Subject: [FFML][fanfic][WOT/Ranma] My BAKA Gaidin chap7
Date: 7/8/1999, 10:59 PM

	Hello, me after much procrasinating, somehow scribbled up another
chapter, un-pre-read as ususal. All those who pointed out my misteps can
do it for this one too and I am asking for it, isnt' that fun. Anything
I get and putted in is then stuck onto the web page, don't know if it
means anything either.

P.S. For all those who thought I stuck a SI in there: No it's not, it's
just a name, if you really want to bug me about it, I can go back and
change it. Feels free to bash me though.

Previous chapters and other works can be found at


Standard Disclaimer:  All characters portrayed in this story are the
property of their respective creators and companies. (Especially Tor
since it's pratically right in my backyard.) If anything I'm only
the series.

If you haven't and would like to, read:
The Eye of the World
The Great Hunt
The Dragon Reborn
The Shadow Raising
The Fires of Heaven
The Lord of Chaos
The Crown of Swords
The Path of Daggers
        By Robert Jordan

Warning: Beware of falling grades or screaming bosses if not careful.
May put the thought of stalking Robert Jordan in your mind.

Since so far the setting is in Wheel of Time you might have to guess
some stuff if you're a bit rusty or never read wheel of time.

                                  My BAKA Gaidin
                                    Wheel of Time Series
                                     Ranma 1/2

Chapter 7

	Something was wrong, she just knew it was so. She felt 
detached, lightheaded, like she was in a dream, or waking up from a 
dream. Thoughts and images buzzed around her, but she couldn�t make 
anything out. Then images started to form. Voices started coming 
from all directions. It was strangely familiar, but not registering with 
anything that she can remember. She tried to latch on to a single 
voice, trying to make sense from it�

	"Ranma no baka!"
	"Ranma you idiot!"
	She knew what it meant, felt the anger in that female�s voice, 
yet she did not understand. More voices came�

	"Uncute tomboy!"
	"Whadidja do that for!?"
	"Why me�"
	Still she did not understand. It was a male voice this time. Why 
was she hearing this, who were they, what was going on?

	"I�ll protect you"
	"I can take care of myself"
	"You�ll just get yourself killed, stupid tomboy"
	"I don�t need your help, I�m a martial artist too!"

	Groggily Siuan Sanche lifted her eyes slowly, wincing from the 
newly observed light. She felt tired, sleepy, weak, and hungry, but most 
of all confused. Something had happened, but for the life of her she 
could not figured out what.

	"Siuan, I�m glad you finally awake, you were mumbling and 
turning feverishly."

	Slowly gaining back her sigh, she finally made sense of the burs 
that were her surroundings. "Egwene�Mother�where am I? What 

	"Try to save your strength Siuan, I�m sending for Nisao and 
something to eat. You�ve been out for a week, Siuan, since we found 
you face down on the ground, unconscious. We thought you were dead, 
and you very nearly were." Siuan could see Ewgene clearly now, still 
young, and still wearing her sole that deemed her the Amyrlin. Her dark 
hair tied back, just as she had remembered her last.

	"What happened mother? My mind� it feels like a boat with 
the best catch a fisherman ever caught had slammed into me�and 
then dropped the load on me afterwards."

	Egwene had to chuckle at the comment. It would be like Siuan 
to make one of her fish comments, but this one was actually funny, 
very rare for her. "Just try to relax Siuan, don�t strain yourself."

	Just then Nisao came in, a yellow and one bounded to the 
Amyrlin by her own oath. One they could trust. Siuan remembered that, 
her mind was slowly working as it should again. With a quick bow and a 
acknowledgment of "Mother" She quickly came up to Siuan already 
embracing the one power, probing her for ant injuries.

	After a brief moment, Nisao told her she was fine and just 
needed to regain her strength. Then Egwene quickly dismissed her.

	"Food will be here in soon, but right now I want to know what 
happened. What happened in Caemlyn that you would later arrived 
unexpectedly in Ebou Dar? Then we finding you near death on the 
ground with everything within miles desolated."

	Siuan was startled by the claims. *What happened? I can�t 
remember any of this* Slowly she traced her memories, but nothing 

	"I can�t remember, Mother, everything is just blank, I can�t 
remember anything of what you said. Why would I go to Caemlyn, even 
more, then travel to Ebou Dar." Siuan rubbed her forehead, as if it 
would help force herself to remember.

	"You can remember nothing? What was the last thing you 
remember, try Siuan."

	"I�I can�t even be sure what is that last thing I remember�I 
think I went to sleep�right after the after the last of the merchant 
train. After that it�s just a blur. Fish guts! I wish I could remember 
anything after that, I can feel that something happened, but nothing I 
can remember of what I did or if I was even awake."
	"It�s alright Siuan, you can�t expect everything to be back to 
normal right after a near death experience. It will all come back in 
time," Ewgene was obviously comforting her, but there was reason to 
what she said. Her mind was buzzing, and time and rest will clear it.

	"Also we found someone near you in a similar condition. 
Hopefully she�ll wake up as well and we will know more then."

	*Someone else?* Just before Siuan could ask who that 
someone was, Nisao came in with a tray of food.

	"Mother, the girl with Siuan has awoke."

				< OH MY! >

	Images flashed before Ranma�s subconscious mind. He could 
barely recognize it. It kept changing. Sometimes it was Akane, and then 
it was his mother, and still more. But two where distinct, unchanging, 
yet changing� A smooth face, a cool and serene face. He couldn�t tell 
what age she was. The reason he saw two was because 
another�hooded and mysterious, replaced it. She morphed into 
it�something, but he could sense it was two different presence. 
Ranma called out to them, but they didn�t answer.

	Suddenly, Ranma bolted upright, wide-awake as if some hand 
had grabbed him and yanked him from his slumber. The light blinded 
him, but slowly his eyes began to adapt. He saw the image of a girl 
scrambled out and quickly came back in again.

	"Who--wha�?" The girl slowly helped him back onto the cot, 
giving soothing words to comfort him, telling him to lie back down. He 
did so, feeling faint already. He felt hunger and all the other symptoms 
of a long slumber. "Who are you�where am I?"

	"Just relax, I already called Nisao Sedai." The girl replied.

	*Who?* Ranma was about to get up when he notice, he was a 
she. Finally realizing she, Ranma, was in her transformed state and 
wearing� She couldn�t finish the thought, it would have to be female 
clothing. *I hate this curse!*

	Looking around she wondered where she was. It was a tent and 
a drab tent. It felt cold, even under her covers, meaning it was winter. 
*Where am I* She felt as if Akane had hit her with a deluxe version of 
her mallet. Everything was a blur. She can�t seem to recalled what 
happened. Back to scouting, taking a look at the girl looking after her. 
She was fairly young, but her clothes looked a little crude, and worn.

	Moments later, someone came in, then a whole group of them. 
The girl watching her curtsied and quickly scurried outside. The first 
one was odd; her face was unnatural, ageless came to Ranma�s mind. 
The next was young, close to her age, dark haired tied back and even 
with the heavy clothes a multi-colored sole could be seen. That girl 
perhaps was the best dressed of them all. The third looked strangely 
familiar, but she couldn�t tell how. Young, but strangely she felt she 
was older than that.

	The first one put a hand on Ranma, and it felt tingly, like a cold 
towel. She almost jerked back from it.

	"She seems fine, Mother, much like Siuan, all she needs is a 
food and rest." Ranma did feel tired, and hungry as a matter of fact.

	"Who are you? Where am I?" blurred out the patient. *Why 
can�t I remember!*

	"You are at the camp of the Aes Sedai. I�m the Amyrlin. We 
found you lying on the ground near death, and took care of you. This 
over here, is Nisao Sedai, and this is Siuan Sedai. She was with you 
when we found you."

	Ranma glanced at Siuan, she was staring at him, intensely. 

	"Who may you be, and how did you come to be out in such 
condition?" the Amyrlin continued. Ranma had no idea what was an 
Amyrlin, but it probably had authority, though for someone so young it 
was odd.

	"Ranma Saotome," *Why is she staring at me? Do I know her?* 
"Last thing I remember was�" Ranma trailed off unable to complete 
her words. *What happened�? I can�t seem to remember the last 
thing I did* "I� I remember sleeping� then I woke up here�maybe 
Akane hit me while I was sleeping this time."

	The girl, Siuan seem to blink at that. "Mother may I speak to 
you about something?" 

	Ranma blinked, was it something she said? *Why did she call 
her mother?* "So�um--Nisao, got anything to eat?" Nisao�s lips 
tightened, Ranma knew she said something wrong again.

				< OH MY! >
	Outside the tent, Siuan was a mist of thoughts.

	"What�s wrong Siuan? Some of you memories have come 

	"Yes, I mean no Mother� I don�t know her, but she reminds me 
of someone, I just can�t remember who. The important thing I want to 
tell you was, she�s a Tav�eren." Siuan let the words sink in, unable to 
believed it herself. But she had the talent and she could tell the young 
red hair girl was a Tav�eren.

	"Are--are you sure Siuan? Maybe you haven�t fully rested yet. 
You didn�t even eat to regain some strength before you came here."

	"I am, Mother. She is very weak, nothing like the three we 
know, but a Ta�veren notheless."

	Ewgene�s lips pursed, and pondered for a second. "Alright then, 
you remember still nothing though?" Siuan shook her head. "Then you 
can get some rest now. I don�t want to hear excuses, you just woke, 
you need to get your strength back."

	"Yes Mother."

				< OH MY! >

	It was a good time to rest, not that they could do anything 
about it. Ever since the Bowl of Winds was used the weather was a 
severe annoyance. A big snow storm suddenly came in halting the camp 
of any movement. Though it did have it good points for Siuan, Egwene 
thought. She needed her help, and the pass week that she wasn�t there 
to help had hinder her very much. She needed Siuan at full strength, 
and with the stop, it also gave Siuan some rest.

	Nisao suddenly came in, shuddering from the still moderate 
storm, while giving her the respectable greeting.

	"How is the girl?"

	"She is fine Mother, it�s also amazing how fast she heals. She 
had quite an appetite, for such a small figure. She ate, or should I say 
gobble down three trays and wanted more. After she was finally filled, 
it was like she had three days rest."

	Egwene pondered on that, but nothing that was truely 
suspicious. "How is she like?"

	"She�s crude Mother. Not raised properly I would say. She has 
no manners at all! But she�s still a child, Mother."

	"Can she channel?"

	"I don�t think so Mother�"
	"Don�t think so?"

	"It was odd Mother. I can�t sense any ability, but� I can�t 
explain it mother, but for a moment something burred my senses, as if 
it had been blocked. I can�t make anything of it mother, could be just a 

	Egwene blinked at that, mysteries covered with more 
mysteries. "Anything else odd that you have noticed?"

	"Well, there was this one thing when I was probing her. There 
was a slight shift, as if something was distorted inside the girl. A
like what happens when a warder loses his Aes Sedai."

	Egwene mentally shuddered at the thought of a rampaging 
warder. But she knew Nisao knew what she was talking about. It had 
been a personal interest of the yellow sister to study the illness of
mind, especially an ill warder�s mind. "Tell Faolain to meet me"

	"Yes Mother," and she went out of the tent.

	*Something is amiss here, I just know it. First Siuan had a panic 
about her dead warder, then a mysterious voyage to Caemlyn. Then 
she ends up with Elayne, and now found near death on a desolated plain, 
above all remembers nothing. I wish I knew what the link was*

	A few moments later, The newly raised Aes Sedai came in.

	"You call for me, Mother?"

	"The red haired girl that we found with Siuan, her name is 
Ranma. I want you look after her, keep an eye on her, and keep her 
from leaving."

	Without a question, Faolain replied, "Yes Mother."

				< OH MY! >

	Rand stood on the balcony of one of the quarters in the royal 
palace of Illian. Rain, there was a downpour of rain all over the city. 
Rand could remember the feeling of it every time he had to go out into 
the city. He also had many other things to do as the new king of this 
kingdom, but even with all his priorities, he kept coming back here.

	Walking back inside the room, he glanced longingly again at the 
person sitting calming on the chair. Moiraine, the calm, serene, and 
beautiful Aes Sedai. It was the first Aes Sedai he had met, but she had 
been more. She had been there to save his father, and his own life. She 
had stood by his side till the end, even as they argued, she was right 
behind him to the end. Moiraine was a friend he supposed, what little he 
	Now she was back, but something was different. The first time 
they talked, she was as Rand had remembered, serene, mysterious, 
and Aes Sedai, but something was wrong, he had felt it. It was a little 
gesture there, or phrase there, it was just different. Then it changed 
more drastically; it was as if she was a completely different person. He 
thought it was another trick, a plan maybe, Moiraine would always have 
one up her sleeve. But this time, someone was really wrong.

	Moiraine sat on the chair, painting. Where she had found so 
much paint, he didn�t know, but ever since she had woke up after her 
faint-spell, she just painted. Since that time, she was distant, not 
speaking a word. Even now she had not spoken a word the he knew of, 
she just sat there painting. It had been days now, and yet Moiraine 
continued, without sleep, without food, and not responding to anything, 
even him, nor did she slouch, or yawn. Something was definitely wrong.

	Studying the paintings, there were numerous ones, lying all 
over the room. Each one was masterful, a work of art. He never knew 
Moiraine was capable of such a feat. Her health was one of the reasons 
Rand visited often, but these paintings were also another.

	Some where scenery, but others where of people. Siuan Sanche 
stood at one of them, A luminous glow surrounding her. Another was a 
pig-tailed youth, in mid flight, a position for a flying kick, he didn�t
Aiel. Yet on more paintings These two were portrayed, some with both 
Sanche, and the youth in one scene. In one, Moiraine herself, was there 
with them, in her new garb. The odd clothing that she had worn to meet 
him, he also yet had puzzled out. But it was another pebble on the hill 
for him.

	The painting Moiraine was working on now had startled him the 
most. It was him welding Callandor, standing on a cliff with a raging 
battle in the background. Lightning split and fires raged. Armies were 
clashing. But it was focused on him and the youth. The young boy 
looked as if he was barely old enough to be a man. his hair braided in a 
pig-tail fashion, A fierce look on him, one of a warrior. He held no
weapons, but a darken blue aura sprang around him. His hand was 
outstretched, a beam of sort was shooting out from the boy, and into 
him. Rand�s figure stood on the receiving end, driving through his 
chest, an image of surprise on his face, Callandor slipping from his 

	Callandor, a crystal sword, but not only a sword, it was a 
san�angreal. One that only a male channeler could weld, one fated for 
him, the Dragon Reborn. With its power he could destroy cities, crush 
armies with a thought. And he was powerless in this painting.

	It was only a painting he told himself, but his instinct told him 
otherwise. Something from the very core of his being, warned him this 
was his fate, or possible fate. He had asked Moiraine, but there was no 
response. Somehow this youth will kill him.

				< OH MY! >

	Lan al�Mandragoran, uncrowned king of a destroyed city, 
harden warrior, and warder, looked out into the white, snow-filled
A simple sword lay on top of one of the supply packs. The sword that 
he gave to the promising boy, and had received it back. 

	He knew the meaning of the act, perhaps better then the boy 
himself did. He wanted no part in what the sword offered. It was a 
weapon, a thing used to kill, something that Ranma didn�t want. He 
knew that having the sword would eventually lead to using it, killing, 
that with all his skill, he still shunned. The boy also knew what a
was supposed to do and the reality of it. *Would he embrace it, or run 
from it* Lan knew the boy was a prize for an Aes Sedai, the question 
remained though if he will truly become one. Lan knew Siuan Sanche 
would need every bit of help she can.
				< OH MY! >

	Sleep came easier then Siuan had expected. She was tired, but 
most of all, she was confused. A piece of her memory had been closed 
off and she had tried hard to open them again. Nothing much came 
from it except a bigger headache, so she slept.

 	She saw something, a boy, an arrogant looking boy from his 
features. Lean and handsome with black hair braided down his back. He 
looked familiar, but Siuan could not pinpoint it. *Who is he?* She knew 
him, she was sure of it. *Why can�t I remember!?* There was no 

	"You were afraid back there. I am your protector or something 
right? I�ll protect ya."

	"Who are you?" Siuan yelled out. There was no response as the 
boy just smiled at her with that arrogant smirk. She knew him, she 
could not remember how or when, but she just knew she did. *Afraid of 
what?* Then she felt something, a presence behind her. Turning around 
she just had time to see a massive dark hand grab her.

	The Aes Sedai shot up from her cot. Gasping for breath as she 
realized it was only a dream. A wave of dizziness assaulted her, 
causing her to fall back onto the cot. *Who was he? The dream, it felt 
too real�* Thinking a bit, she could guess it had something to do with 
her missing memory. *It could be that my memory is resurfacing in my 

	The tent flap came open and the Egwene came in.

	"Siuan, are you alright, you don�t look very well. Should I call 

	"No, Mother, I�m alright, just had a bad dream."

	"Do you remember anything more?

	Siuan tighten her lips briefly in deep thought. "Fish guts! Not a 
single thing, just a headache."

	"It�s alright, you�ll remember in time," Egwene tried to sooth 
her. "Maybe what I have to tell you will help your memories return. And 
maybe you can even help me solve this mystery."

	After Egwene was finished telling her the passing events 
leading to how she became found unconscious on the desolated ground, 
Siuan was sitting and staring at Egwene wide eyed.

				< OH MY! >

	Ranma got up from a good night�s rest. It was a good until 
something suddenly woke her up. It was as if someone had stuck her 
with a mental needle, waking her up. She grumbled because of her still 
female form. *At least I have my clothes* She had fallen asleep trying 
to think about her present situation. His backpack was remarkably 
there, fully packed. She hadn�t remembered packing for a long trip, 
making her missing memories even more puzzling.

	She saw it had stopped snowing outside the tent she was in 
yesterday. Surprisingly she also found her pack was prepared for this 
cold weather. *Who ever packed it, it was for a very long trip�* Also 
from the snow she knew something was not right. She was definitely 
not in Nerima anymore, or was she even anywhere near Tokyo probably. 
There was also the probability of not being in the same time period. 
She knew too many things were possible in her life.

	Getting up she got dressed in the heaviest clothes she had. It 
was cold out there. Moments later, Someone came in.

	"Hello there, I�m Faolain Sedai. How are you feeling" She looked 
friendly, but Ranma could feel her eyes on her.

	"Umm� Hi. I�m Ranma. Umm is that for me?" Faolain was 
holding a covered tray in her hands. The smell had already registered 
as food and she was hungry.

	"Yes it is, you must be hungry," Faolain remarked while putting 
down the tray. "Are those the only clothes you have? They definitely 
don�t suit a pretty girl like you."

	Ranma�s snorted and was about to correct her, but thought 
better then to foolishly humiliate herself saying she was a guy. "I like 
it. Ahh where am I. I need to get back home. Do you know where the 
Nerima is?" *Never hurts to ask*
	"I don�t know where this Nerima is, but you really should stay, 
at least until we know you are fit."

	"I�m fine Faolain. If you don�t mind I can go myself, no worry at 
all." Faolain�s lips tighten, and Ranma could swear she shot her a death 
glare. *I did it again�*

				< OH MY! >

	Rand surveyed the room. It was a wreck. He came as soon as 
he felt it. There had been channeling done here. Sadiar, the female half 
of the one power; it was powerful for him to feel it so far from this 
room, Moiraine�s room. Something had happened here. Furniture was 
burnt and blacken all over the room, the odd thing was, the paintings 
remained untouched. Every single one in there rightful place.

	Peering at the painting that Moiraine would have been working 
on, it was nearly finished. All but one uncolored spot; it was an image 
of Moiraine� locked in combat with Siuan Sanche, and the boy who 
would kill him.

				< OH MY! >

	The big Aes Sedai camp was packing up. Servants ran all over 
the place, each one had a duty they had to hastily perform. Everyone 
was moving, even the Aes Sedai had to prepare to move onward. 
Ranma, who was moving hastily, had a different reason at the moment. 

	She was ducking from a particular person, one Faolain Sedai. 
*Akk, why is she so intent on keeping me here!?* Running pass more 
people, he saw what she needed, a kettle. Quickly she snatched it, 
much to the holder�s surprise, but Ranma quickly became out of sight.

	A now male Ranma sighed. He was back to normal. That�s when 
Faolain stood next to him. She gave him a calculating look, and then 
shook her head.

	"Where did that girl go, blast her," he heard her mutter and 
quickly moved on.

	Chuckling to himself, Ranma moved a bit more slowly then 
before and without looking bumped into to someone.

	"Oh sorry Siuan," Ranma quickly blurred out before realizing 
his mistake. She looked very surprised.

				< OH MY! >

	Siuan was busy with all of Gareth Bryne�s belongings, and was 
deeply angry about it. *Blast that man! I come out of near death, and 
he has me walking on my hand and feet again! If we didn�t need the fool 
mule of a man, I would gut him!* That�s when someone bumped into her.

	Whirling around, about to make that person life miserable, she 
gasped. *It�s him! The one from the dream!* A name flew out of her 
mouth. "Ranma�"

	Ranma jumped at the mention of his name.

	"You! I know you. You have something to do with my memories. 
Ranma--" Siuan caught herself. *But Ranma was that girl�s name*

	"Ahh�excuse me, I have to get going now," 

	Siuan had other ideas as she quickly latched on to his arm. "Oh 
no you don�t you�re going to answer my questions if I have to throw a 
net and drag you in."

	"Hey, ahh� you�re Siuan, right? Look, I can see your busy with 
that stuff, I mean you�re all in a rush right, so you better finish that 

	*How dare he!* Siuan shot him a cool deadly glare, "It�s Siuan 
Sedai to you."

	Ranma thought he knew her from somewhere, but shook it off. 
He felt a sudden annoyance towards Siuan, which he couldn�t figure out 
why. "Err... yea, sure, Siuan _Sedai_," The conversation has a nagging 
familiarity from somewhere. *Have to get away, she could figure out 
my curse, better to find a way fast*

	"Oi, I don�t know where you seen me from, but I bet you�re 
mistaken. I mean you must be tired,"
 	"I can see some bags under you eyes and you don�t look to 
"I mean...err... it just that maybe you didn�t get enough of your beauty 
sleep and all..."

	A deep hidden rage flared from Siuan�s mind. It felt almost 
foreign to her. She was suppose to be an Aes Sedai, one of calm and 
understanding. That wasn�t Siuan now though, and she burned with 
rage. *HOW--HOW DARE HE!*


	From movements she had not known to make, she pulled out a 
large mallet and gracefully connected it with Ranma�s head. The impact 
was so power, he flew up, soaring into the sky. A faint yell of "Uncute 
tomboy!" could be heard.

	Siuan slumped to the ground in shock. *How?What? That 
was...impossible* "What happened..." she mumbled. Staring at the 
distant, tiny figure, that could of been Ranma, she gasped. Quickly 
getting up, she ran after him, hoping he was still alive and prepared to 
answer some questions.

				< OH MY! >

	Ranma slowly peeled himself out of the hard ground. 
*Oh man! I could of sworn that was Akane* Glancing around, he saw 
that he was clear of the camp. *At least I got away. Who knew that girl 
could be as violent as Akane*

As Ranma turned around to start his trek home, he gasped. A woman 
sat on a fairly large rock. Cloaked in white, embroiled with tiny red 
triangles. The hood was pulled back. The face was one he knew the one 
in his dreams, staring at him, cool and distance as if waiting for him
show up. Slowly she got up and raised her hands towards him.

	There wasn�t time to act before an invisible force had hit him, 
throwing the surprised Ranma onto the ground several feet away.

	Scrambling up, Ranma leaped back a few steps, more prepared 
then before. "Who are you? Why are you doing this!?" *Ahh great 
another girl come to kill me. With my luck she�s another engagement 
pop rigged up*

	But no answer came; she walked calmly towards him. Another 
wave of invisible force stuck him, he tried to move out of the way as 
her hands shot up, but it was no use. Falling back onto the ground he 
struggled to get up again, but this time more pressure slammed into 
him, pinning him onto the floor. Ranma grunted trying to press his way 
up, but it was stronger. *Arrgghh! What is she doing to me!?*

	His opponent just kept walking towards him, calm and steady.  
She didn�t smile, didn�t speak, never once changing that serene 
feature. *Have to get up, have to stop her* Putting he full strength to 
get up, his power level rose as a bright glowing aura flared up. 
Instantly, he felt the force gone, as if she just stopped.

	Springing up, Ranma has just enough warning to see a massive 
fireball hurling his way. He flung himself out of the way barely
the attack, but still close enough to feel the scorching heat. *She 
really is out to kill me!* 

	"Why do you want to kill me!?" Still no answer.

	He had to move quickly as more rapid blasts where thrown at 
him. *Shit! She�s throwing them like it was nothing! Have to find a way 
to stop her* Another volley of flaming shards sped at him, but he 
jumped up avoiding them. When he landed he could noticed the scorched 
land around him. *Her hands! Every time she shot at me, she had to put 
up her hands!* Ranma figured if he could bond his opponent�s hands, 
then she would be helpless.

	Rushing towards the woman now with a plan, he narrowly 
escaped the incoming volley. Just as he was about to reach her, his 
plan fell apart. Ranma was just about to grab her, when a kick came 
out of nowhere, nailing a surprised Ranma�s in the mid-section. 

	Suddenly the magical barrage stopped. And in its place, a volley 
of physical attacks came. She was a martial artist also it seems to 
Ranma�s mid-calculation. *She�s good* His opponent features never 
changed even with her unrelenting assault. Ranma gave up ground in a 
hurry, dodging and blocking furiously.

				< OH MY! >

	"What�s going on here?" Siuan, finally reached the 
battleground, huffing and puffing from exhaustion. That�s when she 
felt a powerful source of Sadiar. It came from the person cloaked with 
red triangles embroilery. A power like she never seen before radiated 
from her, and the face, one that Siuan never expected to see again. It 
was Moiraine Demodred, her long time friend, also known to be dead.

	Ranma was caught surprised by the new arrival, and the halt 
had cost him another kick to his chest. Moiraine hand�s whirled and 
rose towards a surprise Siuan; a blazing fireball shot out towards her. 
He leaped up in front of the fireball, almost unconscious of his
and it stuck.

	Siuan watched in horror as cloud a black smoke exploded on the 
boy who had tired to save her. *The power...* The glow around Moiraine 
was impossibly bright, as if she held a san�angreal. Fear stuck up in
mind, and she grabbed for the source. It came as a torrent, more 
power that she could of hoped rushed into her, filling her to near 
ecstasy. She had just enough time to slice Moiraine�s incoming weave 
from reaching her. She knew that weave, one meant to permanently 
sever her link with the source. There was no emotion from the 
supposedly dead Moiraine, but she wasn�t trying to just capture.

	"Moiraine! What are you doing!?" There was no response; it was 
almost as if her attacker was a shell of the real thing.  More incoming 
assaults of deadly weaves came at her, each one meant to do 
something horrible. Franticly Siuan rushed to meet every single one, 
slicing one after another, know if she missed one, it would be her last. 
She had no opportunity to attack back, it was all she could do to 

	*Something is different* She knew her power was mysteriously 
much more powerful then anything she could normally handle, but it 
was her only hope of surviving right now. Something else was different. 
*Hew power, it smaller now. Fish guts! We�re dead even!* Her sense 
told her they were in a dead match of equally powerful one power. 
Sweat trickled down her face, but nothing appeared on Moiraine. *Blast 
her, if she had the power I�ve seen before, why don�t she use it. Is she 
playing with me!?*

	Ranma rose up from the pain. He could still feel the massive 
heat that hit him. Glancing over, he saw the two women, staring at 
each other. Siuan, face was determined and deep in concentration, but 
the other�s facial feature had never changed. *Something is 

	Sprinting towards the woman, Ranma tried to take advantage 
of the battle, and tried to reach Moiraine yet again, but at the last 
moment, she twisted, and a kick went for his face. He ducked just in 
time and had to block and evade another series of moves. Then 
something flashed from her hands and he felt more pain as he flew 
back once more.

	Siuan barely recognized the opening before she launched her 
first attack, but it was too late as Moiraine did something she didn�t 
recognize and her head spun with pain. Struggling for recovery, she 
saw a bright light launched towards her. Desperately she wove a 
barrier of air to stop it, but it was all she could manage to do, as the 
blast was relentless, and she felt herself getting weaker. Then she saw 
something and she knew.

	*The power, she�s getting stronger again! My power is getting 
weaker. We�re sharing the power like tugging for supremacy with a 
giant razor-fish. And I�m losing!* She could feel her power slowly 
fading. Siuan struggled to pull for more, but it was no use as
glow slowly brightened, and her attack was still unrelenting.

	Ranma saw in horror as Siuan was starting to buckle from the 
magical assault. He felt a great need to save her, but he still couldn�t 
bare to hurt a girl still. *I can still stop her!*

	Jumping up high into the air, he flew straight towards her.

	"Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken Revised!"
	"Speeding pressure points!"

	His opponent�s attack stopped and her hands tried to block 
him, but it was too fast, too late. Numerous pressure points he knew 
to sleep were touched and she fell onto the ground eyes closed.

	Suddenly he felt a rush of emotions assaulting him, and he felt 
it. *What�s happening to me!?* Ranma felt a new presence inside him. 
*It�s feels almost like...a bond...* Glancing around his eyes focused on 
Siuan, and he knew. *It�s her...I can feel her--and...* Glancing back,
looked at the fallen attacker. *And her...*

	Siuan suddenly felt a link, it was as if it had been hidden, and 
then suddenly springing out fully out into the open. Looking at the boy 
she knew. *A bond. He�s my warder...Ranma...*

	The two stared at each other, for a long time.

				< OH MY! >

A SD figure clasped in a cloak of pure white, with some red decorations 
along the edges walks out. SD fumbles with a heavy book in her hands.

	"Quit poking me!"--"Alright, alright, I�ll do this already."

	"Hello there, I�m here holding this big book hear to give you 
some worthless information--hey I told you to quit poking me!"

	"Nisao Sedai, of the Yellow Ajah. Basically one of the more 
loonier doctors who got caught in the cookie jar by Egwene. So she 
swore her oath and now has a ball and chain to lag around."

	"Faolain Sedai. She�s not very interesting to talk about. She 
was newly raised in a little dead town call Salidar. Basically, she
to lug around the ball and chain for Egwene."

	"Rebel Aes Sedai Camp. Because The women couldn�t agree on 
who gets the guy, (Rand) they broke up. Now, Egwene being the new 
leader wants to put it back together, and she has an army to do it."

	"Snow storms...what!? Why would I need to explain a thing like 
that!-- Hey watch were you�re sticking that thing! Someone screwed 
around with the Bowl of Winds, and poof."

	"San�angreal, a more powerful form of an angreal, which 
increase power."

	"Gareth Bryne, tee-hee, you�ll find out."

Author's babble:
	Babble babble babble. 
	Anything sent back is welcome, even if someone actucally read this far.
I'm lazy I know. I need more poking. I can guess the ongoing plot would
frustrate some people...well I'll find something to blame for it next
time. Hey at least it's not a cliff-hanger. 
	Babble babble babble.