Subject: Re: [FFML] [QUERY] On Amazon Law...
From: "Ranma Al'Thor" <>
Date: 4/15/1998, 12:04 PM
To: "Paul M. Arezina" <>
CC: Fanfic Mailing List <>

On Tue, 14 Apr 1998, Paul M. Arezina wrote:

Exactly how much of Amazon tribal law is defined in the canon? More

Virtually nothing.  Just the 'marry outsider male who beats you/kill
outsider woman who beats you' laws.

The Amazon tribe will accept as its own any creature who falls into the
Spring of Drowned Girl, or Nyanniichuan. (For those of you who don't like

I find that implausible because some of those people would likely be weak
fighters, and you don't want to bring weaklings into the tribe.
Reason behind it: Think about it. Exactly how many of you outsider males
wouldn't take advantage of a vapor-brained knockout, (if Ranma's reaction to

I rather resent that remark.  

the Nyanniichuan can be taken as typical) particularly if said knockout was
acting like an animal in heat? And no outsider male would voluntarily give

When have we seen anyone who fell in the Nyannichuan act like an animal in
heat?  Act like an animal in a berserk dangerous frenzy, yes.  In heat,

And, finally, rape by a male, particularly an outsider male, is the worst
crime, comparable to or worse than murder and punishable by either permanent
removal of manhood (Nyanniichuan plus that strange and mystical bucket the
Musk Dynasty has... or just a few cuts in the right place) or death.

Yeah, I can believe that.

John Walter Biles :  MA-History, Ph.D Wannabe at U. Kansas    

"Usagi, with your dex and bad rolling, getting out of BED is a
dramatic skill resolution."--Naru, Sailor Moon Z #9.

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Vishnu: the Preserver.
Mentos: the Freshmaker.