Subject: Re: [FFML] [Prologue-test][R.5/Battletech][xover] Ranma 2c
From: "Adam Conover" <>
Date: 7/22/1998, 2:22 AM
To: "Ace Sanchez" <>,

This is a really good idea for a fic... luckily, I know a bit of the 
backstory of Battletech... unfortunately only that much that came 
with MechWarrior. :P Anyway, I have a few comments, but I -definately-
 think you should continue this... my only concern with the concept 
in general is the mindlessness of the Ranmaverse characters... they 
seem to be more robost than people -- are they? If so, it'll be hard 
to write for them, because there'll be no emotion. Of course, you 
might have something completely different in mind, soo... but 
overall, I really like the way you worked the characters in... much 
better than "Ranma is a Kahn, and Akane is his wife, and she beats 
him up." -Much- better. ^_^

On 22 Jul 98, at 13:59, Ace Sanchez wrote:

Five of the newly arrived clansmen moved to the side to expose the 
remaining three ordinary seeming mechwarriors. Bjorn studied them to see 
what might be so surprising. There were two females and one male. The 
male seemed larger than the average mechwarrior but lean and athletic 
with well defined muscles. He had coal black hair worn in a short pony 
tail and the smoky gray eyes emphasizing the man's handsome face held 
respect as he gazed upon the Khan of Clan Ghost Bear. The other two 
females were each as tall as the man and had similar although slightly 
smaller builds.

The woman on the left had hair the colour of night with jade green eyes. 
She was strikingly attractive and Bjorn was tempted to summon her later. 

Is this Ukyou or Kodachi? I'm assuming Ukyou, because no one would 
really want to bring Kodachi up to their room... ^_^;;
The other had hair of a like shade, but with sapphire blue eyes, and 
looked enough like the others that it was obvious they were all from the 
same sibko.

What, no leotard? :P

A hand seemed to blur and caught Kuno's fist so fast the movement could 
not be seen. Without showing any emotion, the hand clutching the 
surprised Star Colonel's hand abruptly closed with the sound of 
crunching bones. Blood seemed to splatter everywhere.

I'm not sure if blood would "splatter" from the crushing of a hand... 
dripping is more like it. Splatter? Nah.
Star Captain Kuno, now enraged, not because of the pain as Clansmen did 
not let pain affect them, but from the loss of face, bellowed a battle 
cry and spun away from the black haired man, simultaneously revolving 
into a round house kick.

The newcomer shifted sideways, almost as graceful as an old terran 
ballerina, Bjorn thought,

Wouldn't the clans have forgotten about the more mundane aspects of 
Terra by this time? I mean, obviously they remember it as the cradle 
of humanity, and all... but obscure art forms like ballet? Nah... ^_^

dodging the kick cleanly and brought his elbow 
down on the outstretched limb, precisely at the knee. An audible crack 
was heard and reverberated around the bridge. Kuno's leg seemed cave 
in of itself. The Star Captain landed on his chest with a grunt, left 
leg at an impossible angle. 

Did he break Kunou's leg? I'm not sure if you could break a leg at 
the knee, unless he pretty much made the joint go in the opposite 
direction... and Ranma'd have to be -really- strong to do that... 
although it seems to make sense here, I suppose. The "caving in" 
seems a little inconsistent with the rest of the descriptions of the 
injuries, though.

The black haired man with gray eyes who bested the Star Captain 
Elemental stated devoid of expression, "Ranma 2c, my khan."

"Ukyo 2c, my Khan," the green eyed woman said in a toneless voice.

"Kodachi 2c, my Khan," the remaining female also stated.

*blinkblinks* Why Kodachi, exactly? Why not Akane, or Shampoo?

The Elemental seemed to concentrate for a second. Suddenly, his shape 
seemed to shift quickly, growing slimmer.

"What is this?" the Khan of Ghost Bear exclaimed.

Where once there was a man, now stood a woman with red hair. It was 
unmistakably a female now, curves prominant in the tight black jumpsuit. 
She was of the same height as the man she once was and shockingly 

"The man has the ability to shapeshift into that of a woman. It is a 
prototype of a prototype," the Star Captain laughed arrogantly. 
"Ingenious for reconnaissance work, no? What man wouldn't let a woman 
such as that into their midst? And even their beds!"   

Err... these is a -little- bit unbelievable from an SF standpoint... 
hm. Both the fact that it could be done and the fact that it would be 
useful. *cough* But still, it's a good way of working it in. :)

Bjorn gave a slight smile. "You have done well. Now where do I best use 
these Elemental 2c's? With weapons such as these, the Ghost Bear will 
prevail! We will take back Terra and become the Ilclan!" The Khan began
to laugh loudly. Soon all the warriors in the room joined in. Except for
the three Elemental 2cs.

Hmm... yes-men still exist, even in the far future... ^_^

But, yes, definately, do it! I, for one, would read it, at least. ;)

- Adam,who's looking forward to it. ^_^

| Adam Conover | |
|  E-mail:  | Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia! |
|"I talk to the wind / My words are  | Common Sense  |    /\    |
| all carried away / I talk to the   | is what tells |   /()\   |
| wind / The wind does not hear /    | you that the  |  /____\  |
| The wind cannot hear."-King Crimson| Earth is flat.|  Fnord.  |