Subject: [R1/2/La Blue Girl][Lemon][spam][question]
From: "T.H. Tiger" <>
Date: 8/29/1997, 1:19 PM

Hi, got a question for the hentais on the list. 
I posted chapter one of The Shikima Interface to RAAC about three weeks ago.
The first two sections of chapter two are ready for pre-reading. About 75k
Now I was wondering, Should I post chapter one to the list so people can
understand what is going on. Or should I just send 
the parts of two that are ready for a look see. 

This is based on the theory that everyone who likes lemons would have read
this when
it apeared at RAAC, and there is no need to fill up other people's
mailboxes with 
a 168k story they have either read, or do not want to read.
