And is there a point to your rambling?" he 
asked, looking at her with a cold gaze, completely opposite of 
what he had been directing at Yui.
	"Oh... nothing.  If you ever..."  Her voice lowered so it 
could only by heard by the two of them.  "Get tired of the 
school girl..."  The invitation was left unspoken.
	"Don't touch me, don't look at me, don't look at Yui, and 
don't talk about her."  Gendo's hand clamped down on the wrist 
of his "co-worker" and pulled her hand off him.  He gave her one 
last withering look before grabbing the tea he had prepared and 
returned to Yui with it.
	"What was wrong?" Yui asked, taking a glass of tea.
	"Nothing," Gendo answered tersely, his forehead creased.
	"Don't lie.  What was that about?"
	Resisting the urge to look back at the woman, Gendo shook 
his head.  "She thought I would find her more appealing than 
	In a small voice, Yui said, "Oh," and sipped her tea.
	"We're going to get married in less than two weeks, Yui.  
If someone tried to change my mind about that, they'd find that 
they were far too late."  He set his tea down, then put his 
hands over hers, warming them.  "Don't think I would be swayed 
so easily."
	Yui nodded, but stared at the steam rising from her glass.  
"I know, but..."
	"You know, but you're not sure.  It's fine, Yui."  Gendo 
smiled, trying to get her to look at him.  "I felt that way 
before too, you know.  I know what it's like."
	"I... I don't think I should come back here.  I don't know 
if I can do the work.  It's all too much..."
	"No, it's not too much.  I just want you to take it easy.  
Once the time actually rolls around, you'll feel better.  It'll 
be one less thing to worry about.  And when the semester is 
over, it'll be one less thing to worry about.  See how it 
	"It still doesn't make me feel any better."

	There was a soft knock on the door.  "Come in," he said 
without looking up.
	He looked up in surprise.  "Yui, I wasn't expecting you."
	"I know.  If this is a bad time, I can go."
	"No, no."  He stood, looking flustered.  "Come in, sit 
down.  I was just in the middle of some paperwork."  He watched 
her as she shut the office door and sat in the chair in front of 
his desk.  The distress on her face was clear.  "What's wrong?"
	"Nothing," she answered at first, then her hands tightened 
on her bag and she looked down.  "Everything.  I... I really 
wish you had moved with us.  It's not the same without you."
	Hope soared irrationally in his heart, but he restrained 
it.  "I'm sorry, Yui.  It just wasn't right any longer.  Not for 
me, but you...  You still have a lot to do, a long way to go."
	Yui nodded, but stayed quiet.
	"I... was very sorry to hear about your mother," Fuyutsuki 
said awkwardly.
	Again she nodded.  "The flowers were very nice."
	"I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it."
	"Don't apologize.  It wasn't pleasant and I'm glad you 
didn't see me like that."  She lifted her head and looked right 
at him with reddened eyes.  "Professor, will you please be at 
the wedding?  Please..."
	Heart sinking, Kozo looked at Yui's grief-stricken face.  
"Of course I will be," he said quietly, feeling utterly crushed.


Page 58

	"You look beyond great."  Chisa smiled, holding Yui's 
hands.  "Are you ready?"
	Yui shook her head.  "Not at all.  Take my place."
	Chisa laughed.  "No way.  He's your choice, not mine.  Now 
don't be nervous; you look better than anyone else here."  
Giving Yui a thumbs up, not wanting to ruin anything with a hug, 
Chisa went to take her seat with the other few guests.
	Her father, dressed in his best suit, took a moment to 
talk with her.  "Yui..."
	"No, Dad.  Don't talk to me about this now.  It's too 
late.  I just..."
	"Yui, I just wanted to say... I love you and... good luck.  
I hope you're happy with him."  He smiled, somewhat awkwardly, 
and just looked at her.  "You look wonderful; I'm sad to see you 
grow up so soon."
	Yui sniffled before hugging him, not caring how it might 
wrinkle or muss her dress.  "Thank you.  This is the most 
important day in my life."
	Patting her back, her father did his best to control his 
own emotions.  "I should go sit down so we can get this 
	"Okay, Dad."
	The two maintained the hug.

	If he had thought it possible, she was even more 
beautiful.  The look on her face, one of mingled sorrow and joy, 
just added to it.  When she walked by, giving him a small 
reserved smile, he couldn't help but smile back.  Even if she 
was breaking his heart.
	Sighing wistfully, Kozo leaned back as much as the chair 
would allow him.  A small consolation was that it would be a 
short ceremony, something simple, but elegant, as Yui had 
demanded.  One thing Fuyutsuki had to admit about Rokubungi was 
that he seemed quite willing to do whatever Yui asked of him.
	And perhaps that was all he could expect because he would 
have been the same way.  If Yui had been his.  But she was not.
	Fate.  That's what it was.  Things just weren't meant to 
be.  Things weren't meant to go his way.  He was, after all, 
just an old...  No, he wasn't old yet; he just felt like it.  He 
was certainly a loner though, nearly socially inept.  And here 
went Yui.
	A chance lost.  An opportunity never to be regained.
	He heard a woman weeping softly from somewhere off to his 
left, but when he spared a glance, there was no crying woman in 
the row.  An odd thing, but the world was an odd place, full of 
mysteries and injustices.

	Yui looked at Gendo, into his almost uninterested eyes, 
and could nearly tell what he was thinking.  No doubt it was 
about the woman that had been crying non-stop ever since Yui had 
emerged for everyone to see.
	And now rings were being exchanged, and she could almost 
feel the excitement emanating from Chisa in the front row.    
The moment was just like when he had proposed, her hand shaking 
so badly he had to hold it to get the ring on...
	He smiled then and looked... so tired.  Like the weight of 
the world was on his shoulders, the burden of every secret held 
by every person, even of life and death...  So weary...
	Before she could ponder the meaning of her thoughts, 
everything was over.  The words had been automatic out of her 
mouth, a testament to her true desire to go through with it, and 
now...  She was smiling, but it was restrained, a fact that the 
guests overlooked.
	People surrounded her, Gendo holding her arm gently, 
always acting as her strength when she needed it, smiling and 
congratulating them both.  Yui picked out a few specific faces: 
her father's, somewhat melancholy; Chisa's, a smile as wide as 
Japan itself plastered there; Professor Fuyutsuki, smiling 
gently, but not seeming all that happy.
	She looked up as Gendo moved his hand from her arm and 
slipped his arm around her waist.  He appeared quite serious, 
obviously uncomfortable with the crowd and unwilling to show his 
happiness.  At least some things never changed, and with a warm 
feeling settling in his stomach, Yui put her arm around Gendo as 
	"You holding up okay?" Chisa managed to get close enough 
to ask.
	Looking at the people around her, the house she had grown 
up in and the memories there, Yui looked at Chisa and nodded.  
"I think... I'm going to be okay."


Page 59

	Gendo stood back and accepted the assorted well-wishes, 
though he did not receive nearly as many as Yui.  Or maybe they 
just preferred to talk to her, which was probably the case.  It 
was preferable to him anyway.  Leave Yui with the attention, all 
her friends, and he would stay back and...
	His eyes locked on to Yui, and more specifically who she 
was talking to, smiling at, holding the hands of.  Gendo's jaw 
clenched, but that was the only reaction visible as he watched 
Y... his wife interact with Fuyutsuki.

	"Thank you for coming," she said after kissing his cheek.  
"I hope you don't think it's too odd."
	"Not at all."  He stood at his full height, the scent of 
her perfume lingering in the air around him.  "I'm just... glad 
to see you happy."  He wanted to squeeze her hands and never let 
go, but knew that wouldn't be proper.  Not with another man's 
	"I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for 
me.  And Gendo.  You've been... too generous all this time."
	"It was... the least I could do."  Those were the only 
words he could think of, the only words that wouldn't be 
awkward, alienating.  The ones that didn't say how much he 
envied Rokubungi, how he had wanted to be the one with a future 
with her because no one made him feel quite the way she did.
	"I'll still talk to you.  I'm not dropping off the planet 
or anything.  We can have lunch when I'm on campus," Yui said, 
trying to put the best possible spin on things since she could 
see the unhappiness on his face.
	"Thank you, but... things are changing faster than we can 
compensate for.  I don't think... your husband would approve 
	"You think too little of me."  She held up her hand, 
little finger extended.  "I can keep a handle on Gendo," she 
said with a little smirk.
	"You're a treasure, Yui," Fuyutsuki replied, a genuine 
smile creeping on his face.  "Go on.  You have other things to 
be doing besides talking to me."
	"Thank you again... Kozo," she said before pulling her 
hand from his.

	"How is your family?"
	Gendo turned his gaze to Yui's father, standing next to 
him.  "My family?"  He shrugged.
	"Yui is my only daughter so I'm sure you can see why I'm 
rather protective of her."  He waited, but received no reply 
from Gendo so continued.  "She is also my only child..."
	"I assumed this wasn't just going to be a friendly chat.  
So what is it you want exactly?"
	"You make it hard to hold a friendly conversation, even 
when I put forth the effort.  Your relationship with your father 
must not have been a very good one."  For a moment he saw Gendo 
get angry, furious.  "But that's not unforgivable, and my 
concern is not your family..."
	"But your own.  I think I can see right where this is 
heading, and if you pardon my bluntness, I think you're out of 
line asking me such a thing."
	Progress.  There was some there, even if it wasn't totally 
obvious.  "Then refuse; no need to be rude."
	"I didn't say no either.  I'll think about it."
	As much as to be expected.  "Of course.  And 
congratulations.  I think I'm as qualified as anyone to say what 
a wonderful gir... woman Yui is."
	"Biased, but it seems everyone is in Yui's favor.  Makes 
me wonder sometimes."  Aside from her monthly mood swings, she 
seemed too good to be true.  But then, he'd put up with anything 
she had, for better or worse.
	"If you had known her mother, you might know better."
	"It doesn't matter anyway.  We'll manage to deal with 
anything that comes up."
	"You're not a fan of that professor fellow, are you?  I 
saw the way you looked at him when Yui was talking with him.  He 
seemed nice enough."
	Gendo's lip twitched.  "Nice enough... and far too 
interested in Yui.  She called me possessive and I don't deny 
it, but..."  Gendo looked again at his new wife.  "I wouldn't be 
if I thought I could live without her."
	"In a way, you frighten me, but... I can't argue with 
Yui's judgment.  She wouldn't listen."
	"Yes," Gendo said without any real reply for that.  "I 
think it's time for us to go now."
	"Yes, I suppose it is.  Be sure to take care of her... 


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