Subject: [FFML] [SM+OTHERS] Black Moon Rising #8
From: "Ranma Al'Thor" <>
Date: 1/29/1999, 11:33 PM

Valhalla, The Third Heaven, SY 68 (3060 AD, 3811 Years 
after the founding of Rome, Juraiian Year 23224, Federal 
Year -926), not that mortal Calendars have much 
relevance for them.

        Belldandy stepped into the nearby mirror and 
stepped out of the small mirror she had hung up in 
Keiichi's workspace for just this purpose.  He was hard 
at work on a new motorcycle design.  Most people 
couldn't have spent over a thousand years designing 
motorcycles and be happy, but there were always new 
improvements to be made.  It wasn't the ONLY thing he 
ever did, anyway.  He had reached the point where he 
could build motorcycles that could win races with 

        This wasn't one of those, however.  Making them too 
fast led to problems anyway, since even in Heaven, 
people didn't have infinitely quick reaction time.  This 
one, being made for one of his still earth-bound children, 
had to work under normal earthly conditions, which made 
it a real challenge.  Imagine trying to build a computer 
that people living in the twelfth century could use and 

        He looked up and smiled.  "Good afternoon, dear."

        "No need to hurry on that."


        "Most of our surviving children are under siege in 
Crystal Tokyo."

        He nodded.  "I know.  The Angel of Death dropped off 
a pair of professional cyclists right here in my lab.  They 
told me everything.  Well, that they knew, which wasn't 

        She blinked.  "He brought them HERE?"  Almost all 
departed souls went to the first heaven, not  the third, 
which was mostly full of kamis and their old followers.  
A few martyrs and especially blessed souls might start 
out higher, but they were rare.

       "Uriel was never much for explaining why he does 
things."  Keiichi shrugged.  "They really shouldn't have 
challenged Thor to a race."

        "He beat them?"

         Keiichi shook his head.  "They won.  Boar chariots 
can't keep up with my motorcycles.  But with's 
not a good idea to win against him."

        "Still fixing the damage?"

        "Even I can't fix a pile of ashes.  They were nice 
cycles.  I made sure to get the poor guys down to the 
first heaven while he was off ranting afterwards."

          She came over and leaned on him.  "I'm worried 
about my sisters."

        "They'll be fine."

        "I just...I wish I knew why I couldn't go help them."

        Keiichi put an arm around her.  "Maybe it's so you 
can test this new cycle for me.  Let's take a ride.  It'll 
get your mind off it."

        She smiled.   "Just don't buzz Heimdall, okay?"


Black Moon Rising

[See end of story for note and archive location]

Chapter 8:  Expensive Victories

By John Biles


Jurai, Royal Palace, Juraiian Year 23224  (3060 AD, 3811 
Years after the founding of Rome, SY 68, Federal Year -

         Celia blinked at the message from Empress Aeka.  
"I'm to join Daley and the Lightning Squad and go to 

          Aeka nodded at the other end of the interstellar 
holo connection.  "We've got to make sure Ryu gets out 
alive, whatever else happens.  And quickly.  However, 
don't let Daley take any stupid risks.  He can be as much 
of a nut as his parents at times."  

         "But what about the spy network?  I can't go to 
Earth and run it at the same time."

         "Have the main reports sent to me.  This should only 
take a few days.  They can contact you by interstellar 
holo if they have to.  Use the Cigo code."  Aeka smiled at 
Celia.  "Think of this as that vacation you've been 

        "Has Lord Rodrigo arrived?"

        "Yes.  And the mission to deal with the planet-
smasher is going well, although how we're going to pay 
for so many towing ships...well, we'll think of 


Earth, Low Earth Orbit, 815 Years after the founding of 
Rome, (64 AD,  SY -2925, Juraiian Year 21228, Federal 
Year -3918)  

        Commander Ruby frowned.  Things had gone horribly 
wrong.  Not only had the unit been slaughtered, but the 
city had been set on fire as a side-effect of the battle 
and a definite sighting of Sailor Pluto had been made.  

        "Well, at least things can't get any worse," he said.

        "Sir, the engine room is under attack."

        Forgot to knock on crystal, he thought.  "Right.  
Comm officer Garnet, alert all our marines to rendevous 
outside the engine room.  Time to crush the intruders."

         He had a hundred marines assembled when he 
arrived.  Fifty droids and fifty humans.  Enough to deal 
with almost any threat.  A battered engineer, Beryllium, 
a short woman with bright red hair, was leaning against 
the wall.  "Sir, Pluto's in there.  She's tampering with the 
Jump Drive."

        "How many of you can phase or teleport?"  Ruby 
asked the marines.  Eight droids and two humans raised 
their hands.  "Teleport to the far side of the engine room 
and attack.  We want to make sure they can't slaughter us 
as we come in the door."  He turned to the Engineer.  "Is it 
just her or are there more than one?"

        "There's some semi-comatose blonde woman, a big 
angry obsidian statue, someone in a hardsuit, and this 
black haired martial artist."

        Some of them must be from that courier ship, he 
thought.  The cute redhead who was running that ship 
isn't there, though...maybe she was Pluto in disguise.  He 
sighed faintly.  "Well, this shouldn't be too hard."

        He gave the signal.  Sounds of battle leaked through 
the wall.  One minute passed.  He gave the signal and 
charged through the door, leading a wave of men and 
droids.  The martial artist stood alone against them 
while the hardsuited warrior and the golem were 
slaughtering the advance party.  He could see Pluto with 
her staff touching the engine, her eyes closed in 

        As he prepared to give orders, a blue bolt of energy 
erupted from the martial artist's hands.  He was shouting 
something about dragons.  Five droids discorporated and 
many of his men went flying around the room.  Then the 
martial artist was in their midst.  For a full minute, 
Ruby did nothing but watch in shock as the young man, 
who looked barely older than twenty five at most, cut a 
swathe through his troopers.  Only twenty had gotten in 
the door, and all of those who hadn't already fallen went 
down in that minute.  Now he guarded the door, and none 
could pass.

         This left Ruby unwatched, however, so he charged 
Pluto.  Pluto was too wrapped up in her work to notice.  
However, he was too wrapped up in his work to notice the 
hardsuited warrior turning and firing a particle beam 
cannon at him.  He crashed into the control crystal, which 
cracked.  The Jump Drive began to pulse.  Pluto cursed 
loudly.  She raised her staff, shouting something.  

        Then the world turned inside out.


Jurai, Royal Palace, Juraiian Year 23224  (3060 AD, 3811 
Years after the founding of Rome, SY 68, Federal Year -

         "Hi, Aunt Celia,"  Commander Daley Asagiri-
McNichols said.  He had short, curly auburn hair which 
was probably the result of dyes, and a pleasant smile 
like his namesake (and his father).  He was dressed 
formally, but that certainly wasn't the formal greeting 
her rank theoretically deserved.  But they were in 
private, so it didn't matter too much.  "We should jump in 
two hours."

         "Good," she said.  "The faster the better."

         "Speed is what the Lightning Squad does best.  
That's why we'll jump in two hours instead of six."

         She frowned.  "We can reach a safe distance in two 

         "Define safe."

         Celia often wondered how anyone in the Asagiri or 
McNichols families had ever managed to live long enough 
to breed.


Subspace, Wasyuu's Laboratories, Juraiian Year 23224  
(3060 AD, 3811 Years after the founding of Rome, SY 68, 
Federal Year -926)

      Wasyuu had taken careful measures to make sure the 
next meeting wasn't a total disaster.  The Dirty Pair and 
the other pair (Kiyone and Mihoshi) were present only as 
holograms, projected from from rooms devoid of all 
other objects but the holoprojectors.  The Pair were 
sentient enough she didn't have to lock them in, but she'd 
made sure the room Mihoshi was in had no exits.  

       "Okay, does everyone know the plan?"

       "We tie Mihoshi and Kiyone to the front of the bomb, 
then Yuri drives it to the Planet Eater, sets it to 
detonate, then Linna and Skuld pull us out."  Kei laughed.

        Mihoshi howled loud enough to blow her hologram's 
linked speakers.  She then began to try to plead like a 
mime.  Kiyone scowled.  "I don't think so."

        Skuld said, "That's mean!"

        Linna said, "I don't think so either."

        Wasyuu sighed.  Why do I have to work with people 
crazier than me?  "No, no, no.  Ryouko scouts ahead and 
finds the Planet-Eater.  Kiyone takes charge of the 
towing fleet.  Yuri drives the Bomb while Kei coordinates 
with Kiyone.  I follow in subspace with Skuld and we do 
readings on the Planet-Eater to find the best impact 
point.  Linna stands by to pull Yuri and Kei away at the 
right moment.  Any questions?"

         "Are you SURE we shouldn't strap them to the 
bomb?"  Kei asked.

         "I can't let Mihoshi die until I finish studying her.  
And she has another job as well."

         Mihoshi mimed joy.

         "What?"  Yuri asked.

         Wasyuu mimed an answer back at them, then 
grinned.  "Hmm.  Audio glitch.  Let's get cracking.  It's 
time to smash the Planet-Smasher!  Avengers Assemble!"  
Everyone stared at her in confusion.  She sighed.  "Let's 
go, Joe?"

         "Who is this Joe guy?"  Skuld asked.

         "Forget it.  Let's kick some butt."

         "It has a butt?"  

          "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Wasyuu 
turned and ran right through the wall, leaving a Wasyuu-
sized hole.


Earth, Geosynchronous Orbit Over Crystal Tokyo, SY 68 
(3060 AD, 3811 Years after the founding of Rome, 
Juraiian Year 23224, Federal Year -926)

        The Wiseman and his ally, the Saturn of the Future, 
sat around his orb in a circle of two, communing with 
their patron, the Death Phantom.  It had been known by a 
thousand names over the years, identities both male and 
female.  It was weaker now, for its last major defeat had 
been only sixty or so years earlier.  And it was warier.  It 
didn't want to extend itself too blatantly...yet.  Tsunami's 
sacrifice had hurt it badly.  Very badly.  Very, very badly.  
It had never understood her true nature fully until that 
day, though it had hated her with a long burning passion.  

         Thus, it could not sense the incoming visitors in 
time to warn its minions.  Still, it was only Pluto, 
Uranus, Neptune, and the Junior Uranus.  They were bugs 
before the power of its servants, it was quite sure.

        While no senshi is free of the urge to pose, these 
four were able to bring themselves to do their posing 
AFTER their first round of attacks.  Wiseman and Saturn 
peeled themselves off the wall while the Outers obeyed 
their instinct to identify themselves to people who 
already knew them.  

        "Fools.  We will..."  Wiseman began.  He also had hard 
to deny instincts.  

        "Destroy you.  Blah. Blah.  Blah.  We've heard that 
speech about a thousand times,"  Uranus said.  She lifted 
her Space Sword.  "IMPERIAL EARTH ONSLAUGHT!"  The 
floor ripped apart in a huge chasm, and Wiseman dropped 
down into a lower level, crashing into the midst of an 
array of scientific equipment.  The other three fired 
attacks at Saturn, who casually parried the blasts with 
her Silence Glaive, twining the energies around it, then 
flinging them back at the trio.  Arcadia went flying, 
crashing into the far wall, while Neptune staggered.  

       Pluto blocked the counterassault with her staff, 
then began looking at her wrist as if she was wearing a 
watch.  "Five."

       Wiseman rose up out of the hole in the floor.  "Fools!  
You cannot hope to defeat us!"


       Uranus blasted him again.  "Get off it, you old 
bastard!  If I had a yen for every two bit idiot who told 
me that, I'd be rich!"


       Saturn unleashed a blast of black ribbons, which 
hogtied Arcadia and Neptune.  Uranus managed to slice 
them all up with her sword as they approached her, but 
she was too busy to do anything else as a result.  Then 
Wiseman blasted her with a bolt from his orb.  She 
dropped her sword and the ribbons took her.  He turned to 
Pluto.  "Your turn."


          He blasted her with a bolt of pure darkness.  She 
slid across the floor like a skater on a rink, pressed up 
against the wall by the continuing stream of energy.  Her 
staff continued to deflect it, but now it was being forced 
towards her chest.  "You are doomed, Pluto!"


          For a moment, everyone paused, expecting 
something to happen.  Deadly silence settled over the 
room.  Then the Wiseman began to laugh.  "Whatever you 
are relying on to save you has not come.  This time, you 
will not..."


        The room turned inside out for a moment, and then 
people, droids, and bits of crystal machinery appeared, as 
two rooms and times tried to fuse into one.  For an 
instant, there were two Plutos, then one of them winked 
out, and reality returned.  The world shattered and 
reformed.  Commander Ruby, Moemi, Imra, a confused 
looking green droid, and the Commander looked around the 
room, trying to figure out what was going on.  The 
ribbons had been been cut to bits by the shards of crystal 
that had flown everywhere.  

         Pluto said, "Commander Saotome, Lt. Ardeen, take 
down Saturn.  Everyone else, focus on Wiseman."

         For a moment, a look of abject fear washed across 
Commander Saotome's face, then a confident grin 
replaced it.  "No sweat."  He moved, a blur of motion, 
unleashing a hail of blows faster than the eye could see.  
Saturn staggered repeatedly, then fell.  All went silent.  
Commander Ruby teleported away; he wanted to live.  
Even the Wiseman was aghast.  Commander Saotome 
turned to face the Wiseman.  "Here, I'll take you down.  
I'm not gonna go easy on you like I did with her."

          Arcadia, Moemi, and Imra stared at him in shock, 
but then Imra realized something.  "She's bluffing!"


          It was too late.  Black energy crackled out of 
Saturn's hand, cracking like a whip.  Commander 
Saotome's eyes went wide, then he collapsed.  Saturn 
stood over him.  "Never go easy on an opponent.  And 
always make sure they're down."  She turned and 
unleashed the ribbons again.  Moemi was flung against 
the wall so hard she went through it.  Neptune began to 
be strangled at the same time as the ribbons sapped her 
lifeforce.  Imra struggled to remain conscious.  She was 
slowly getting a fingerhold in Saturn's mind when she 
passed out.  Arcadia fired off one final blast before 
Wiseman casually swatted her aside.  Pluto and Uranus 
had almost broken through Wiseman's defenses when the 
ribbons flung them to one side.  Saturn began to laugh.

         She wasn't laughing so hard when Commander 
Saotome hooked her legs with his, then did a backflip, 
slamming her into the ground.  "You're right.  Always 
check to be sure someone is down."  Before she could 
even get to her knees, he was on her back, slamming her 
head into the ground repeatedly.  Her nose broke with a 
sickening snap.  "Dammit, I hate doing this to a woman, 
but you crazy people just don't stop!  Now stay down 
before I have to do something worse!"

         Black energies erupted from her back, engulfing 
him, and he slumped over.  Saturn sat up and tried to fit 
her nose back into place.  Neptune blasting her through 
the floor didn't help.  She howled, and a tornado of dark 
energies erupted.  Even Wiseman got clipped by the black 
and purple whirlwind.  When the storm cleared, a three 
story hole had been carved through the interior of the 
ship, and only Pluto remained standing of those opposing 
her and Wiseman.  


         She and Wiseman joined hands, barraging Pluto 
with energy.  She fell back, still counting.


          Another blast sent Pluto to her knees.  Only a 
fading purple aura kept the black ribbons and ebon blasts 
from her body.  


         "You'll never make it to zero this time!"  Wiseman 

         "Three.  Uranus is right.  You talk too much."

          Wiseman was right.  She wouldn't make it to zero.  
She fell before she could count two.  He began to stride 
over to her.  "How the mighty are fallen."  As he knelt to 
take her talisman, a voice spoke behind him.

         "Zero.  DEAD SCREAM!"  What usually was a whisper 
became a shout, and a blast of energy became a raging 
storm of purple destruction, flinging Wiseman into the 
wall.  He turned involuntarily as he fell head over heels, 
and Saturn spun around too.

         Nene, Dan, Hikaru, Noa (in Alphonse, who barely fit 
in the room), Jenni, and the junior Pluto stood there.  
With a blur of motion, Jenni streaked across the room, 
taking the Orb and the Silence Glaive before their 
possessors could even blink.  Then Noa put Alphonse's 
hands together and fired a beam of orange light that 
pushed Saturn through the wall, through another wall, 
and then out into deep space.  Air began to rush out of the 
room, pulling Dan, Nene, Hikaru and Jenni across the 
floor, as well as all the unconscious people.  

         "I guess this is where we all explode in deep 
vaccum?"  Dan shouted as he clung to Alphonse's leg.

          Nene was able to resist the pull, but she grabbed 
ahold of Jenni, keeping her in place.  Jenni lost her grip 
on the orb, which was sucked out the hole, and Wiseman 
charged after it.  Hikaru stood, her brow furrowed deeply, 
unmoved by the winds.  The far wall suddenly bent and 
warped, sealing off the hole.  She fell to her knees.  "That 
won't hold for very long.  I've never done that before, and 
I doubt the patch is very strong."

          Its strength or weakness was soon rendered moot.  
The Wiseman and Saturn reappeared two seconds later 
and unleashed a tide of dark ribbons that soon tied up 
everyone except for Dan.  To his surprise, and then anger, 
they didn't even bother attacking him.  While the others 
struggled futilely, his mind raced desperately.  Normally, 
he would have run for his life, but he knew he was inside 
a hostile space ship in deep space, and running away 
wouldn't help.  More importantly, his pride had finally 
been wounded too far, which isn't easy when it comes to 
Dan Hibiki.

         There remained only one option.  He'd make them 
attack him.  At least he could get in a few good insults 
before he died.  "Wiseman, you lard-butted, robe-wearing, 
Mad Dog #9 swilling excuse for a supervillan!  You're so 
pathetically weak you can't even hurt me with your 
stupid little orb!  I bet you use it to go bowling on 
Fridays!  Too bad you always lose!"  Every invective he 
could imagine began to pour out of his mouth.  Looking 
back on this, Dan would claim he had planned the results 
of this, but he was lying as usual.  

         No one had ever taunted the Wiseman and lived 
more than three seconds.  And if there was anything Dan 
Hibiki could do right, it was taunt people.  The Wiseman 
ignored him for about twenty seconds, then he couldn't 
take it anymore.  He turned and unleashed a powerful 
blast at Dan.  Unfortunately, this freed Jenni from the 
duty of dodging being blown to powder, and she streaked 
across the room, carrying Dan to safety.  And the taunts 

        "Are all of your clothes hand me downs from Death 
or did you steal some of them from a drunken bum in the 
gutter?  I bet you replaced your brain with a speak and 
spell in order to lose weight!  Your aim sucks!  You 
couldn't blast me if I was tied to your nose!  You couldn't 
blast me successfully if you shoved your orb up MY nose!"

        As if that wasn't enough, now the Wiseman could 
hear a tiny voice whispering in his mind.  You're going to 
fail.  He's right, you're incompetent.  Serenity already 
crushed you and your master once.  In fact, your entire 
history is nothing but failure.  You can't even beat 
Serenity in the past, let alone the present or the future.  
You can't even kill this one man.  The Wiseman abandoned 
all other thought but the annhilation of Dan.  He focused 
every ounce of power he had, and fired it at Dan.  As 
Jenni carried Dan across the room, he tracked them with 
the blast of power, feeding every droplet of energy he 
could dredge up into the shot.  Then Jenni simply hit the 
deck, right in front of Saturn.  Wiseman's shot struck 
Saturn full in the chest, burning away uniform and some 
of her flesh.  She was flung through the walls again, and 
the air began to drain away.  

         Enraged, Saturn now turned her energies on the 
Wiseman, who was blown out the other side of the now 
almost entirely wrecked ship.  Their battle began to 
annihilate everything.  Wiseman was outmatched.  He 
realized to his horror that he had used up most of the 
energies he had stolen from this time's Sailor Saturn 
trying to kill the fool.  Now, he would have to fight for 
his life.  He'd been tricked into blasting her, but he knew 
Saturn--she wouldn't care.  He had devoted some effort 
into insuring she was sufficiently whacked out to do 
what he wanted, but now he realized he'd done too good a 

         Pluto gathered her friends and allies and fled to 
regroup and return once more of them were conscious and 
ready to deal with fighting in deep vacuum.


Aboard the Flagship of the Lightning Squad, The Vicinity 
of Jurai, Juraiian Year 23224  (3060 AD, 3811 Years 
after the founding of Rome, SY 68, Federal Year -926)

        Celia gritted her teeth.  She'd talked Daley into 
moving further out of the system before jumping, but she 
wasn't sure he had listened.  A little part of her was 
insisting he would still do it too early, then claim there 
had been a failure of communications.  

        She sat in her quarters and tried to make plans for 
their arrival on Earth.  Unfortunately, since she had no 
real idea what conditions were like, this was an exercise 
in futility.  All she could really do was to make herself 

         She tried again to contact the embassy on Earth via 
subspace radio.  The result was that she started picking 
up a broadcast of 'Shaka and Kenyatta's Fishing Report' on 
a public-access channel somewhere in Africa.  A weaker 
person would have smashed the radio to bits at that, but 
she wasn't weak.  

         Instead, she rose and went to the firing range.  The 
range soon reverberated with the phrase, 'Yellow Khund 
is about to die'.


Earth, Low Earth Orbit, SY 68 (3060 AD, 3811 Years after 
the founding of Rome, Juraiian Year 23224, Federal Year 

       Demand frowned.  More bad news from Rubeus in the 
past.  One of his assistants had defected to the senshi.  
The bad news just kept coming.  Rubeus had been in the 
past for several weeks now (by his reckoning, not 
theirs), and everything was going horribly wrong.  The 
assault on the central city of Crystal Tokyo had failed; 
the Senshi had projected some kind of force field over 
the area.  Wiseman claimed he had agents inside the 
barrier, but no one had seen Wiseman in hours.  

        Saffir walked in.  "Bad news."

        More bad news.  Oh joy, he thought.  "What?"

        "Wiseman's ship has blown up, and there's some sort 
of massive battle going on.  He's fighting some woman."  

       Demand would have banged his head against the wall, 
except that it would have been undignified.  


Earth, Geosynchronous Orbit Over Crystal Tokyo, SY 68 
(3060 AD, 3811 Years after the founding of Rome, 
Juraiian Year 23224, Federal Year -926)

          Wiseman and the Saturn of the Future took a few 
seconds from their duel to breathe hard.  Both of them 
were starting to get totally worn out; they both had too 
much power for any one person, but even that power 
wasn't infinite.  

         Thus when Pluto, the junior Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, 
Arcadia, Hikaru, Noa, and Nene arrived, neither Wiseman 
nor Saturn did anything for the first few seconds.  Then 
they both opened up on the group.  However, this time, 
they were ready for them.  Nene couldn't really make the 
Radiant Hawk Wings.  However, you can fake a lot of 
things with technology, especially with multiple beings 
of power backing you up.  

         Wiseman and Saturn, however, had no way of 
knowing this, although they could tell the Senshi were 
reinforcing the Hawk Wings with their own power.  Thus, 
they both felt a little nervous when the group began to 
slowly advance on them, pushing into the steady stream 
of their energy.  They redoubled their efforts and thus 
failed to notice when Hikaru suddenly vanished.  

         Saturn noticed very much when Hikaru suddenly 
slapped a small crystal tear onto her forehead after 
appearing behind her.  Intense agony ran through her body; 
she felt like she was ripping apart.  She began to glow, 
the light forming a ropy mass of white and black 
streamers.  It was flowing out of her, and the energy she 
had been emitting at the approaching band of heroes 
winked out.  It formed a huge swirling storm.  

         Wiseman fled; whatever the woman had done to 
Saturn, he wanted no part of it.

          Hikaru was struck by the swirl of energy and 
passed out instantly.  Noa pressed into the storm, 
protected by her armor, and managed to grab Hikaru and 
flee, although Alphonse was severely charred and 
desperately in need of repair afterwards.  Nene was flung 
a few miles by the storm, which was more than her fake 
Hawk Wings could deal with, although her own armor 
protected her from harm.  It too would need repairs.  The 
senshi secured their friends and fled, or tried to.  

           Pluto and the junior Pluto were focusing hard, but 
the explosion of Saturn's energies was making it nearly 
impossible for them to focus as it buffeted them.  The 
entire group vanished from sight, but not from existence, 
thrown to the winds so to speak, by a mixture of 
Wiseman and Saturn's energies.

            In their absence, the storm of energies finished 
its task.  Saturn's mortal host quietly vanished into the 
future, followed swiftly by the Saturn Force, which then 
sought out its next destined host.  Perhaps there would 
be better luck next time.


        Demand frowned.  "So the Wiseman and his ally were 

        "Apparently his opponents died as well, or were 
cast into subspace, possibly.  We're not sure, really; 
we're getting weird readings from the battle zone and 
anything that gets too close vanishes.  We lost five more 
ships."  Topaz sighed.  "Sorry, sir."  Topaz was a tall 
lanky redhead with a truly ugly face.  His bashed in nose 
didn't help.  

       There was only one thing to be done.  Victory in the 
present seemed increasingly hopeless.  The Crystal 
Millenium was rallying its forces; only success in the 
past could save them now.  Especially if Wiseman was 
out of commission.  "Bring me Esmeraude.  I have a 
mission for her.  Rubeus is taking too long."


Deep Space about ten light years from Jurai, Juraiian 
Year 23224  (3060 AD, 3811 Years after the founding of 
Rome, SY 68, Federal Year -926)

        The first proton beam from the Planet Smasher was 
enough to mark the end of the towing fleet.  Only a third 
of the fleet was obliterated, but that was enough to 
make it impossible to move Wasyuu's planet bomb fast 
enough to ever catch up with it.  

         Wasyuu wanted to beat herself in the head for not 
thinking of this.  Some genius scientist I am, she thought.  
The only way to get the Planet Bomb into the Planet 
Smasher was going to be to try to Jump directly into it, 
which would be incredibly tricky.  Only an incredibly 
brilliant pilot or a fantastically lucky one would be able 
to do it.

       She and Skuld had gotten the readings she needed.  
There was a large hollow space inside the Planet 
Smasher where it ground up and reprocessed its 'food'.  It 
would be perfect.  The timing on this, was 
going to have to be perfect if the pilot was to get out in 

       "You gotta be crazy,"  Yuri said.  "Even a goddess like 
me has limits.  I can't kill me permanently, but 
being blown to bits hurts.  A lot.  I mean...I don't think it 
can kill me permanently, but..."

       "I'll do it,"  Mihoshi said.  "I've had a long life.  I can 
take the risk."

       "Mihoshi!  I think the two unkillable 'goddesses' 
should do it,"  Kiyone said.  "They're the experts at mass 

        Kei frowned.  "It wasn't EVER our fault!"

        Soon, a proper screaming match was in progress.  No 
one noticed when Mihoshi quietly slipped out.

Earth, Tokyo, 1995 AD

       Usagi was sitting in her backyard, reading manga.  
She knew she should be doing homework, but all this 
chasing after droids was just wearing her out.  She didn't 
have time for homework; yeah, that worked.  This was 
just a little break to help her relax.  

        When deeply engrossed in a manga, Usagi was easily 
capable of not noticing things like dark swirling clouds 
overhead.  Or a purple haired teenager falling out of them.  
When the purple haired teenager crashed headfirst into 
her, on the other hand, she noticed.  Then she quietly 
passed out.


Earth, Tokyo, 1987 AD

      Hikaru regained consciousness lying on the ground in 
front of the ABCB as she remembered it from her youth.  
She looked around in surprise.  This doesn't look like deep 
space.  Did we somehow get flung through time?  I'm not 
powerful enough to jump that far myself.  I don't think I 
am...well, I'm sure Pluto will find me soon; she'd never 
leave me here for fear I'd muck about with things.  She 
went inside, for lack of a better idea.  Better to wait 
with food than without.

       When she saw her younger self sitting at a table 
with Kyousuke, she almost walked back out, but since she 
couldn't remember her way around very well anymore, 
she decided to just stay and eat.  The Master gave her an 
odd look.  "Do I know you?  You look familiar."

        She laughed.  "I come here sometimes, but it's been 
a while.  I'd like a sandwich and some coffee with a little 

         He went to work, quickly fixing the food and coffee.  
"Nice weather we're having?"

         The younger Hikaru laughed in the background, then 
Kyousuke laughed.  "We'll be together forever, won't we?"  
she asked him.

         Hikaru winced.  She knew the true answer to that 
one.  I was such a fool.  And as long as he lived, I was, in 
part.  She had never quite entirely gotten him out of her 
head, although she had loved her eventual husband, Jonny 
Quest, as much as she had loved Kyousuke.  Some tiny, 
stupid part of her brain had simply never been willing to 
let go.

        Very softly, the Master said, "Don't mind them.  Just 
a pair of silly teenagers.  Bringing back bad memories?"

       "I was just like her when I was that age,"  Hikaru 
said, laughing a little.  "Long, long ago."

        The Master looked her up and down.  "Not that long 
ago, I think."

        "Perhaps it just seems that way."


Earth, Crystal Tokyo, SY 68 (3060 AD, 3811 Years after 
the founding of Rome, Juraiian Year 23224, Federal Year 

        Mayor Sylvie Hakubi looked up from the mess of 
reports on her desk.  Most of them were stolen from 
various ships of the Black Moon Fleet; she'd decided it 
was a better idea to gather some intelligence rather than 
start blowing the ships up herself; the big battle she had 
witnessed had convinced her the ground was safer than 
space for the moment.

        She had visitors, however.  Minki Matsuura, the 
architect of the Crystal Palace and some strange fellow 
with a giant spatula.  "Nice to see you, Minki.  Who's your 

        "This is Tsubasa Kuonji.  His grandmother is one of 
Serenity's Troubleshooters.  And he's a great cook, but 
his family line has problems with forgetting things.  
Tsubasa, this is Mayor Hakubi."

        "Nice to meet you."  He frowned.  "Are you sure this 
is the Crystal Palace?  It doesn't look like it."

        Mayor Hakubi laughed.  "It isn't.  We're probably 
going to have to withdraw to the Palace soon, though.  
We've lost too much ground in the city.  Once the army 
gets here, things will change, though.  In forty-eight 
hours, this crisis will likely be over.  We just have to 
hold the palace that long."

        "That won't be too hard,"  Tsubasa said.  "These guys 
aren't too tough."

        "If the force field around the palace that the Senshi 
are generating runs out, they can vaporize the Palace 
from orbit in about twenty seconds,"  Sylvie said.



Earth, Tokyo, 1995 AD

        Arcadia woke up sprawled on top of Usagi, who 
herself was on top of a now busted lawn chair.  They 
were in a walled back yard like the one she had had back 
on Sirius.  Well, about 1/20th the size of her yard on 
Sirius, but the principle was the same.  The little 
townhouse was a lot smaller than the one back on Sirius.

        I must have been shunted through space, she 
thought.  By whatever the hell Saturn did.  She had seen 
Usagi before, but now she noticed Usagi again as she 
stood up.  "Ack!  Are you okay?"  She pulled Usagi out of 
the wreckage and shook her gently.  "Did I hurt you?"

        Everything seemed too serene for the middle of a 
war.  I must have gone through time too, she thought.  
Probably this is after the Black Moon War is over.  Well, 
if I did travel, Pluto will come get me.  I hope.  "Usagi?"

       Usagi shook her head, then blinked.  "Do I know you?"

       Okay, before the war, but it can't be much before, 
Usagi looks to be almost the same age, Arcadia thought.  
Maybe a little younger.  Yeah, I can see that now.  "I'm 
Arcadia N'goya."  She paused.  "What year is this?"

        Usagi's eyes widened.  "Are you from the future 

        This happens often?  "Umm..yeah.  I guess this is 
before I met you the first time.  Wait...too?  Someone else
from the future is here?"

         Usagi blinked, clearly trying and failing to parse 
that statement.  "Are you Chibi's big sister?"

         "The little pink haired kid?  Queen Serenity's 

         "You know her?  Are you one of the Sailor Senshi 
from the future?"

        How far in the past am I?  Arcadia felt confused.  
All this time travelling was starting to make her head 
hurt.  I thought Pluto sent Chibi farther into the past 
than this, she thought.  Or is this one of Usagi's 
ancestors?  Past life, maybe?  "Umm...what year is this?"

        "1995 AD."

        Arcadia did the math in her head.  At least a 
thousand years, she thought.  Why is Usagi only a few 
years older a thousand years from now?  " long 
has Chibi been here?"

        "About a month."  Usagi groaned.  "Did her future 
mother send her here because she couldn't STAND her own 

        Arcadia shook her head.  "Pluto sent her to get the 
Silver Crystal in this time to help save her mother, Neo-
Queen Serenity of Crystal Tokyo.  Those Black Moon 
bastards are trying to destroy it."  What exactly happened 
to the crystal after I gave it up, anyway?  Arcadia tried 
to remember, but she couldn't.  "But I'm sure you know all 

         "Chibi won't tell me anything.  We knew she's 
looking for the crystal, but...Oh, I'm Usagi Tsukino.  Are 
you Chibi's guardian or something?"

        "I'm...Sailor Uranus,"  Arcadia said.  "Uranus' 
apprentice really.  I got sent here by accident.  Or 
something."  Well, I did ask Pluto to send me before.  
"Take me to Chibi.  I'll beat some sense into her."  Her 
stomach grumbled.  "I could use some food too."

        "Right.  Food run,"  Usagi said.


Earth, Mega-Tokyo, 2040 AD

        Dan Hibiki found himself in the middle of a large 
arena.  He knew it somehow.  The King of Fighters' 
Tournament.  That was it.  Or maybe the World Champions 
Tournament.  Or the Giant Wombat Cage match.  They all 
blurred together in his mind, sometimes.

         Did I just hallucinate most of my life, he wondered.  
He remembered this tournament, remembered being 
knocked out by that loser Sakura in the first round.  She 
was laughing at him, as usual.  "Decided to pass out 
before I even hit you, Dan?" she asked.  "Just to save 

          "I am the Great Dan Hibiki!  You cannot hope to 
defeat me!"  He rushed her and threw everything he had 
into a punch.  Which was quite a bit.  She went flying into 
the audience and the crowd went wild.  This was a new 
experience for Dan.  A GOOD experience.


Near the Moon, around 23,000 BC

         Pluto floated in space, looking down on the 
devastation of the Moon Kingdom.  It was rare that 
anything had flung her so far through time, but such an 
event as she had just experienced was, unique in 
her experience.  And that was a rare thing.  

         She turned to gaze upon the Earth.  It sat securely 
behind the Great Shield, protected from the Things which 
even now would be attacking and ravaging the other 
kingdoms of the system.  She wished she could have 
found another way, but it had been the most she could do 
to save the Earth.  And Mercury and Venus had been able 
to save themselves, along with Yuggoth.  It was Mars and 
the outworld colonies which had had to be abandoned to 

         Most people would have cried, but she had shed her 
tears for them long ago in the loneliness of the Time 
Tunnel.  There had been centuries where all she really 
needed to do was cry.  But there was much to do now.  
She would have to go round up all the people scattered 
across space and time, especially Arcadia, before she 
could further make a mess of what had to be.  

         She thought she finally understood why Hime-chan 
could see Arcadia and she herself could not.  Arcadia 
came from outside Pluto's lifetime, and now that Pluto 
lived inside time instead of out of it, she could no longer 
see beyond her own lifetime.  Apparently that extended 
to things beyond that lifetime that came into it as well.  
Somehow.  It didn't make much sense to Pluto, but it was 
an explanation.  

          Clouds were gathering on the face of the Earth, 
vast clouds of dust kicked up by the aftershocks of 
Serenity's banishment of all of Atlantis to another 
dimension, which had triggered global earthquakes, 
volcanic eruptions, and other disasters.  The last ice age 
was about to begin, and glaciers would creep over the 
great cities and wipe out any evidence they had ever 

        It was time to go.  She gestured, and the time gate 
appeared.  She raised her staff and knocked upon it 
thrice.  Nothing happened.  She tried again.  Still nothing.  
Knocking became pounding, but the gate sat silently, then 
began to fade away.  

        "Don't!  STOP!" she shouted, but the gate became 
mist and dissolved away.  

        She was alone, floating in space over two 
devastated worlds twenty six thousand years from home.  
Then gravity noticed her.  She began to plummet.  In 
space, no one can hear you scream.


Earth, Tokyo, 2025 AD

        The junior Pluto looked up at the twin statues and 
shuddered.  The statues were her husband, Daichi, and her 
old rival, Hikaru Hibino, standing hand in hand in imperial 
robes, with Daichi posed to kick the Earth like a soccer 
ball.  They stood in the middle of a grand plaza that 
should have been the Imperial Gardens.  Nearby, a tv 
billboard showed the World Cup of 2012 over and over, 
with more freeze frames of Daichi's winning goal than 
even the junior Pluto could stand.

         She sighed.  This alternate timeline tended to be 
where she ended up whenever something went wrong 
with her powers.  It was the universe's way of taunting 
her.  She was used to it.  I'll just summon the Gate of 
Time and get out.  She raised her time staff, and the Gate 
appeared.  But when it swung open, Hikaru Hibino, garbed 
as Pluto, stood inside.  "I've finally caught you, you 
imposter!" she shouted.

        "'re a Pluto?"

        "Much as I love Daichi, even I have to admit it took 
some shoving to get this proper, glorious future to come 
into existence.  I couldn't have done it without my 
powers as Pluto."

         The thought of Hikaru with Pluto powers horrified 
Himeko, who had only to look around to see how much of a 
mess the woman could make with them.  Hikaru had 
grown up eventually, but it was clear this one hadn't.

         "Look, just let me out of here!  You wanna rule this 
Earth with this Daichi, go right ahead."

         Pluto-Hikaru Hibino shook her head.  "It'll be more 
fun if I have someone to gloat to.  You have no power over 
this timeline and you can't get out because I control the 
Gate of Time!  BWAHAHAHA!!!  Better start running; the 
army has standing orders to capture anyone who looks 
like you.  Ta ta."  The Gate closed and she vanished.

         This can't get any worse, Himeko thought.

         Then the billboard stopped showing the World Cup 
and started showing Highlander 2.  


Earth, Synchronous Orbit over Crystal Tokyo, SY 68 (3060 
AD, 3811 Years after the founding of Rome, Juraiian Year 
23224, Federal Year -926)

       Wiseman finished gathering as much of the left over 
energies as he could once he recovered.  At least I got 
that time portal stabilized before this happened, he 
thought.  It should still be possible to win this battle in 
the past.  Perhaps there we can gather enough energy to 
open the portal and let the Death Phantom through.  I 
remember, dimly, how much life it had, he thought.  The 
memories were fuzzy, and tangled up with other ones, 
which contradicted them.  

        Raising his orb, he gazed upon the tangled threads of 
time which lead away from the place of battle.  The 
Plutos and all their friends had been hurled into time 
pockets, little universes created in subspace from a 
mixture of reality, hopes, fears, and dreams.  Their own 
personal parallel timeline.  The Plutos would likely 
escape first and rescue the others.  If he had more power, 
he would have taken measures to stop them, but as it 
stood, he needed to conserve his power in order to make 
sure Esmeraude could be sent to the past to do what he 
wanted her to do.  Next step, browbeat Demand into going 
along with this plan, he thought.


Earth, Tokyo, 1995 AD

        Arcadia stuffed her third hamburger into her mouth.  
I am such a pig, she thought.  But ever since I started 
doing all this magic, I just can't stop eating.  Usagi was 
stuffing her face even faster.  Arcadia couldn't even 
count how many burgers had gone down her apparently 
bottomless throat.  

         "You are SUCH a pig," proclaimed a harsh voice near 
them.  Arcadia turned and saw Rei.  

          "Hi, Rei," she said, then remembered Rei probably 
hadn't met her yet either.  Arcadia shrugged mentally.  It was
too late.  She felt a little strange; it just all seemed 
unreal.  Too many strange things in a row had happened to her, 
and it was starting to get hard to take it as seriously as she

          Rei blinked, narrowed her eyes, rubbed them, then 
said, "Do I know you?"

         "This is Arcadia N'goya,"  Usagi said, spewing 
crumbs.  "She's from the future like Chibi.  But much less 
annoying.  She's Sailor Uranus."

         "So there ARE Sailors for all the planets,"  Rei said, 
sitting down by Usagi, who scooted over to make room 
for her.  "So what's your power?"

         "There aren't Sailors for all the planets in this 
time?"  Arcadia asked, then took a big gulp of Dr. Pepper.
Whatever time this is, she thought.  

         "Just Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter," 
Usagi said.  "And I guess Tuxedo Kamen sort of stands for 
the Earth."  She sighed.  "I don't understand why he's 
avoiding me!  I mean, he still comes and helps us when 
we fight, but..."  She stared at her food and shoved it 
away.  "Men are so weird."

          Sailor Moon?  There's no Sailor Moon, Arcadia 
thought.  I think.  And who is Tuxedo Kamen?  "You talking 
about Mamoru?"  I think that was her boyfriend's name.  
Although...  She looked around.  Something really weird is 
going on, she thought.  Or maybe I'm dreaming this.  
The idea made a certain amount of sense.  No wonder it doesn't 
really make sense.  I got knocked out, and now I'm having this 
weird dream.  With Senshi who don't exist.

        Yes, of course!  It all made sense now.  This was just a
dream about her two friends, caused by her worries about Chibi
being sent to the past and everything.  Well, I will just sit back
and enjoy it then, she thought.  Have a little fun.  Give away
everything in the won't matter.
           "You know Mamoru?"  Usagi asked.

           "I met you and Rei and Mamoru in the future.  Don't 
worry, you got back together eventually."  Arcadia smiled.  This
could be fun.  I'm surprised Pluto can resist the temptation to 
tell everyone about everything.

          She fell down when Usagi leaned across the table 
and grabbed her shoulders. "Are you sure about that?"  
Usagi asked urgently.

          "Yeah, you sang a song together and everything.  It 
was disgustingly romantic."  Arcadia clambered back into 
her seat.  "There's a Sailor Moon in this century?"

          Usagi looked confused.  "You said you'd met me in 
the future."

          "Yeah."  The connection hit her.  "You're Sailor 

          "Yeah!"  Usagi said.  "And Rei is Sailor Mars!"

          Rei was looking a little suspiciously at Arcadia 
now, though she remained silent.

          Arcadia boggled.  "You're Saint Rei?"  None of the 
legends mentioned that Saint Rei was so young in the 
Silver Millenium, she thought, but she looks the same, so 
it has to be the same Rei I met.  This MUST be a dream, she
thought.  Because that couldn't have been Saint Rei I met.

          "SAINT Rei?"  Rei asked, boggling back.

          "Hi," a gentle voice said quietly nearby.  It was a 
short, cute girl with blue-black hair and a pleasant 
smile.  She was carrying a bag full of books over one 
shoulder.  "Can I squeeze in?"

          Arcadia squeezed over for her.  "No problem."  The 
girl looked somewhat familiar, but Arcadia couldn't quite 
place her.  "I'm Arcadia.  What's your name?"

         "Ami.  Ami Mizuno."

          Arcadia knew that name.  Although she had been 
younger in reality.  "Are you dating a guy named Ryo Urawa?"

          Ami blinked, then blushed and stared at the table.  

          "Well, if you had a fight or something, don't worry 
about it.  You'll be married one day."  She had a faint feeling
of omniscience.  It was a good feeling.

          Everyone stared at Arcadia, then Ami incredibly 
slowly and hesitantly said, "We will?"

          "Yeah.  And your daughter is a holy terror.  Oh, I'm 
from the future."

          Ami blinked.  "Oh."

          Another thought struck Arcadia.  The Queen's 
daughter is named Usagi.  She must have named her 
daughter after Usagi.  Now there's an honor.  "So you're 
being attacked by the Black Moon Family?"

         Usagi nodded.  "They're after the pink haired menace 
for some reason."

         "Pluto sent her back in time to get the Silver 
Crystal from this time after she..."  Arcadia thought hard.  
What exactly HAD happened to the Silver Crystal of the 
future?  Pluto had done something or another with it.  
"After the one in the future vanished.  Or something.  
Anyway, I guess the Black Moonies think she has it.  Or 
they may want to use her to blackmail Serenity since she 
is Serenity's daughter."

          "There's a Sailor Pluto?"  Ami asked.

          "Arcadia is Sailor Uranus!"  Usagi said a little too 

          "Pluto is a meddling annoyance,"  Arcadia said.  
"And you can't trust her any further than you can throw 
her, but...she is on our side."  Take that, wherever you are, 
Pluto, she thought.   "She'll probably come lecture me for 
being flung through time by accident after she told me not 
to come here."  Assuming this is real, she thought.  Which I
doubt, since it doesn't make sense.

         "Why did she tell you that?"

         "I have no clue.  Sending Chibi by herself to find the 
crystal was completely insane.  Sending an eight year old 
to a thousand years in the past to look for the Silver 
Crystal when it could be ANYWHERE.  Although I suppose 
Serenity's past self probably has it."  That makes no sense
either, she thought.  Maybe I dreamed that too. Surely 
Pluto has more sense.

          Usagi laughed.  "I've got it."

          "You do?  Well, if Chibi still has the time key, we 
can take it to the future and clean up this whole mess,"  
Arcadia said.  "Assuming it works.  Those time keys tend 
to do what they want, not what you want."

         "She has it,"  Rei said.  "She's tried to use it a few 
times."  She looked at Usagi.  "Where is Chibi?"

         "Doing homework or something,"  Usagi said, 

         "You left me to DIE!"  Chibi shouted, leaping down 
onto Usagi from the back of the booth.  They began to 
flail about, knocking Rei onto the floor.

          Minako, much younger than Arcadia remembered 
her, stood nearby, laughing.  "Well, die of hunger, maybe.  
Unless you think Shingo was going to kill you," she said.  

          Someone who looked like a younger Jupiter stood 
next to her.  "Sorry about that, Usagi-chan.  I tried to 
restrain her, but..."

         Usagi finally got the upper hand, just barely.  
"Someone save me!"

         "Small Lady, calm down,"  Arcadia said. 

         Chibi-Usa stared across the table, "Arcadia?"

          "That's me,"  she said.  "Now, you be a good girl and 
sit down."

          In an instant, Chibi-Usa sat down next to Usagi, 
the very picture of a well behaved child.  "I want some 

          Arcadia signalled the waitress.  "I'll get you...oh 
wait, I don't have any money that would be any good in 
this time."  She blushed.  She tried dreaming the money into 
existence, but nothing happened.  Not necessarily proof this
was real, since she had often failed in efforts to control her own dreams,

          "Is Puu with you?  Can I go home now?  I can't find 
the crystal, and I'm sooo tired of missing my mommy,"  
Chibi-Usa said softly.

          "I'll pay for it,"  Minako said, squeezing in.  "Loan 
me a few hundred yen, will ya, Mako-can?"

         Makoto squeezed in next to Rei.  "I'll cover both of 

         "Woo woo!"  Minako said, ordering a triple sundae.  

         "As soon as we figure out how to use your time key, 
I can take you home,"  Arcadia said.  "So you've been 
staying with Usagi?"  Maybe Pluto did plan this out, she

          "She's a meanie,"  Chibi-Usa sagely proclaimed, 
then ordered a double dip chocolate cone.  

          "Hey, I didn't come in and mindcontrol everyone 
into thinking you were one of my relatives like YOU did,"  
Usagi shouted.  Several people turned and stared and she 
shrank in on herself.

        "Chibi!  That wasn't very nice of you,"  Arcadia said.  
How on earth did Chibi mind control anyone?  

        "I had to live somewhere.  Puu forgot to give me any 
money,"  Chibi-usa said.  "And now she won't give me the 
crystal.  But I need it to get home to Mommy!"

        "Don't worry, we'll..."

        The wrist communicators all went off at once; it 
was like watching a group of businessmen at lunch.  Luna 
was on there, "Hurry!  Esmeraude is trying to infect this 
track meet with dark energy!"

         They all jumped to their feet.  "Let's go!"


        The Track Meet was a disaster zone, full of track 
stars turned into zombies, people passed out from energy 
loss, and a droid who looked like a big fat coach, 
complete with whistle and hat.  In fact, Arcadia was only 
really sure it was a droid and not just a coach because it 
had a gem in its forehead.  

          The most embarrassing part of it was that she and 
Ami and Minako and Makoto had all fallen prey to its 
powers and were now trying to run until they dropped.  
Part of her knew they had gotten snared, but the part of 
her brain that lived to produce speed lines was running 
the show and there was nothing she could do.  Thoughts of
this being a dream had faded as she was sucked into the simple
logic of action.  Chibi had gotten snared as well, but she 
had already passed out.

         On the other hand, Rei had managed to plug her ears, 
while Usagi...

         Coach Droid said, "All right, get down and give me 
twenty!" to Usagi, then blew his whistle.  

         Usagi shook her head.  "No one makes ME exercise!"  
Apparently his powers didn't work on true coach 
potatoes.   Her hand went up to her transformation 
brooch.  "MOON COSMIC POWER!"  She transformed, 
becoming the sailor who Arcadia had never seen or heard 
of, Sailor Moon.  Although something suddenly did ring a 
bell in Arcadia's head.  Something from that history 
museum.  She puzzled over it as Sailor Moon shouted, 
"SAILOR MOON KICK" and did a jump kick at the coach, 
causing it to swallow its whistle.

        While it was choking, Rei became Sailor Mars.  "FIRE 
SOUL BIRD!"  A huge bird of flame attacked the Coach 
droid, driving it back.  

         It also broke the spells on the others, and to a 
plethora of shouts, they transformed.  The droid soon 
found itself barraged by fire, ice, light, water, and earth.  
It quietly crumbled to a pile of dust with a red gem on 
top which swiftly turned black.  

         Sailor Moon said, "And I'll fin...oh, it's dead."

         Esmeraude shouted from the stands, "Well, you 
killed my droid, but let's see you stop the fans!"  She 
gestured and the several thousand people in the stands 
poured forward.  "I may not be able to corrupt this 
crystal point, but once you're dead, you won't be able to 
save the others."

         Jupiter looked at the onrushing horde.  "We can't 
blast them!  They're just people."

         Sailor Moon gulped.  "I don't think I can heal this 
many people."

         "The Silver Crystal,"  Uranus said.  "We don't have a 
choice.  Nothing else will do it."

         Moon nodded.  As she reached for it, Esmeraude 
cackled from the stands.  "Quivering in fear?  There's no 
escape for you now!  You will..."  *THUNK!*  She toppled 
off the edge of the stands into the onrushing crowd of 
zombies, along with the shotput that had just smacked 
her in the head.

         "You can do it, Sailor Moon!"  Tuxedo Kamen said 
from a pile of athletic equipment near the locker rooms 
as he hefted another shotput and a javelin.  "I'll deal with 

         Sailor Moon nodded, and put her hand on her brooch.  
"Everyone help me!"

         They all nodded and put a hand on her shoulder as 
best they could with one hand, holding their 
transformation pens to use as a concentration focus with 
their other hand, while the zombies shambled on, and 
Tuxedo Kamen chased Esmeraude round and round, giving 
her an increasing number of interesting lumps.  "Give me 
twenty laps!" he shouted as they ran.

          "MOON COSMIC POWER!"  Sailor Moon shouted, and 
all the light in the universe rushed in upon her; she began 
to glow more brightly than Uranus could bear to look 
upon.  The light suffused her clothing and absorbed it, 
transforming it into red ribbons which whipped about, 
enfolding the senshi in a network of red threads.  Uranus 
felt a tug inside her, a bond, a link between herself and 
the strangely charming girl named Sailor Moon.  

          For a moment, she was back in the garden, crying, 
the day she first met Usagi, who had instinctively tried 
to help a stranger.  Uranus knew she couldn't have, 
wouldn't have done it herself; she would have left a 
crying stranger to their privacy.  I wonder if I've changed 
history by coming here, Uranus thought.  Now she's met 
me before she met me the first time.  If it was the same 
Usagi...but she was sure it was.  

          She cried for me, Uranus thought.  As if I was her 
best friend in all the world.  I wish...She looked at all of 
them.  I was like them once, she thought.  Less than a 
year ago, I didn't have a care in the world, it was so easy 
for me to care about people, to hope, to...  She felt old and 
bitter and shamed.  

          She felt Sailor Moon reach out and squeeze her 
shoulder with her free hand, and she realized she had 
been starting to cry herself.  There was a smile, and a 
wink, and then ectasy took Sailor Moon.  That was the 
best way to describe it that Uranus could think of.  Her 
face lit up and a yellow crescent moon burst forth upon 
her brow.  The ribbons whipped back in and she 
transformed, becoming taller and older and more 
dignified, her clothing become a white dress with a 
highly embroidered top but no sleeves.  Her tiara became 
a crown.  She had become Serenity.

          Uranus' jaw nearly fell through the ground beneath 
her feet.  She...SHE IS SERENITY?  It wasn't possible.  It 
couldn't be possible.  She stared unable to move, to think, 
to do anything but feel a certainty drop away beneath her 

          An impulse took them all, and they shouted, 
"SAILOR PLANET HEALING!"  She could feel the strength go 
out of her, out of all of them, and merge through 
Serenity, joining the great river of her power which 
flowed into the crystal and multiplied, becoming a wave 
of cleansing energy which flowed out across the mob.  
And across Uranus.  She could feel it, trying to enter her.  
And it terrified her.  

         It was trying to transform her, to reshape her, but 
she didn't know into what.  It wasn't doing that to the 
others, or at least not in the same scale.  It hurt.  It was 
trying to burn something out of her, to remove something.  
But she couldn't tell what.  What was she going to 
become?  She didn't want wasn't even sure of 
what she was afraid of.  Had something gone wrong?  Her 
forehead was starting to itch, and she felt like she was 
going to explode.  

          It hadn't been like this before when she had used 
the crystal.  Something was wrong.  Wasn't it?  The 
others seemed to be in the state of ecstasy, oblivious to 
anything, the whole world slowed down to a crawl as the 
power took its course.  

          I have to get away, she thought.  
Before...before...she wasn't sure what she was fleeing, or 
if it was good or bad, but the Crystal was terrifying her.  
I HAVE TO GET AWAY! she shouted in her mind.

          The crystal pulsed, and all of reality ripped apart.  
And with that, her link to it snapped, and 
unconsciousness took her.


Deep Space about ten light years from Jurai, Juraiian 
Year 23224  (3060 AD, 3811 Years after the founding of 
Rome, SY 68, Federal Year -926)

       People often thought Mihoshi was stupid.  They were 
right, but also wrong.  Mihoshi took eidetic memory to 
new heights.  People with photographic memory often 
were weak at analysis.  Mihoshi had this problem greatly 
magnified.  Mihoshi remembered everything she saw, 
heard, smelled, tasted, etc.  There wasn't a whole of 
space in her brain for doing anything else.  She 
constantly seemed distracted because she was.  Nor was 
she capable of tuning down her senses, unlike most 
members of her race.  It was an unfortunate mutation.  
But she also had a benevolent one.  A large portion of her 
brain was constantly manipulating events around her at 
the quantum level to keep her alive.  She had ridiculous 
amounts of luck.  If she could actually focus on the game 
instead of the texture of the cards, she would have made 
a great poker player.  

        As it was, she remembered every aspect of 
Wasyuu's plan, including where in the Planet Eater the 
bomb had to go.  She was the only one who could do it.  If 
the Dirty Pair tried, they'd probably just blow up the 
entire system.  And she couldn't risk Kiyone.  There 
wouldn't be anything for Kiyone to do but fret on this 
mission, anyway.  And it was better that one of them 

         And if things worked right, she'd get away too.  
She'd borrowed Wasyuu's exercise treadmill.  She 
remembered what Professor Zoom had done, and she was 
pretty sure with her new speed, she could do the same 
thing.  It wasn't even hard; you just ran in place.  

        She settled down in front of the jump drive controls 
on the Planet Bomb, and started adjusting the 
coordinates Wasyuu had stated in the planning session to 
adjust for the Planet Smasher's movements.


        "Are we all ready?"  Wasyuu asked.

        "Are you sure this is survivable?"  Yuri asked again.

        "You're a goddess.  At worst, you'll be banished to 
Heaven for a while,"  Wasyuu said.  "Are you the Kami of 
Cowardice or something?"


         Kiyone turned to Mihoshi.  "Let's go and...hey!"

         Linna looked over there.  "Where did Mihoshi go?"

         Wasyuu frowned.  "Probably went looking for coffee 
or..."  A sensor gave her a warning.  "Something is 
activating the Jump Drive on the Planet Bomb!"

         Kiyone slapped her forehead.  I knew I'd die like 
this, she thought.  I knew it.  "MIHOSHI!"


          As the Planet Smasher moved, the necessary Jump 
coordinates kept changing, but Mihoshi was now fast 
enough to keep up with them.  She had to keep punching in 
new coordinates as the Jump Engines whirred to life; 
normally this would have been incredibly dangerous, but 
she could handle it.  She felt like a genius for the first 
time in her life.

         There was a flash of light, and in slow motion, 
Yuri, Kei, and a panicked Kiyone began to appear.  By the 
time they finished, the Jump had begun.  Mihoshi shouted, 
"No!  Go Back!  It's too dangerous!"

          Why is everyone so slow, she wondered, as they 
began to incredibly slowly mouth something at her, 
emitting incredibly low and dragged out sounds.  Then she 
realized; her brain had gone into high gear, and she was 
going so fast it made them all really slow.  She only had 
one choice; grab them all and try to take them with her 
on the treadmill.  

         In a blur she had them, though she struggled to hold 
them; she couldn't keep it up long, but ideally, she 
wouldn't have to.  The treadmill began to blur under her 
feet.  Faster and faster and faster.  Blue light limned her 
as she built up speed.  Soon, she would hit the speed she 
needed.  Assuming this worked.  No time to back out now.


         Wasyuu bit Skuld's nails.  Skuld smacked her in the 
head.  "Bite your own nails!"

          "I electrified my nails to stop myself from doing 
this when I got nervous.  But I see you haven't electrified 
yours.  That raspberry nail polish is pretty nasty tasting, 
though,"  Wasyuu sadi.  

          Linna said, "I should have gone with them."

          "I just hope Ryoko can get the towing fleet out of 
the system before it blows up.  Or fails to."

           The Planet Smasher rocked, then began to tumble 
end over end as enough smoke to shroud an entire planet 
erupted from its mouth.  Its course towards Jurai ceased 
and it veered off towards the far distant empty space 
between galaxies.

           "Well, if the Pair were right about their method of 
transit, then they should all be fine,"  Wasyuu said. 

           The idea of travelling between points where 
destruction was happening seemed a little too dangerous 
to Linna.  "Is the Planet Smasher dead?"

           "It's at least disabled, and by the time Ryouko and 
I are done with it, it will be begging for death,"  Wasyuu 
said.  "And when they all get back, we can just let the 
Pair wander through it.  That could finish anything off."

           "If they're alive,"  Linna said.

           "They're alive,"  Wasyuu said.  "It wasn't their day 
to die."

           "I hope you're right,"  Skuld said.  "For once."


            Linna simply let them have it out and went to go 
contact Jurai and let them know the threat was over.  


Earth, Geosynchronous Orbit Over Crystal Tokyo, SY 68 
(3060 AD, 3811 Years after the founding of Rome, 
Juraiian Year 23224, Federal Year -926)

        Wiseman floated quietly in his chambers, using his 
Orb to commune with his patron, the Death Phantom.  
"Will Esmeraude succeed or must I take other measures?"


        He nodded, listening quietly.


        "And the other?"


        An image appeared in the orb.


        Hollow laughter soon echoed through the vast 
crystal chamber.


         Demand frowned.  Esmeraude kept holding out high 
hopes, but...nothing.  Rubeus was dead.  His four 
assistants had gone over to the enemy.  Still, at least one 
annoyance could soon be removed.  The Juraiian 
embassy's energy reserves were running out.  It was time 
to prepare an assault to eliminate them.  It would give 
them control of the last of the nodes external to the 
massive shield around the Palace.  Perhaps by 
coordinating all that power, they could finally take down 
the shield.  Or so he hoped.  He thought a moment.  

         His brother, who had been watching the viewscreen, 
which depicted scenes of fighting below in the city, 
started.  "Yes?"

        "The Juraiian embassy should finally be vulnerable 
to assault.  I want you to lead it.  Try to capture the 
Crown Prince and his wife alive; they'll make better 
hostages than corpses.  I have no grudge against Jurai."

        Saffir nodded.  "Of course.  I'll prepare the assault.  
I take it we've found a way to drop their shield?"

        "They should run out of energy.  Don't even think of 
attacking unless the shield drops.  We can't afford to 
waste a single life at this stage."

         Saffir stared at his brother, started to speak, then 
fell silent.

         Demand frowned.  "What is it?"

         "Perhaps that was the whole idea."


         "I do not trust the Wiseman.  I think he has brought 
us here to die.  I think we will spend our strength in 
endless assaults that gain us nothing.  A third of our 
forces have been destroyed one way or another, and we 
can't even capture Crystal Tokyo.  How will we hold the 
Earth if we can't even hold one city?"

         "Once we control Crystal Tokyo, we will control 
everything, for I will finally be able to fulfil my destiny.  
Serenity will be freed from Endymion's spell and embrace 
her true destiny, with me."  Demand's eyes flashed, and 
his voice became more excited.  "He will die soon; I 
overcame him in the duel we fought.  He changed the 
course of what must be, but I will right it.  We will enjoy 
the world of our ancestors as is our right.  And the 
Golden Age will truly begin."

        Saffir nodded quietly. He had learned that arguing 
with Demand when he got in one of these moods was 
simply impossible.  You couldn't win.  "I will prepare the 

       Demand gazed upon Crystal Tokyo and smiled.  
Victory comes.  I shall sit upon the throne I was destined 
to hold, he thought.  And then we shall come truly into 
our inheritance.  


Author's note: is being physically moved in the real world, so my up-to-date
Archive for this story is out of touch with reality.  

There is a mirror, however,

John Walter Biles :  MA-History, Ph.D Wannabe at U. Kansas    

If it has passed from the high and the beautiful to darkness and ruin, that
was of old the fate of Arda Marred; and if any change shall come and the
Marring be amended, Manwe and Varda may know; but they have not revealed it,
and it is not declared in the dooms of Mandos.
--Final Line of The Silmarillion