Subject: Re: Plagiarism, was Re: [FFML] [Ranma Alternate Fanfic] Martial Arts part 2
From: "Shunsuke" <>
Date: 8/9/1998, 8:25 PM


On Sun, 9 Aug 1998 19:17:06    Reid Carson wrote:
    I thought this seemed familiar from the first part, but the second
confirmed it. This is nothing more than the first couple of chapters of
"Legend of the Duelist" by Rutland Etheridge, with the character names
changed. Nice try.

You might want to be careful in hurling accusations 
of plagiarism at someone, I made the mistake of doing 
so last year.

Well-known horror/sci-fi author Frederick Brown once 
wrote a short story about a man who sells his soul 
to the devil, saying "Without any change in myself, 
I want to be the most evil person in the world".  A 
fanfic writer wrote one with the exact same plot, 
but with Kasumi being the one selling hers, and after 
I pointed out the Brown story and accused the author 
of plagiarism, he informed me that he had never heard 
of FB.  I ate a lot of crow over that one.

In this case, I don't know the story to which you're 
referring, but the author may well be innocent, so 
you should talk to him to check the facts.  (There's 
nothing that can kill your ego like having to 
apologize. ^_^)

"The writer stares with glassy eyes, defies the empty page,
His beard is white, his face is lined and streaked with tears of rage.
Thirty years ago how the words would flow with passion and precision, 
But now his mind has darkened over sickness and indecision."
                                     - Rush, _Losing It_ (1982)

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