Subject: Re: [FFML] [MST][HENTAI!]Sailormoon Flash, chapter 2 draft
From: "H. Torrance Griffin" <>
Date: 4/23/1998, 2:48 PM
To: Free mage

On Thu, 23 Apr 1998, Free mage wrote:

	<amusing MST of equally amusing 'fic snipped>

(All three stand.)
Fm (nervous, scratching back of neck):  Uh, well, thanks for being
 such good sports, you two.  It is a well-written fic, after all.
B:  No problem.
K:  It was kind of fun.
(B&K move to their portals, which have just reappeared.  Just before
 they leave, they move into a passionate kiss.  We can see the
 faintest hint of tongue action.)
B:  Bye, 'sumi-chan!
K:  Meet you at the motel, Bell-chan!  Usual time.


	Well... at least we know these are not the Kasumi and Bellandy
from 'Together Again', right?