Subject: [FFML] [El Haz][FIC][Rev] Oracle pt.2
From: Matthew Lewis
Date: 2/23/1998, 11:04 PM

Been a while for this, hasn't it? Now, that little [Rev]
thingie doesn't stand for reverend, so you can just put that
right out of your mind.
	There's only been a few minor adjustments really.....
Why bother putting it up again then, you may ask? Simple, because
I finally expect to put out the final part soon, and this way you 
might remember what's happened previously. 
	Why not part 1 then too? Well, there's a little summary here,
but if you really want it, just ask me (that's me, not the list, me)
and I'd be happy to oblige you.

	Anyway, part 3 is coming... soon (for real this time), although
much rougher than what I'd like (but considering the delay, I'm going
to put it out a bit earlier.... (mostly some stuff I'm wanting to take

Thanks for your patience.
Well, here we go again!

AIC created it, Pioneer distributes it, and now I'm mauling it without 
their permission-- it being El Hazard of course. 

	 Feel free to C&C, MST or even Heavy D this (you try finding a 
better rhyme if you think you're so hot! ^_^).
Just in case you weren't sure, yes, I am hinting here....

	What has gone before: Hayashi was the president of the Science 
Fiction club at Shinanome High. Cleaning up after an after-school 
meeting of the club, he got transported to El Hazard. Hayashi appeared 
two years before the rest of the earthlings in a forest. After some 
time, he made his way to the palace, visions of the future sporadically 
occurring during the trip. At the palace in Florestica, he met the two 
princesses, where Lune Venus has appointed him the Royal Jester, but she 
knows that there is more to Hayashi than meets the eye.

				The Coming of Gallus

	For one month after I entered the palace, I was the Jester. My 
duties basically consisted of keeping Fatora happy; an unhappy Fatora 
was bad for servants. In other words, I had the same goal as Alielle, 
but vastly different means.
	Most in the palace liked me. I had sympathy from the servants 
since I had to deal with Fatora. Needless to say the person who kept 
Fatora from her worst moods was well-liked. Alielle was a friend too, 
but how could she not be? Everyone likes Alielle. Her eternal 
cheerfulness and good nature rub off on people. Even Londs (who is often 
called "Stoneface" behind his back, _very_ behind his back) has 
occasionally broken into a smile when Alielle was around, and he doesn't 
smile at anything. 
	Alielle was sort of like the adorable little sister you never had: 
she had a peculiar sort of innocence which seemed totally at odds with 
what she did with Fatora. She brightened all of our lives.
	I'm not going to say I was universally loved, that would not be 
true. For instance, Fatora didn't like me; I didn't like her though, so 
it works out I suppose. That's why I spent so much time around her-- at 
her insistence, of course. She liked seeing me make a fool out of myself 
for her own amusement. Nothing got a laugh out of her like watching me 
slip and fall, or try to juggle and have some of the balls hit the top 
of my head. I saw a lot of her that month. I was technically the court 
jester, but the reality was Fatora's Fool.	

	If I was Fatora's Fool, then I must have been Lune Venus' Friend. 
My first impression of Lune was right, she needed someone to talk to. 
Most of the people she came into contact with saw her as a princess: her 
position above them was always in their heads, even if they tried not to 
show it. Fatora was an exception to that of course, but Fatora was 
Fatora. Oh, don't get me wrong, Lune Venus loved her sister, but they 
had little in common. Lune Venus was quiet, mild (but strong, don't let 
her mildness fool you), and filled with duty. 

	Fatora-- was not.
	Fatora was loud, abrasive, brassy-- the opposite of her sister. 
Passionate though, and not afraid to show it; Fatora lived every little 
second of her life, I give her that. She was more alive in every single 
second than some people ever are. 
	I was talking about Lune Venus though, wasn't I? I became a 
confidante for her. Someone who she could talk to without feeling the 
gap between ruler and subject. I treated her like a normal person, and 
she opened up to me. We talked about many things, the state of affairs 
of the country, the people around us, growing up... whatever struck our 
fancy. We never talked about my past though, or about the words I spoke 
to her a month ago.
	In Gulistan and Bostan we talked; in the perfumed gardens of the 
palace we whiled away many hours. I could have fallen for her so easily 
there, among the willows and orchids at sunset. Easy to give my heart to 
the woman underneath the role: a strange and enticing paradox of 
fragility and endurance, need and strength.
	I didn't fall for her though-- at least not fully. We were 
friends, good friends, maybe even best of friends, but nothing more than 
that. It was enough for us.

	We talked about the history of El Hazard, spurred on by questions 
I had from reading in the library (where I spent a lot of my free-time, 
learning about the world). I found the Book of the Apocalypse most 
intriguing; I had access to it probably because Lune thought I had 
already read it. 
	There was one evening in Gulistan, the lanterns shining all around 
us dispelling the night, when I asked her about someone in the Book.

	"Lune," I began, for I always called her that in private, "who is 

	Lune was... ...surprised, to say the least.

	"Ifurita...," she trailed off, taking a moment to compose her 
thoughts, "Ifurita was the most powerful, and the most evil of the demon 
gods from the days of the Ancients."

	The Ancients. The reverence in her voice when she mentions them is 
almost like ancestor worship. The priestesses of Mount Muldoon, I had 
heard a bit about them by this time, and I knew their connection to the 
elements. Reminds me of Shintoism in a way, only more vague; no actual 
names for the spirits, as far as I can tell. I'm not even really sure I 
should say spirits actually: I don't think these people pray to anything 
in particular. A combination of me (I was raised a strict Buddhist), and 
of most of Japan (Shinto, with nods to other religions, especially Zen 

	Lune continued. "Ifurita's powers are said to be unparalleled. She 
destroyed cities with a thought, companies of soldiers with a look. She 
laid waste to nations until she was finally sealed away, but not 
permanently. They could not do that, not even the Ancients were powerful 
enough to do that. Not forever. She sleeps now. Where, only the 
priestesses know."

	She broke into a smile, clearing away the gloom in her voice. 
"Parents use her to frighten their kids into being good. 'Eat your 
vegetables, or Ifurita will get you!'"

	I smiled at that; rather I smiled more, because her smile was 
always infectious.

	"Why do you ask?" she said.

	"Oh, I just read a passage from the Book," we both knew which one 
I was talking about, "and I came across her name. I just thought it was 

	"I thought you had read the Book before. You quoted from it."

	"That? When I first came here you mean?" 

	She nodded.

	I glanced around, and leaned in closer to her, talking in a 
conspiratorial whisper. "I  had never even heard of the Book until I 
came to the palace that day. The words-- I dreamt them."

	"Dreamt them?"

	"Sometimes, when I close my eyes," I closed them slowly, and 
opened them again, "I see things. Visions of the future. Sometimes they 
aren't clear, and other times they are. I saw those words."

	"Have you had any other 'visions' since you've been here?"

	"Not at the palace, no. That was the last one. Maybe it burnt 
itself out, or maybe it was something in my diet, or something, I don't 
know. I just know that I haven't had any since that day I first came to 
the palace."

	Lune thought about it for a bit-- I could almost see her thought 
processes at work. On one hand, my story of visions must have looked 
delusional, but on the other hand we had come to know each other rather 
well during the last month, and it was plain to see that I was not 
insane. Coupled with my curious lack of knowledge of many aspects of the 
country, and that there were people who had powers which others did not 
(the three priestesses of Mount Muldoon were reputed to possess power 
beyond that of common folk), and the story became all the more 

	"Perhaps," she began, "perhaps there was no reason for you to look 
into the future during the last month. I think that maybe I should put 
your talent to good use. You will now be one of my advisors."

	"Lune... princess, what if I don't--? What if--? I mean, it is 
entirely possible that I won't have any more of these dreams, what 

	"Hayashi," again, a warm, comforting smile to allay my protests. 
"Your advice to me has always been sound. I was thinking of making you 
my advisor anyway. Besides, your talents are being wasted entertaining 
my sister. 
	"You don't like her very much, do you?"

	"Well, it's not that, it's just that I...."

	She laughed lightly, musical notes breaking the silence. "My 
sister can be a handful at times, I admit. I love her still though."

	"She is rather... unrestrained, isn't she?" I grinned, agreeing 
with Lune.

	Ifurita. She would be important, I could almost taste it I was so 
sure. I wondered whether I should tell Lune, but I decided not to ruin 
her mood right now. I would tell her another time.


	I became part of her privy council, which consisted of Stoneface 
and the Old Man (Londs and Doctor Schtalubaugh), and now me. Rest 
assured, there were some questions about that among the court, after 
all, I was a nobody who appeared out of nowhere one month ago, and 
became a jester. At first, it was great, because the rest of the court 
left me alone.

	Then, they started to think: "Why?"

	Why would the princess do something like that? There must be a 
reason. Maybe, just possibly, I was a plant. No history, no past. 
Nothing known about me, and yet, after a couple of words, I am put in 
the palace, performing. Just another face, nothing special. Performed in 
front of many of them, as they talked, and gossiped, and did other 
things while I, I heard and saw it all. A spy for the princess? I was in 
the perfect position to do so. That could also explain why I was 
summoned by Fatora so often: a cover I could use to give reports, and 
our known dislike of each other another part of the cover.
	Treacherous, that's a good word to define the court. Very 
precarious, and the alliances against the Bugrom even more so. My 
position high in the confidences of the princess gave me a lot of 
attention from the sycophants who infested the court, trying to curry 
favour. Because I would not accept, would not "play the game," and 
perhaps also because they were still unsure as to why I was an advisor, 
they would not accept me. I was the ugly duckling, as it were.
	Two exceptions were Londs and Schtalubaugh; to them, the rejection 
made me look loyal to the princess, and they knew I had been a friend to 
her during the past month. What Stoneface and the Old Man were worried 
about was my ability to be an effective advisor, and so they took me 
under their respective wings, giving me a crash course in El Hazard 
history, culture, politics, and everything else. 
	Every waking moment away from court, or official meetings with the 
princess, was filled with learning. Facts and figures danced on the 
edges of my vision, and my mind was filled with people and place I had 
never met, or had ever been to. Their tutelage was much more intense 
than the learning I was doing on my own; they gave the juku I used to go 
to a good run for their money.


	Another month passed by while I became acclimated to my new 
position. Another month without my dreams of the future. I virtually 
lived in the library, going back to my quarters only for a change of 
clothes (and even that all too infrequently). At the end of that month I 
was tired, exhausted, and bleary-eyed, but I knew El Hazard.

	I staggered away from the library with eyes that felt like they 
were encased in latex, finally finished with the studies when I stumbled 
into Alielle.

	"Hello Alielle," I managed to yawn out. "What are you doing here?"

	"Wow Hayashi, you look tired. Princess Lune Venus asked me if I 
could get you."

	"Hunh? Whuh-- why?"

	"Nobody told you? We're getting a delegation from a faraway land! 
This is _so_ exciting!" she bubbled out. 
	Her energy was infectious-- it made someone as tired as me sick. 
When someone is as tired as I was (so tired even your bones are tired; 
so tired you have to rest to get enough energy before you can go to 
sleep), there are few things worse than a person full of energy. It was 
like meeting a morning person in the morning when you're not a morning 
person, only more so.

	"Anyway, princess Lune Venus wants you to be there. You have," she 
paused, giving my rumpled clothes and dishevelled hair a critical look, 
"just enough time to get ready before we receive them in the main 
audience chamber."

	"Okay, okay. I don't suppose you could help me with some coffee, 
could you? It would mean a lot to me Alielle, I feel like death warmed 
over, and then only barely." I was swaying on my feet like a drunk; 
either that or we were undergoing a very neat and quiet earthquake.

	"For you Hayashi, in your condition, okay. There'll be a pot of 
Bleached Bones special in you room when you get back from the bath."

	I grabbed her hands in mine and pumped them up and down furiously. 
"Thank you Alielle, thank you! You're a lifesaver and a true friend. If 
ever you need a favour, you just ask me, okay? Anything. Just ask." 
	Bleached Bones coffee was the strongest coffee around. One pot of 
it, and you usually don't blink for a week. I would need something that 
strong to make it through the audience.

	The baths helped out a great deal; normally I (along with everyone 
else) use the heated ones, but this time I thought a little bit of cold 
might help me stay awake. I was right, although that was an experience I 
did not want to repeat. On the upside, in addition to waking me up, the 
cold water gave me great incentive to hurry up; I think I shaved my 
bathing time down by one third.

	Upon returning to my room, I found the wonderful, conscious-giving 
aroma of Bleached Bones coffee pervading the room, and the pot on a 
night-stand with a mug and a large cup of sugar. I also found a set of 
clothes laid out on my bed. Alielle must have told the servant who 
brought the coffee what I should wear. How thoughtful; I definitely had 
to do something nice for her. 

	I didn't realise I had said those last words out loud until I 
heard a voice from the balcony say, "Don't worry, I'll think of 
something." Alielle walked in from the balcony, and gestured towards the 
clothes and the coffee.
	"You don't have that much time Hayashi. Better drink and get 
dressed quick."

	"Why... how come you're still here?" I asked, my brain still tired 
and stunned, no matter how awake I felt from the cold bath.

	"Because this is important, you have to look presentable, and you 
don't know how to do that. Besides," she said, answering my next 
question before I could speak it, "all the servants are busy getting 
everyone and everything else ready for the reception."

	I nodded dumbly and picked up my clothes. I looked at Alielle, who 
made no move to leave. "Um...," I trailed off, nodding towards the 

	"Oh, right. I guess you don't want me to see you change, right? 
I'll just go on the balcony."

	That over with, I pulled off my rumpled greyish robe, and put on 
the ones laid out for me. They were a copy of Schtalubaugh's official 
robes, but with the colour scheme reversed.

	"It's safe now Alielle," I called out to her. 

	She came back in with a bounce in her step. "It's not like I would 
have looked you know. You know how my tastes run Hayashi." Alielle's 
orientation was common knowledge.

	"Yeah, I know. We both like girls. Just one more thing we have in 
common. That's not the point though, and you know it." 

	I took that moment to pour myself some of the coffee, adding in 
what would normally be an obscene amount of sugar to it. Alielle thought 
so too.

	"Ugh. How can you drink that with that much sugar in it? Actually, 
how can you drink Bleached Bones coffee in the first place?"

	"The sugar will give me some energy to stay awake, and any coffee 
less strong wouldn't do me any good," I said after I gulped down one 
cup, and proceeded to make another.

	"Put that down for a second. You're not quite ready yet. Sit," she 
commanded, pointing to a stool in front of her. I obeyed, my mind too 
fuzzy to think of anything else.

	Alielle reached for a comb and a brush from a drawer in the 
nightstand, and proceeded to use them on my hair.

	"If your hair gets much longer, I think you'll have to wear a 
turban like Stoneface," she giggled.

	"It has been getting a bit shaggy, hasn't it?" In Japan I had 
always kept my hair just shy of breaking uniform codes, a fraction above 
my collar. Since I normally combed it back, some of it was rather long, 
and I had not cut it after my arrival in  El Hazard.

	She made a non-committal grunt, and went on, all the while trying 
to make me look presentable. "You should take care of it Hayashi. You 
have a nice, thick head of hair. Even Fatora has said you have nice 

	Fatora? She'd rather walk over hot coals than give me a 

	"I'm done. Now, stand up and let me take a look."

	I stood and gave Alielle a really goofy grin. She broke out 
laughing, and straightened my robe a bit.

	"There, that should do. Finish your coffee, and don't spill it on 
the robe. We don't want a stain!"

	"Hah. This is Bleached Bones coffee. It won't stain, it'll eat a 
whole through these," I said in between cups. I knew I had enough coffee 
when I started bouncing up and down for no apparent reason.

	"Ah Alielle, if you should ever change your mind about men...."

	She smiled. "You'll be the first one I call Hayashi, promise. 

	"Let's go." I offered her my arm with great exaggeration. She took 
it with equal exuberance, and we marched down to the reception, laughing 
and giggling all the way.

	The whole court was there waiting, but not for me. Alielle took 
her place by Fatora, on the dais. Fatora looked like Alielle would have 
some explaining to do. I took my spot with Schtalubaugh and Londs, 
before the dais, in front of princess Lune. The doors on the other side 
of the chamber opened. The sound of trumpets filled the hall. 
The delegation we had been waiting for had arrived. 

	Two beautiful women entered first, strewing the floor with petals 
that reminded me of cherry blossoms. A boy, maybe ten, maybe twelve, 
with angelic features and an overly solemn expression on his face. He 
was followed by twenty gigantic men with pikes in their hands and large 
scimitars belted to their waists, ten to the left and ten to the right. 
His honour guard, I guessed.

	The boy approached the dais, stepping on the trail of flowers left 
by the two women who had since disappeared.

	The child knelt on one knee, then looked up at princess Lune, 
still on his knee. "I come to see you at the request of my most 
honourable lord Gallus, whose name shines in the sun, and whose smile 
gives joy to his people. I come to see you from lands far away, princess 
Lune Venus of Roshtaria."

	"Why have you come to see us," an aide appeared beside princess 
Lune to whisper a name in her ear, "Nahato?"
	"I come both seeking a boon from my lord, and bearing an important 

	"What is this message, and what is this boon?"

	"They are one and the same, princess Lune Venus. These are the 
words I have been told to speak: 
		'The beauty and wisdom of princess Lune Venus has reached 
even unto the lands of my lord Gallus, as has the strength of Roshtaria. 
My nation is also strong, filled with people working harmoniously 
towards the greater good, yet we look to the lands across the River of 
God, and we know something akin to fear.
	'Thus it came to my lord Gallus that he should seek alliance with 
others who oppose the Bugrom. It is also the plight of lord Gallus that 
he is without a wife, without an heir.' 
	"I have been sent to you princess Lune Venus in an attempt to 
resolve these two problems. I have been sent as Intercedent to the 
honourable lord Gallus, to ask for your hand in marriage, and to ally 
ourselves with you."

	A pin could have dropped on the cushions we were sitting on, and 
you could have heard it at the far end of the cavernous chamber. The 
crowd was shocked. Princess Lune looked at Nahato, still kneeling, 
trying to compose her thoughts. I blinked, trying to gather my wits, for 
a second I shut my eyes. 

	In that second I dreamt for an eternity. I dreamt of a snake 
entering into paradise. I dreamt a ghost in Gulistan. I dreamt of 
deceit; a hidden knife through the heart. I dreamt the world consumed by 
a hungering darkness, and a raging laughter echoing. I dreamt an 
unblinking eye, watching us, judging our worth. The eye reached a 
verdict, sentence was about to be passed, when--
				--my eyes opened again. I staggered from the 
vision. The first I had in over a month.

	A vision-- I had to tell her about it, as soon as possible.

	As soon as possible turned out to be sooner than I expected, since 
princess Lune quickly dismissed the court, saying: "Your words are fair, 
and your intentions agreeable. You must be tired from your long journey 
however. You need to rest before we continue our negotiations, and I 
must consult my council. My sister Fatora will see that your needs are 
taken care of."

	Fatora looked like she was going to say something, but a look from 
her older sister silenced her. People sometimes forget the strength that 
lies underneath in Lune, even Fatora sometimes forgets it.
	Fatora nodded.

	Nahato stood up and gave a wide, pleasant smile. "You honour us, 
princess Lune Venus. I merely hope we can be given the chance to repay 
your kindness." He bowed, and left with Fatora, followed by his guard.

	The rest of the chamber left afterwards, until only four were 
left: the princess, Londs, Schtalubaugh, and myself. We looked at each 
other, and nodded in unison. We retreated to a smaller room used for 

	"I have something to tell you," I blurted out as soon as the door 
to the conference room was shut. I had to tell her about what I saw.
	"I had a dream again, there, in the chamber. Remember what I said 
when I first arrived?" Lune nodded while the other two wondered what I 
was saying.
	"Well, it's going to happen. Soon. The time of the prophecies are 
coming, and we have to gather our strength or else. This could be a 
chance to strengthen the alliance, we need all the help we can get."

	Londs spoke next. "Princess, what is he talking about?"

	"I... have an ability. Not all the time, mind you. In fact, not in 
the past month, but just then, at the reception, I had one. Sometimes I 
have visions of the future. Usually vague, usually some images that 
flash by accompanied by a feeling, but I see it. She knows," I nodded 
towards the princess, "I told her about it before."

	Lune Venus nodded and then asked Londs, "What do you think?"

	"I'm not sure. The alliance is a fractious group, and we can 
always use help. This could help us greatly. Still, we do not know much 
about this Gallus. If what he says is true, then...." Londs trailed off, 
leaving the obvious unsaid.

	"I agree," began Schtalubaugh. "It does not do us harm to enter 
into negotiations with them. If they prove false, we can break off the 
talks. If they prove true, all the better."

	The princess nodded. "I was thinking along similar lines myself. 
We will begin talks tomorrow."


	For the next six months, we went through negotiations. Talks about 
the balance of power once the marriage was completed, who would command 
the forces in times of battle; all aspects of the alliance and the 
marriage, including the matters of inheritance for any children the 
marriage might have. 
	After the first month, I was put in charge of the negotiations; 
Lune having made her position clear to me, and herself having to deal 
with other matters of state. I found I had a knack for the negotiations; 
I was able to get what I wanted without giving away too much.

	During the six months, the talks dominated my thoughts, always 
lurking in the background even during my free time. Visions? I had some, 
usually the same though.
	A snake in paradise, betrayal, a hungry darkness, and a whisper 
like a caress saying: "soon" over and over again.

	We finished negotiations at the end of the six months; it was 
official now. Princess Lune Venus and lord Gallus were now betrothed. 
Gallus was on his way to the palace to present the engagement ring, and 
to sign the treaty.

I was with Lune in one of the gardens when he arrived. Lord Gallus 
entered Gulistan, effeminate ankle bracelets which drew even more 
attention to his lean legs than the midnight black stockings he wore. 
With his mild words and enigmatic smile he greeted the princess. We 
welcomed the snake in our midst.

End The Coming of Gallus

Part 3: The Advent of the Oracle
				in which bad things happen to Hayashi, and the 
true extent of his power is revealed. Watch out for the kumquats 
Hayashi! You know it's bad when Fatora wants to cook for you! (well, the 
title for part 3 is going to be true at least)

Author's notes: Well, this is a revised version. Made a few corrections 
in spelling, added just a tad (maybe a paragraph), and changed some 
punctuation and a word here or there. Nothing major really. I'm still 
not sure if I'm satisfied with it, but I can ignore that if you can. ^_-  
This was primarily filler, used to set up the last part I think.
	Any questions are welcomed, and I will try and answer as promptly 
as possible.
	C&C-- I like it. Give me some and I'll be a happy man. Be as harsh 
as you want, I don't mind, I'm easy-going about that. Well, on to 
chapter 3 I suppose.

Matthew "Maybeso" Lewis

Stuck at the station, he lost his train of thought.

Those who are kind say he's full of himself,
The unkind just say he's full of it.