Subject: [FFML] [fanfic][Ranma/SM x-over][untitled]
Date: 1/17/1999, 11:31 PM

okay, please don't delete this after the first part, I admit the beginning is
pretty lame     I'm looking for someone to help me write this, because i need
help with ideas     well, have fun!

	Yay, this is my first attempt at a somewhat-realistic (yeah right) Ranma and
Sailor Moon crossover!  This is an alternate reality, it breaks off from the
real one at about the end of Sailor Moon S or middle of Super S or something
I�m not sure because as of now I�ve only seen the dubbed Sailor Moon (=O  Oh!
The horror!!  I�m such a poor deprived child!!).  The only reason why I�m
doing it there is �cause I want to include all of the Senshi, but I haven�t
seen the whole series and I don�t know their attacks and stories and stuff.
This is after vol. 38 of the Ranma series, but they�re still only 16 (in
keeping with the Peter Pan syndrome that the whole cast seems to have�with the
possible exception of Hinako), just to keep the age range down.  Neither one
of these belong to me, and don�t even try to sue me, I�m only 14.  Enjoy!  ^_^

	"Alright!!" Ranma yelled.  "A martial arts contest in Juuban!!!"
	"What?" Akane asked.  Ranma shoved the newspaper he was holding in her face.
	"See, look!!" he said excitedly, pointing at the article.  "Right here!!"
	Akane scanned the paper.  "You�re right!" she gasped.  "And look!!  It�s
being held by the Sailor Senshi!!"  Ranma nodded vigorously.  
	The Sailor Senshi was known all throughout Japan for their great deeds,
incredible strength, and teeny-weeny skirts.  Most of the martial artists they
knew had great respect for the female warriors.  
 	"This�ll be a great opportunity to meet them!  I mean, think how much we can
learn from them, the *real* *Sailor* *Senshi*!!!" Ranma elated.  
	Akane agreed whole-heartedly.  She didn�t accuse Ranma of being a pervert,
going to the tournament only to oggle them.  Hey, they weren�t called �pretty
suited soldiers� for nothing.  But she knew that he practically idolized them,
and held them very, *very* high in respect.  She wasn�t surprised that he was
so happy.
	Ranma snapped his fingers.  "Hey, ya know, I think I remember havin� a cousin
over there in Juuban.  We can stay at her place!"
	"Ranma, you can�t just go and freeload off your cousin, you know!"
	"Aww, don�t worry �bout it, Akane.  She owes me," he said, smiling
	Akane stared at him quizzically, but when she noticed he wasn�t going to tell
her anything more, she gave up.


	**Hmm� I guess it�s time,** Setsuna thought to herself.  The memories had
just recently reawakened, which meant somehow she had to find the trigger that
would release the memories for the other senshi.  She smiled slightly to
 	**At least Luna convinced Usagi hold that tournament.  This will make things
much easier for me.  There is still much to prepare for, but I think the
others could have fun with this bunch�**
	A portal appeared behind her, and two figures stepped out.  Setsuna whirled
 	"Who are you??  Only the ones who have proven their worth can approach the
Gate of Time!"  She transformed into Sailor Pluto in the blink of an eye, and
grabbed her Time Staff.  
 	The figures stepped into the light, and Pluto relaxed.  "You shouldn�t have
done that, you scared me for a moment," she said.
	One of the two spoke up.  "We�re sorry, Pluto-sama.  But this is very
important.  We must�"
	"I know.  I have seen it too," she said.  The other fell silent, and nodded.
In a precise and rehearsed movement, Pluto twirled her Time Staff and opened a
portal.  The three slowly stepped through, entering a bedroom.  Pluto blinked
in the darkness, then walked to the sleeping lump on the bed, trying to shake
them awake.  The other two stayed behind.
	"Uhn�  lemme sleep�" the person mumbled, burying themselves deeper into the
 	Pluto sighed, and then shook harder.  "Please� you must wake up.  I need you
to do me a favor," she said.
	"Mrmph," came the response from inside the sheets.  Pluto frowned.  The
person who had spoken up earlier produced two glasses of water, and handed one
to the other person.  They both splashed the bed�s occupant.  There was a
light grumbling, but nothing other than that.  Pluto grabbed the sheets off
the bed.
	"Okay, okay, I�m up, Puu.  What do you want?"  The bedraggled and very sleepy
person squinted, and looked around the room, then blinked when they saw the
two other people.  "Pu�?  Izat you?  Why are you guys here too?"
	"You don�t need to worry about that," one of them replied, smiling lightly.
Pluto pulled out a small object and handed it to the individual.  "I think you
know how to use this.  Please be careful," she said, then opened another
portal and the three vanished.
	The one left on the bed blinked, inspected the small object carefully, and
groaned.  "I�ll use it tomorrow." The person then sought refuge in the warmth
of the sheets, and promptly fell back asleep, forgetting all about the object
clutched in hand.


	"WHERE ON EARTH AM I NOOOOOWWWWWWW?!?!!??!?!?!??!"  The scream echoed in the
	"Shaddup!!" someone yelled back, throwing a newspaper at Ryoga�s face.  Being
the superior martial artist that he was, he should have been able to snatch
the paper out of the air, rip it to shreds, and throw the individual letters
in the paper back at the person who threw it in less then thirty seconds.
Unfortunately, it was nighttime, and everything was pitch black.  
	*WHAP*   Ryoga got a facefull of newsprint.  "Rrrgghh�" he growled, his
battle aura starting to glow.  He was about to throw the newspaper in the air
and use it as good target practice for his shi-shi hokodan, when he noticed
the headline on it.
	"Martial Arts Tournament In Juuban�" he read, but only getting that far, as
his aura dimmed and his source of light went with it.
	Surrounded by darkness again, he murmured to himself, "Juuban, huh?"  A fang
glittered in the darkness.  "Saotome Ranma, soon�  Soon, I will crush you."


	Akane and Ranma waved at their parents from the train station.  The 1:00
train to Juuban was just about ready to leave, and they had their bags all
packed and ready to go.
	"Go get �em, boy," Genma said, winking.  Suddenly, out of his mother�s sight
range, he gave him a pleading look with his eyes that said, �please, please, I
just said that to sound manly, oh gods no, don�t beat them, I don�t want the
Sailor Senshi to track us down and destroy the Tendo�s house, oh no, Nodka
will be really mad and she�ll make us commit seppuku, WAAAHHHHH I DON�T WANNA
	"Now Ranma, remember, go easy on those nice Sailor girls," Nodka said,
hugging him.
	"Hai, okaasan," he said obediently, hugging back. 
	"Kick their butts, dear," she murmured softly in his ear.  Ranma laughed
silently and boarded the train.  He watched as Akane pried her wailing father
off of her, and boarded after him.
	"Honestly�" she sighed.  Ranma laughed in spite of himself.  "Oh, you think
it�s funny?" Akane said, bopping him on the head playfully.
	"Ack!  Jeez, okay, okay, ya tomboy," he said back, and then ducked another
swing.  Grinning, he plopped down on a seat, and a second later she
reluctantly followed.  She knew that nothing she could do would make Ranma
upset; he was in too good of a mood.
	"Baka," she said to herself, rolling her eyes.  She couldn�t help cracking a
smile, and she realized she was in the same position as Ranma.  They were
going to see the Sailor Senshi and compete in martial arts, the thing they
loved most in the world.  How could they possibly be sad?
	Akane heard someone sigh.  She looked across the aisle of the train, and saw
a girl that looked about a year or so younger than her, with long blond hair
in two pigtails tied in two odangos on her head.  She was staring out the
window, chin in hand.
	"Hey, are you okay?" Akane asked.
	"Huh?" the girl said, startled.  She looked up, and smiled softly.  "Hai, I�
I just miss someone, that�s all�"
	Akane smiled wryly.  She knew that tone of voice.  "Your boyfriend?"
	The girl blushed.  "Hai� he�s the one I�m destined for."
	"Destiny?" Akane blurted.  The girl nodded.  "Don�t you think that�s a bit�
*dramatic* for someone your age?" 
	The girl giggled.  "Not for me and Mamo-chan.  I know he�s the right one."
	Akane still wasn�t convinced.  "But are you sure you want to give up
	"Do you believe in destiny?" she asked.  Akane was a bit startled by the
	"Well, uh, I don�t know, I never really thought about it," Akane stammered,
glancing at Ranma a few times and blushing.  
	The girl noticed her glance and raised her eyebrows suggestively, making
Akane blush more.  Then the two burst into girlish giggles.
	Ranma stared at them.  **I wonder what Akane and that meatball head were
talkin� about�**
	Akane laughed.  She had never met someone quite like this girl.  She was
cute, she was chipper, and she was very nice.  She looked like a ditz on the
outside, but was able to read her like a book.  And vice versa.  She seemed to
wear her heart on her sleeve, like Ranma.
	"Oh, by the way, my name�s Tsukino Usagi," she said.
	"I�m Tendo Akane."  Usagi nodded.  "This is Ranma," Akane said, pointing at
Ranma.  Ranma smiled briefly and gave her a quick wave.
	"Where are you guys going?" Usagi asked.
	"Wow, really?"  Usagi suddenly perked up.  "That�s where I live!  Why are you
going there?  Where do you live?  How did you meet Ranma-kun?  Is he your
boyfriend?" she bubbled, asking a million questions.
	Akane laughed to herself.  **She�s so� perky.  She reminds me of myself when
I was younger,** she thought.  "Well, I live in Nerima.  Ranma is my� friend,
we met through our fathers.  We�re going to Juuban for that martial arts
competition being held by the Sailor Senshi.  Don�t you wish you could be just
like Sailor Moon?"  Usagi suddenly broke into a fit of coughing.  "What?  Are
you alright?  What did I say?" Akane said, alarmed.
	Usagi smiled weakly.  "N-nothing, I� umm� I just had a little tickle in my
throat�" she said. **Nice save,** she thought sarcastically.
	"Oh� are you okay?"
	"Fine, fine, perfectly fine," she said, smiling nervously.
	"Okay� well, that�s good�  But like I was saying, don�t you wish you could be
just like Sailor Moon?" Akane asked.  "She�s so nice and pretty and powerful
and has that beautiful long blond hair, and is such a great fighter."  Usagi
puffed out her chest proudly, which (luckily for her) Akane failed to see.
"But then, on the other hand, she�s klutzy and whiny and a crybaby and," Akane
whispered, "especially compared to Sailor Jupiter, she�s kinda flat."
*blinkblink* "What�s the matter, Usagi?"


	True to her name, Usagi was practically bouncing up and down in her seat.
"Honestly, Usagi-chan, calm down," Akane giggled.
	"Oops, gomen," Usagi said, embarrassed.  "It�s just I can�t wait to see Mamo-
	Akane laughed.  "Don�t worry, they�re starting to unload people now."  Usagi
visibly brightened, and grabbed her bunny-shaped handbag.  Both girls watched
impatiently as everyone else got off, waiting for their turn.  Akane glanced
out the window, and noticed a small clump of people standing a little ways
away from everyone else, near the back of the crowd.  
	There were five girls and one guy.  One of the girls looked a little older
than the others, and her chestnut brown hair was pulled back into a high
ponytail.  Two had dark hair, but one wore hers long, cascading down her back,
with purplish-red highlights.  The wore her hair like she used to before she
decided she wanted to grow it out again, cut short and even had the same blue
highlights.  The last girl had long blond hair, held back partially by a red
	The guy was tall, maybe in his upper-teens/lower twenties.  His dark hair was
parted on the side, and she couldn�t help notice he was very handsome.
Holding his hand was a little girl with pink hair, in a hairstyle close to
	**Could that be his daughter?** she thought.  **She looks too old to be his
daughter, but maybe he�s older than he looks.  She really seems attached to
him, whoever she is.**
	**They all look familiar� **
 	"C�mon, Akane-chan!!" Usagi said, tugging on her arm, also jarring her out
of her thoughts.  "We�re getting off now!!"  Akane smiled and allowed herself
to be dragged out the door.
	Usagi jumped up and down, trying to see over the crowd of people getting
luggage and greeting friends.  The crowd thinned out a little, and they all
gathered their belongings.
	Usagi looked around, biting her lip.  "Mamo-chan�" she whimpered.
	"Usagi-chan, don�t cry�" Akane said, trying to reassure her.  "He�s probably
	*Sniffle*  "He�s not here� he forgot all about me� he doesn�t care!!!" she
wailed, starting to cry.  Ranma looked incredibly nervous, getting very harsh
stares from various people, mostly women.  He sweatdropped and tried to back
away, waving his hands as if trying to say, �hey, I didn�t do nothin�!  I
	"Oi, odango atama, whatsa matter?  You�re such a crybaby," a male voice rang
out mockingly.
	Akane looked for the source of the voice, finding it to be that handsome guy
with the dark hair.  Immediately ticked, she started to tell him off, how dare
he call her new friend that?  But before she could open her mouth, a blond
bolt of lightning shot past her, practically tackling him off his feet in a
bone-crushing bear hug.
	"Mamo-chan!!!!" Usagi squealed.  Akane�s mouth dropped open.  Ranma blinked.
Mamoru smiled tenderly and dropped the pink-haired girl�s hand to hug her
back.  The pink haired rabbit did *not* like that at all.
	"Usagi!  Mamo-chan is mine!!" she declared, hugging his leg.
	"Chibiusa-chan," the other blond said, gently prying her off Mamoru, "leave
Usagi-chan and Mamoru alone.  They haven�t seen each other for almost three
weeks."  The rabbit frowned, but obeyed.  Usagi discreetly mouthed �thank you�
to the blond, and she winked back.
	"Hey, Akane�" Ranma said, gently tugging on her shirt, "we should probably�
ya know� leave �em alone.  We gotta go and find my cousin."  Akane nodded.  
 	They started to walk off, but Usagi yelled, "Akane-chan, wait!!  I want you
meet my friends!"  They turned around, and Usagi beamed at them.  "This is
Mamo-chan," she said, pointing at the boy who was now trying to catch his
breath after Usagi had squeezed all of the air out of his lungs.  
 	"I think we kinda figured that out, Usagi," Ranma said, lightly smirking.
Usagi blushed cutely and stuck out her tongue a little.  "Hi, I�m Saotome
Ranma," Ranma said.
	"Chiba Mamoru," he said, firmly shaking Ranma�s hand.  Ranma nodded, and both
of them smiled.  Usagi seemed a little nervous when they didn�t let go, and
seemed to be staring intensely at each other.  The last person that this
happened with turned out to be an alien trying to destroy her.  Kinda puts a
damper on your friendship, dontcha think?  
	Usagi quietly cut in, same as before, taking Mamoru�s hands into her own.
Both guys broke their stare, Mamoru looking down at Usagi, and Ranma looking
at Akane.  "Umm, Ranma, Akane-chan, these are my other friends." Usagi said.
"This is Aino Mina-chan," the other blond bowed and smiled brightly, "Kino
Mako-chan," the tall brown haired one gave a little wave, "Mizuno Ami-chan,"
the short-haired girl smiled and nodded, "and�"
	"Rei!!" Ranma gasped, cutting her off.  The raven haired girl had just now
come into view.
	"Ranma!!" she gulped, looking scared, but then slipped into a fighting
stance, her usual fire coming back into her eyes.
	"Kiyaahhh!!" he yelled, charging at her.  

I have a lot more written, but i'm not gonna bore you all with it     I have
tons of ideas for this, and I really really really need C&C     I admit, I
took some ideas for this from two of my absolute favorite Sailor Moon/Ranma x-
overs, 'Nibun No Senshi Sailormoon' and 'Lines of Destiny,' but I swear once I
get this going, there will be considerable differences  (BTW, I am *NOT* going
to stick Ranma into a fuku!!)    thank you!!!   ~An-chan