Subject: [FFML] [Info] Basic Text Editors with word-wrapping
Date: 8/25/1998, 5:44 PM

::pulling out very small soapbox::

   Given the ongoing discussion about editors, I just wanted to say that I
personally use a basic text editor when writing.  I have a somewhat older
computer and while I like all the bells-and-whistles on MS Word, it can be
sluggish at times and eats up a substantial chunk of my computer's memory and
processing power.  ^_^;   The basic text editor I use (BBEDIT LITE) just runs
faster and more neatly than a full feature word processor such as MS Word or
Wordperfect.   Keep it simple and all that jazz....

    FYI, I've found the following basic text editors which let you freely edit
in soft-wrapped form (i.e., no hard returns at the end of each line) AND
allows you to save documents which are hard-wrapped (i.e., hard returns at the
end of each line) to any number of characters/line you specify withOUT going
through all the trouble of constantly resetting margins or fonts.

  For people with Macintoshes, there's a freeware program called "BBEDIT
Lite".  It's free and you can't beat that!    ^_^

  For people with PCs, there's a program called "TextPad".  The program is
shareware but I believe that the word-wrap feature is fully functional (check
the help document under the term "word wrap").  I believe the shareware fee is
quite modest -- it has to be less than buying MS Word!    ^_^;  

To get either of these programs, go to the URL:    

   For "BBEDIT Lite", specify "Macintosh" software and use the search term
"bbedit lite".
   For "TextPad", specify "Windows" software and use the search term

The search results will show you where you can download the programs.  I'm
pretty sure that these programs are also available in the AOL (and other
commercial network or university) shareware libraries.

Since both these programs produce documents in basic ASCII text, all you have
to do is cut-and-paste into your email program.  ^_^   No funny end-of-line
characters, smart quotes, etc.

::slithering back into her hole::

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