Subject: [ff] [Ranma] Waking Up pt2
From: Michelle Thatcher <>
Date: 8/1/1997, 6:23 PM

Near the Tendo Dojo the mysterious cliche' man watched from
the concealing cliche' shadows.  He was waiting for something. 
He was waiting for someone.  Someone who had made him a laughing
stock.  Someone who had made his life miserable.  He would soon
have his revenge.  He chuckled maniacally to himself as his cloak
blew in the wind.


     Nabiki lay on her bed and fiddled lazily with her abacus. 
Numbers had a calming effect on her.  No matter how confusing and
muddled life got, numbers always behaved the same.  You could
line them up and add and subtract them.  You could shift them
into formulas, or put them in columns, and they always obeyed
you.  If only people were like that.  

     *CRASH*  _She's *still* at it?  Doesn't she know that books
and walls and furniture are expensive to replace?_  

     A new sound caught her attention.  Someone was coming up the
stairs.  At that speed it could only be one person.  _Stay away
from Akane tonight Ranma-kun._  She thought to him.

     She heard him knock on her door.  "Akane?" he asked.  Nabiki
frowned.  Apparently he'd forgotten to turn on his powers of
telepathy this morning.  _Please don't kill him Akane._  Maybe
hers were working better.  She doubted it.  

     Cringing in sympathy, she listened to the ensuing
destruction.  It lasted for nearly three minutes.  _Wow._ she
thought.  _It must be important if he hasn't bailed out by now._ 
She could hear her sister screaming and Ranma trying to calm her,
but she couldn't make out much of what they were saying.  

     Suddenly Akane's door opened and closed very quickly.  A few
steps in the hall, and then Nabiki's own door opened closed as
Ranma came in and put his back against it.  He put a finger to
his lips silencing her greeting.  Akane came out of her room. 
"Come back here!" she screamed.  "I'm not finished!"  They
listened as she ran past Nabiki's door and down the stairs. 

     Nabiki barely held in  a giggle.  He really was smarter than
anyone gave him credit for.  When she thought that her sister was
a safe distance away, she let out the laugh she was still
stifling.  Ranma slumped forward relieved, but there was pain in
his eyes.

     "What did you do this time?"

     He looked up at her.  "Nuthin'."

     "What's she so mad about."  For once he looked angry.  It
was a scary sight.  She knew what he was capable of.

     Then he just looked tired.  He sighed.  "What's she ever mad
about?  I get so sick of it sometimes.  Everything that goes
wrong around here is my fault.  Ever notice that?"

     "Yeah, she doesn't give you a lot of credit, does she?"

     His eyes turned to the floor.  "Well, it doesn't matter

     _Huh?_  "What do you mean Ranma?"

     "I mean, it's over.  Akane and I have officially broken up." 

     "WHAT?"  For the first time ever, Ranma Saotome had actually
managed to *stun* her.  He and Akane fought, but she'd always
believed that it was just in fun, and that they'd eventually end
up together.  From the look on his face, however, on this point,
he was not going to be moved.  It wasn't just his usual juvenile
denial of feelings for an "uncute tomboy".  This was a matter of
pride.  "Okay Ranma.  Start from the beginning."

     Ranma explained the conversation with his father.  He looked
really hurt.  The anger rose in Nabiki as she listened.  She
surprised herself when her fist slammed into the mattress.  "How
could he *do* such a thing?" she demanded.

     This surprised Ranma as well.  He looked at her strangely. 
There was something in his eyes that she'd never seen before. 
Then he was thinking, but Nabiki wanted to hear the rest of the
story.  "Well?  What happened next?"

     His eyes seemed to pierce hers.  "Then," he said quietly, "I
realized that it was time I made a decision."  He took two steps
forward, then kneeled next to her bed.  "I need to face my
responsibilities.  I need to choose a wife before I get any more
chosen for me."  He looked at the wall for a few seconds with the
same gaze that he'd used on her a moment ago.  For some reason it
didn't have the same effect on the wall, however.  "I decided to
talk to Akane.  We fight, but I do care for her.  I can admit it
now.  Now that I know how she really feels."  

     He trembled, his eyes closing.

     "What exactly did you ask her?" Nabiki prompted.

     He looked at her again.  There was some sadness there, but
it was second to something else, something she couldn't put her
finger on, something that made her heart beat a little faster. 
"I didn't get a chance to ask her anything.  As soon as I got in
the door she started yelling and throwing things at me."

     "And what did she say?"

     "Le's'see." and he counted off on his fingers.  "I hate you. 
I wish you'd just leave me alone.  You're such a jerk."  His
hands dropped onto the bed.  "I asked her if she really meant it. 
She said she did.  I think that after all this time, I finally
believe her."

     "Ranma-kun, Akane does *not* hate you."

     He gave her half a smile.  "I know that, but I *do* make her
unhappy.  She may not *hate* me, but now I realize that any
marriage between us would just make us both miserable.  I can't
do that to her.  "

     Nabiki jumped as Ranma leaned forward and took her hands in
his.  The now familiar electric charge ran up her arms.  "Ranma,

     He interrupted her.  "No more talkin' about Akane."  He
fixed that stare on her again, and she found that she couldn't
breath.  "I'm not real good at this stuff, so I need you to
listen carefully and don't interrupt.  Okay?"

     Her stunned silence seemed as good as an answer to him. 
"Nabiki, I know that we're young, and I know that I'm not rich or
brilliant, but I think that you and me could be pretty happy
together."  Uncertain of his words, he bravely charged on.  "You
understand me.  No one has ever even tried to understand me
before, but you know me better than my dad even.  I know what
people say about you too, but none of it's true.  You're kind,
and intelligent, and for the past little while, you're the only
thing that's made my life bearable.  Nabiki, I want us to get
married.  Please say yes.  I need you Nabiki."

     For the first time that she could remember, Nabiki was at a
loss for words.  She did manage to make a small sound somewhere
between a hiccup and a whine.  Ranma smiled and kissed her hand,
then waited for her to collect herself.

     Her mind was going in a million direction.  This was
absolutely, positively the last thing that she'd have expected. 
The thought had never so much as crossed her mind.  She looked at
him, sitting there smiling.  He *was* very handsome.  On that
thought, he really had a lot going for him.  Sure he was dirt
poor and he needed some house training before she could take him
out in public, but he was bright, and he was sincere, and *he*
now knew *her* better than anyone else in the world.  She smiled
as she let her heart open up to the possibilities.  

     Then she sobered.  "What about Ukyou?" she asked, needing to
know a few things before she let that train of thought go any

     Ranma looked down at their hands again and shook his head. 
"Ucchan is a good friend.  I'll always care about her, but",  his
eyes met hers again.  "I don't feel the same... attraction...
towards her... that I feel... towards... you."  He began to blush
at the beginning of that sentence, and by the end he was beet
red.  His voice, though, remained steady.  "I know you've noticed
it too.  You couldn't help but notice it.  At first I didn't
realize what it was, but now I know.  I..."  His tongue got stuck
in his mouth.  He breathed in and out, then tried again.  "I
think I love you, Nabiki.  No, I know it.  I love you.  Marry

     She fought the tears.  She had to be rational about this. 
It was possible that the two of them could form a strong romantic
bond given time.  "Ranma, you're my best friend, my only friend. 
If you want to be my fiance instead of Akane's, then that's
alright with me.  I'd really like that."

     Ranma shook his head.  "You don't understand." he said. " I
need to get married.  Now.  Before next Tuesday."

     Nabiki's mouth opened and closed several times.  It was
impossible.  She wasn't even out of high school yet.  College was
still a year away.  She had so many plans.  Could Ranma fit into

     "What if I say no?" she asked in a small frightened voice.

     His gaze didn't waver. "Then I guess I'd have to ask Ukyou." 
His brow wrinkled in concentration.  "It's the only way Nabiki. 
I gotta get married.  I'd like it to be to you."

     She was about to do the only logical thing.  She was about
to say that it was out of the question, but when she opened her
mouth, nothing came out.  She began to think again.  This was
Ranma in front of her.  This was the man that she cared about
more and more every day.  This was the one person who had helped
her to fight against the darkness in her soul.  If she were to
open her heart to him in the way that he was asking, what might

     There were a million things that could go wrong, but she
admitted to herself that when she thought about being with him it
made her happy.  She weighed that against the possibility of
losing him to Ukyou.  She frowned.  That idea filled her with a
sadness and jealousy that she'd never thought herself capable of. 
Her eyes widened  as she realized that she'd felt the exact same
jealousy towards Akane for months now.  _But that means that
I..._  She swallowed hard.  _That I'm in love with Ranma.  That I
have been for a while._  Her eyes closed as she realized that it
was true, and she let the emotion fill her heart.  It felt very

     When she opened her eyes and looked at his face again she
had no way of knowing that the expression of love that she saw
there was echoed in her own eyes.  Her voice cracked as she said
"Alright Ranma."

     The relief in his grin warmed her heart.  Her legs slid over
the side of the bed as she sat up, then pulled him up to sit next
to her. 

     Shyly, he reached across the distance between them.  As
Nabiki leaned into the circle of his arms her face angled up
towards his.  They kissed gently for a moment, enjoying the
afterglow of the revelation between them.  

     They were still kissing when Akane walked in.  

     "Nabiki, has Ranma been back since..."  Akane's jaw dropped. 
She stood there unable to move or speak.

     As Nabiki pulled away from Ranma's kiss, an annoyed
expression crossed her face for a heart beat, but she quickly
schooled her features and gave her sister a neutral stare.  "I'm
kind of busy right now, Akane.  Could you come back later?"

     Somewhere between shocked and hurt, the usual anger slipped
through Akane's mental grasp.  The silence stretched out for a
moment more, then she numbly stepped back into the hall closing
the door behind her.

     Ranma stared at the space she had occupied.  "She's gonna
kill me."  he said calmly.

     Nabiki stood.  "I'll go talk to her.  You can break the news
to dad and uncle."


     It had been hours since she'd brought him here, and worry
was beginning to creep into Ukyou's mind.  She looked down at the
handsome Chinese boy she was watching over.  He should be awake
by now.  If he wasn't conscious soon, she would have to find a
way to get him to a doctor.  

     "C'mon Mousse."  she whispered.  "Wake up." and she touched
his cheek softly.

     His hand came up to cover hers, and he groaned, the pain
filling his senses.  "What happened?" he asked, his voice shaky.  

     "You tell me."

     Mousse looked up at the shapeless blob before him.  He
couldn't tell who she was, but she had a beautiful voice... and a
gentle touch.  He tried to smile, wishing he could see a face. 
"Please," he said "my glasses?"

     "I'm sorry.  I didn't see them when I found you."  He looked
disappointed, so she added, "If you have a spare set somewhere, I
could go and get them."

     "That would be nice if it's not too much trouble." he said. 
"They're at the Nekohanten.  Do you know where that is?"

     Ukyou frowned.  Was he delirious?  "Of course I know where
it is."

     "I don't suppose you could get them without anyone seeing


     Ukyou watched as he lay there deep in thought.  He realized
that he wasn't sure himself why he didn't want the others to know
where he was.  There was a strange cold feeling in his chest as
he thought about seeing Shampoo again.  He wasn't ready for that. 
In fact, at the moment, he wasn't sure if he ever wanted to see
her again.  This surprised him a little.  Could his feelings for
her have changed so much in such a short time?  

     "I don't want them to worry about me." he finally answered,
guessing that she wouldn't be fooled so easily.  

     "If you say so."  She tossed her hair behind her.  It was a
stunning sight, and it was unfortunate that there was no one
there who could appreciate it properly.  "Anyway, I'm not sure if
I can do it.  If it were just Shampoo, maybe.  I can handle her
most of the time, but Cologne?  Even *I* can't sneak past *that*

     Mousse frowned.  Not only was this a valid point, but it was
also obvious from the way she spoke that she believed that he
knew who she was. He'd probably remember given time, but for now,
he was still confused and a bit light headed. Well, he couldn't
ask her to endanger herself just so that he could see a little
better until he could bring himself to face Shampoo again. 
"We'll worry about it later." he said.  "No hurry."


     "Listen up!"  Ranma said by way of introduction.  He set the
bucket of water he'd brought (just in case)  down next to him and
looked squarely at the two men sitting at the shogi board.  "I
got something important to say, and I don't wanna be

     "What is it son?"  his father asked, relieved that he'd come
home.  When he had left the house earlier, he'd looked angry
enough to do something drastic.  Come to think of it, he wasn't
sure that he liked the determined expression that he wore now any

     After folding his arms across his chest and glaring at his
father for a moment, he spoke.  The direct approach seemed best. 
"Akane and I had another fight."  He grimaced as a violent Akane
flashback hit him.  No one should have to put up with that sort
of treatment.  "I been thinkin' about a lot of stuff.  If things
go on like this, sooner or later, the two of us are gonna kill
each other, and probably wreck half the city in the process. 
I've decided to end our engagement."

     Before he could continue, his father stood and began
shouting about family honor and his responsibilities.  Calmly,
and with one fluid motion, his foot connected with the bucket and 
sent it flying.  He felt a guilty twinge of pleasure as it had
its desired effect.  That had felt good.  His father "Growlf"ed
as he changed.  "I SAID DON'T INTERRUPT!"  The panda glared at
him, but sat back down.  Uncle Tendo looked like he was going to

     He almost said something about the effect of multiple
marriage arrangements on the family honor, but decided that his
father had suffered enough ... for now.  He cleared his throat,
then continued.  "Just because Akane and I ain't gettin' along
don't mean that family honor can't be satisfied."  Both of them
looked up, confused.  

     Taking a deep breath, he continued.  "I've spoken to Nabiki,
and she's agreed to marry me.  I know it ain't exactly what you
wanted, but it'll satisfy 'family honor' and you won't have to
worry 'bout Akane murdering me before we can give you that heir
you seem to want so badly.  That's condition number one."  He
gulped, still a little nervous about following through on the
next part.  "This is condition number two.  We get married right
away.  Before fiancee' number eighty-seven shows up next
Tuesday."  He stood proudly, his arms still folded, and the two
fathers thought for a moment that he might be glowing a soft
blue.  "That's my offer.  Take it, or leave it."

     They looked at him in shock for a moment, then Uncle Tendo
stood and slowly walked over to him.   Ranma braced for an

     Then Mister Tendo lunged at him.  


     Nabiki pushed the door to her sister's room open silently. 
When it was open just a crack she peeked in.  She couldn't see
Akane, and since no projectile weapons came flying at her head,
she widened the opening, then stepped inside.  

     Akane was sitting upright on her bed, her body rolled into a
tight ball.  She rocked back and forth silently staring straight
ahead.  She didn't seem to notice when Nabiki came in and sat in
the chair at the desk.  Nabiki waited.

     Ten minutes later, she decided to take the initiative. 

     No response.

     "Akane, talk to me."

     Akane's only answer was in the increased tempo of her
rocking. She was fighting bravely against the shock that
threatened to take up permanent residence in her mind, but it
seemed to be winning.  She shuddered slightly.

     Nabiki bit her bottom lip for a moment.  She'd suspected
that Akane would take this hard, and had hoped to break it to her
a little more gently.  She loved her, and didn't want to hurt
her, but what had she expected would happen if she kept up that
sort of behavior towards Ranma anyway?  A hint of anger bit
through Nabiki's concern.  Akane could be such a baby sometimes. 
"You're going to have to talk to me sooner or later, you know."

     Irritation at her older sister worked its way through the
fog in Akane's mind.  It sent a homing signal to the anger that
had gotten lost earlier.  

     Nabiki's observational powers watched fascinated as her
sister's face came back to life.  It took about 30 seconds for it
to go from pale and blank to red and enraged.  She braced herself
for impact.

     "HOW COULD YOU?"  Akane screamed.  "I knew you were cold and
unfeeling, but I didn't realize you were so... so... MEAN!" 
Nabiki cringed, but didn't respond.  "I thought you had SOME
decency!"  Akane's face darkened a few shades.  "And Ranma..." 
Her fists clenched.  "THAT PERVERT!"  

     Nabiki knew that she had to calm her sister down enough to
tell her what had happened, but she hadn't figured out how yet. 
Akane was certain to be hurt and angry, and probably violent. 
She'd never attacked a non-combatant before, but in the state she
was in now, who knew what could happen?  She reflected for a
moment.  Her training in business was all about staying detached
and calm.  She'd never gotten into a situation that those skills
couldn't get her out of.  Until now.  She froze for a moment as
she realized that she had no idea what to do. 

     Akane just stood there fuming.  She looked around for
something to take out her anger on, but her room was still a
disaster from that earlier incident.  Surrounded by the reminders
of that fight, she gulped.  _I did all of this?_  An image of
Ranma came into her mind.  He was waving his arms and telling her
_Just listen for a sec.  Okay Akane?_  That was what he'd been
saying when he'd come.  Over and over he'd asked.  He hadn't
insulted her or  yelled back at her, just asked her to listen.  

     And she hadn't.

     Was that what had caused all of this?  She ran through a
hypothetical sequence of events in her mind.  An upset Ranma
leaving her room, Nabiki hiding him... for a price, Nabiki using
the situation to get to Ranma.  If he were as upset as he'd
seemed, he would have been an easy mark for Nabiki to manipulate. 
She'd somehow tricked him into kissing her.  Why though? 
Blackmail obviously.  She must have been planning to threaten to
tell everyone about the kiss if he didn't pay her, or help her
with something.  And poor stupid Ranma had fallen into her trap. 
He hadn't had a chance against this devious unfeeling woman.  She
was going to pay for what she'd done.

     While Akane was jumping to conclusions, Nabiki was
struggling with uncertainties.  _This is certainly a day of
firsts._ part of her mind observed ironically.  Something that
felt suspiciously like a sob was trying to get out.  _Control it
girl.  This is important._  She had to be honest and direct with
Akane.  That was the only way.  "I'm sorry Akane." she said,
trying to sound firm.  "Neither of us planned this, it just
happened.  We didn't want to hurt you."  

     "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO RANMA?"  Akane demanded, not
hearing what her sister was saying.


     "YOU STAY AWAY FROM HIM!"  She yelled, then ran out the
door. She ran down the stairs yelling the name of her supposed
fiance.  She'd find him and they'd straighten this whole thing
out.  He was probably scared that she'd be mad.  Poor Ranma. 
They really needed to sit down and have a talk about their
relationship.  She didn't want anything like today to ever happen

As she rounded the corner and walked into the living room, she
was greeted by the sight of a dancing panda and Ranma struggling
to escape the tight hold of her weeping father.  Something was
going on.

"Oh isn't it wonderful Akane?!" he asked, noticing his youngest
daughter's presence if not the expression on her face.  

She scowled.  "Isn't what wonderful?"  

"That Ranma-kun and Nabiki are getting married next week."

Most of the people in the Tendo home (including Akane) had done
something out of character in the last few hours.  This trend
continued as Akane's eyes closed, and she fell limply to the

     "Ukyou," Ranma said in a serious voice, "I never wanted to
hurt you."  He gave a short ionic laugh.  "I never wanted to hurt
anybody, but what can I do?  I wish that I could take care of you
and Shampoo and the others.  I wish that my father was more
responsible and honorable, but I can't, and he ain't.  I've
thought about it a lot, and I hope that I've made the right
decision, but I couldn't see a way out without somebody's
feelings bein' hurt."  

      He took a moment to collect his thoughts, reaching back and
rubbing the back of his head slowly.  "It hurts me to have to do
this, but I'm askin' you to break off our engagement.  I'm going
to be working and save some money, and I'm gonna pay you'n your
family back for what pop took from you just as soon as I can, but
things just can't go on the way they've been.  Too many people
keep gettin' hurt.  Please try'n understand.  I hope we can still
be friends."  He looked up hopefully.

      Nabiki nodded thoughtfully.  "Not bad Ranma-kun.  Sincere.
Apologetic.  Just a touch of groveling.  It might just work."

      Ranma smiled shyly at his newest fiance.  She'd made his
life so much easier.  He was much less likely to make an idiot
out of himself lately thanks to her help and advice.  He wasn't
looking forward to the confrontations ahead of him, especially
the one that he was practicing for right now.  Nabiki was right,
though.  It was important that he talk to Ukyou himself first
thing in the morning, before she had a chance to hear about his
upcoming marriage from some one else.  Rumors flew fast and
furious at Furinkan High School, and he wanted to spare her the
embarrassment of learning about it from another class mate.

      Nabiki looked at him and grinned.  "Enough talking." she
said, then came over and sat in his lap.  They were in her room
again, but he suddenly realized that he was in a much more
precarious position than he'd been in any of their earlier
practice sessions.  She ran a finger down his cheek slowly.  "I
really think we should pick things up from where we were
interrupted earlier."

      Ranma sighed happily.  Then again, maybe it wasn't such a
bad position after all.

      Mousse was awakened early the next morning by the sound of
some one knocking on the outside door downstairs.  He smiled as
he heard his unknown benefactress answering the door and greeting
her visitor.  It was obvious that she was glad to see him.  She
had such a melodic voice.  

      He listened to the rise and fall of the distant voices for
a couple of minutes.  He had almost fallen back to sleep when the
cheerful lilt of her voice began to rise in anger.  "No."  She
yelled desperately.  "You don't mean it!  You can't!"  

      She was in trouble.  He frowned.  Someone was making her
unhappy, and he intended to do something about it.  He groaned as
he tried to get out of the bed, the blood in his head pounding
loudly against his skull.  He'd do something about it in just a

      A sob rose from the ground floor.  _She needs you NOW._ 
Mousse gritted his teeth and pushed himself upright despite his
aching head and protesting muscles.  He stood shakily and began
to make his way to the door.  Whoever had hurt her would pay.  

      Then he heard the door open again.  The unknown male said
something softly, apologetically, and left.  She was running up
the stairs about the same time that he made it to the doorway of
his room.  Blinded by her tears, the woman collided with her
patient and both fell to the floor.  Mousse groaned.  

      Ukyou swallowed a sob.  "Sorry Mousse.  I- I didn't see you

     _Kind in all circumstances._ the boy noticed through the
pain he felt all through his body.  What sort of monster could
have hurt her like this.  He tried to stand, to reassure her, but
another groan came instead of the words that would bring her

      She leaned over him, wiping her eyes, and lifted him to his
feet.  "Let's get you back to bed."

      As she tried to lower him onto the cot, he grabbed her
hand.  "Please," he whispered.  "Tell me what's wrong.  Tell me
what he did to you."

      He felt her stiffen.  One sniffle, then another, and
suddenly she was crying uncontrollably again.  He reached out and
embraced her.  His body protested, the pain flared back to life,
but he held on.  As her body shook and her ragged breath caught
over and over again on the lump in her throat, he held her. 
Finally she spoke in a hoarse whisper.  "Ra-Ranma doesn't love

      And then he knew.  His eyes closed, and he held her closer
still.  "Don't cry Ukyou.  Don't cry."



Second Student Tendo Kasumi School of Philosophy

"That was Zen; this is Tao."