Subject: [FFML] [ffml] Newsgroup support message
From: Betrayal
Date: 5/26/1998, 11:43 PM
To: "B Jones" <>,

I have one suggestion, though.  Maybe it's time to start seriously
considering making the FFML into a newsgroup, even with all of the new
perils and pitfalls associated with that.  I mean, maybe it's just
getting too big for *anyone* to keep track of. 


all messages posted and recieved on alt.ffml
moderated output posted to alt.ffml.moderated.*

spam to 
fics only to alt.ffml.moderated (posted by moderator, not by users)
discussion to alt.ffml.moderated.d
spamfics/adfics/moderators discretion to alt.ffml.moderated.spam

It was a suggestion only.  What _should_ we do?  What should we do,
that the FANFIC volume itself may soon grow too large for anyone to
handle coming 
into their mailbox on a regular basis?

This is where it is going to end up, and this is one of the setups that
would handle a large volume of high-quality traffic. The espirit des corps
present in the current ffml could be kept in ffml.moderated.d, and .spam,
while the fic purity could be maintained on alt.ffml.moderated

just my $.02