Subject: Re: [FFML][ranma][teaser]coming attractions (a very scary bet)
From: Scott Jamison
Date: 2/18/1999, 9:28 PM

On Tue, 16 Feb 1999 wrote:

                        "Spells R Us" is one of those nasty evil
things in webfiction, and i can just see Beryl's boss being
in cahoots with the common version of the proprietor...
                         hmmm. this is nasty enough that i think i'll
throw it out there and see if anyone's got something nasty
they'd like to see used by this guy.
                         (i ran across one story where a "hunter widow"
wants attention from her hunter husband and the storeowner
convinces her to buy some buckskin boots. which of course
turns her into a buck. in deer season. i think this qualifies as
rather more evil than Happosai...)

Eck.  Never saw that one...  Did you see PMasters' "evil magic store 
owner" fic?
	Had a bit for a possible SRU story..."Then there was the abusive 
husband who'd turned into an African Violet.  He'd originally planned to 
transform him into an African-American *named* Violet, but for once the 
Old Man had underestimatede the stupidity of a customer."

                          mind you, if it's a story, i'm writing, the good
guys will be rather more likely to win in the end than ANY of
the victims in the common web stories...
                         hmmm. If "Bambi" turns the viewer into a
Vegas prostitute of the same name (yes, there is such a story)

A particularly lame example...

then what would "Mulan" or "Snow White" do?
                         ("Oh no! Airen fall asleep! What we do?"
                          "He was watching Sleeping Beauty? Oh no,
there's only one way to wake him up!"
                          "Ah, Nabiki clever. How Shampoo wake airen?!"
                         "Go boil some hot water, Shampoo." Nabiki snickers
as Shampoo runs off. "Now then, Ranma-kun....")

Oh yes, someone over at TGA found some Japanese transgender pages, the 
two most useful of which are
because they've got pictures, the former with English subtitles!  Mostly 
cute, which is how I prefer my transformations....