Subject: [FFML] [Ranma][Rifts][Teaserish] Bachi ch 2
Date: 2/4/1999, 11:02 PM

  For Ranma sleep was a long time in coming despite his
exaustion, and when it finaly did come is was a sleep wracked
with dark dreams, and half glimpses of fear.  His dreams
seemed to be echoes of memories and bits of someone 
elses nightmares.  Overlaying all of this though was a sense
of sorrow, of longing so vast that it made him ache.  Struggling
against the dreams with all of his will he finally broke through
to concisiousness with a gasp.

  Truth be told Ranma was, for once, actually glad to wake up
in the middle of the night.  Although if anyone pressed this point
he would have vehemently denied it.  But that's asside the point.
There was somewhere he had to go, something he had to do.  His
dreams were fading so quickly now, and that ache he felt...that
ache...he was sooo hungry.  Dreams and night-phantoms forgotten
Ranma got up to go raid the leftovers, if there were any with his
father around.

  In the porcess of getting up though Ranma found something
that disturbed him.  He was, presently, a girl.  Now normally
that in itself wasn't all that large a problem for him.  Sure he
disliked being a girl, but he supposed he would have to get
used to it, what with being one in school and all.  What bothered
his was that he hadn't noticed that he was a girl for the minutes
he had lain in bed, and he was sure he had gone to sleep as a

  Ranma's musings came to a rather sudden halt when she reached
the promised land, the refrigarator.  Her heart soared when she
beheld the magnificant array of leftovers before her.  [I need to
remember to thank Kasumi tomorow,] he thought to himself, [these
leftovers are delescious.]  After that all thought fled from his head
as she proceded to inhale food for the next few minutes.  She would
have been pleased that her eating habits would have been
immediately declared most unladylike, that is if she hadn't been
eating anyway.

  [Gah...that was good!]  She stretched, and in the process of
stretching widely she abruptly halted and made a face.  She
would have been rather annoyed this time if anyone was around
to comment, because it would have been impossible to describe
the face as anything but cute.  [Sheesh!  I stink, those weird
dreams sure did make me sweat a lot.  I needed a good soak

My Notes as such anyway.
Yea I know It's really short, I just wanted to know if it was any good.
I've not written in a while and all you know.

Please send your comments

Sir Olin 'Neplusultra' Petty