Subject: Re: [FFML] [Essay]{Elect Someone}
From: (K Yee)
Date: 5/19/1998, 8:14 PM

Why not we start our own lobby group in D.C. 
or we could ask some member of the FFML to 
run and get elected into Congress or Senate 
so we could have a voice in D.C.
It is an election year after all.
Paul Cousins' at 
 I know it is an insane idea. But it is an idea.

<facefault>  Nani?!?!  You're serious, aren't you?  Err...  I seriuosly
doubt that a congressional or senatorial candidate is going to have
platform that includes "protecting adult stories and/or kiddie porn fics
from censorship."  But hey, if any of you do decide to run, and you live
in California, I'll vote for you.  Ja.

Member of the #AAS#: Achika Appreciation Society

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