Subject: Zen's Short and Winding Road
From: David Johnston
Date: 12/25/1997, 8:22 AM

I just finished reading this, and it has some interesting
things to say about Akane and Ranma's relationship.  But I think
I see why the next part is going to take a while to come out.

This is a romance story.  Romance stories all work the same 
way.  Hero and Heroine have differences and obstacles.
They overcome these in order to get together and establish a
lasting bond.  

Assuming that Zen will NOT write a story in which Akane gets
Ranma and they live happily ever after, then the Long and Winding
Road is already over.  Ranma and Ukyo are already together, living
more or less happily ever after. What else is there?  Akane
is now at such a terrible disadvantage that if she loses out,
that doesn't make for much of a story, does it?  The dynamics
of romance writing just about demand that Akane gets Ranma
based on what I have read if the story is to continue.

For this reason, I'm inclined to think that the Long And Winding
Road has already reached its destination.