Subject: Re: [FFML][R.5][short] Something Old, Something New
From: "Adam Conover" <>
Date: 8/29/1998, 9:17 PM
To: Jim Lazar ,

On 28 Aug 98, at 20:20, Jim Lazar wrote:

Miko wrote:

        "Chi blasts," Soun said, "are a devastating weapon in the
hands of a true martial artist, but they also wreak havoc on
buildings.  With the aid of my new assistant, Daimaru-san, we will
be repairing the damage from the blast you just saw, today on 'This
Old Dojo'."

Made me laugh. :)

But, shouldn't his assistant be Genma in his panda form? :) Tool belt
around the panda's waist would be intersting visual.

LOL... images like that are what make me wish that I could draw. ^_^

| Adam Conover | |
|  E-mail:  | Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia! |
|"I talk to the wind / My words are  | Common Sense  |    /\    |
| all carried away / I talk to the   | is what tells |   /()\   |
| wind / The wind does not hear /    | you that the  |  /____\  |
| The wind cannot hear."-King Crimson| Earth is flat.|  Fnord.  |