Subject: [FFML] [Fanfic][Dark][Sick][Lemon-ish][Dominion] Intersections in Realti me
Date: 3/25/1998, 9:12 AM
To: "''" <>

lemons, or darkfics, this still my be disturbing. It disturbed me, and I
wrote it. 

I don't know how to properly classify this. It goes further than lime,
but not as far as most lemons. 

I hold no claim to any of the characters involved; Dominion and all
characters are copyright Shirow Masamune and all others who release his

You Have Been Warned. 

Intersections in Realtime


(A Dominion 'fic, with apologies to Babylon 5)

		Leona slowly came to. She quickly realised that she
couldn't move her arms or legs; she couldn't tell if they were strapped
down or if she could still move them. She couldn't see; she knew this
was because she had a blindfold on, as she could feel it. Or was it a
bandage? She tried to speak.
		"What... Where..." Her voice was cracked and painful to
use; her mouth was dry, as was her throat. She sensed movement. A rustle
of cloth. 
		"Here." A male voice. A straw was thrust between her
lips. She sucked. Iced tea. Not too sweet. Just right.
		"Where am I?"
		There was a brief burst of pain, as if barbed needles
were pulled from her shoulders and hips. "AAAH!"
		Feeling began to return to her arms and legs. She was
strapped down. No doubt about that now. That was a bad sign.
		"It does not matter where you are. You will never
leave." A man's voice. Leona began to  struggle.
		"That will not help."
		Sounds. They began to register again. Two- three?-
definite sounds: A cracking noise, like distant gunfire. Slow, heavy and
regular. A scream, after each crack, interspersed with sobbing. Another
voice, sobbing, begging for it- whatever _it_ was- to stop. Pleading.  A
familiar voice...
		"How perceptive of you, my dear." A chuckle. "She,
however, will soon be out of her torment."
		Leona's nose started to report. Antiseptic. Urine. Shit.
Blood. She began to sweat.
		"There is pleasure in pain," the voice continued.
"There is such pleasure. And even more when the pain stops. But your
pain will never, ever end..." Leona began to panic. "And the drugs in
your system will stop your passing out."  She felt a light sting between
the two hard points of her collarbone, which slowly started to move
down, leaving a warm, damp, stinging trail, between her breasts, and
headed down to her navel and crotch.
		Leona started to scream.
		"We just like to hear the screams..."
				<Some time later, elsewhere>

		Uni was curled up, naked, in the corner of her cell. The
fluorescent tube never went off. She was disgusted with herself. She was
a dirty girl. She was filthy, filthy, filthy...
		She shook her head. That way led madness. That was what
they wanted her to start thinking. She felt, from the noises that she
could hear, that she'd got off lightly. She thought about what had
		First, she'd been restrained. Then a tube had been
forced down her throat, in front of god-knows-how-many people. She
couldn't tell, the lights had been in her eyes, and the rest of the room
had been in darkness. Then they had filled her stomach with water. Over
and over. She'd tried to hold on, she'd tried, but she hadn't been able
to. She'd wet herself. Several times. In front of all those people.
		Then had come the bad part. Some people had come onto
the stage with surgical dilators. These had been forced into her cunt
and ass, and filled with bugs. Spiders, ants, beetles... She could
remember crying, and promising the world for it to stop, begging for
them to take away the bugs... She shuddered at the memory. 
		Truth be told, although anyone who saw her now could
tell she'd been crying, they couldn't have told that she was worried.
She was terrified. Her sister, Ana, had been screaming ever since she'd
come back, and hadn't stopped. Leona had joined in an hour or two ago. 
		Two days. That was how long she thought she'd been
		She hoped someone was looking for her.


				<Newport City General Hospital>

		Britain was standing over Al's bed. They'd found him
late last night, with Bonaparte; He'd been gutshot and had a broken jaw.
Presently, it was touch and go whether he lived. Leona had been nowhere
in sight. There was an APA out for the Puma sisters, but although it
seemed they were involved, it was highly unlikely that they were
responsible. Their bikes had been left behind. That didn't seem like
them. Whichever third party it was, he hoped it wasn't anyone nasty.
There hadn't been any kind of ransom demand yet. 
		Britain looked down at Al's comatose figure. 
`		"What happened, Al?" he said, quietly.
		"What happened?"

					<Uni's Cell>

		Uni heard sobbing, growing louder , coming towards her
cell. It wasn't actual crying; it was wordless, a sound of pain and fear
and humiliation. There was a sound of a door opening, a body being
thrown around, and then slamming and silence, with the impression of
people walking away.
		Uni had already noted a grille set in the bottom of the
wall, and scrambled over to it, pulling it away from the wall. She
noticed a word stamped into the metal of the grille: ROISSY.
		"Hey. HEY! YOU!"
		The victim on the other side pulled her grille away from
her side. Ana. Uni was relieved, but noted with some concern that her
sister had been crying, and that there were some not-inconsiderable burn
marks on her ears.
		"You alright?" 
		"Yeah. Never better," Ana replied, flashing a shaky
smile. Definitely not. 
		"What happened to you?"
		"A cane, I think."Ana looked close to tears again. Uni
		"All the time?"
		 "No. Is it bad?" She turned, showing her bare behind
and flanks to the hole in the wall.
		Uni winced again, gasping. Her buttocks and thighs were
covered in weals, bruises, shallow cuts and clotted blood.
		"Not good... Anything else?"
		"Electrodes. Asshole, cunt, clit, nipples, ears. While
being doused in freezing cold water." Ana's voice wavered, and nearly
broke. Again, Uni winced. The thought was painful.
		Leona's screams had died down, somewhat.
		"What do you think's happening to her?"
		"Don't wanna know."
		"Me neither."

					<Leona's Theatre>

		The scalpel had trailed its bloody lines over her whole
front. Besides the long, shallow cut down her middle, there were
symmetrical spirals cut into her breasts, spiralling inwards to her
nipples, over the areola. Not very deep, just enough to bleed and scar.
A sort of cross-hairs was cut into the right breats also. If the marks
were blue, she could have passed as a Celtic beserker, covered in a woad
tracery. But noe she lay in mute terror.
		A hand delved between her thighs. She had exerted
remarkable control over hewrself; most subjects would have wet
themselves by now.  The operative was impressed. He began to gently
stroke her cuntlips. 
		Leona started to moan. This was not entirely unpleasant.

		His hand started to gently masturbate her, probing,
between, her lips, probing deeper into her. Gingerly, he pushed his
index finger in, up to the knuckle, and pulled it out again, just as
gingerly. She began to flow, gently, as she could not control her body
to such a degree as his thumb began to mash against her clit. The clear,
sticky secretion oozed down and formed a small pool on the operating
		Leona moaned louder. This felt... good... and he knew
just how to turn her on. She was getting wetter and wetter.
		The operative picked up a needle, and moved both his
hands to her nether lips.
		Leona's screams reached a new pitch.

				<Newport City General Hospital>
		Britain stormed into the small room. Al had regained
consciousness. Although unable to speak, he had written what he knew.
		"Ana, Uni, Leona- taken by Arkanum."
		Britain swore. The Arkanum were a vicious group of
sadists who had a penchant for torturing young women to death. 
		"Red Van- licence L4NT CB8."
		Specs looked up. "I know the van he means, Captain."
		"Where is it?"
		"Police pound. We brought it in yesterday."
		"Where was it?" 

					<The cells>

	Leona's screams had picked up again. Ana and Uni shivered. "Hey!
		"Someone's at the door. I'll try to jump them."
		The door opened  slowly, and a guard dressed in black
fatigues came in. He carried a small tray. Uni was curled up in a
		"Listen to that, slut. You'll be getting some of that
soon," he said, nodding in the direction of the screams, with a grin.
		Uni leapt into action. She swung the small but heavy
grille with her full force at the guard's head. He went out like a
light, with the sickening crunch of broken bone, as the edge caught him
in the temple, blood spurting from his nose and mouth, the meal falling
unnoticed to the floor.
		Uni stripped him of trousers, jacket, pistol, boots,
taser and keys, and locked him in the cell. She walked over to her
sister's cell, with one thought on her mind. 
		*Payback time.*

				<Newport City Tank Police HQ> 

		"Any luck yet?" 
		"Not yet, sir." 
		Britain slumped back in his seat. Every house, vehicle,
shed, tent and wendy-house within three miles of the van's pick-up-point
had been searched without luck. No-one lasted more than a week at the
outside with the Arkanum- and Leona had been missing for nearly three
days, now. 
		"Any luck with the remote viewers, Chaplain?"
 		"None, sir. The Arkanum may use some sort of psychic
screening method..."
		"Enlarge the search to five miles."
		Britain sighed. With the Arkanum, the chances of anyone
coming out alive were slight.

					<The Cells>

		Uni and Ana crept along. Ana had accosted another Guard,
and was now clad in a similar fashion to her sister, but hers had a
fetching bullet-hole and powder-burns over the left breast. It was left
hanging open, too, as her nipples were too burnt and sore to take the
touch of the cloth for long.
They crept past cells of mainly silence, but some whimpering victims
were in a few. They wer near to the source of the screams. 
		Finally they were outside the door. A loud scream hit
them. Pressed to either side, the sisters looked at each other. Then
they kicked it in. 
		An alarmed torturer looked at them in total shock, a
very thin, red-hot bar of metal dropping from his hands and a blistering
weal forming on Leona's left thigh,  as he took a bullet in each
shoulder and thigh. He passed out as he fell to the floor.
		"Ana. Look after her."
		"She's a fucking cop!"
		"She'd do the same for us." With that, Uni ran out the
door., looking for a phone or an exit. Ana, meanwhile, took a good look
a Leona. "Shit..."
		Leona was a mess. Ana thought for a minute, and decided
that there was only one place to start. 
		"Leona...  It'll be okay. Lie still."
		"Ana?"  The voice was choked with a sob. "You're here to
help, aren't you?" There was a pleading note in her voice. 
		"Yeah, girlfriend, now hold on. This will only take a
minute." Ana reached between Leona's thighs, and removed the needles
thrust through her cuntlips. Although the procedure was fast, she still
couldn't stop herself screaming. Ana tore some of the shirt fron the
operative to use as dressings. 
		"Hang on, girl..." she said. "Not even a tank bitch like
you deserves that..."


		Uni was caught up in a firefight. Bullets ricoched round
the corner she was behind. She thought about her situation for a second.
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained..." she thought, as she charged round
the corner, firing at the guards. She killed three of the four outright
as she went, bit the fourth she was forced to close with. She swiftly
broke his neck. 
		"That's for the bugs," she whispered.
		Just along the corridior was a telephone...

				<Tank Police HQ>

		"Captain! Gunfight in progress! SWAT requests we
		Just then the phone rang. 
		"Britain, Tank Police."
		Britain's eyes bugged out, and he hit the trace button
on the phone. "UNI!? Where are you? What have you done with Leona?" His
eyes nearly shattered his shades. "SAVED her? Wait there!" He put the
phone down as the trace printout came through. "Yatta! We found her!" 
		Specs, meanwhile, was looking at the printout. "Sir,
this is the same place as the shootout..."
		Britain smiled. A nasty little smile. "Figures. If
anyone held the Pumas and Leona for any length of time, there would be

		Uni ran back to the torture theatre. She'd found a first
aid kit, and had stripped a dead guard.
		"Yo, Leona! Get patched up and put these on!" Ana threw
the garments and bandages into the room. Leona quickly dressed, and
checked the Skorpion SMG tht Uni had brought back for her. She grinned,
		"Let's kick some ass."
	`	The three stalked the corridors, trying to find an exit.
When it came to combat, Leona was the most vicious, despite her painful
wounds, and Ana and Uni backed her up to the hilt. None of them were
caught in gunfire, but all were quickly exhausted. 
		"I'll handle this." Leona walked out, her hands in the
air. "Leona Ozaki, Tank Police. The Puma twins are under my authority. "
		"Leona?" Britain stepped forwards. "LEONA!" He hugged
her in an uncharacteristic show of affection. "Thank God you're
		"YAAH! That hurts!" Stepping back, Britain saw, through
her half-closed jacket, the lines of developing scars that covered her
body. "Where are the medics?"
		"Back that way."
		Leona, finally thankful it was all over, seemed about to
collapse. The Puma sisters ran forwards and supported her. 
		"We'll take care of her, sir," said Uni. 


		The whole Arkanum cult was apprehended, and it was
announced on the news as a major coup for the police. Leona and the
Pumas, as ever, failed to get on with each other, but at her insistence,
all charges were dropped against them. Al was released from hospital a
couple of days later, having healed to a sufficient degree to allow them
to let him go. Leona got out as well, after they had finished checking
her over for any complications. 
		Al took Leona home that first night. He stayed awhile,
checking she was alright.
		"I'll be off now, Leona." 
		"Al... Please don't go..." Leona stood there, looking
very... vulnerable, for want of a better word. "I'm scared," she said,
walking up to him. "It was horrible. Please... stay here tonight. I'm...
I'm..." She broke down. "I'm so _scared_ , Al, at night! I'm scared that
someone will break in and... and..." She lost it completely , dropping
to her knees, sobbing, clutching his legs. 
		Al was amazed. This was a side of her he'd never seen.
No-one, probably, had ever seen this side of Leona. He got to his knees,
as well, and held her against him as she wept. until her shoulders
stopped heaving. "It's all right, Leona. It's all right. I'll stay here,
if you want."
		"Hontou?" The word was muffled by his shoulder. 
		"Hontou. It was my fault. I was the one who jumped out
and got shot. I'll do whatever you want. I'll stay." He kissed her hair.
"I love you. I won't allow anything to harm you."
		"Thank you, Al... thank you..."
		Al stayed that night, in a chair by the side of her bed.
He was there when she woke screaming, and needed someone to comfort her.
		The torturer woke in a cell, tied to a chair. He had
been beaten up several times since he had been arrested, by nurses,
security guards, Police and Tank Police. Now he was in a spotlight. *Oh
		Britain stepped away from a wall, into view. "For your
information, this is totally off the record. In fact, it's been approved
by the Chief _and_ the Mayor. I wouldn't like to be you..." He walked
away, and three figures walked into the room, into the circle of light. 
		"I'm Al. I'm Leona's boyfriend."
		"I'm Ana, and this is Uni. You hurt us a _lot_."
		Al, a serious, hardened expression on his face, was
flexing his fingers around a pair of knuckledusters. Ana and Uni had
unsheathed their claws.
		The operative began to scream...


Right, Authors' Notes: 
               Yes, I am a sick and twisted individual. I would NEVER,
however, do anything like that to ANYONE- unless they asked me to do it.
I don't actually know where the idea came from... I guess I listened to
Slayer's 'Angel of Death' once too often. 

            For those of you who are interested, "Intersections in
Realtime" is the title of a Babylon 5 episode which was simply Captain
Sheridan and an interrogator, locked in a Torture/Interrogation cell.
Leona's torture was the product of my own sick mind- and Robocop 2, I
suppose.  The freezing water dumped on Ana was actually freezing Brine-
can be chilled to lower than 0C, and conducts electricity better. The
thing with the bugs... My own sick imagination, again. But everyone's
afraid of something. The section leading up to the needles- nasty, I
know, but the human body reacts in ways you don't want it to against
certain stimuli. You just can't help it. Uni's initial torture is the
classic water torture. (You didn't think that Houdini's Water Torture
trick was the REAl torture, did you?) 
             I deserve all criticism for releasing this bit of sick
trash onto the FFML. Any outraged women who read this are welcome to try
any of the procedures I described on me, should they find me. I won't
run away, I promise...
Thanks for reading. C&C welcome!