Subject: Adrian: About (essay) Alternative Universe Stories
From: Adrian Wong <>
Date: 9/19/1997, 6:58 PM

I am not currently on the FFML.  However, a friend had fwd the Alt.
Universe essay by Skjam to me, and it says something like this:

Skjam had wrote:
	2) What Th--?!  These are changes that don't seem to make sense 
>from the premise, such as OOC behavior in someone whose history should 
not have been affected by the divergence point.  A particulary boggling 
example is the changes to Mousse and Cologne in "Ranko and Kaneda".  
(Sorry, Mr. Wong, but my suspension of disbelief is badly frayed...)  
Note that the sillier or more surreal your story is supposed to be, the 
more "what th--?!"s you can get away with.

	First off, in my story, Mousse's disillusionment with Shampoo (that with
her accidentally pushing him into Jusenkyou) is what has fueled him to
train himself into becoming a talented lady's man.  It is a way for him to
"get back" at Shampoo (Hai!  You don't know what you're missing out on,
girl!)  In my story, Mousse had already been trained to serve women since a
young age, thus knows what women likes and dislikes.  That's why he GAVE
himself a backbone when it comes to dealing with women, cause he knows that
they look down upon groveling men (as in the REAL Mousse).  Skjam had said
something about Mousse being "so perfect that he becomes annoying".  Well,
I think I had already CLEARLY shown that Mousse isn't perfect (he's shown
to be more crafty than the real Mousse in the manga, for he has a strong
need to defend himself due to his childhood).  He is still a nice guy, and
very good at tempting women.  But other than that, I intend for him to be
two-dimensional and human.   

	As for the bit about Cologne being OOC, I would beg him and everyone else
with similiar opinions to actually
READ THE MANGA (vol 13,14, 27,33,34) AND WATCH THE ANIME before making such
a comment.  I HAD already successfully convinced a great chunk of people
that Cologne isn't evil nor mean nor calculating save for in fanfics, and
it would be a waste of time for me to do so again.  Just ask Gary Kleppe,
Blade, Torrance Griffin and some others if you have missed out on the
heated Cologne debate during the summer.  Oh, and to Edward Becceca: If you
believe that Cologne is racist, please state some valid examples.  This is
EXACTLY why I started the debate in the first place: so many anti-amazon
fics (those that DIDN'T state their ictims as being OOC) has been written
on the net that people are actually taking these fics as the sole proof
that the Amazons are backward, cold-hearted, and evil (which they're not).
It is twisting the Ranmaverse around for the unknowing public.

						Adrian Wong