Subject: [FFML] [AD] Oscar cologne
From: Ryoucilo
Date: 5/19/1998, 4:48 PM

A Young Man is standing in front of a store. He looks
really frustrated. A Man Wearing a Tie and Coat jumps
on screen next to the young man.
MWTC:Say, young man are you getting any?
YM:No! I can't score to save my life! 
MWTC:Say, would you want it so all the kitties couldn't
keep their paws off you?
YM:Well, yeah.
MWTC pulls out a small bottle.
MWTC:Well, why don't you try Oscar cologne?
YM:I don't know.
MWTC:There will be tons of cat fights over you if you wear it.
YM:Well, okay. Gimme some of that stuff.
MWTC hands the bottle to YM and steps away from him. YM puts
the  cologne on himself and waits around a bit. YM looks around
and sighs.
YM:Guess it doesn't work real fast. Hey, a cat! Why is it rubbing
itself up my leg like that? What?! More cats?! What do they want?!
Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!

To AJ: Sorry, but I couldn't help myself. ^_^
To Oscar: Sorry, about this spamfic, but it had to be done! 

Until I find better things to write about. Ja ne.