Subject: Re: [FFML] With Apologies to Don McLean
From: Krista Perry
Date: 4/8/1999, 9:51 PM
To: Mike Loader

Mike Loader wrote:

Take this any way you will, folks.

Not quite sure what to make of it...  Tribute?  Biting satire?  Bit of
both?  Haven't decided yet, but I like its edge.  ^_^  And, coming from
the guy who has written some of the darkest *and* most hilarious fics
I've ever read, the irony is all the more savory.

I only hope that this -- "Went and walked down to the well but the well
had run dry"  -- doesn't mean that we won't be seeing any more Nameless
Sagas or Faint Hopes from you.  :)

-- "Knowledge is just opinion that you trust enough to act upon." from -Children of the Mind- Orson Scott Card