Subject: [FFML] [FANFIC][CROSSOVER][TM/G80] "In Time"
From: "Trakal" <>
Date: 7/28/1998, 8:51 PM

"No pain. No loss. No tears.
The time is almost here.
Our dreams will all come true. 
I promise you..."

"In Time"
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure Soundtrack


I gaze into the girl's eyes. She seems young, but I can sense she is not. In those eyes I 
see a wisdom that rivals, and maybe even surpasses, my own. For a moment, I want
to take her into my arms and make sweet love to her. But I push the thought aside...
for now. I am too young, and maybe she is, too.  Time is funny. Had I been able to
remain in the time I had once lived, I now would be old enough to propose to her. And I
know, somehow, that under the illusion of childhood she projects, is a woman who would be 
old enough to accept.  The gaze seems to take hours, but only seconds pass. And in those 
seconds, we both come to an understanding. We are equals this child-woman and I. And 
though I don't know if Time will ever permit us to be lovers, it cannot stop us from 
being friends.
She breaks the silence, her voice childlike and cheerful. "My name is Washu." She grins. 
"But you can call me Little Washu."  Her dimpled grin suits the nickname and I nod.
"Pleased to meet you, Little Washu." I tell her. "My name is Doctor Zee..."

Lt. Trakal
Operative of the Galaxy Police SIU