Subject: Re: [FFML] [Ranma][Fanfic][Draft] Late for the Sky
Date: 9/11/1999, 4:05 PM

That was a wonderful story, that you've written. While it's true that there's 
many of Ukyo introspection stories out there, but only few of them had really 
tried to explore Ukyo's thoughts about _others_- Ryu was a wonderful addition 
to the story. It's not just how the person who reflects himself, but how his 
interaction with other characters reflect upon himself.

While this is not a new break from the standard or a classic, but it is 
defieiently worth reading. Good job- I liked it.

Until I find something new to write, Ja ne-

Dark Alpha <> formerly Sailor Alpha
     Fanfics, projects at | gehirn = brain in German

"In the name of the Moon, I will let my friend Sailor Moon punish you!"
                    -Sailor Mercury, Alternate Visions, part 4