Subject: [FFML] [Halloween Fic] Halloween Fic!
From: "A-kun McCrillis" <>
Date: 10/29/1998, 7:53 PM

 Happy Halloween, everybody!  And, since I promised a Halloween fic to 
someone, I'm delivering early.  Well, here goes!


	"A-kun!  A-kuuuuuuunnnnnnn!" came the familiar cry.
	A-kun looked up from his book to see Marlene, Tracy, Jonathan and 
Timothy all bouncing excitedly in front of him.  A-kun mildly wondered 
why he had agreed to take care of all four youngsters, especially on 
	"What is it?" A-kun asked.
	"We're booooorrrrrredddd!  Tell a spooky story!" the kids said in 
unison, going in ultra-kawaii mode, a specialized attack done by kids 
groups to either get what they want or get out of trouble.
	"AAAAAGGGGGHHH!  OKAY!  Just don't do that anymore!" A-kun said.
	"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!" The kids cheered at yet another victory.
	"But who shall I tell you a story of?  There are many realms that I am 
familiar with." A-kun said, reverting to his 'wizened old man' voice 
	"Ranma!" came the combined cry.
	A-kun wondered what their parents would think about kids so young 
knowing about aquatransexuals, but decided he could just say he showed 
them the first movie.  No naked women there. (Thank Kami-sama!)
	"All right, but since it's such short notice, I'll have to make one 
so don't expect it to be too scary." A-kun warned.
	"Okay!" they cheered.

	"'Boo.' Ghost #1 said.
	The End." A-kun said.

	"A-kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!!!!  You didn't even try!" Timothy said, 
at him accusingly.
	"Oh, all right!" A-kun responded.

	"'Ooooooh, spooky, aren't I?' the ghost asked.
	'Yeah.' Ranma responded.
	The End." A-kun said.

Tell a REAL scary one!" the kids protested.
	A-kun sighed.  There was just no way he'd get his book done tonight.  
He set it down.
	"Fine, I tell a real one." A-kun said, hoping it would quiet the kids 

	"Once upon a midnight dreary, as Ranma sat, weak and weary..." A-kun 

	"THAT'S EDGAR ALLEN POE!!" Marlene cried.
	"How do you know that?" A-kun asked.
	"I saw the Simpsons Halloween Special with it!" Marlene answered.
	"Fine, fine.  I make a real one up." A-kun answered.

	"Ranma awoke in bed.  Something wasn't right.  The house felt.... 
disturbed tonight.  He had never been awoken by such a odd feeling 
before.  He sat up and noticed his father was missing.  He ran outside 
into the pouring rain, hoping to find out where this odd feeling was 
coming from.  Then, he decided to go to the castle where he heard 
Princess Zelda was and-" A-kun began.

	"That's Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past!" Tracy and Timothy said in 
	"Damn.  How about that?  Okay, last time, this one's for real.  Only, 
since I don't know what you want, why do I let you choose the setting 
and tell the story a little more to your liking?" A-kun asked.
	"Yayyy!  Interactive Story-Telling!" the kids cheered.
	"Okay, it's gotta be at night, because spooky stuff can't happen in 
broad daylight with birds chirping and such." A-kun reasoned.
	"Yeah, okay!" the kids answered.
	"And to get the proper mood, it's gotta be either REALLY late at night 
or during a storm." A-kun reasoned.
	The kids nodded.
	"And since you wanted Ranma in it, it's gotta be about Ranma.  Now, 
should he be asleep and wake up or be heading to sleep and hear or see 
something odd?" A-kun asked.
	"He should be waking up!" Timothy voted.
	"No, he should be heading to sleep, that way, if he falls asleep, 
think he was dreaming and we'll have a happy ending." Jonathan 
always wanting a happy ending.
	"I want him to wake up!" the girls voted.
	"He should see something!" Tracy said.
	"Okay, what should he see?" A-kun asked.
	"Ummmm, a pink..... plushie of............... Red XIII from FF7!" 
	"Anyone want to him to see something else?" A-kun asked, desperate not 
to tell a tale of Ranma and the Pink Plushie of Red XIII.
	The kids just grinned.
	"All right, give me some words to work with." A-kun said.
	"Extraterrestrial!" Tracy said.
	"Monkey!" Marlene added.
	"Butt!" Timothy answered.
	"Pen-Pen!" Jonathan said.
	A-kun's right eye twitched.  These kids wanted a weird story.
	"Okay, how about things to do?" A-kun asked.
	"Dancing!" Jonathan blurted.
	"Cooking!" Timothy said.
	"Getting Audited!" Tracy interjected.
	"Explosions!  And using a mining lantern!" Marlene suggested.
	A-kun hung his head.  This was impossible.  But might as well try.  

	"Ranma awoke late at night to see a pink floating plushie of Red XIII, 
the infamous tiger/lion/cat/thing from Final Fantasy 7.  The plushie 
briefly resembled a dancing and cooking Pen-Pen from Neon Genesis 
Evangelion because he was acting like a monkey.  Ranma scratched his 
butt, got audited by the Extraterrestrial IRS and promptly blew up the 
Extraterrestrial IRS, causing a large series of explosions, wiping out 
the galaxy." A-kun told them.

	"There, happy?" A-kun asked.
	"NoooooOOOO!" The kids whined.
	"Ugh, look, it's Halloween!  The phase of the moon crossed with the 
evil night are shorting out my powers of perception!  Therefore, to get 
me to tell a story properly, I'll need some cookies." A-kun lied.
	"AAAaaahhhh!" the kids said, in unison.

	Later, after A-kun finished the cookies he had ransomed the kids for, 
he took a deep breath and began spinning a tale.
	"One night, out traveling by some hills, Ranma awoke to hear a loud 
howl from a nearby cliff.  He burst awake, leapt out of his sleeping 
and looked outside his tent.  He got no further as a gigantic form 
and tackled him.  He didn't know what it was, but he pounded on it 
it finally collapsed." A-kun began.
	"What was it?!" Marlene asked.
	"It was..... his own stupid father, who had terrified by the same cry 
he heard, splashed himself with cold water and leapt into Ranma's tent 
for protection." A-kun replied.
	The kids burst into laughter.
	"Well, anyway, Ranma walked outside.  Anything that would spook his 
man was probably going to be pathetic.  Then, a nearby bush russeled." 
A-kun announced.
	The kids froze.  They knew what this meant.  Vicious ends to Ranma 
began filling their heads.
	"Ranma hesistantly drew nearer and nearer to the bush, not knowing 
might befall him... nearer and nearer he drew to the bush as it 
more and more." A-kun began.
	The kids were hanging on every word.
	"And as he reached it, his heart pounding, sweat forming on his brow, 
he leaned forward..." A-kun said.
	The kids leaned forward.
	"And then..." A-kun said.
	The kids leaned forward more.
	"And then... something leapt out at him.  He screamed bloody murder!" 
A-kun cried.
	The kids jumped and were shaking, their minds going full throttle at 
what might have happened.
	"It was only a bunny rabbit." A-kun said.
	The kids relaxed.
	"He turned and began walking away, feeling much better.  However, he 
ignored the werewolf that later mauled and ate him.  The End." A-kun 
	"GAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...." The kids said.
	"Never think I'll do that same thing twice, kids." A-kun laughed.


	Well, the end to a nice Halloween story.  Happy Halloween to all the 
FFMLers out there!

Ben McCrillis <aka. A-kun> <aka. Sailor Scottish>
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